Nobody kisses the corpse of their dead relatives anymore, but I still do, I loved many of them
I kiss them goodbye for the last time because there’s no two dead lips and no spiritual REMs
Blinkin’ eyes caught forever fully wide open to see Nothing as clear as day, it is so very clear
Light from the sun, reflected from the moon, comin’ down here to me, came to me and you.
Becoming the only one who knows what’s what, what the Truth is we’ve got True love missing
Important if you’re not starving hungry or sloppy drunk, with logic and reason we all emit
Freedom from the Life that Death brings, whether you like it or want it or not, it’s so crazy
But if you stay a little while and learn how much it feels good to feel the feelings, a bit sexy.
Whispers in your ears from the hollow wind, sayin’ zip about Nothingness, our heartless seize
Fiction, make-believe, faith in the unknown that will come to get you and I, all the tiny babies
Eating us all, one by one, you’ll see the other side of this me and you, soon you’ll have to dash
Nothing matters and if it did, you’ll never know eventually, underground or smashed potash.
Mona Lisa is the reason for the high stepping of my soul, being deep in a groove of ecstasy fat
Hard knocks of the idiots and morons and geniuses who taught me everything, tip of the hat
Lifted up by bootstraps and naked metatarsals, above the waterline, below the space, I glide
Everything is a piece of this Nothingness my friends, it ain’t my fault, I report and you decide.
I’ll forget about the lips and the face and body of bones, the soul and spirit of the thing itself
It will be most difficult to avoid since it’s the nature of being, doomed to the Void’s mystery
Do everything to honor the supernaturally endowed Hopes and Dreams of the cerebral shelf
God’s danged empty tomes that nobody reads, still got a game of love to play now, I am key!
True love it is when you have no idea that your genes are pulling to become more than One
More than the Many, the One is the True Love of this solar system’s galaxy, this universe Us
Made for more than two, this One has become the Many for a reason, there was no other way
The Way is My Way or the highway and if you cannot accept Truth, you are dismissed today!
This is not coming out of the blue, It comes out of blackness, outside the Earth’s spin wobble
But she’s my baby, she’s my girl, she is everything to me, without her I can’t survive a bubble
Moving wasted matter downriver into the sewers that bring nourishment to blue skies above
Fishermen know and so do the artists and musicians who go crazy over their hunger for love.
This is It, It is all you’re gonna get from the whole shebang, your dead relatives got It so right
It’s all about the survival on the surface of burned out stardust, come with three times alright
Being’s nothingness, smoked mirror of the silent sounds pointing to dawn’s fade to sundown
Free Will to be Good, Bad or Ugly, a lonely taste of Old Chicago, Capone’s tootsie roll town.
r j j stephan, i *LIPS/TONGUE HEADER c. The Rolling Stones full

c. Saturday June 29, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to the Eagles #TrueLove Glenn Frey “You want me to get in back?” ROTFLMAO ...oh-well... }
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