
Monday, September 02, 2019

#UsedMeUp #OneAndDone #SheGrewUpFast oh, yeah! #OhMyMyOhHellYes #LastDanceWithMJOneMoreTimeToKillThePain #PigeonsDownOnMarketSquare #OhMyMy

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, September 2, 2019
Do not call me baby ‘cause you don’t know me, I’m not in the set you’re in, subjects’ objects
A road recovery freeway directly to nowhere but to a bitter end of land, beach of salty addicts
Neither fish in the sea nor rivers, not even one bug or animal, crawling or flying, dig, you see?
Nothing is getting out of this accidental confluence of wisdom and ignorance alive, naturally.

You know what I want and I know what you want, we all want the same thing, happiness now
Don’t want to wait another minute or for an afterlife based on this one, I want the first blow
Comin’ from above or below, in or out of the ultraviolet light and supersonic hot-air collapse
You know where the party is and I want to go, I want to live to tell the story about no corpse.

Immaterial and just the facts of the case are the prime time factors, much commotion, I scoff
Juice swillin’ and blunt smokin’ romance, gettin’ some fun, woke up wood inside the holy lair
Smellin’ the waif of signals, blinded by the invisible lights of the unknown’s darkness’ mohair
You don’t know like I know, what she did to me, she didn’t know either, accidental jack-off!

When is the party gettin’ started because I’m almost ready to go home and dive for a crash
Won’t need a thing but a pit-stop and a babushka from gramma, a glass of wine from grampa
Everything else is gravy once you’ve had your 1st encounter, lucky to be alive, lucky for Lucy
Luci the Eagle fallen from the rocks and chained to the ground, insider UFO, a cowboy key.

Reelin’ deep in boredom’s ennui, a tiny byte of light breaks through a pinhole’s blow by blow
Sneakers off and kid gloves on, the diameter and radius combine for a circumstantial sale
Our kinfolk are in the fold but they know they ain’t gonna get out of here alive, we’re mortal
Alive and mortal, drunk on purple shooters but the party’s over, trouble is, I’m a UFO, yoyo.

r j j stephan, i *Header is an actual picture of a picture in a picture of something, UFO’s!
c. September 2nd, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PSt
{ DRAFTED while listenin’ to 'RARE-EARTH' #getReady on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/q-Rg9xwZoo8 }

Sunday, September 01, 2019

What Would Ayn Rand Do? For real? #WackedWakeUp

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, September 1, 2019
Cacti under glass, after dancin’ in oakwood, acorn husk cells, lumbered the jacked up brick
All the symbols and signs of random, coincidental events rolled up into One savior pun-kass
If you achieve the gift of reading and writing, you’ll locate the Truth and it will be a big kick
See here, look here now, a blind leap of faith will get you nothing but a pretender’s overpass.

In the nasty city where children are meant to be mean in the streets to survive the code Poor
Nothing but hand-me-downs from cousins’ brothers, oh me oh my, 5 and 10 at Satan’s door
Perfectly supernatural and in every way at all times, a mystery of the occult magician’s tomes
Where the spells and reasons for being are listed from A to Z, 1, 2, 3 and you know my bones.

208 of them, some broken and some eaten away by the wear and tear of the breathtaking me
What I’ve done, I remember and have forgotten the evil alive, just a touch of a playboy bunny
Every moment of the Earth’s revolving, wobbling spin and orbit about the white dwarf, sunny
A skeleton key fits the padlock and opens the safe place of echoes from the Big Bang’s degree.

Just the facts that you want to hear so you can deduce a valid conclusion, it’s GD elemental
Earth, Wind and Fire become the nature of beasts who become all too humane heavy metal
Why, where and when, how and who will know what nobody else knows, that #WhoIsOnFirst
You know it, you’ve known all along, since day One, you cried without reason, the sun burst!

Sippin’ or knockin’ ‘em back, makes no difference in the end, only at the origin, dawn’s day
Dancin’ with me or the devil, your choice, it’s freedom and liberty you wanted, you gots it
Nobody to tell you what to do and when you can do it, break the law at your own risky chit
Bet it all on the sure thing, nobody can lose when everybody wins, in the end, punk, it’s OK.

At the party later than expected, my critical mass delayed the inevitable, I’m all #WayGone
Bit more than I could chew when I bit off the fat hunk of tobacco plug but hey, just don’t trip
Movin’ in and out of conscious choke-to-death upchuck, cleared My Way for a stiff upper lip
On the last day before your own final breaths and gasps cease, no regrets, you were my pawn!

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday Nine One, September 1, 2019 A.D. @ 1:11 PM PST
{ gestated this creation while listenin’ to #AllJackedUp by Gretchen Wilson soakin’ up some #Jack #WTHOneMoreShot on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/D0wAQNzK0Ow }

#HeartBreakTeenAgeBlues #NightMoves #SweetSummerTime #AgainstTheWind

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, September 1, 2019
- - -
Where the historical man was hatched from the Unknown, garden of whatever, Earth hatch
Illusions began with a fear of being dead, like your ancestors, only rocks and stone to clutch
Nothing anywhere but right here and now in this Time and in point of Form of Space’s arrow
Bygones began and now they are Us and they are present to make of This, as above, so below.

Who is in charge of all of the energy and the power of this planet’s complex of Will control
Tried to find the paths, cried out loud when I got led to nowhere but a mirror of me, so old
As if it’s not obvious, my father’s Holy Name Society of the Roman Catholic diocese of gold
I’m on your side, I’m not your adversary, speakin’ pig Latin or not, we gonna rock and roll!

There will be deductions and inductions that lead to the conclusions of valid or invalid gems
Words from the mouths of educated babes and studs, mind games aplenty to pretend mimes
Making no difference at all to either the genome in general nor the kin with common DNAs
Nevertheless, from the pit of Hades, wherever that’s at in your mind, #Nirvana, #Void space.

So, my daughters, I am apologizing for the presence of my being so candid, yet I digress down
Earth spins, days come & go, we’ll live, think about it, we’ll die with a #Faker’s happy frown
As if this is normal, to be or not to be, answer is not up for grabs, this is it, there’s a song, duh
I recollect from babyhood to the present and await the invisible, indivisible One, will Be, uh...

Look away, look away from here, no wait, watch my hands, now you see me, face of a clown
Really it’s just prestidigitation of the peasant tenants of the garden of Eden, gods’ ole clan
Inside the mind, there is an idea of Nirvana where even angels fear to go but not a magician
High price right up front, you’ll need to pull the sword out the rock, drop the hammer down.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire because it’s the effect of friction and ignition of the air/gas
You cannot make this stuff up, if you put the atmosphere in fire and burn the gas, life is fast
It goes above Space or below Earth’s core, but it won’t be above the ground, Dark dancin’ It
My father advised, just say the Word and It will be done, divine insight’s epileptic sheet fit.

It’s the way we roll, we say it just before we do it, so it’s just the way it is, that’s all, it’s done
All of the past from this point backward is a questionably recorded set of opinions of drones
Not an easy task to write words and translate from one tower of Babel tongue to Anglo-Saxon
Translations allow a tool to prove any conclusion deduced or induced, is true to a degree, son.

Playin’ the music along with the guided thoughts spin the wheels from the start to the finish
End of the race, the winner is you because you were so fast, you caused the air to blow swish
Crimson Tide or Fighting Huskies, pigskin or apple-basket ballin’, arm in arm with One lover
For real, can we talk, recollect, fall down here, I’ll wait for you, Home at last, a dream’s over!

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, September One, 2019 Anno Domini @ 2:22 Ante Meridian, Pacific Standard Time (PST) Le dimanche 1er septembre 2019, Anno Domini à 2:22 heure du méridien, heure normale du Pacifique (HNP)
*Drafted while listenin’ to Barenaked Ladies yet they were like REAL on stage a few weeks {it’s been at least #OneWeek, lol} ago, in front of me & my darlin’ Carol’s very eyes, youTube link @ https://youtu.be/snZcn3Qt1xI }