
Monday, November 11, 2019

#WhatTheHadesGotIntoYou? #TimeToMoveOnJustFriendsAgain #GoAheadAndBreakMyHeart #IfYouCan #NiceTryThough @BlakeShelton & @GwenStephani #ItsComplicated

TIME SPENT, {cia/kgb} FORCE *
Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, November 11, 2019
----- S O S -----
Gold from the Earth dirt and rock leaks out of the #DeepState’s tunnel to the red hot core
Someone knows the Truth about the whole shebang and it’s not in the books or AOL online
It is a mystery for a reason, you go figure it out, join the clubs, groups who need to pretend
To be or not to be without askin’ any questions, staying in the mode of an atheist girlfriend.

The gods of the ancestors and the God of my father, who may or may not be in heaven, rock
They do what they do by revolution and extinction of the stardust and animated specie cock
From the first cause of the thing itself to the forms of the prehistoric and post-civilized ilk
It is done, it is what it is and I am what I am, that’s all I know for certain, uncertainty is milk.

Some of the sucklings get mothers’ teats and some just get water with minerals’ vitamin B17
In the middle of the night, my father conceived me with my mother, a soul at once, unseen
For the sake of the world’s sanity, the genius will not be poured out of the Jack Daniels flask
It’s not because you’re so pretty or so smart ‘cause I got a secret behind a fugly, Marx mask.

God is an operation and gold is the digging for the fingers and toes of mankind, a deep state
Within the minds of the chosen few good men, there is a #Woke supreme being, at One fate
Black holes just the end of the story of the gravitational collapse and subsequent Supernova
Pertaining to historic conclusions of the enemies of #Fate, nests of tunnels underground, Ga.

Ready, set, go on the green, caution on the yellow and stop on the red, polka, jazz or a rocker
It’s just the music of our pregnant mothers that we love so much, heard in utero, on AM radio
Or a #Victrola of RCA of Southern California, a SoHo Jersey Shore brain trust, an NYC lover
Courting pretty girls and good-lookin’ guys to be a #BigTime mosaic in a petri dish of C-blow.

Once the perfect 208 bones come out of the deep state, holy tunnel, a virgin birth wise guy
Takes on the authorities with nothing but a handful of close friends who had a secret, why?
Well now, that’s a story without proof except to the chosen few with the “eyes to see” It naked
A sight for sore eyes, blinded by light in the darkness, when I die, there’ll be blood not feared.

On the way out of the skin and bone functional form, I either survive in nothing at all or Not
Nothing may be all there is before and after our holy conception in the genome of Man, robot
OK, disrespectful to my ancestors and my descendants to be or not to be, no question, I Am
Yet, freedom’s just a word, not a right but a privilege, you fought for, Happy Veteran Day, Pa!

r j j stephan, i *#HappyVeteransDay to my brothers/sisters alive and those who gave it ALL!
c. BLOVEMBER 11TH, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 AM USAF Veterans and Retirees
{ drafted while listenin’ to #CoastToCoast Jim Bohan on Talk 650 KSTE ‘bout 4:44 in the mornin’ #HappyVeteransDay my brothers and sisters! #OORAH stars are out tonight! Mash Movie #WONDERFUL end...link @ https://youtu.be/ize5lZoIlBk }

Sunday, November 10, 2019

#CashMoney #RootOfAllEvil #LiveSpelledBackwardsIsEvil

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, November 10, 2019\
----------------  #winecrash -------------------
Me and my old girlfriends from way back in the day, they got in their mama’s purse for kicks
Too legit too quit the challenge when Goldie dared me to fire one up, just not cool, two chicks
Tellin’ me to smoke, smoke and smoke some more until I forgot I was at their house and died
Well, not really died but passed out like there was no tomorrow, then I ran DMC tricky, I lied.

On the streets or in the closets and churches, people talkin’ and walkin’ for nobody else but I
Me, myself and I always so tricky that neither ones knows the other’s here, there or anywhere
Gigs play by themselves with or without me, rockin’ around the clock, on or off the backstage
Y’all just trippin’ with the beat now, it’s a matter of Space and Time, 24/7, 52 weeks gift age.

Benefits don’t exist, the backseat is all you’re gonna get if you don’t change your ways, idiots
Little kiss or an innocent hug led to the feet flyin’ up in the air, now we walk and talk this way
Our mamas and daddies always knew we’d stop wettin’ the diapers and beggin’ for tater tots
Grade, High and State schools enculturated the little princesses and pretender kings of today.

Talkin’ and walkin’ the way the genome forces the will to power is all any of us can do, y’all
Monkeys pullin’ for each other on the vines or in the locked up compartments of lock and key
Where you can assume your collected scat will be when you get back from hunting for trouble
Jobs, paychecks, somebody else’s property, material form is a funky cold Medina, actionable.

Love potion overload and there’s a species extinction in the genome code, we sons of the dogs
Man’s best friend, this thing spelled god backward, BBQ ‘em, Oscar Meyers or sausaged hogs
Everything is nothing, I told my father, he said he couldn’t believe boogie shoes full of players
On my knees, beckoning smoke screens, woke on my back, girls laughin’ at my hot knickers!

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday BLOVEMBER 10TH, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 PM PST
{ jam’d this out while listenin’ to a #HOLLOWEEN witch’s brew of #JackedJam The Staple Singers #IllTakeYouThere & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Qsl4A9hZEto }

#GovernmentPolicy #GI #LooneyTunes

Richard Joseph Stephan  ·Sunday, November 10, 2019
------------  #ThatAintAllFolks -------------
From the bottom of my blessed, little heart because that’s where I found it this AM, it’s magic
Putting the cart before the horse as usual, Truth is a given, it’s what you got, now get up & go
You’ve got no choice other than to allow OTHER beings, human or otherwise, to take control
Over your reactions to other’s behavior & taking responsibility for any harm done to anyone.

Self defense is required once your guardians depart the scene of their crime, your conception
If you neglect the skills you need, prepare to be looked at like a tool or a breakfast reception
Oh your God, he, she or it won’t help, the teeth will gnaw at the bone and flesh, with maggots
I didn’t create the nature of organic decay, I report and you decide, reward & punish robots.

Monsters in the center of the vortex that spins so fast that no egos exist, here, now there, then
Future, Present and Past a figment of imagination in books of cursive words, nothing at One
Paradise and Hades one and the same place where the #Whistleblower makes up story books
Passed along fairies’ tales told to the innocents who need guidance to control live, evil crooks.

Humpty Dumpty, Diamond Jim, Oliver Twist, Pied Piper & the Three Muskateers rock it out
Like a bat out of Hades, lookin’ for the bugs at night to swallow in the darkness’ down a spout
Around in circles, following nobody but the lust for insect matter and form, eat dead, you see
Vital for the conversion of matter into energy, it’s all in One pill, take it every day, honey bee.

I would really, I’d do that, I’d take a bullet for you, everyone else is on their own 599 of doom
If it fits that doesn’t mean it’s supposed to be there, it just fits, that’s all, end holy story, boom
Miracles that happened before beginning homo sapiens’ historical record, It never happened
Our daddies left us here all alone, we can’t wait for anyone any longer, no Savior in this room.

Don’t hesitate in the future, you have in the past and that got you to right here and now, Fact
Work, get paid, pay bills, waste Time, rent some Space, swing batter, batter, a diamondback
Caught it, cut it’s head off, bit its rattle off with my Tequila stained incisors, oh so equilateral
There it is now, it’s what’s happening from the First Cause to your Shock & Awe, have a bawl!

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, BLOVEMBER 10TH, 2019 A.D.
{ drafted in perpetuity and on hold jammin’ to #SouthernRoad with Alexander King Yelawolf & Gracen Hill on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/ukivqD3X688 }