
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

#ColderThanFrozen #PiecesOfCake @ricoSacto #ricoSacto #TowerOfPower #CrazyLogicRules

------------ #NoShenanigansSplinterNet------------
Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, December 10, 2019
****** thanks a BUSHEL & A PECK ******
It is a Michael Savage thing to write down and disseminate the Truth long before the sheeple
Ever know about an FBI report on the nature of the current beast, the man of little people
You have no cache, you are no longer a big deal, #DontMessWithMePillOhSee media stings
Now you know, on the stage and the star of the show, the latest THING itself, oh #MsThings.

Impact on planet Earth, a #TrumpDump for the day well before 4 AM every day, 24/7/365
Pinheads and the upper crust of wealth and philosophers of life and death, the high and low
Inside of the minds in the heads of the citizenry from Rome to Russia to the US, the gods fly
We the people, from Washington to New York and Jersey to the states of the desert, our sigh.

Recollection of our moms & pops, they told you right? You’re asleep in a surrealistic dream
It’s not your fault but it is now your responsibility to awaken from a dream’s outward stream
Your DNA’s code to open wide, keep your eyes wide open as the vision clears, below is a blow
Much worse than a bizarre world, survival required, eat the ones who have given up, now Go.

From the first steps at revolution from the mixture of chaos and order, the Oneness of brains
Not a mind which is the function of the brain, just the grey matter that moves a herd’s pains
Smacking of the lips which have disappeared from hammers and sickles that suck freemen
Liberty fought and died for is hunted by the Eaters of Destiny’s love, wanting DNA, see men?

Mississippi to Idaho and back from the bowels of the uttermost echelon of the pit of my boys
Bureaus of investigation, appointments from the public & parochial university of the blue sky
Inside jobs and the needs and wants to be in a group, for cold cash, all #IncomeBribery ploys
Under the table since the dawn of life, it is what the chemicals do, strive for survival, Oh my!

Outside of the matrix there is nothing, absolute void of things, no DNA or life, no atoms’ god
All of our kingsmen and queens checkmates are on alert, Red or Purple waves of cyber-dream
Flows from the get go but that origin is nowhere in plain sight, an abstract, syllogistic scheme
Eating and drinking and recycling your way, up mid-way of the path, y’all follow my hot rod!

In high gear now with special operations now in place, you have no choice but to be free y’all
How fortune has shined upon your lucky heads is immaterial, just say you drew a lucky ball
In the right place at the right time in Space and Time has everything to do with it, intent too
Where your mind goes, your intent causes those effects, you now know it all, it’s kinda #Blue.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, FREEZEMBER 10TH, 2019 A.D. @ 07:11 AM PST
{ as I listened to Tower of Saviors #TowerOfPower https://youtu.be/oAatPPEaZDA & my own choice of the daze of your life @ youTube link @ & https://youtu.be/I1L8LGq9kAQ }

Monday, December 09, 2019

*4CorneredRoom @WARtheBand is #BlueOnBlack #ChristmasSongsOfCharlesMingus #MIlesDavis #SoWhatChief

If you ask me, which you did not, there’s no reason why you can’t just play purple blues
That’s all a matter of Time and Space in consciousness’ display of sensation, high blows
Rational thought of the hairless apes above and below the Mason-Dixon random equator
Fattest spot of the planet Earth at this junction, where the squash is most terrible, whore.

Sharp swords thrust deeply into hearts n’ souls, deleted programs, bald heads of naked apes
Older they get the longer they think they know it all when they really don’t, they find Vapes
It’s as fine as an excited electron attempting to gain entry into the revolution of the H-atoms
Mixing very fine spirits with foreign substances, quarks of the herd, it’s begun, there it Ends.

Jacked up or down into a pitiful level of uncertainty in which you think you exist, you’re saps
But you think you do and that’s sufficient to accept a code of morality and ethics, inbred furs
Bad additions into locked jail, locked prison cells, the hoosegow of bamboo-shoot sharp traps
Mother and father left you in a basket of blankets at the front door of my home sweet homers.

Paragon of moral certitude, superman plan for a black hole full of minions, fallen ill of chaos
Adolescence through maturation, hard work and a knack for slapping the Good, a mush face
Success beyond extinction of the mind, in the head of boys on Earth, illusory UV blue tin box
Not funny like a clown with a sad face, unacceptable clowns with ugly-faced, a mean grimace.

Do not suppress my voice which mirrors the thought programmed by holy nuns and priests
Chicago catholicity in the middle of the city of bad smells, teachin’ A, B, C’s prayer to my me
As I appeared to be a worthy electron which avoided a merge with the cells of a windy city
As above, so below or so I’ve been told by some of the ones who cherished the Word, silly!

As I think about the cost of survival of the fittest, I dwell on the unknown future, FedEx her
On to the moon to build the place in space where acid DNA can survive a flat Earth boomer
Flipping flapjacks or minding the prisons full of those whom gods fire-bred to steal-kill some
We move, you and I, like there’s no tomorrow, do not hesitate, MOVE & don’t be an F-bomb!

r j j stephan, i
c. LUNDI, FREEZEMBER 9TH, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST

Sunday, December 08, 2019

#FillibusterThis #MoronsBreedSpeciesExtinction #BeOneNow #BeMyBabyNow @WalkinOnTheSunTheMoonTheEarth #BeAStarIsBorn

-------------- #MultiplyTimesSixtyNIne ---------------

Itself a Thing since the origin of matter, inside a holy of holly, a black hole’s singularity denial
Over yonder, beyond a crest of the foothills, the sun’s rising above the stone blind mind’s eyes
Of the rat trap dreams locking in on your Time in this Space, the graves are gaping wide open
Awaiting the lazy bones of the spirits who come and go without a Word, a final gasp of ZaZen.

On the train, things move while you sit at One, at rest for the duration of the stay in Noway
From the octave above and below the scale, notes are blown, plucked or fiddle-sawed away
Eyes tightly shut out the ambient light of the burning ball of god’s danmed creatures got afar
It was the only alternative, there was no other free choice, no liberty to move like a rock star.

Amazing ennui on the surface to the center of the DNA cellular chaos, surviving a cosmic cool
To see clearly without eyes or the glasses that focus the light into the all seeing mind of a fool
Way up or way down from the center or surface of the sphere, called mama home, that’s all It
Not you or me but anyone you know or are related to, stupid love of strangers, aliens’ #FitBit.

My ride moves ‘round curves on the One or on the Ventura, in the light of day, I’m The Dark
Never was a virgin illusion of the Sapiens, I chose the middle path to find the Way off the Ark
Noah and Adam had families from the same pool of nonsense, passed #FakeHistory to the All
Sundial, watchin’ the #Watch, Time on a clock, paid #OT, time and 1/2, Ghettoized robocall!

Down the tracks where the brave fear to go, idle women walk around, there’s no today’s news
Hotshots with crazy ideas ‘bout how to get everything you want and need on bunches of blues
Strung together on a clothes line at a nudist colony of blind faith believers, a naked-ape doom
Mighty gas bubble, beautiful bones of a divinity’s shape, buried in Earth’s Big Sur sand dune!

r j j stephan, i #ReveleBlownIntoSmithereens #FeelTheBurn header is beautiful, #Dope!
c. Dimanche, December 8th, 2019 A.D. @ 7:07 AM PST
