
Saturday, June 05, 2021

#SacToMontereyExpress #SlowBoatToPacGrove #LifesTooShort @HallOatsBirch

So you and I are on the same page, above & below your self, hot behind or ahead mode
In the facts of life you're a perfect mark for someone who loves to be a @Patsy, a toad
Doin' everything possible to please but not, stubbing your toe to freeze heaven's EZ riff
Of mice and men who crawl, burrow and in the end perish of Time in Space, One's gift!

Monks are silent, priests become pacified and violent depending on the pain in a big toe
A smack, a tortured bleeder of the maximum and minimum of the gods, divinity's autotroph
Bums and junk injectors due to the nature of the zoo beasts out and about, amongst us all
We are them in a NYC minute, you ain't dirty you just have no home, no shower for the Ball.

Monks and monkeys all one and the same, praying for rice and water to survive the holocaust
Of being alive on Earth during the wobbling revolution & orbit around some star up in flames
Magazines and books hold the Word, a multiplicity of split infinitives from the mind of a Boss
In charge of you, yours and mine but not me, I resist ocean absorption, let them eat sea moss.

Inside of you, outside of you, you are not there!  Lost in Space or out of the cosmic mind soup
DNA hodge-podge of intent or accident, unidentified walking subject, an UWS foil for the UFO
Minced meat is the dead animal flesh with seasons from the smell-good spice concoction loop
It's down feathers and grounded up pelican beaks for the magic man, air's Force I can't stop.

Inside of the fire pit, the descending into the deep hole causes the unconscious to flowertop
Mothers and absentee fathers who were broken by the AFDC clamp in my duodenum's flop
Nothing more and nothing even less than zero remains to be seen, no herd of schooling fish
To net or hook on the triple trouble points of a triad, good, bad and ugly, apes baited a wish.

Whether you have lived a good or a bad life from your first to your last gasp, you'll benefit
Most souls can NEVER be born on Earth, you and I found fortune in the accidental bull spitt
Gold from the leftover lead from burned out Chevrolets and Fords, here & now my badness
Behavior from labor pain, constant reminder of One banged big toe in a T-bone of sadness.

r j j  stephan, i  *oHBoyiTSoNmAN
c.  Samedhi, June 5th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 5:05 AMPST #ButWhy?
{ NEVER to be more than One, drafted listenin' to 8' & 8" of 7 CHAKRAS HEALING, AURA REBOOT BALANCE ALIGNMENT on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/4dNTyI14f2E }

Friday, June 04, 2021

#TimeInSpace #EmptyHeadstart #MonkeysDidIt

Get off of my cloud, it's #9 and it's closed for the summer-winter downfall
You are not going to be usefully used as an idiot on a moron's footing call
Ice gets you through the scorching rays of the unconetemplating boredom
Of monks, nuns, priests & fell angels agree, Nothing is a form anti-matter.

It's a given from the hands of the unknown, X above and below the core
We're one burned out star in the pantheon of dots in the middle of a bore
Holy up & down the grave sites, headstones hard rock until the soul's free
Dying to get into the places you'll never see, heaven, hell & the purgatory.

A girl and a boy regard one another, then one goes rogue, heartbreakers on
Full stop in the crosswalk, running down the Truth and Lies of a brethren
Measuring fantasy against reality, yours is not mine and mine's not yours
It makes a difference if you love and if you don't, it's a major riff, a curse.

Until my happiness flows to another end, The Ends, it's over when it's over
Miracle is that I got to be here one second, a minute or a century, Love her
Forever & a day, not long enough to get to eternity to stay where It won't
All there is if I'm not mistaken is me, myself & I, that's all I share or I don't.

Read, understand, converse with the electronic dots in a matrix, ignore me
I know ignorance is bliss so I expect to be ignored, I do not bleed the bliss
Bliss is the lack of pain and suffering, a given to the revolution of Earth axis
A wobbling, spinning place in space for germs, amoeba & mankind's tryst.

Bums and junkes jukin' the responsible worker slave group, leftover bang
From the Big One that just exploded & dispersed the atoms of the cosmos
Some inside me, some inside you and the others we know who live & died
Ignorant of the origin other than belief in Daddy, Mommy and a slow ride.

Taking, giving, shutting down for the records, locked in myth, a god keeper
Alive and kicking, up and down the freeways and turnpikes of grim reaper
They all know just after one last heartbeat, a gasp for air, it's all over man
Women cry because the men and boys die, who cries for them girls?  I can.

It's not funny, it's a bit sad but that's the way happiness goes, you lose It
When it's gone, you can't get it back, like a butterfly, it's got to have a flit
From one end of the root to the tip of the flower, a thing itself lives to be
A sun catcher after the darkness rolls out, is me, I am all there is, you see?

Of course you can't see that, you're in my dream, a character with no score
I can't be in all characters at once, it's just one at a time, only one, no more
Come with me to the ending, it stops, it's quiet, it's still true, about Timing
It's all there is, It's everything, success or failure results, It's the only thing.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Friday June 4th, 2021 Anno Domi9ni @ 7:77 PMPST
{ Frozen stiff in Space for the Time of my life, worried no more, it is not
what it is, it's what it is not & I jammed this while listenin' to #TheVoid &
@TheChambersBrothers #HITS link @https://youtu.be/hIqwzQ7g-Cc } 

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

#VooDooChild #LeftBehindWithOnlyOneMind #FIRE @HENDRIX #GimmeThreeSteps cuz I'm #TwoStepsBehind #SaidILovedYouButILied

Monkeys go on Monday, trilobites come and go in a New York minute of millennia, it's a stingin'
We were the ones we were waiting for, water flowing over the Rockies, therefore, it's all of yous
Oh my God, what are you saying that there's an invisible creator or one who died to kill the Blues
Full stop man!  Meaning that there's Nothing if there is no God, I really mean it man, N O T H I N'.

Take a deep breath in and blow it out before you begin the journey, from here to way over there
Monsters & beautiful beings from a plethora in the heavens, above & below this dirt, arcane soot
Nothing wrong with diggin' in the dirt to plant the seeds of plants that grow & eat the CO2 for us
Kill the trees, the plants, the food, pollute the water & extinguish the genome's face, DNA caput.

Mothers and fathers all gone, swept up in the human races and a broken dream of a Rose Bowl
To life in prison without parole, you gotta stay behind the bars with the cement walls' holy hole
A tiny open wound to allow fake comfort of knowing your sentence to Hell's Life, bars all barred
To the end of walking and breathing, the end of the short story, amigas and amigos, it's so hard!

You will exit the entrance on the only day you can, the day you die from some unknown 1st Cause
Recollection of the pangs in your stomach of being nervous about what was yet to come, a pause
Health or illness will get you through, infancy to old age, the natural abuse of Mother Nature's Id
Got the beats down pat, it's the rhythm & the rhyme on my dime, when it's over, it's all over kid!

Logs rollin' into the bay so they can be sliced into 2 x 4's and studs for the projects of Washington
In the heat of the night where angels fear to go, Life froze stiff & ceased to be, in a Big Bang son
Left over atoms of molecules that used to be you, me and the infrastructure all disappear, It sings
Sin of fathers & mothers who got here thousands of years ago, like apemen, We kinks, We kings!

Society of human culture determines the happiness or sadness of the ones who see what's cookin'
Babies crying, children dying, old ladies and old, worn-out gentlemen with worn-out welcomes in
To be or not to be in the mix, in the cornucopia of Rock & DNA in mixed drinks to hide the poison
Just like the old man Socrates who died because he lied about lying, mighty Mo deceived the Sun.

No remedy for the terminally ill other than exit, stage right and you don't know where that leads
Could be up above in the clouds of Earth or in the Void of Space or maybe, it's your mama's face
In the aquarium of living, breathing ocean fauna, frogmen swim and feed the minions, food feeds
Trees and bushes surround my headstones filling the cemeteries with the Clear Light, a won race.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, June 2nd, 2021 Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{ You know the drill, drafted in utero, recollected at 69 in 2021 & now it's in your head with the melody of @Chicago #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/kiu8SH2Gcj8 }