
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

#WhatTheHellIsHeavenDoinUpThere? #WhyBlackIsBlue @KennyWayneSheperd

Settle down for a moment before you strike out as a sidewinder in a maze's rooster cage
Wander around the quad on the campus forever as a spirit in the night out of a red rage
Monkey shines repeated enough to pretend as if it's The Only Way to be or not, brother
Miracles and just the fairly normal causes and effects that transform energy and matter.

Fill in the blanks on a multiple choice exam, there's two essay questions to answer yo' mama
Gimme some more milk and let me hide behind your apron strings, it's all worse than obama
Atoms broken in two, split personality inanimate objects serving mankind to racoon critters
Cowburger muscle burgers for One, miracles happen & are forgotten, nothing really matters.

Bearing children legitimate or Ill becomes the only way for One species to survive extinction
Making the seeded wombs bear the fruit of the loom is important, raising the spectre of sin
Obey whose rules & regulations, laws & commands of an unknown divinity, above my soul
Culture of the civilized and the behavior of the prehistoric hominid collide, got a rock to roll.

Faith in nothing, belief in only the impossible to know, it's the nature of the beast, All of It
When you die, someday, then you'll know if radicalism is old or new, it's the catalyst of chit
Winning is everything if you believe it, losing is nothing anybody wants to be doing, be free
Of the guilt and paying back debts that aren't your own, annhilate guilty pleasure, you'll see.

Order of the small to the large begins as conception and birth lead the way to enculturation
What you will be is what those who won't be alive on Earth, extinct is the word, dead, gone
Enough of the Truth that hurt everyone you've told them to hold their tongues, they sting
If you wait long enough, either you'll die or wonder why you didn't, no choice, no big thing.

Races up and down the city streets, busted by the cops, released by the judges who rule
Spaces all around the mud, the blood and the beer for no good, bad or ugly reason, fool
Stuck up like the pretty girls runnin' the block like their daddies used to, thing dyed red
Gangs' boys turned to mobs' girls to foster the unhealthy, the tour d'force all of it, dead.

Binary brain, right and left hemispheres each full of their own retrievable data, climax form
Cause of the First Cause has no validity, failure to cause an improbable effect of a dirt worm
Down to the bottomless maelstrom you go, lookin' for the trouble you've imagined a radish
Where my venom is not present, that's where I am now, near already gone, all I do is vanish.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, June XIVth, MMXXII  Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST
{ Safe!  Your foot was off the bag!  Drafted while listenin' to @TheNewRadicals #SomedayWellKnow link @ https://youtu.be/bDmA8qQKhMY & #YouGetWhatYouGive @ https://youtu.be/DL7-CKirWZE }

Monday, June 13, 2022

#KillKKillers #ShakeHerToHerStuds #BlackIcedACDC #FatalityCats

EXTINCT SAM I AM, ecstasy run-away train, MAN
I won't allow the loose lips that sink ships to tell the whole truth & nothing but the Truth
Lies that sound like the truth to the analytical mind are simply making assumptions to view
The induced or deduced statements which follow the pattern of logic and reason for proof
That you'll completely dissolve into cosmic stew when your body is rockin' the hot, tin roof.

Monks in the caves and monkeys in jungles' trees, eating, drinking & family herds of punks
On corners or at the hungout for food and drink nobody can afford, all of my big man dunks
Under the basket's rim or on a fast break tear from the half-court line, I forgot the hail Mary
Our father in heaven, I thought it was a fairy tale rather than an historic record, a stage saavy.

TNT segway from the peace to the war & back around to the peace, A-bombs away, it Is dark
From far, far away the beings not of this Earth can observe the atomic fission & fusion snark
Smartarse like my daddy said I was, said I had a big mouth, called my name to see all about it
Written on paper between lines, in horizontal order with a perfect left margin, twisted outfit.

Divine as it is above and below the Mason-Dixon line, a division to absolve you from a guilt
That you are the cause of anything that happens in front of your eyes lookin' under your kilt
Hardly in or out and barely around at all since I've died and left you the boss of the shebang
I won't be comin' back this way at all probably except in a fleeting memory of the Phuqing.

Seriously more than you know, the origin is not what you believe, what you think you are
Imagine empty vacuums of atomless molecules without charm, no love lost to God's hair
Fur you will leave in the hands of the trapper and hunter who thrive to cover naked Dix
Too freezing for the naked apes to thrive on the tundra, they need the equatorial tropics.

Monkey saw and monkey did the thing, repeating ad infinitum for the minions to watch
Like a Hollywood movie that reruns over again right after the credits to the produce batch
Bums and junkies end up the stars of the show, Broadway malfunction on the main stage
Peers of the twitter apes who hide down in the holes in tweets, doorways to my FB page.

Eager to come & go as you please, seventeen leads to twenty one 'fore you're all done, seer
Effects dovetail & become the conglomeration of what you think you are & why you're here
For the last time, it's the primate time 'fore extinction of the species, what it is or god-damn
Knowing this, believing, saying this out loud, lord, omega feat, you know, name's Sam & I Am.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, June XIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 711 PMPST
{ Created out of the Null & Void in a NYC minute, without YOU but FOR you while jammin' to @CurtisMayfield G-HIts link @ https://youtu.be/kGBfNC46qrY & @ACDC LIVE RIVERPLATE @ https://youtu.be/ZuureXcbddY }

Sunday, June 12, 2022

#Fire #Ice #DEADright #GodGoodEGads


Babies born on this planet's dirty rocks that roll around the sun's heater forever
Turn from nothing to dust and back again, forever without the reason's because
Company of One and a plethora of supporting actors and actresses, him or her
All the just causes of these aftereffects, Big Bangs, Booms & the ending whisper.

Hobos, junkies and their mothers who bore them this tragedy of life & megadeath
It's not just your own ending demise that comes into the picture, it's all the breath
Of gods who think that just because we think, that de facto, we exist, alive in Sins
Mortal and original though they may be, the dead men left the Word in Bookends.

Collected your cards & rare coins, your GIFs & unspent vacuum of NFTs on gods
Of the men's puppets on strings and vermin in cages, this thing itself, it is all It is
Think a second after you lose your conscious awareness forever, you know bloods
Related to the First & Last, alpha & the omega, Nothing is It, holy neighborhoods!

The game begins before you know it's a game, you find out after the play's begun
Reactions to causes of the effects you see, hear, taste, smell & feel, all just for fun
No reason or rhyme to the scenes that confront me, good luck to you, broken toys
Later. . .sweet girls & boys

I lived without you for a century, then for a millennia or two and I landed here, now
On my two feet & lucky enough to make it past the mean streets in alleys of cows
My folks never kicked me out, oh wait, yes they did, I couldn't obey commanders
So, from orders to defend the nation in South Korea to this day, all dead muthers.

For the good, the bad & especially the ugly I cannot pray to the empty unknown
Put a ring on it, the one that gave me The Finger, just for the Hades' overblown
Blowback from the blowjobs that were blown in the final period, win or lose, son
Mighty strong getting through hard times with only a scratch on you, on the run.

Dispatch you to the floor and dream of your parents wiping your moody face off
Not a game, not a joke yet it's a smidgeon humorous that, joke's on a jack's off
Earth spins, wobbles, scat happens at random, intentional cause, to be too high
Not here with the full compliments for the Big Dog, that'll be the day when I die!

Idiots, morons, geniuses and the corpses they all leave behind, graves in gravity
Monkeys, think apes without face hair, covered private parts roamin' 'round a city
Lonely streets and avenues without people, the dogs, cats, cars, busses & trucks
All vanished like the twilight zone turned real in front of my very eyes, surreal flux.

Coming near one last gasp, you never know what happens when It's over, caput
Predicting mouth agape, eyes wide open as if staring at a monster's canine roots
Chewing and swallowing you still alive and full of the soul's spirit, turn a Holy See
Floss teeth, chew gum, freshen breath for social intercourse, Goddess puppetry.

Survive as a thing, part of a species and DNA genome that really doesn't matter
If anything really mattered, the dead who preceded us would have gotten better
But they all died, we buried or burned them all, left their ashes to a second wind
Or locked 'em all in a three lock box to avoid the animal carcass destruction in tin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, June XII, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted while alive listenin' to @TheGratefulDead #PlayinInTheMexicanSand 5-5-2018 link @ https://youtu.be/2oZ16SCBAr8 }