
Thursday, October 13, 2022

#ToutTheVaccine #HitlerAndMussoliniMutatedIntoDUST #UncertaintyWithoutPrinciple

Streaming down the brook to the old mill where canine's got pregnant with all the cool cake
They would cry when hunger or thirst became the dog's thought to think, growling belly ache
Mumbo jumbo fallin' from the cursed lips of a doomed mind in a godhead's migraine scream
Two for the price of One & the only one can't do anything but hunt, eat & sleep & in a dream.

Mystery solved, you see chumps and the fools of the town square, pounding pavement I see
Sleeping while wide awake but never alive on the surface of numnut star dirt, dead and free
No more fear and loathing of the stations broadcasting to the minions, their end is near here
On Jersey boardwalks & tiptops of penthouses in Manhattan, I can't get a stein of Pub's beer.

Speech squelched for the silence of an empty black hole that swallowed the matter of Kicks
No cow's milk means that infants will die, no milk from the teats, species extinction to come
Like it or not, don't shoot the messenger for there's more data downloading from the matrix
Straight out of Hades and the high water mix, DNA created out of nothing glows & then some.

Why is the question but what is the subject and object to predicate?  Who is in charge of God
Nobody, loose cannon owning the ship of fools, we're all coming out of a hot screw, hot rod
All for One and One for All, that's the muskateer way of the wicked and stiff corpse that died
Monkeys evolved from amoeba and One paramecium, no love or hate, just one smooth slide.

Full throttle opened until the fuel ran out just before the origin's jump to all final conclusions
Bones' flesh to be recycled for the living to survive from the dying, eating to live, to stay alive
For the mighty mice & the timid, innocent infants of every species' reproduction, mortal sins
Either remember or forget about the story, a saga of humanity, alone, Earth breed's godsons.

Jesus Christ the Hebrew or DefCon 3 blackballers ramble on until the Singularity goes all In
All there ever was in the universe of solar system's galaxies was the Cosmic Dust dream chit
Get ready for the beginning before it starts, be ready by the End of Time's bowels bombs It
You'll come & I'll go, eyes are wide open, vacuumed the carpets, windows are clear, I'm SIN!

Magic is an appearance of Nothing out of Nowhere, now you see it then suddenly, y'all don't
Camping by a fire or cuddled undercovers of silk quilts and blankets of fearless bravery won't
Be the need to bleed, there's no desire to be the hero yet the hero rises, arrives just in Time
Before The End's finale of somnambolistic tricks of divine crime, game of thrones, on a dime.

Graduated then died in a freeway wreck on the highway-tollway, a turnpike's asphalt-tar sea
In the cloverleaf entry & exit I see blockages, can't refuel hot engines, runnin' slow on empty
Next time there will be no next time, there's only this One Time & no other, it's now or never
Rolled & smoked, fire in a Hole, sparked bull's scat flames & swept up the stratosphere I Fear.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, ROCKTOBER Xth, MMXXII Anno Domini
{ No pHd in philosophy, just a BS degree in conflagration, drafted this gem in Dead Silence & 
listenin' to the @Armstrong_GettyRadioTalkShow @KSTE650AM }



It's the chocolate, peanuts, nougat & vanilla together in a spot somewhere above & below
The hotspots burn up the ice as if it never knew what it was to be hard core substance glow
Light into the rock and back again, cradle to grave for the forms of the Matter, we hacked it
From the first to the last grain of dust, it's all the star's burst, out of Time's fizz of the chit.

Monkeys appear as smarter than the gods, for the good of the evil and the ugly I give too
Not much in the burning love department of a ringing in the inner ear's holy sanctum rue
In a morgue or in a vacuumed out tube full of dead air, combed from the peak of an icy fire
Between the north and south woods and plains, the liquid hydrogen & oxygen rubber tire.

All in the name of the hidden steppes that go up and down in an infinite whirlwinded star
Blown away since the inception of the Big Bang's Singularity, as above. so below the shore
Fiction with the sentence packed illusory propositions which pose as the true premises too
Not only the origin but also the final destination of the state before chaos, we are a screw.

Until the dawn of the hopes loses the dusk of the charity and blind faith, assimilate the borg
Just because the ones who descended from the pretty ones are what it's all about, a hag org
Only the bitter ending of a gasp for gas can be the Truth about anything itself, before my eyes
It's a sweet bar of chocolate and hidden goodness, a form of happiness in a million fake lies.

To be known & to be conscious of being unconscious about the nature of being all too human
That's what the infants conceived and born to the Earth bound critters all come to know, man
Dying to know the answers to the infinite, willing to be One with the Original Sin's remourse
Know and think you can't be wrong before you're The UFO plama, I recognize God in a hearse.

By George, by hook or by crook, the only Truth is that Time and Space are a meta logic matrix
An entity with or without the will to power, the power to choose between good & evil kicks
Music sounds of silence, sights of solids, liquids & gases of what we call, Home Sweet Home
Everything in the usual measurement of equity and equanimity, all for One holy, gold dome.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, ROCKTOBER 3rd, 2022 Anno Domini @ 1414 hours PST
{ Drafted while at One with the Many infinite galaxies present, past & future, you can see the same as it has always been seen, an awesome, only thing there Is, Supreme Being, OM! }


#FOOLS & A #FlyOnTheWall


Bottoms up whether you approve or not, it's a way to survive
Either in or out of the game, with or without the rules I live
Players will win and lose in Time and Space, a reason I rhyme
Common denominator I terminate at will, a power of One line.

An angle when two lines meet from {.} to a one eighty degree
From silence of an atom to the split apart unity, a con duality
Appears as the form of the thing itself, a shape of it's Hole
Bottoms up or all the way into the holy cave, sucked my pole.

Men and women failed the exams, didn't pass muster for wins
Losers who always knew that they were, fish in flight for sins
Created in the image and likeness of the unknown, empty set
Straight out of a Void, deeper & as far out as a funky debt.

Bleeding streams, consciousness flows, Cause of atomic plasma
Observation, analyzed concepts & deduced conclusive Pa & Ma
Parental consent of the seeds & pods to replicate ad infinitum
Rocks hardened from the liquid plasma, far-Ott, stone dumb.

Home runs batted in from a box next to a plate, cork in pine
Makin' the inner wood like a rubber sling, shootin' a foul line
Monkeys could play but they can't follow rules, cheater apes
Directions to deal cards or roll dice, done-in, I drunk grapes.

Sudden impact when the end meets the original sin of my men
Crazy yet sharp dressed man as it was & always will be, amen
Cause first effected the rest of my air, shing-a-ling shebang
Emotional rescue for nobody, now, Nothing's a final sad song.

Not even if you are the most fit of the animals on the planet
You're no immortal angel with wings to fly out the upper set
Top shelf shot every bull's eye out of the target, for nobody
Not a god before or after my tour of duty, I bend over me.

Make the sign of a cross to let me know you know your reset
Sheer ignorance morphs to slices of rolled dice, wise axe fret
Died for the unborn and already dead and gone, but I'm atop
Error well played, way down as it's unknown, which way's up?

In a box, boxing into the ropes, in the four corners, all back
Bouncin' right back like a a rubberband man in a sugar shack
Broken down, shreds of sound, do-re-mi to low fa-so-la-tea
Miraculous extinction for fools in video or dream, a dead sea.

r j j  stephan, i
c. Jeudi, September XXIXth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 555 PMPST

{ Kicked this jam out while jammin' to #FlysOnTheWall & #FOOLS }
