
Saturday, November 07, 2020

#FrereJacques #SleepsWithHooks #Happy70JackieStopka


Richard Joseph Stephan
Today at 1:53 PM 

*orig drafted on Friday, November 6th, 2020 A.D. @ 3:33 PM

There is no reason for the idiots on Earth other than the key to the breath in black holes
Compared to the end of days, the origin of days is not in the historical record, it’s sacred
Nobody other than the dead who are grateful for having been alive for a NY minute beat
Coming to the ends where you and I will someday be all alone, without our bodies’ souls.
You and I keep the secret of the final day we’ll be alive, deep in an invisible, holy ghost spirit
What runs into a revolution is a mass of idiots without reason or ability to rationalize it, bro
Moments in imaginary Time’s imaginary Space put us in synch with an empty conniption fit
Here’s what is difficult if not impossible to comprehend, you’re here now & gone tomorrow.
Six Corners of three streets that intersect the northside and make monkey dreams come true
Common ground of ways and means to synchronize the engine of creation, I’m hot & I spook
You know your mother & repugnant father were random collisions, lucky to be a royal blue
Hairless forms & shapes that burn random, caloric intake stink to high heaven’s Stonybrook.
Apes & snakes animate molecules from being inert atoms into to live, wide awake honeybees
Protein is the fuel, DNA flows in the evolved arteries and veins moving the Iron, heart & soul
Categorized as filthy, dirty, rotten, it is exactly what I am, like my mother, terra ferma Trees
On the peanut situation of growing nuts out the ground into bushes and growths in grease.
Red eyes staring at the doctor and the nurse as if they have anything to do with life and cysts
Doing what they can for society & culture to keep disease of the dying away from my kicks
Complete nourishment for thirst and hunger of flies lookin’ for the rotten who’re in on the fix
If existence is things that move by absorbing the matter around them then the Earth exists.
Nuclear and solar radiation supply the planet with it’s life and death pattern, yins and yang
Round sphere, cubed square and prismatic triad without ever getting the singular pointing
To the undeniable Truth, we’re all gonna die and nobody knows why but they take love a liar
Einstein to Chaplin and around the rest of the world to end in China, God’s original hellfire.
Come here and I’ll give you an undeserved boost from ignorance to wisdom, counts to 10
When you get to a number 5, stop and reverse the count back to the 1, an original unit Zen
Silence yet wide awake and conscious in a vacuum of microscopic dust, blowin’ smoke to fire
Until it’s a weightless chimera of itself, original matter & form, #FakeNews on a funeral pyre.
You came down, spinning light into an observatory of dreams my father gave me from Adam
Not only is the good, bad and the ugly all there is but also the beautiful is what’ll never be
Pretty in purple, yellow or pink is what you never see if you’re blind since you’re a flim-flam
I just intuited that the world had something to be seen, I never saw the light, it’s inside of me.
In the seven seas or on the seven continents, the Earth was here & now, tomorrow yesterday
Same movement of the concerto or the gadfly on the piano, flowing up, down, inner & outer
Monopoly of consciousness, dreaming within a dream, bestowed upon me without impunity
A Shakespearean plot to cause havoc, being jealous of siblings & a #woke, unmoved mover.
Freedom is the word we give to what you have when only you are the king of Rio Lower
It’s opposite Slavery is the the word we give to being chained by another Will to Power
Insanity is a step away from being vote harvested in elderly folks retirement home blow
Many people died and their profanity continues to their old address, how lucky for y’all yo!
r j j stephan, i
Friday, November 6th, 2020 A.D.

Friday, November 06, 2020

#ChicagoTheBand @CHICAGOtheBand #Trump2020 #Trump2024 @AynRand #ScatologicalFallacy

#WOKE UP DOWN AT MY WAKEbyRichard Joseph Stephan, i 

Friday, November 6th, 2020 A.D. @ 3:33 PM
There is no reason for the idiots on Earth other than the key to the breath in black holes
Compared to the end of days, the origin of days is not in the historical record, it’s sacred
Nobody other than the dead who are grateful for having been alive for a NY minute beat
Coming to the ends where you and I will someday be all alone, without our bodies’ souls.
You and I keep the secret of the final day we’ll be alive, deep in an invisible, holy ghost spirit
What runs into a revolution is a mass of idiots without reason or ability to rationalize it, bro
Moments in imaginary Time’s imaginary Space put us in synch with an empty conniption fit
Here’s what is difficult if not impossible to comprehend, you’re here now & gone tomorrow.
Six Corners of three streets that intersect the northside and make monkey dreams come true
Common ground of ways and means to synchronize the engine of creation, I’m hot & I spook
You know your mother & repugnant father were random collisions, lucky to be a royal blue
Hairless forms & shapes that burn random, caloric intake stink to high heaven’s Stonybrook.
Apes & snakes animate molecules from being inert atoms into to live, wide awake honeybees
Protein is the fuel, DNA flows in the evolved arteries and veins moving the Iron, heart & soul
Categorized as filthy, dirty, rotten, it is exactly what I am, like my mother, terra ferma Trees
On the peanut situation of growing nuts out the ground into bushes and growths in grease.
Red eyes staring at the doctor and the nurse as if they have anything to do with life and cysts
Doing what they can for society & culture to keep disease of the dying away from my kicks
Complete nourishment for thirst and hunger of flies lookin’ for the rotten who’re in on the fix
If existence is things that move by absorbing the matter around them then the Earth exists.
Nuclear and solar radiation supply the planet with it’s life and death pattern, yins and yang
Round sphere, cubed square and prismatic triad without ever getting the singular pointing
To the undeniable Truth, we’re all gonna die and nobody knows why but they take love a liar
Einstein to Chaplin and around the rest of the world to end in China, God’s original hellfire.
Come here and I’ll give you an undeserved boost from ignorance to wisdom, counts to 10
When you get to a number 5, stop and reverse the count back to the 1, an original unit Zen
Silence yet wide awake and conscious in a vacuum of microscopic dust, blowin’ smoke to fire
Until it’s a weightless chimera of itself, original matter & form, #FakeNews on a funeral pyre.
You came down, spinning light into an observatory of dreams my father gave me from Adam
Not only is the good, bad and the ugly all there is but also the beautiful is what’ll never be
Pretty in purple, yellow or pink is what you never see if you’re blind since you’re a flim-flam
I just intuited that the world had something to be seen, I never saw the light, it’s inside of me.
In the seven seas or on the seven continents, the Earth was here & now, tomorrow yesterday
Same movement of the concerto or the gadfly on the piano, flowing up, down, inner & outer
Monopoly of consciousness, dreaming within a dream, bestowed upon me without impunity
A Shakespearean plot to cause havoc, being jealous of siblings & a #woke, unmoved mover.
Freedom is the word we give to what you have when only you are the king of Rio Lower
It’s opposite Slavery is the the word we give to being chained by another Will to Power
Insanity is a step away from being vote harvested in elderly folks retirement home blow
Many people died and their profanity continues to their old address, how lucky for y’all yo!
r j j stephan, i
Friday, November 6th, 2020 A.D.

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

#ComparedToWhat? @BlakeShelton @DariusRucker


Richard Joseph Stephan
Today at 6:52 AM PST
---- #YoMama ----
What the #CatCall do you think I’m here for? To be a pet is not my nature, I’m killer of mice
You can guess what I do with them, I play with them until they get away, killin’ ‘em all twice
It’s what you get when you domesticate the killers who hunted your ancestor kin, no offense
You gotta eat and when there’s nothin’ except what’s walkin’ around stinkin’ to high heaven.
Got a scent of the man and women who follow him, a thing like The Sisters of charity for cats
Nobody has fun watchin’ their dream pass by without a flow and the burn, I am One on point
To be a character with 208 bones to boot should be all you need to survive on Earth not Hehl
You & I gotta eat and we don’t eat the living, we only eat the dead and burned, cooked well.
Fortune has little to do with it, you either do or you don’t, First Cause of it all is moving, fixed
Unconscious as Freud or Jung yet still they are dead and I’m alive, it appears they’ve jinxed
The way down the middle road from the origin to the final destination of the cosmic slop Joe
Wanted by the law for millions of murders in the 1st degree, #Mankind, #Humanity A-bomb.
It is the nature of the genome we are to originate the explosion that begins the Super Nova
Carolina to Timbuktu and 360 degrees in every N S E & W direction, it’s matter of the Ga
Forms and shapes only because they have mass and we have the rods and cones of eyesight
Begin in the middle and you’ll get to the end no matter what, it’s inevitable like day & night.
I got a chemical for you to put into your eyes and ears, nose and mouth in the head of Man
Just a drop or two and rub on this salve to make the pain subside, painlessness, in sea-foam
Hating the pain and head stirring, mind bending feeling of torture without end, it’s all over
A second after you felt the last feeling, here and now, it’s same as before conception, Om.
Rocked in the cradles and fetched the ball for the masters, they told me I was gonna die
I think it was about when I was four or maybe three, stuck needles through my skin fly
Man I thought that was normal life for humanity until I found nobody else would know
Father and mother of the roaring twenties brought me home to my sweet home Chicago.
I visited my mother and father in their graves on my Milwaukee Avenue drag of the past
Trips inside & outside of my mind, doing what only the nature of things can do, blasted
Into Supernovas as always intended to be within impersonal chemicals of gaseous heat
Die free and young or in chains and elderly, matters as much as tomorrow, no solo mio!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, BLOVEMBER 3rd, 2020 A.D. @ 0635 hours
{ Babies rockin’ in cradles like wagon wheels & HITS from Darius Rucker & Lionel Richie #OnMyWay & hits on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/vaSuqw91tpY }