
Saturday, November 13, 2021

#MissionUnaccomplished #TheWayItIs #RunDMC #ZZTop

Nobody calculates six sides, thirty six combinations' one to six, double die's womb of Homer cash
Only the empty Void above & beyond this flat ground that is wet or dry mud, left over allstar ash
A desert and the gas in liquid form, in solid form, in the form of sentient and imbecilic beings' kin
On the party and the pow wow for brothers & sisters who love the gods' dead wrong mortal sin.

You came and got your love from the center of what being is, a cellular divide and a soul infusion
To die for or to live for, you'll come and get your love if you have none, it's everywhere to back in
Parkin' in the no parking spaces just for the tow job, free to me, I just shop & drop, presto magic
Life of a reposession man or woman is the main tool of the loan sharks without a star, not a click.

Babies either abort or grow a minute in or so, a more brief moment in the millennia, just to die
Stone engraving with a name, date & clever sign or phrase, maybe if you're lucky to get respect
Many of the few who survive have no idea what happens when they'll die, a Pina Colada secret
In or out of a satiated hunger for being in the company of a body, anybody but a fouled up guy.

Curtsy & bow down at the waist if you must because in the end, it's not all about the Benjamins
We'll all see what Nothing looks like up close & personal, with or without our holy recollections
Elders of wisdom passing life philosophy's facts of life to the progeny from the ancestry of men
We're all here for no reason other than to man-up happiness & avoid pain & suffering women.

Because the First Cause preceded all of the effects which occured since that day Earth glowed
There's no way to be certain of any one Truth that we are the fools of a synchopated overload
But all the preponderance of evidence suggests that the situation's hopeless & we burn incense
We've no choice to settle down with brass tacks, it's all about strugglin' for life-death avoidance.

Reminders that the food we bite, chew and swallow was once alive and kicking above and below
Turning quickly into burnt calories for moving the machine we all are, wasted Time, we gotta go
I'll never be on my knees in my right mind, unless tortured to the brink of death, bambood nails
From Louisiana to a North Pole, I took the Mississippi with me, painted on my pirate ship's sails.

Entered the fray without knowing that predators would prowl around my poor little peewee skin
Got old and settled those scores, evened 'em up and they all took it on the chin, memory was IN
Guilt and the payback were a high price to pay for being a malfunctioning genome of the species
DNA didn't fit into the evolutionary process to be the one that survives the fitness' eggs & testes.

Retaliation can't be found when you find the end doesn't fit into faith's conception, how she rolls
The least you can do is come back & give the others left alive, a signal, signs like Dead Sea Scrolls
In swamps to the top of icy, snow-cap volcano montains, we used to be good to go with the flow
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends, throw snake eyes, intent's everything, no jobs to blow.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XIIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:66 AMPST
{ Dripped out of my mind while listenin' to @ZZTop RIP #DustyRhodes LINK @ https://youtu.be/OzxjkXfSVd8 }

Friday, November 12, 2021

#MoralityCompass #PointThatSheetMagneticNorth #GoManGo #ZZT

If this ain't all about Pablo Picasso then you'll probably dig the blues of the scree
It's harmless to the innocent because they'll be oblivious to forever pending doom
Not their role to do anything other than just to be & live in tranquility just like me
I'll be right back, I've got to take a quick snooze, a reprieve from all daily gas zoom.

I appreciate the mirrors all around my consciousness so I can see 360 degrees of signs
Not what I wanted, nothing I bargained for in the alpha nor in the omega of clear lines
All one & the same mortal bones, drugged 'til unconsciously Marx' amorphous to boot
Responsible for your great ancestors you never knew, all your fault, too humane fruit!

Right is all that's left ... on the other hand, here's the wisdom in ignorance, wise ass
Simple men with less than simple minds create the reality you'll see before she dies
Mother Earth's invisible prison of your twilight zone, see nothing & know it all fries
A solar origin 93 million miles from God, ours from Adam to quantum leaped glass.

What I am is what you are, what we'll achieve without my rational thoughtlessness
Rocket science of my chemistry and physics, biology and mathmatics' quantum fizz
Peeking behind the death mask you have in your future, nobody sees gods comin' in
Fast ball breakin' bad down into the outside corner, Thor's dick's in the dirt, swingin'.

Onto the bandwagon we've jumped upon the philosophy of existential realism, moron
Future is ahead just as the historical hysteria that's been foisted upon our soul is gone
Into thin air as if it was never, ever alive anywhere in Space & Time, presence all I am
I've consumed ideal thoughts of the scribes who scribbled for the blind, dumb & weak.

Whole, half or fractional greater or less than zero, -1 to +1 twilight zone of yo' maz-tit
Offended as you ought to be since you should accept your guilt for your own disrespec'
It ain't my fault that you've disregarded the golden rule, the categorical imperative hit
In the pink punks on the corner who now collect the donations in church, it's the chit!

Special investigation of all common denominators reveals nothing but wasted Times
All of them from the first to the final gasp of gas, here and now, all are sweet nothin'
Bright or dim, it's all the same thing, a holiday of holy days, everyday a word rhymes
You're no idiot after all is said & done, your ma & pa were neither ghosts' of a One.

Metaphysical forget the physical, vice versa ad infinitum, then eyes wide open die
Lookin' for trouble, findin' it from the womb to womb, coffin or tomb, earn an urn
Super men and women are not immortal, kryptonite is just a heart stopper begun
Climax infusion into flower buds, a corpse's mind triggers a double barrel shotgun.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini, Vendredi @09:11 AM MST
{ Cruised & got bruised, #WOOOradio #DoubleBarrel by @DaveAndAnsellCollins on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/H_7Kx2FlFQY }

Thursday, November 11, 2021

#DreamLover #WaitJustAMinute #WakeThePhuqUp #MeImAlreadyGone

To be or not to be me's the question to those who gave it all, suicidal thug-life's New York Minute
It doesn't matter if you are personally hopeless or helpless being an all too human being in orbit
Around in a circular jerk all about the sun, a burning out old star spinnin' down a black hole debt
Blown away before the end of the battles for rice patty dominance, rights to the last kiss of mud.

We all are not dead yet, some of us lived past our duty to God & our country, no time to zoom
Tell me what my dad told me way before I actually knew what he meant, nobody knows anything
Meaning that knowledge itself was impossible for any human to accomodate, Truth is a vacuum
Live every day as if it's your last on Earth, that way you may be wrong but just do the right thing.

Never act to intentionally hurt or hinder another human unless injury's required, then kill a fish
For cracked nutcases without a moral compass may or may not present themselves, raw hot dish
Here and now you're just dreaming that you were in a war's battle, we died slowly way too young
On foreign soil, blown gaskets leaked the fluid needed to stay alive & conscious, dead and gone.

Blowin' #Taps, closin' the door again for the bones underground, not dust in the forty winds
I was here and enjoyed the fruit of the sacrafices my dear species' kin, old dead kids' rewinds
None too proud to beg for another day and night but the fact of life cannot be a factoid skit
Meaning nothing other than this Struggle to Survive is true but the alternative is a finale exit.

Buzz of snowflakes comin' down outta thin air lighting weightless upon a hot Space, God schitz
Or maybe it was just a random, luck of fixed draw in the tripping collisions of atomic cool aid
Improbability is the subject and predication is a necessary condition for comprehension's fits
Check the correct boxes & fill in the correct, blank multiple choices, are you in a 3rd grade?

 Shine on infrared-cosmic waves of grey/black skies, shoot up & burn troll lip's on a word scree
Electricity costs less today, y'all than it did fifty five years ago, hail stone Mt. Rushmore POTUSi
Once I'm long gone, you'll be too one day before or after me, only then, bada bing bada boom
What it means to be dead, just like before conception in a womb, annhilation in a stoney tomb.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:66 AMPST
{ Drafted without any #TrendingTweet while listenin' to #OldiesButGoldies @Carol by @NeilSedaka & #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/WRStPjlBJqk }
* @Natalie_Wood at the bottom!  #RIP NAT!