
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

#WhatTheHellIsHeavenDoinUpThere? #WhyBlackIsBlue @KennyWayneSheperd

Settle down for a moment before you strike out as a sidewinder in a maze's rooster cage
Wander around the quad on the campus forever as a spirit in the night out of a red rage
Monkey shines repeated enough to pretend as if it's The Only Way to be or not, brother
Miracles and just the fairly normal causes and effects that transform energy and matter.

Fill in the blanks on a multiple choice exam, there's two essay questions to answer yo' mama
Gimme some more milk and let me hide behind your apron strings, it's all worse than obama
Atoms broken in two, split personality inanimate objects serving mankind to racoon critters
Cowburger muscle burgers for One, miracles happen & are forgotten, nothing really matters.

Bearing children legitimate or Ill becomes the only way for One species to survive extinction
Making the seeded wombs bear the fruit of the loom is important, raising the spectre of sin
Obey whose rules & regulations, laws & commands of an unknown divinity, above my soul
Culture of the civilized and the behavior of the prehistoric hominid collide, got a rock to roll.

Faith in nothing, belief in only the impossible to know, it's the nature of the beast, All of It
When you die, someday, then you'll know if radicalism is old or new, it's the catalyst of chit
Winning is everything if you believe it, losing is nothing anybody wants to be doing, be free
Of the guilt and paying back debts that aren't your own, annhilate guilty pleasure, you'll see.

Order of the small to the large begins as conception and birth lead the way to enculturation
What you will be is what those who won't be alive on Earth, extinct is the word, dead, gone
Enough of the Truth that hurt everyone you've told them to hold their tongues, they sting
If you wait long enough, either you'll die or wonder why you didn't, no choice, no big thing.

Races up and down the city streets, busted by the cops, released by the judges who rule
Spaces all around the mud, the blood and the beer for no good, bad or ugly reason, fool
Stuck up like the pretty girls runnin' the block like their daddies used to, thing dyed red
Gangs' boys turned to mobs' girls to foster the unhealthy, the tour d'force all of it, dead.

Binary brain, right and left hemispheres each full of their own retrievable data, climax form
Cause of the First Cause has no validity, failure to cause an improbable effect of a dirt worm
Down to the bottomless maelstrom you go, lookin' for the trouble you've imagined a radish
Where my venom is not present, that's where I am now, near already gone, all I do is vanish.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, June XIVth, MMXXII  Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST
{ Safe!  Your foot was off the bag!  Drafted while listenin' to @TheNewRadicals #SomedayWellKnow link @ https://youtu.be/bDmA8qQKhMY & #YouGetWhatYouGive @ https://youtu.be/DL7-CKirWZE }

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