
Sunday, October 29, 2023

GOODS, GRIEF & YO' MAMA LOVES PUNKS #AllYouGotToDo is dial my # 634-5789


Not far from where you sit right there, right now, there’s a way to see the future in the past
It’s not rocket science or a need for Einstein or Reagan, just use your God-given talent last
When you run out of the inherited IQ from your parents’ ancestral DNA, you got no choice
Dipping your toes in the water will not work for you, you got to jump in head dive first boys.

Girls will follow if you survive but if you don’t they’re on their own with the carnivore crews
Prowling the historical records for the reason why Humanity rocks Earth, all random screws
You & I cannot reproduce the original copy of the Divine Spark, no holy human can do it all
Miracle that you got here at all so enjoy the ride, Solamente Tu everyone, no speak Espanol.

Por favor, I’m kiddin’ about the language, no comprendo amigas & amigos, therefore I am
Jokers everywhere you look, inside and outside of your house, in no bedroom of any groom
No lady in my purview gets the nod other than the One who knows the score, her I do zoom
Top of ‘er head to tips of ‘er toes, absorbing, holy soul, on a day-go flight, yo pops, hot damn!

I thank you for the granting of your daughter’s flesh & bone to my presence, I got blessed man
Too bad you got those angel wings so soon, in your hundreds, all of my favorite folks, too human
We all must terminate breath & backseats of broken hearts of purple blood, no fault, it’s a curse
Boys and girls got old too, aging means y’all got lucky past conceptional birth, could be worse!

Breaking up with whichever set of 208 bones you had blind faith in, it hurts a second or two too
Time heals the wound and the scar is a memory of the whole shebang, the thing itself’s red blue
Spectrum of the light’s wavelength and the sound of the Word as it is made the flesh of the god
Outside of Earth’s atmosphere, God sees no apemen lookin’ out for The Void’s genocide SCUD.

On a mission to discover the Truth, the answer to the mystery of why human’s exist on a whim
Just spurts of Jizz makin’ all the Jazz, ad infinitum 'til the reverse Big Bang, Singularity, I’m in
No choice one way or the other, a dream in a dream is just a divine scheme to deceive the One
Dreamer in charge only with awareness, without knowing, y’all will die in #WhoDeeWho fun.

Buried underground, under the soil of the planet’s stardust, just like you & I, It’s All gonna die
No I ain’t the first or the last to come & go in a whimper, unknown copies of “x” & “y” point
Emotional rescue of stones ain’t gonna be part of the menu, in fact, this ain’t any Alice joint
Smoked first, killed your lungs capacity to breathe in & out, now who is waking up, 3.14 pi?

Skin of all colors are in the game, the species homo sapiens has 208 bones, spare mutations
If Man’s eyes were blinded by the light, they’d still use their smell & taste to discriminate sins
Good, bad and the ugly ones all would have their own commandments & algebraic theorems
To guide the ignorance of the innocent babies, toddlers, kids, children, teenagers & old men.

Never claimed women didn’t age but they never get old, ask my sis, my wife, aunts & mama
Fratricide and matricide are the methods for the extinction of the species, it’s a prolegomena
Salute future metaphysical, existential claims for Occult Truth of @GratefulDead bad breath
Por favor, merci beau coups, it’s just a tower of babbling, trivial pursuits of the fear of Death.

Fins to maneuver in the sea of the “Less Dense’ than the idiots and morons that appear to be
Everywhere you look, everyplace you go, where the last place you want to go is where you see
Your future in the faces of the toothless young brothers and sisters with the kids eatin’ candies
Andy’s or Mrs. See’s all of the chocolate, hot nuts, caramel and fruit, eating your soul’s freeze.

Mints to soothe the entities stirring inside your hearts and souls, from the leaf of Eden Garden
You ate the apple, you smoked the buds, you baked the cookies in the divinity of mankind’s den
Caves so dark, tree shade covers the blasting star fire from cookin’ your skin into burnt-out sting
On or off, lights on or off, sound on or off, no odor, tasteless, feel the thing, feel it? It’s Nothing.

Blow wind, spin around in wobbling revolution, day & night illusionary needs to remain viable
When you have an exit strategy, you’ll be happy until you discover there isn’t an exit anywhere
Matters where you go and how you get there until the last beat of pumps, beats no pulse at all
Spurred sperm unforgiven for the fortune, only One makes it in, the rest just had a holy bawl! 
r j j  stephan, i
c. Dimanche, ROCKTOBER XXIXth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Blown out while in a 634-5789 loop with @Tencent https://youtu.be/51fWzJ-A5w4?si=L2mNSDw2Y9ef3niV }


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday Night Play Games Win Win Win OR NOT... I got this... G.O.A.T.S.


If you want some kissin’ then you call me up on my telephone’s spleen
Y’all just dial the right sequential order of things themselves, form it
As if you’re the creator of this universal particular made in USA dirt
Megafauna of music & philosophy, of the rebels who ran from a queen.

Freedom rocked the Plymouths & we’re still dodgin’ revolutionary lead
Either this or that ball & chain pullin’ on your strings of invisible bread
You know nothing, you knew it all along yet pretended to know it all, so
Here we are, you are where I am, better late than never, so let’s blow!

Fountains blowin’ water all over your drunk bones, still in a tuxedo den
Drenched your girlfriend, drunken stupor left her with some other Zen
Not mine et al, I fled the city into the Air’s Forces of America, the sticks
From it all, the up-brought come-up-pins from the Catholic bishop pricks.

Point is there ain’t one, there’s the many and then there’s naught left
It’s all right because nobody wants to be correct all the time in Space
Countess counting form One to a million & a half in one lifetime’s face
Bloodline blue, red & white & better to be brown, Howard RIPO trace.

Funk from the bottom of a Black Sabbath chant to the bowels of Hades
Heaven & Earth are the same now as always, here, now without my legs
Not a trace of my bones & leftover ashes burnt to a crisp by head fades
Y’all I am what I was before my Ma & Pa put the ego in the rotten eggs.

Bearing the burden of knowing nothing and not being able to articulate
Skull “KEYS” man, “PLEEEEEZE” but I didn’t respond, I was distressed
I hate you both & I love you too, you & I are one & the same, you got It
Right of Left wronged, it’s the answer you got, fax of life, ya ain’t #Chit!

I needed that and you wanted it as bad as the skin on yo’ bones’ souls
Talkin’ & preachin’ the Word to holy savages, lovin’ blind faith in holes
Complexity of the form analyzed into One concept, see without glasses
You’d die if you discovered Divinity’s intent, slow it down to molasses.

Every dawn of every day is a gift from the mercy of the gods who rule
My breath, my sustenance, my growth, my health, I owe it to DNA
Rules and regulations for the ticking of the clock past to future, die
With or without me, same old song, same story, come & go, then fly!


r j j  stephan, i

C.  Samedhi ROCKTOBER XXVIIIth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST

{ Drafted while listenin’ to 634-5789 @WilsonPickett in a loop, link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/TSGuaVAufV0?si=7pTLJtayZrQ1geaE }



Friday, October 27, 2023

#NoSnitchZone #SnitchToEndTheHomey #ENDS #EVERLAST funk stone

NEVER FORGET the PRICE TO PAY MR POE, punk SAINT OF assassins pumpin’ STAIn
There’s no Time like the Present otherwise we’d be able to be present in the Future’s fake Past of dicks
Just like the fish-face Fake News, y’all know that I’m takin’ it to the bank, gone shotguns, knives & 30:06
I can’t be held responsible for the actions of all humans on Earth, past, present & future, yet I am the fix
Junction of the unknown with what I know, which is nothing at all, I’m here at the crossroad of the dicks.

Left out of the Loop downtown Chicago, born on the Midway between the temples, mosques & churches
Of my relatives, their foreign neighbors, friends and mates for life or just a little while, just as do leaches
When the blood is dried up, it’s onto another host to mass produce the scab scat, filling the Space with It
All of the rest of the universe other than my skin and bone is all in my mind, that’s all folks, an Id psyche.

From infant to musician, magician, philosopher and the corpse in the box up at the front of the room
Makin’ fun and crackin’ jokes about the memory of the dead and gone, memories of the slicing blades
Dogs and human riff-raff ran ahead and behind me, my daughters never got here, they got out of doom
Plenty to have gone around if they’d have arrived, late but still a gift from the good God above in Hades.

Finks and the bums near the railroad tracks and bus depots were cool when they graduated high schools
Then this life made them work for men who refused to pay them forever for doing nothing, gonad fools
Came from a spurt of organic muster, to be or not to be wasn’t a question then, it was just holy scat cats
From heaven or hell, above or below, here or beyond the perception of humanity, game over & I’m out!

I found out that there was a price to pay for being the oldest knife in the cutlery collection of monkeys
Crossed the bones, skinned the skull to expose the holes in arguments that came out of skin-bone buns
Precious love of the children borne from woman loins, blood of the unsaved placenta are skeleton keys
Fixed in exact sequential order of country grammar, southern Mississippi got down on the Chit-own guns.

Jizz of the jazz goin’ and comin’ up and down the scales of eights & dressed to the nines, mercy me fan
Blinded by the light of the starry sun, shouldn’t have stared into its black hole, it remained in the pan
Fried catfish and gumbo to keep my skin and bones high and mighty, sheltered & fruit of the loom too
Young and dumb, older, wise, for real there’s an imaginary riverbed, you rolled over on my blues, fool.

You wanted to be loved by me, I wanted to love you too but I didn’t need anybody’s love, heart soaked
So call me when you nee to ease the pain of bein’ broken, lost your dad, it all went up in smoke I toked
You need to stay away from me and my scat I collected way before I knew you existed here and now too
Long, lonely road but my back’s mighty strong since my debts are mostly all paid, the Ends, cosmic stew.

Caring or not giving the hoot of smokin’ the crack on the street, think you’re Jesse James breakin’ safes
Y’all get murdered rat snitchin’ to the Man, all too human it had to be, you & I know all about it, do tell
All of the good, bad, ugly and the goddam funny scat that passes for humor is the almighty’s dumb bell
Money drip out pockets off the corners of the block, breakin’ promises until the end, lookin’ it in the eye.

Recording of the same old song, it remained the same as it has always been, so above and so below, so?
Apes moved until they stopped, ate the matter to excrete it into the ether’s dead bones of the dead seas
I knew nothing & it’s still the same, yes, she kissed me softly & held me closely, stoned sober, hot coffee
Drank her up until I was full of a sinking junky fix, had to have more, all of it too, was my final low blow.

Why you smelled like flowers, sweet I had to get closer, and you backed off of me, no sugar tonight for it
My baby mojo worked the magic, it moved slowly but the molasses came in last but the best of all’s chit
Monkeys got no gods like humans do, white trash and the black Moore-type warrior blood merged DNA
Complete pi, 3.14 until the day we die, swear to God, the truth is, mouth’s gapin’ wide-open, ph’qqn ‘A’!


r j j  stephan, i

c. Vendredi, ROCKTOBER XXVIIth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 333 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @EVERLAST #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/gqS4oVDkqaU }

