
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

#ColderThanFrozen #PiecesOfCake @ricoSacto #ricoSacto #TowerOfPower #CrazyLogicRules

------------ #NoShenanigansSplinterNet------------
Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, December 10, 2019
****** thanks a BUSHEL & A PECK ******
It is a Michael Savage thing to write down and disseminate the Truth long before the sheeple
Ever know about an FBI report on the nature of the current beast, the man of little people
You have no cache, you are no longer a big deal, #DontMessWithMePillOhSee media stings
Now you know, on the stage and the star of the show, the latest THING itself, oh #MsThings.

Impact on planet Earth, a #TrumpDump for the day well before 4 AM every day, 24/7/365
Pinheads and the upper crust of wealth and philosophers of life and death, the high and low
Inside of the minds in the heads of the citizenry from Rome to Russia to the US, the gods fly
We the people, from Washington to New York and Jersey to the states of the desert, our sigh.

Recollection of our moms & pops, they told you right? You’re asleep in a surrealistic dream
It’s not your fault but it is now your responsibility to awaken from a dream’s outward stream
Your DNA’s code to open wide, keep your eyes wide open as the vision clears, below is a blow
Much worse than a bizarre world, survival required, eat the ones who have given up, now Go.

From the first steps at revolution from the mixture of chaos and order, the Oneness of brains
Not a mind which is the function of the brain, just the grey matter that moves a herd’s pains
Smacking of the lips which have disappeared from hammers and sickles that suck freemen
Liberty fought and died for is hunted by the Eaters of Destiny’s love, wanting DNA, see men?

Mississippi to Idaho and back from the bowels of the uttermost echelon of the pit of my boys
Bureaus of investigation, appointments from the public & parochial university of the blue sky
Inside jobs and the needs and wants to be in a group, for cold cash, all #IncomeBribery ploys
Under the table since the dawn of life, it is what the chemicals do, strive for survival, Oh my!

Outside of the matrix there is nothing, absolute void of things, no DNA or life, no atoms’ god
All of our kingsmen and queens checkmates are on alert, Red or Purple waves of cyber-dream
Flows from the get go but that origin is nowhere in plain sight, an abstract, syllogistic scheme
Eating and drinking and recycling your way, up mid-way of the path, y’all follow my hot rod!

In high gear now with special operations now in place, you have no choice but to be free y’all
How fortune has shined upon your lucky heads is immaterial, just say you drew a lucky ball
In the right place at the right time in Space and Time has everything to do with it, intent too
Where your mind goes, your intent causes those effects, you now know it all, it’s kinda #Blue.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, FREEZEMBER 10TH, 2019 A.D. @ 07:11 AM PST
{ as I listened to Tower of Saviors #TowerOfPower https://youtu.be/oAatPPEaZDA & my own choice of the daze of your life @ youTube link @ & https://youtu.be/I1L8LGq9kAQ }

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