
Saturday, June 11, 2022

#VirtualBlindVirtuosity #WatermelonTimeInGeorgia #TimingIsEverything


Now at this time in this specific space in front of your highness forever after the dream's finale
Wondered about it while wandering from mountains, valleys, shore ends, beaches of sand tide
Sea hunt is over and the victory was just getting your first breath of air, zygote to kissed virgin'
Young inseminators bringin' on the stink of youthful exhuberance, to fight, to be a warrior sin.

Never dying but always terminating the threat in self-defense of the heart & soul inside of me
Gone to town lookin' for trouble but it found me first & snuck up in back of me, cold blue sea
I should have known better than to have faith & trust outside of my 6 foot square safe space
Nobody wants to hurt me, kill me or rob me for the things they don't have, a subhuman race.

Time moves without hands, without digital numbers or painted marks on a square-circle clock
Gods confused, imagined creation of divine chaos, it's exactly what we've got, it's on the block
You don't believe you're in danger, your education K-12 taught you to read, write &  conclude
Whether logic and reason are utilized efficiently to arrive at a deduction & inducton interlude.

Put some 208 bones through hell only to get burned or buried, above & below the beings' Ids
All the Many which used to be One and the same thing, a missing link to holy rockin' seascum
Makin' out, makin' love or war to the same old songs, ancestors left ruins for Rambo hominids
Warriors of the soft targets have a bitter end ahead, destiny is to become at One, ad infinitum.

Geometry of the imagination, drawing lines that were mere dots, triangular decagons say what
Seriously in jeopardy of dying before I'm 200, so old, need finish the dream, get out of the rut
Young girls over twenty years old, educated with hearts of stone, ready to rock and roll down
Big high mountain or at least a rolling hill or two between us, you don't know like I do, clown.

It takes two, both inside of you, just One will never do until the end of the universe's chitchat
Miracle that you even got here to the planet much less get to know why things evolved a Void
Inside the Singularity, no language left to explain no place without any forms of life, it's devoid
Raise your hands, you got none, kick off your two shoes, both gone, that's all, the inside scat!

Atoms to galactic spreads of gas and the permutations of divine gravity and perpetual woman
Even apes can build brick and mortar forms empty of living things until the invaders stream in
On fire or demolished by a wrecking ball, all of them will have to go, by hook or crook, zeroed
Eyes opened wide, crying 'cause hot heat cooled my 6 pack of beer, hot suds in a  motherlode.

Sick to death or healthy to death, either way you gotta go someday, sometime, it will be over
Don't shoot the baby messenger, just turn the volume on the rockin' blues for your brothers
Wishing won't change the outcome, it will make you feel like pretending is the cure to death
But there ain't any cure, stop your heartbeat, your brainwaves' life blood to hold your breath.

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, June XIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @411 PMPST #MonkeyPax #PeaceMonkeys
{ Drafted jammin' to @AllmanBrothersBand on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9b1VlW02L8s }


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