
Friday, September 11, 2020

#ClearACell #SqueezeTheAcne #GrowUpFastOrNever

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, September 11, 2020
------------------ #GTF OUT OF HERE -----------------
Mental case of each and every one of us, deep down inside of a holy genome’s psyche
As if there is any such thing to swear by, as if anyone knows anything about a trike
Two wheels of rock, metal or rubber move this world faster than on foot, a quick shot
Humanity has bacteria and viruses to keep it in check, a Will to Power contained pot.

I know the day that this is can be forgotten but I will not forget, I’ll Never Forget, so
Be prepared for the lowdown because it comes with the parameters and the dice roll
I’m all in and everything other than me is all out, where’s my 390 million bucks now?
You didn’t pay the low level employees and a brand new security system busted blow.

Smoke and blow for the Rock and Roll is all gone, everyone will slam Jack Daniels shots
Alcohol now is getting the last call and the stache is in the sticky grip of a wolf and gadfly
All of which eats statues of liberty and justice for lunch, burn drugs, kill prisoner robots
Wild like cherries and berries that fill a pie full of pure joy, baking fruit and sugar in pies.

Free to become a dead man in due course but while I’m here and now, I’ve got an axe to grind
I didn’t ask to come here and I don’t care who you are or what you say about that, God’s find
Inside of the bones, in the brain where the psyche resides, a real delusion in your mind set
Little people beings come and go out of the ground of this being, I am one, you wanna bet?

Start in deep space, not anywhere near here and now on Earth, there’s no Time there, just be
The magic is the cause and effect of the imaginary fictions right in front of our faces every day
Demons and angels are both within and without us, behavior of the thing we are, boner blood
Where we come from and where we go when it’s over is a mystery, blind faith jump to a God.

Here’s a magic spell now, meeska, mooska, mousketeer, bada bing, now I am the faker fraud
Who I am, where I’m from and why I’m here, you don’t need to know the shape of any broad
What you are afraid of, your most deep fear of shape-shifting you think will kill you, a bat
Apes on the ground or in the trees to relieve themselves and smell like their wasted. god scat.

Kill the living and create life in love or in violent rage, it’s the human way, get your bell rung
We eat the dead things, mix them all up together in a flombet salad and recycle into my dung
No freedom to choose this aspect, it is a prerequisite to animating the DNA, to be, to survive
Ad infinitum or until the Time is up for you to breathe air and magic into you for a deep dive.

r j j stephan, i
c. 9-1-1 September 11th, 2020 A.D. @ 1:11 AM PST
{ Hacked this out of my brain this AM while listenin’ to #CoastToCoast old George Noory @https://www.facebook.com/Coast-to-Coast-am-WGeorge-Noory-192218984263501}

Thursday, September 10, 2020


Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, September 10, 2020
-------------------------------  #COPY -----------------------------
It was all written on the wall and in the papers, the luck of you and the rest of co-living units
Reproduction of the bells that toll for the species’ survival, not lucky just misdirected, boned
By the producers, the ones who pay the bones & their unions, above hell & below here & now
Our only home, grounded girls get a rock and all of the boys are gettin’ too buzz drive stoned.

Y’all know what I’m talkin’ about no matter which way you swing, if you’re not a DNA cloned
We all had a ma and pa that grounded us here in a safe place for nine months, ego abandoned
Celebration and a requiem for a lightweight who had too many objections to warrior oldsters
Swords, sticks, rocks and stones come in handy, gunpowder can’t be found in China crackers.

Here’s how the herd takes advice, follow the leader to find where the water is, folks, that’s all
Literally or figuratively, your choice and mine, nobody else can make the decision, we all fall
From the grace we’ve inherited by the luck of a random draw, gun smoke leftover for my gods
Many Ones twist & wobble, fired about a sunny star, high, stoned babies with no last names.

Getting to the end comes soon enough whether you give it a single thought or not, no surprise
It’s a necessary condition to remain able to survive in a losing battle for immortality’s rubble
Miraculous effects of the First Cause right in front of your eyes, you will forget about the bull
Cows don’t care about Martha or George or the Donald, species last call, “just do it, let’s roll!”

Many decades and centuries rolled on to get right here to this point in the matrix, here we are
One and the same kind of weird creation from an absentee father and a welfare mother Earth
Everything that’s food is exchanged for debits and paper IOU’s, the poverty is a tab at the bar
Where I go to slam the day back into the banks of despair, Jackie Daniels dictates self worth!

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, September 10th, 2020 A.D. @ 03:57 AM PST

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

#KnockedUpBoots #ShadesNeedDrawin' #MeAndYou #DirtyDancinBlueJeans

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, September 9, 2020
******** #BootsNeedKnockin *********

Glad to be here, FISHIN’ for red dirt gold, seeds planted deep enough, leaf to smoke, in rows
Finding the ignorant isn’t easy but it’s a necessary condition for me justifying, puffs & blows
From pole to pole, all around the Earth, every continent and every body of water’s fire doors
Money couldn’t buy my Time in this Space, asking me pretty please and smiling, a lion roars.

When I say ‘gets it’ I mean that completely be on board with the Golden Rule, control the sex
Never treating anyone like you would hate to be treated, that will give you a clue to easy ways
Soft birth to hard granite death brings the entire consciousness into it’s origin, an unknown X
Reason and the struggle to survive on a hostile planet whose germs and genomes waste days.

Sometimes turns into always once the clock stops and the days don’t don’t play with my spurs
Where nothing you said means a thing to anyone, dead right, there in a No Life matters spree
All of this and that, over here and over there, anytime from the Big Bang to the tiny whimpers
A man it turns out, lives and dies with or without you to blame it all on, Unmoved Mover, me.

Prayers when you’re dreaming work just like a race car with flat tires going up a 45 degree slit
Through a mountain pass where even brave men feared to go, nobody wants to die in tidbits
There’s always a but and now you got one, got one man who knew it all, an 8 ball of confusion
Things themselves and forms of matter which make them what they are at being Bang units.

End after it began in a whimper, some shouts and cries, laughter and tears back to star dust
Complete, utter annihilation of everything you thought you know, cancels out your tiny fuss
Amazing drifting away from what matters most, you’re not here to stay, this may be all of It
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing, sweet dreams baby, it’s what I got, you got it, aw shyt!

Dancing in the light doesn’t count when you could be prancin’ in the dark, bringin’ the fight
Spurs and boots kicked off before I got to bed, I woke up from the dream at 6 AM, here I am
Just a dream, tonight’s sweet blackness where nothing can bother you, smile is the only light
Knowing it all or nothing at all are two sides of the same coin, differential equation, hot dam!

r j j stephan, i
c. September 9th, 2020 A.D. @ 3:33 PM PST
{Drafted to Luke Bryan 1 Margarita, 2, 3, we’ll be gone! https://youtu.be/YEq-cvq_cK4}