
Saturday, June 11, 2022

#VirtualBlindVirtuosity #WatermelonTimeInGeorgia #TimingIsEverything


Now at this time in this specific space in front of your highness forever after the dream's finale
Wondered about it while wandering from mountains, valleys, shore ends, beaches of sand tide
Sea hunt is over and the victory was just getting your first breath of air, zygote to kissed virgin'
Young inseminators bringin' on the stink of youthful exhuberance, to fight, to be a warrior sin.

Never dying but always terminating the threat in self-defense of the heart & soul inside of me
Gone to town lookin' for trouble but it found me first & snuck up in back of me, cold blue sea
I should have known better than to have faith & trust outside of my 6 foot square safe space
Nobody wants to hurt me, kill me or rob me for the things they don't have, a subhuman race.

Time moves without hands, without digital numbers or painted marks on a square-circle clock
Gods confused, imagined creation of divine chaos, it's exactly what we've got, it's on the block
You don't believe you're in danger, your education K-12 taught you to read, write &  conclude
Whether logic and reason are utilized efficiently to arrive at a deduction & inducton interlude.

Put some 208 bones through hell only to get burned or buried, above & below the beings' Ids
All the Many which used to be One and the same thing, a missing link to holy rockin' seascum
Makin' out, makin' love or war to the same old songs, ancestors left ruins for Rambo hominids
Warriors of the soft targets have a bitter end ahead, destiny is to become at One, ad infinitum.

Geometry of the imagination, drawing lines that were mere dots, triangular decagons say what
Seriously in jeopardy of dying before I'm 200, so old, need finish the dream, get out of the rut
Young girls over twenty years old, educated with hearts of stone, ready to rock and roll down
Big high mountain or at least a rolling hill or two between us, you don't know like I do, clown.

It takes two, both inside of you, just One will never do until the end of the universe's chitchat
Miracle that you even got here to the planet much less get to know why things evolved a Void
Inside the Singularity, no language left to explain no place without any forms of life, it's devoid
Raise your hands, you got none, kick off your two shoes, both gone, that's all, the inside scat!

Atoms to galactic spreads of gas and the permutations of divine gravity and perpetual woman
Even apes can build brick and mortar forms empty of living things until the invaders stream in
On fire or demolished by a wrecking ball, all of them will have to go, by hook or crook, zeroed
Eyes opened wide, crying 'cause hot heat cooled my 6 pack of beer, hot suds in a  motherlode.

Sick to death or healthy to death, either way you gotta go someday, sometime, it will be over
Don't shoot the baby messenger, just turn the volume on the rockin' blues for your brothers
Wishing won't change the outcome, it will make you feel like pretending is the cure to death
But there ain't any cure, stop your heartbeat, your brainwaves' life blood to hold your breath.

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, June XIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @411 PMPST #MonkeyPax #PeaceMonkeys
{ Drafted jammin' to @AllmanBrothersBand on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9b1VlW02L8s }


#SickleCells #BloodLineVampireDNA #MortalImmortals #TheRACE #LaRAZA #GRACIAS @LosLonelyBoys @Aaron_Tippin @AmericatheBand

Plants, rocks & bugs looming above the fray, I'm in and out of It, the cream of the crop
Rose up about eight miles high & there was nowhere else to go, no up, down, in or out
I had the honor of escorting a few souls from here to there but they made me return
Actually, that's all in my mind but now the secret is out, an imaginary fool can't learn.

Being as such, the metaphysics of your somnambolistic frolicing is actually a cursed bit
Mortal being as you are, you have the mortal sins to contend with, divine gift of blood
To be or not to be is not only The Question it's the only inquiry without a response to it
Primary primates making 10 rules to get along & survive in the territorial divided mud.

World is all in your own head's mind, a nervous system fluke, freak of natural selection
Monkey around once or twice but you always go back to the lone wolf bum in a cavern
Bowing to the fire and the writing on the inner sanctum dirt walls of slate, dirt & grime
Water can't leave without taking us all with it, hydrogen, oxygen in concerto's rhyme.

Gone fishing to feed the evolved who are starving to death for love or just to eat food
Senses tingling for ratiionality during a darth of IQ, laughing my God's damned ass off
Sandman can't abandon me, I'm matrix of that illusion, the fit for a pit in a pendulum
Lower and lower the blade comes down to slice the thin skin, beheaded stem of dumb.

Drunk the beers and ales, even the abandoned whiskey, rye, vodka & gin, now I'm sunk
Woke up, awakened a moment before the last gasp of gas, saw a bright light, flipped It
Already ON so I had to #FlipItOff, a position to be or not to be in, either way I'm drunk
Chewin' on a piece of grass, smokin' some too, on Ventura Highway, on the holy scat.

Played it smart, waited 'til the whistle blew in the dark to hear the lighthouse's beam
Couldn't swim the tide, got drawn into the RIP & it looks like it's all over but the steam
Smoke on the water is the last there will be of me, it'll rise above the eight mile limit
To Neptune and Pluto, out of this world, no grave underground in gravity's hole, F-IT!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, June XI, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Jammed out the squeeze of @AMERICAtheBand #GreatestHits link @ https://youtu.be/OfrliqJRdGQ & @LosLonelyBoys #CiscoKid @ https://youtu.be/hBas0YZdsc0 & the @GratefulDead #LIVEMEX 2018 https://youtu.be/2oZ16SCBAr8 }


Friday, June 10, 2022

#SANTANA #BRANCH #CHICAGO #ShockTheMonkey #Apechit


Blood in the water, on the ground down to deeper graves down to gravity's heaping dump
Underground in holy dirt, somewhere outside the hoods where angels fear to go and hump
Meaning jumps back & forth, no interception of conception, an explosion of population ilk
Broke into the notes of the melody that did my dirty work, it's not for me to say, drink milk.

Simple & inferior soul & mind that's been moved by the unmoved movers who preceded me
Don't care what happens after my death, it's comin' but I am tryin' to delay the monkey's key
To the lock in the door and combination of the safe's numbers, the key is to sublimate apes
Evolved from them so that they must be arisen from, the very nature of the vino's red grapes.

Wrath of the minions comin' like after the monster of Dr. Frankenstein, idiots leading morons
A herd ready to follow the leader over the bottomless pit's cliff, let 'em go, let 'em go right on
Rockin' in the free world to function as a catalyst for 'The End' effect, a Singularity putsch hell
Mum's the Word made flesh, out of nothing, no thing, it's what it is, IT ain't Cuervo Especiale.

I've got a secret only God knows, if you're God then you know, if you ain't, you'll never know
Why your origin, the egg & sperm turned to the zygote that grew into the life of the low blow
Do to you what I would not want you to do to me, before you change your mind, it is all done
It's either yours or mine, you want it and I got it, you can't get it out of my cold, dead hands!

Scream until your voice is lost in the Void, nobody hears anything out in the universe's hole
It will not be your will that wills the world to end, it's above and below this planet's forces, so
Get ready for the end of at least your breathing, heart-beating, thriving in terrestrial bliss' sky
Between Earth, the Earth's singular moon, the other eight planets out to Pluto's infrared pie.

My god, no god, accidental collision of matter in the middle of an empty matrix of atomic jizz
Moves or unmoved, energy to last forever and a spin of the star or the dirt you're on matters
Heaven, hell below, we're all gonna go, graves allow the power of gravity to bury us under It
We'll be a Supernova in spirit, you'll never know it, blow me down, it's a trip's monkey purse.

Struggle for survival, it's seriously worse than you think & better than God thinks in jailcells
Making inferior things, forms of life like humans & others, some extinct, some unseen angels
Professional or amateur, as a human from zygote to corpse, a certainty principle rings bells
Logic, reason, induction, deduction, rationality of philosophy ideas, form, matter or all hells.

If all hell broke loose, it would mix with the heavenly scents wafting from the easts & wests
Pardon my blooper, actually I have more than one, more like many bloopers & absurd jests
It works, to be or not to be answering questions with more questions until you turn it vague
Every day & every year in anyone's life is precious, Chicago to Rio Cool, it's your path, a leg.

Spare parts aren't the answer to the problem of mortality, bones get decrepit, you dig man?
Snowflakes in the desert fall and melt before dawn, we're a planet in space, sheet happens
For a good or not, existence thrives during the divine's momentary lapse of pure reason sins
In a little while, THE IN & OUT, no more breath or good times, no memory of baby cries, sons.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, June Xth, MMXXII Anno Domini

{ Drafted while scoring a series of home runs and striking out on balls in the dirt, while listenin' to the #BourbonBlues 3-4 hours @ https://youtu.be/fPb7doh686c }

