
Sunday, December 10, 2023


Phonies behind the curtain of your world way back when the world was a nut, Big Bang time
Deepest space of dark clouds empty of the water to make it all come alive on my holy dime
Ain’t got no preference for UFO saucers of three meals, quickening, fascinating movers on a fly
I am not exaggerating the Truth, it’s never false since Truth itself is down below the empty sky.

Prophetic saga of mercy on the poor, faithless and rich, faithful, rainin’ down on me, my bread
At Mary’s place or Michael’s gates up there in Cielo, it got started & I’m gonna end it, bang bang
No gunpowder, no triggers, no hammers, no rounds of lead or shining yellow gold, I am the lead
Heart aches then it breaks, leaks all of the blood out of the 5 holes left in the toes to the head.

No turning back from the blind space between your mama’s legs, that’s not being kind to papa
Getting off with citation promises, care-taking the momentary lapse of reason’s climax of Mary
She was a virgin, she said & there’s no reason to believe that she conceived the son of the God
I called up & down the road, waiting for the Truth down in the ditch on the upside down hotrod.

The smoke from the gun was the engine smoking & on fire, ready to blow the fuel’s smithereens
I got out and got her out, everything was everything, I called nobody since middle of nowhere
Got no service or cellphone, no way to get the help from the fire department, vacation scenes
You’re missing, I’m missing, the children and parents are missing, everything’s all gone to beans.

Holler louder until you lose your only voice, all that’s left is the whisper even you can’t hear it
Drifting devils and the dust the they left in the wake of their slop & slobber, idiot savant’s chit
Dreaming just to awaken, ad infinitum, as if that’s all there is to life, kick the pony to giddy-up
What it is, this #Rising is Substance, substratum of a Void, exception to a rule, which way is up?

Escape the bone marrow because you’ve got no choice, it’s the way it is, song remains the same
For you and your foster parents, siblings, your ancestral descendants if any, all a somnambulism
Cactus in the desert has the kick protected by the pricks & prongs who bottle worms in my fame
Blasted drunk with a compass, drifted as photons and quarks fear to go, unprotected catechism.

Certainly, waiting for paradise when there’s only Hehl below is the preferred idiocy of it all
Bowling in alleys, pitching balls in the middle of diamonds, touchdowns without the Touch
Pine-cones, big seeds of the oxygen factory, here before the origin of the species, poor Rich
Is what I am, what we all are, a con’s red blood always was and will be a toxic spill of a bitch.

Dreams opened the scenes, from the ruins rose the built forms of the Rising rocks & sand
Planetary leftovers from the Origin’s Big Bang, we can’t make this up, Truth can’t be found
High or low, out or in of the thing you & I are, lumps of the matter movin’ the recycled chit
Forms dissolved and regenerated into the microscopic giants, so, this is the End, That’s It!
r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche 12-10-MMXXIIIk Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST  #TheRising #CitysInRuins #NYC

{ Flipped this off of God’s hand’s center finger between thumb & pinky, while listenin’ to #IllSeeYouInMyDreams link @ https://youtu.be/xJum7B1KnkA?si=BbJuSJktj4ycX4na }



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