
Wednesday, June 02, 2021

#VooDooChild #LeftBehindWithOnlyOneMind #FIRE @HENDRIX #GimmeThreeSteps cuz I'm #TwoStepsBehind #SaidILovedYouButILied

Monkeys go on Monday, trilobites come and go in a New York minute of millennia, it's a stingin'
We were the ones we were waiting for, water flowing over the Rockies, therefore, it's all of yous
Oh my God, what are you saying that there's an invisible creator or one who died to kill the Blues
Full stop man!  Meaning that there's Nothing if there is no God, I really mean it man, N O T H I N'.

Take a deep breath in and blow it out before you begin the journey, from here to way over there
Monsters & beautiful beings from a plethora in the heavens, above & below this dirt, arcane soot
Nothing wrong with diggin' in the dirt to plant the seeds of plants that grow & eat the CO2 for us
Kill the trees, the plants, the food, pollute the water & extinguish the genome's face, DNA caput.

Mothers and fathers all gone, swept up in the human races and a broken dream of a Rose Bowl
To life in prison without parole, you gotta stay behind the bars with the cement walls' holy hole
A tiny open wound to allow fake comfort of knowing your sentence to Hell's Life, bars all barred
To the end of walking and breathing, the end of the short story, amigas and amigos, it's so hard!

You will exit the entrance on the only day you can, the day you die from some unknown 1st Cause
Recollection of the pangs in your stomach of being nervous about what was yet to come, a pause
Health or illness will get you through, infancy to old age, the natural abuse of Mother Nature's Id
Got the beats down pat, it's the rhythm & the rhyme on my dime, when it's over, it's all over kid!

Logs rollin' into the bay so they can be sliced into 2 x 4's and studs for the projects of Washington
In the heat of the night where angels fear to go, Life froze stiff & ceased to be, in a Big Bang son
Left over atoms of molecules that used to be you, me and the infrastructure all disappear, It sings
Sin of fathers & mothers who got here thousands of years ago, like apemen, We kinks, We kings!

Society of human culture determines the happiness or sadness of the ones who see what's cookin'
Babies crying, children dying, old ladies and old, worn-out gentlemen with worn-out welcomes in
To be or not to be in the mix, in the cornucopia of Rock & DNA in mixed drinks to hide the poison
Just like the old man Socrates who died because he lied about lying, mighty Mo deceived the Sun.

No remedy for the terminally ill other than exit, stage right and you don't know where that leads
Could be up above in the clouds of Earth or in the Void of Space or maybe, it's your mama's face
In the aquarium of living, breathing ocean fauna, frogmen swim and feed the minions, food feeds
Trees and bushes surround my headstones filling the cemeteries with the Clear Light, a won race.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, June 2nd, 2021 Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{ You know the drill, drafted in utero, recollected at 69 in 2021 & now it's in your head with the melody of @Chicago #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/kiu8SH2Gcj8 }

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