
Saturday, June 26, 2021

#ThreeStooges #BoweryBoys #BugsBunny #PorkyPig #MyBabysitters 1950's

Forever and one more day, just one more than the one that's already a given on a rock & roll
Chip off of the old block, my pops was a teenage navy vet from WWII, I'm an ex-con pothead
Paid my debt to society that didn't give a hoot about me until I tried to skirt the outlaws' hole
Tried to get in and out before the trail was laid down for the bloodhound trackers just ahead.

What is the code of the language scribbled on the blackboard, is there order to the fake chaos
Appearances can be deceiving and sometimes you don't have the essence in sight, aim at us
You know this is where it's all at down here above the Mason-Dixon line, one arpeggio away
We all seem to retain some pre-muscle memory from our seed, microscopic piece of a baby.

August and July come once every year, named for the two Roman Caesars of olden days dicky
Seems as though they've succeeded at remaining steadfast in their intention to rob the cradle
While that baby is rockin' & rollin' it ain't being a pain in mother's and father's rib cage rattle
Within no error of distance, figures calculate bristles on a hair brush, gotta utilize the trickery.

Hillbillies and the uppercrust elite have children via the same method, blue and black of blight
An epidemic from a laboratory rat who scurried into a freighter headed for China or ourselves
I'm rollin' with or without the silver bullets, I used 'em all yesterday in a fire fight, my F4 flight
I action for the stash of cash, high performing punks in the hood and above the top shelves.

Steppin' off into the parental discretion for rhymes that rope you into the loser to tempt fate
Funky or in the dirt, the dicks move in and out creating the raps and the vibes of monkey hate
To smoke it ya gotta roll it, light it or make a brownie cake, hell I'm the one & only holy chunk
Streets criss crossed, sidearms with an attitude, lit up the black holes, slitherin' in dope funk.

A boatload of foreign-speaking, babbling humanity, landed there in error, inebriated, drunken
Fast forward centuries & here & now we're in 2021 after a divine God was DNA cloned human
From a virgin and a carpenter came the humane movement, to know why a humanitarian can
Pretend all's well, speeding in circles as do punks playin' ball, wobbling vibes all slam dunkin'.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, June XXVIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{ Drafted this TETRAGRAMMATON gem while listenin' to 3 hours of #ThreeStooges epic slapstick link @ https://youtu.be/R43TUqp2q8g }

#TopShelf #Trademark #InTheHouseOfRichie #ShitzInTheBack #HighAndMightyEnds @NWA @EMINEM @BrooksAndDunne #ForTheRecord #StepUpToTheMike

Blackberry juice ran down my T-shirt, pure bleached white with purple drip-dot spatter
Still a teenager in my mind, it's a state of the psyche claim to the ego, I ain't no keeper
It's the loss of the first and the last ones who cared to kiss my lips to find their hero, me
I came and went in the instant I could give up to the world, before I had to go to be free.

Ape like I was supposed to be and an angelic cherubim soul without an original err of my sin
Hairless, modest as a an infant or a clothes stripper, giving the dance of a moonlit werewolf
In particular and in general, there's nobody but me in charge of my spark within, a real given
Gift from the place in Space that houses the First Cause's occult spell over my conscious self.

Innocent raising, middle of the asphalt jungle, contents digested with a Black Jack #9 wreck
Dodge 383 @SuperBee on the way to pick up honey for the first & last date, deep cut deck
Hide out before the big cover-up becomes a known fact & a soon to be a forgotten memory
No need or any desire at all to be seen as a high achieving philosopher, whiter than ol' glory!

What the future holds other than the raven bird gettin' choked by the blue-nailed thing, a mano
Life heretofore may or may not be the same without me, hence, one thing's absolutely certain
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone, just wait until that day, the dawn will come the day after
@SlimShady came & went post-Marshall revolution apex, nest egg hatched the Ends, Life's fear.

Born not once or twice but multiple times, reincarnated staphylococcus infection, evolved too
Now invincible and immune to any drugs and all human and non-human disease, DNA is evolved
Inside of the cells, alive as DNA acid does it's mutating ritual of modification and recombination
A soul's mind, inside there & outside here, trusts the Science of assumption, conundrum is in.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, 6-26-2021 Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin' #WithoutMe by @MM @Eminem  https://youtu.be/ZbytR2avo-0 }

Friday, June 25, 2021

#GiantRatOfSumatra #FiresignTheater #ThatsTheWayLoveIsBaby #BitchWillTakeTheAppleAgain - #ForkedTongueOfScratch #Lookaway @MarvinGaye @ChicagoTheBand @StarTrekVIIIFirstContact

You have the look and when you're not blinded by the light, disappearances are It, everything
Not the only thing because there's something else that really isn't anything at all, it's nothing
Apes backward and forward in the march of atomic shatter from the Big Bang or the wild blue
In through the out door and having the double-double animal style, a shake, fries & more too.

Stacked from zero to infinity & back to the origin where even Popeye doesn't ever get to roam
Noted and now for the rest of the story that's a fictional account of thought causing this tome
Book of words regarding Ends of the other things themselves, subjected to a predication scoot
Exterminated nature of the beast and the unknown, ticket to paradise's last breath, then caput.

Appearances may be exactly what they look like, that matter in that form, a scent & good taste
One way or another the birds & the bees get the job done & so does the human nuclear waste
This Earth will be the origin of the recognition of a Black Hole's Big Bang, Singularity of Adam
Not only blessed with good fortune but also the only reason I'm the dreamer's sun, so Sam I am.

Throwing up the suppers and dinners to throw down with the enemies of the state of being us
Every baby born to every woman & man alive or not, all are a product of Earth's extinction bus
An evolutionary adaption to being atomic fission and fusion in retrograde to a black hole of soul
On the abstract line from a moment, this present to the infinite end of Time & Space, drum roll.

Staring out at the waterline, everything is clear, everything alive is covered up except sails high
Up & down the coast, in & out of islands, traveling on soft water 'cause the ground's too hard
Trippin' to the movement of tides and the glide of the wind blowin' north by southwest, to sea
For the last time, land is seen for the last time you blink & see angels, gods, dead loves, all Free.

Humane solution to fear of being dead while you're still alive, fretting test diagnoses gone down
Nothing really matters just like it never has before or after our conceptions, be happy, I'll frown
You find this completely incredible and impossible while I entertain the notion as Truth, a solid
A gas and a liquid are the only other things themselves other than anti-matter of the rock druid.

As above skies of blue, blackness is everywhere else surrounding us all, it's here or doom soon
We sent probes to prove the uncertainty principle's truth, that Nothing is Everything in a room
That has limits called the unknown and infinities called the gods, players of cosmic chess moves
Dreams to come and go like drifting sailboats in the Devil's Triangle, what boat sinks in coves?

Manikins & their ventriloquists who dress & undress their smooth plastic limbs, signal mama
She comes alone to prove that existence is futile, a repetition of things ad infinitum, it's karma
Reason for Doom & Gloom is the breaking of the First Cause's Law, war with Evil ape-monkeys
Good humans live & die but why, Life's to die for, says so in blacker, magical fortune cookies.

r j j stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, June 25th, 2021 A.D. @ 3:33 PMPST
{ Drafted watchin' & listenin' to #StarTrekVIII:First Contact link @ https://youtu.be/5Eg1jBJ10VI }
