
Monday, December 11, 2023

#RoundYonVirgins #SleepInHeavenlyPeace

Around in one circle or multiverse infinite circles, either way, it’s going to be the only thing you can do
Bring your books to school as if you’re interested in the holy words you will be putting blind faith into
Truth be told under your breath so that nobody knows you know what it is, let ‘em all delete the logs
Of recorded data from the first to the last day of Earth’s creation post-Bigbang into swamps and bogs.

Highlights of all human beings higher than kites fly, due to kid's Kool-Aid drunk by abandoned creations
Baby boys and girls evolve into men and women, the species is responsible for the entire shebang’s sins
Good, Evil, Ugly or the Beautiful, contribute to the genome’s essence, it’s form is recombined at random
Mixed by sheer chance, met one another by accident, mind melded & married for 70 years of freedom.

Falling up and rising to the down below, no logic, no reason, no way to follow the emptiness of a Void
It’s a construct of abstraction from the shapes of matter right in front of all of our faces, it’s no racism
Is it all too human just as other species follow the same suit, hearts, spades, red or black of the system
Royal flushes of diamonds and clubs spread out to win the kitty, the pot, the whole shebang’s cuboid.

On the honor & glory showered upon the ones who die fighting for the freedom to live without kings
Overhead at night, nothing but a void & atmospheric twinkling, there’s no slinging wings of queens
Out of the back door, there’s nothing but the Green River flowing a steady current night & day go-by
Signs with hands and lips moving with expressions of what hides inside our heads, God told this lie.

Not God’s fault, it’s the nature of the maker of the beasts, lying is just the Truth in reverse, it’s all good
Even if it’s untrue or false, statements of subjects, verbs, predicates & objects are all there is the Empty
Void of all atoms, not even one quark between one twilight zone and another, fools laugh, I laugh, fool
Blowout of the system is hypothetical yet, if you die, if we all die, it’s like it was before conceptual rule.

You wake up, hunt, fish, cook, find someone to love & then you go back to sleep, what else can you do?
For the sake of the Homo Sapiens species, I laugh & cry, I see, listen & feel the love, I tasted Cov19 flu
Ennui took over deep consciousness & failed to reboot the system, lost interest, lost wages, it’s radio free
Catching waves off of the Pacific Palisades or Catalina beaches, I’m hangin’ ten for the sake of my liberty.

When will the Trojan Horse stop it’s entry into the consciousness? Nobody but a chimera & holy ghost
To be or not to be the parents of new children who haven’t been conceived, that’s the question of most
If newborn children don’t get what they deserve, which is a perfect governing body of this holy bubble
Then the old, ancient survivors who made it through blood, sweat & tears will inherit the dirty rubble.

Outside the building, it’s completely dark like Outerspace when you get out of Earth’s stratosphere
Building with stones, bricks, straw, sticks and the mud give a temporary reprieve from natural care
Being in constant defense mode from the predators that will kill & eat you & I, just the good meat
Given the following, nothing will matter in a hundred years, just keep movin’ your flatfooted feet.

On nobody’s road but my own, I saw a crossroad & I took the left fork, right fork was a dead=ender
Fiddlesticks needed to bang on the drums & pick guitar strums, don’t fret, bass player troublemaker
Daughters and sons are locked up together in the same bedrooms, no reason for sleeping him/her
Not married and not related to one another, a gaggle of paupers’ children, hippy long hair carpenter.

Boots on the ground, toes spit shined, laces crossed for combat, here come the frostbitten big toes
Marginal or substantial, either way when it’s over it’s over, there’s no reprieve, no replay of the foes
Win or lose, it’s a game with rules that are made to be broken by the cool cats & the dirty dogs of Ga
Divine & all too human at one & the same time, like a dream within a dream, a tale of Poe & my papa.

Wrote it down before I forgot but I forgot where I wrote it, could have been tryin’ to start an idiot fad
Monkeys & other apes are capable of the same, reading & writing of conceptual analyses, good or bad
Break something else, it’s too calm in the room, bring on a new conundrum for the pity party to brood
In the mud, blood & cold beer exists the woes of humanity, this temporary lapse of reason’s bad mood.

Rising out of the thick ooze comes just one DNA cell, left over from the Big Bang, the rocks all rolled
Split the nucleus and then smashed it back into itself causing an explosion to split Earth’s leftover ash
Without the H2O on the planet, this rock is just a jagged fragment of a blown material world’s cache
Now, never before now, ever, now then, breathe in, breathe out, it’s the #Payback of God’s fool’s gold.

Behold the high place is above the low place except when it’s upside down, reversed is true as I fall
I don’t want a thing, I don’t know like you know what some woman has conjured up for a spell brew
Yet, I drink ‘til I’m drunk & as I pass out from being too #Woke, hit my head & lost my marbles, a few
Leftover supper & a few cat’s eyes to lose, I got in the game & lost it all, I’m out, I’m in, I am the ball!

Hurry to the end, I’m getting’ chilly and my spine is tellin’ the truth, #CoverItUp or you’ll lose the hit
Paying sweet change to buy the motherlode, got a contract to collect upon my death, it’s sweet S#it
So, taxpayers paid for your bachelor’s & master’s degrees, but I personally paid for your PhD’s hair
Not as easy as it looks, crackin’ books, crammin’ for midterms and finals, sleepin’ in the library chair.

Afterall, it is all about the benjamins, no more nor less than that, on the other hand, it may be a ruse
From high above our station, above our pay grade, beyond the comprehension of men in gym shoes
Not important for you to copy the notions with your own twist, rather imagine your own, all bull-she
Anyway you look at it, any angle from any room in any house on any continent, mountaintop to sea.

Pain morphs into suffering after it’s no longer an issue, just a memory of the feeling in reality’s fake
Like it’s happening again when it’s no longer an issue since it’s a ghost tale for a shovel and a rake
Orphans have babies & pretend that the ancestors are known, yet they’re unknown, faceless smoke
A photograph or portrait of the form of the shape of the being, known as ma, pa, brother or sis folk.

Better to breathe in and out than to cease breath altogether, it’s a life ace in the hole, hold it & die
Not that anyone desires death but we’ve all gotta go someday, some sooner and some later to fly
Up and away from this plane’s flat, gravitational pull on our souls, whatever is inside, will get out
Like that, snap of a finger & ouila! Fait Complet & there’s nothing more to say, I Twist & I Shout!
r j j  stephan, i

c.  Lundi, 12-11-23 Anno Domini @ 911 PMPST



Sunday, December 10, 2023


Phonies behind the curtain of your world way back when the world was a nut, Big Bang time
Deepest space of dark clouds empty of the water to make it all come alive on my holy dime
Ain’t got no preference for UFO saucers of three meals, quickening, fascinating movers on a fly
I am not exaggerating the Truth, it’s never false since Truth itself is down below the empty sky.

Prophetic saga of mercy on the poor, faithless and rich, faithful, rainin’ down on me, my bread
At Mary’s place or Michael’s gates up there in Cielo, it got started & I’m gonna end it, bang bang
No gunpowder, no triggers, no hammers, no rounds of lead or shining yellow gold, I am the lead
Heart aches then it breaks, leaks all of the blood out of the 5 holes left in the toes to the head.

No turning back from the blind space between your mama’s legs, that’s not being kind to papa
Getting off with citation promises, care-taking the momentary lapse of reason’s climax of Mary
She was a virgin, she said & there’s no reason to believe that she conceived the son of the God
I called up & down the road, waiting for the Truth down in the ditch on the upside down hotrod.

The smoke from the gun was the engine smoking & on fire, ready to blow the fuel’s smithereens
I got out and got her out, everything was everything, I called nobody since middle of nowhere
Got no service or cellphone, no way to get the help from the fire department, vacation scenes
You’re missing, I’m missing, the children and parents are missing, everything’s all gone to beans.

Holler louder until you lose your only voice, all that’s left is the whisper even you can’t hear it
Drifting devils and the dust the they left in the wake of their slop & slobber, idiot savant’s chit
Dreaming just to awaken, ad infinitum, as if that’s all there is to life, kick the pony to giddy-up
What it is, this #Rising is Substance, substratum of a Void, exception to a rule, which way is up?

Escape the bone marrow because you’ve got no choice, it’s the way it is, song remains the same
For you and your foster parents, siblings, your ancestral descendants if any, all a somnambulism
Cactus in the desert has the kick protected by the pricks & prongs who bottle worms in my fame
Blasted drunk with a compass, drifted as photons and quarks fear to go, unprotected catechism.

Certainly, waiting for paradise when there’s only Hehl below is the preferred idiocy of it all
Bowling in alleys, pitching balls in the middle of diamonds, touchdowns without the Touch
Pine-cones, big seeds of the oxygen factory, here before the origin of the species, poor Rich
Is what I am, what we all are, a con’s red blood always was and will be a toxic spill of a bitch.

Dreams opened the scenes, from the ruins rose the built forms of the Rising rocks & sand
Planetary leftovers from the Origin’s Big Bang, we can’t make this up, Truth can’t be found
High or low, out or in of the thing you & I are, lumps of the matter movin’ the recycled chit
Forms dissolved and regenerated into the microscopic giants, so, this is the End, That’s It!
r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche 12-10-MMXXIIIk Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST  #TheRising #CitysInRuins #NYC

{ Flipped this off of God’s hand’s center finger between thumb & pinky, while listenin’ to #IllSeeYouInMyDreams link @ https://youtu.be/xJum7B1KnkA?si=BbJuSJktj4ycX4na }



Saturday, December 09, 2023



Highlight the moments you lived before you die in heaven or in the back aisle of a seven-eleven stop
Pricking up your ears with your temper moving along the Time line half-cocked, a lovelorn ape crop
Carafe or flask of brandy, bongs of Panama Red or Acapulco Gold, dry bottom of Tequila glass worm
I’m good and drunk, bad and stoned up against the wall, under the covers of the mighty human form.

Gods can’t come down in here, they have no fortitude for the rocks that roll down the mountain tops
Loaded up with my sticks and stones you threw in my direction, keepin’ them for a rainy day of flops
Out of the lake & river water, only the tiny streams & sewer lines takin’ the best shot to a Rose Bowl
Of bones and skin that can’t be consumed by the fauna who eat it all, every molecule in every soul.

Best shot at the bullseye of obfuscation is right on the money, it’s a trite saying if it ain’t ever false too
Shown everything I had in my arsenal of defense without offense, One, naked ape to the world’s fools
Better place in Space than this one here & now on the Terra Ferma, coast to coast, pole to pole of dirt
Scattered cosmic dust collected to grow a four leaf clover to start over like an infinite repetition of art.

What you don’t know won’t hurt you, it’s a surprise attack like Pearl Harbor, just US, we got Kamikazed
Follow the reasoning, you’re an innocent accident or an intentional will to create another One from Two
Can’t be bought or sold on the black or blue market, no despair in the market of millionaires, sky’s cryin’
But in the end, it’s the Origin that counts from zero to infinity, runs around the universe to beat up Sin.

Revolution of the rocks around the holy, burning, atomic essence of Nothing more than All there is now
What is past, whatever that was that used to be is here and now no more, it’s as caput as the wind blow
In and out of the closed windows and sealed doors, the leak is all there in every drop, hopeless in faith
Incredible accounts from unrelated strangers, except in a sequence of DNA far removed from a wraith.

Song, poem recited in raised & lowered screams from voice box concertos in empty, odorless rest room
Stay in the groove from the origin to the final record skip, you’ll know when you get a taste of the doom
Buggies pushed by young mothers; will they go around in circles until the baby walks & talks as Einstein
Or gets as tall as Wilt or Jabbar, as small as Tom Thumb, bloodless coup d’etat God says, “It’s All Mine.”

Before your birth, after your death by suicide, homicide or natural causes of finite matter in dire atrophy
Nothing we can do about it, enjoy the ride, the days and nights, if lucky in peace, holy love & happiness
Fixed my broken halo, mended my injured wings, I can still fly high as the eagles that cry, but I gotta go
Now and then, I’ll recollect the millions of moments I tripped on baby feet, sticks & stones thrown, bro.

Wolves in the woods, lions, tigers and snakes in the jungle, some you see & some you don’t see
They come & go in and out of your & my lives as if their ghosts, just chimeras of what used to be
Nothing personal, absolutely a generality of the substance and the specific content of matter, ice
Water hard or soft, just hydrogen and oxygen that blew up in a divine dream’s high minded price.

Brews and dead meat concoctions burnt in effigy of the almighty, miscommunion with the creator
All gone at one and the same time, when you get to realize that all you’ve been taught was so, or
Maybe it wasn’t so, created as a history for the things made from mud, blood and old-style beer
Sat down, laid down, fell asleep, dreamt you were here, got woke up by the salt lick of the deer.

Fell down on my head from the Pine tree above me, where I laid my head since I couldn’t get away
From the tired, fading brain instead of alert awareness, got nothing but a fading to black yesterday
Treats were all tricks, none of them lasted for more than a New York minute, the minions are gone
All dead & gone, back to the past when it was the future, before Day 1, this fiasco of the God bone.

Come closer & I’ll whisper this fact in your ear, you’re lucky you’re here but you’re gonna be dead
Of what you eat or what you know will get you so sick that a doctor couldn’t fix the shattered head
Brain works & the mind depends on it, fishing for the answers of why the # the world’s turnin’ papa
In wobbling spins, revolving around the source of photosynthesis and genesis of your l’il ol’ mama.

Villains and heroes die too, just like the common, ordinary folk like us or ones we know, sip prison ice
Some of us are locked up and can’t get free, some of us are free and think that we’re in prison’s price
For disobedience to the law or at least an accusation of infraction, there’s what it is, incarcerated soul
Punishment is to stop the repetition by forcing the evil, bad humans to isolate in an inescapable hole.

It’s all gone down already, this is a mere afterthought, nothing will come of it since Nothing is all of it
Any way you look at the situation, angels ain’t comin’ from stars, it’s your own gamble, we ain’t the chit
Sun never comes out, it’s always right where it always is, all the stars move the unmoved mover’s sign
Spun the spin, grief is all because of misjudged music and words, mind as well get stoned, Life is mine.

Now then, snake out of the grass & up in the tree, hangin’ off a branch, offering a hit of the micro bud
All I did was hit it once, I was all gone before I knew what to do, death came knocking & I killed the SOB
Now death ain’t a threat any longer, it’s just me, myself & I as it was above, now it will remain, the ruse
Last call for alcohol, stuffed the bowl with bang, breathe in, breathe out, that’s all, that’s it, God’s Blues.

Lines from point to point makin’ angles and shapes of things to come in a God’s damned orgasmic eye
Makin’ it all up as we go, there ain’t no blowing of minds around here no more, it’s emptiness DNA fill
Acid in perpetual motion, from Big Bang to Singularity, a microcosm of universal mind in a red thimble
Coming down from a highness I thought would last forever, dream in a dream, it’s over & I’m still high.

I’ll govern the aftermath of the life I’m living right here and now, I got a will to power regurgitated ilk
Just the fix needed for the problem to correct it’s course from the bottom of the drain, more whiskey
One more glass, just leave the 1/5 bottle right there next to the coaster, here’s a C-note, water down
What are you being sad for? Heartbreaks & it heals with someone new, my eagle’s up & done flown.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, December 9th MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Drafted while jammin’ to @ChrisStapleton link @ https://youtu.be/d2x254mCOvs?si=CS55GlTU8lr39aKV }

