
Thursday, February 29, 2024

#WhoGivesAScatBoutYourBabies? #FoolsFillFlukesOfFabulosity

Our skin is in the game for the duration of the perfect lives on Earth
Lucky to have been conceived & born to Mankind, Existence is a fly
Nothing you can say on the record will extinguish the species’ heart
Tricks of a magician use sleight of hand to fool souls of smokin’ high.

Bills to be paid by silver and gold I’ve found buried deep into The Word
Posted the queerest & weird to initiate the cause of all species’ extinction
Calm your damn rubber soul down, wander about a land of Henry Ford
Who cares? Yo’ mama dropped a dime on you, life in dumb-ass’ prison.

At one time or another, you believe reason and logic lead to Truth’s Ends
Watching absolutely no spirits rise from their corpse once ash or embalm
Takes over the innards to preserve them from norm decay of it all psalms
Songs you’ve burnt and ate your words, embalmed, buried or in the deep.

Queen’s check on a board of 64, begets 2 impotent kings’ & 4 knights
Dancing aboard finite possibilities which lead to checkmate of the Rex
Devils & angels aside, this is strictly an all too human duel of pointlessness
Best to regard the pastime as an essential ingredient of a bad witch’s hex.

That nothing matters in the long or short run except for survival of the fit
It’s the whole of the law, a common denominator of numerators I split
Momentary lapse of Reason to learn to survival, crucified in the stirrup
Hard to get from point A to B without jumping a hippy ass, saddle up.

Inside my school gym locker, books were all read, studied for straight A’s
To read & recollect facts as presented is all that’s required to get PhD’s
Like this here & that there, a way of being at one with the incongruence
One that I knew I’d find before a last beat of my heart muscle nonsense.

Partial amnesia for good, bad & ugly is an effective cure for a broke Id
Fought the good fight for the ugly & baddest of the rest, dream of the kid
Beaches at the edge of a great Lake of Michigan, Iroquois tribes' vein
Royal flush, ace high full house will get the job done 7 of 10 times insane.

It’s the 3 times you ostensibly lose a shirt to the house, inevitable you fold
Pat hands of the dealer can profit a single dope for a spell, fool for gold
Seniors on trips to getaway from home & pretend fun is in playing game
Not winning, losing, shedding your gold to the house is cool, smile, lame.

You know & I know we’re all gonna die, 'less you’re an infant or mind
Truth is online buried in cyberspace or brick & mortar Dewey Decimals
Pierce my soul with invisible arrows, St. Cupid, when I sleep, ring a bell
Home or away, I won’t lose any game, I always win, losing is impossible.

Legal tender will bend your actions to retrieve whatever it takes get tight
Safe & sound for your return to Tomorrow’s Fixed Game of High Light
Stacked the deck to win not to lose, undefeated with a wink & nod done 
Matter & Energy conceived & dissolved during The Big Bang, I'm One

r j j stephan, i
{ It’s #Tricky, drafted while jammin’ to @RunDMC on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/l-O5IHVhWj0?si=-U_XIIykFUZh6UfN }


Monday, February 26, 2024

Tick Tock Hickory Dickery Dock, Mitosis Creates Extinction

Maximum you’ll receive is whatever you can’t afford, therefore you’ll mind your manners, John Henry
Hammer came down and killed old John Henry, he ran out of the Jack Daniels Black got arrested, I cry
Not only can you fly without wings when you die, you may not remember anything from birth to death
Absolutely a form of reenlisting in the life you get before death, it can’t cancel it, still run out of breath.

Brain fog allows no clarity of the subjects and objects in front of your face, the carnivore & herbivore
Both keep the Life alive in the things made of skin & bones of various colors & 208 bones of a whore
Not my sister or mother, maybe your own, maybe even your ex-wife and girlfriends, I’m in denial too
I see nothing in the good, the bad or the ugly that fixes the stupid in the idiots and morons of Blues.

Ending in the container of bone dust on your grandchild’s fireplace mantel, keepers signify horror
Never shakin’ off the entertainment we enjoy here and now, a cat’s meow and the growling roar
Of stars being born from gravitational collapses and big bangs which occur in virtual perpetuity
I have a secret, this is a sacrifice to the dead deity who caused the Big Bang, hot fun in this city.

Point of no return at the last step off into the empty space, over the cliff, seconds away from a void
Need and want to know the reason you’ve been alive, why we’re conceived into a ball of confusion
Even our forefathers were conceived without the coupled two being ‘In love’ just ‘in lust’ mortal sin
Allowing logic to guide me down to Big Sur, 2 steps on a trip, a scoot on steel, turnpikes signs of tin.

Reality’s what you can recall of what happened while your senses not only detected it but also fixed it
That’s the key to survival of the most fit, never stop the vigilance and reactive ignition of a retaliation fit
Smooth as the Santana riff around Supernatural and the Shaman, no double reverse of almighty power
Once it’s unable to muster the light out of the darkness, only the chosen ones smoke the holy flower.

Thirteen ghosts left in a house of blues, full moon baby poltergeists, a guffaw for big, bad blue moons
Carol & Mary blowing soap bubbles of thin-membrane out of this world’s platform, dimensional runes
Ready to read the signs of symbolic magic spells, what the Vikings used & I made my own, river stones
Grey & brown of the Autumn months let it all be the way it’s always been, the whole orchestra moans.

I got a line on you and all of the others who cannot agree with my doobie brothers & steely dans blue
Hear your heartbeats and soul leaks of worrying about what you cannot shake, that’s the holy shat too
6 strings are attached to my offers to increase our savings & profits by a megabillion yin-yang bass glow Ain’t playin’ player, Time’s ticking inside this atmosphere, Ends contain a lost consciousness, just blow.

Fool’s paradise is below heaven, Reality & Fantasy merge into perpetual bliss’ quantum astral body
Selfless party of smoke & mirrors, subconscious soul-travel creates the divine super consciousness
Major league players in the Spirit of Love will forget the presence of The Awesome moment in Time
When your self-realization triggered a recollection of why Matter exists in Space, to loan me a Dime.
Buckeyes out picked potatoes, scalloped & mashed into Irish underground staples, dirty tubular dank
Moves from somewhere out of this world, not of this Earth, born crippled & infirm, unsweet, fat milk
Severe ennui completes the impossible mission, as if you’ve failed when you’ve succeeded, you stank
So does everybody under one star called sun, mother, father or both that Caused it all, soft black silk.

Faith is believing blindly, whether true or false, Hope is a vacant Will to Power & Charity is love to All
Doing anything to anyone at anytime collects some Karma for your payback soul promise, for Play Ball
If you don’t walk or get a single, double, triple or homer, you’re a loser, the team needs one hero slide
Down from third, cleats flyin’ high into the catcher’s mit, balls in the pocket, hit me in the head, I died.

It’s 2:22 AMPST & why the dream is in the dream I don’t know, it’s not for me to say anyway, I’m dead
All alive & focused on the days & nights, your asleep in bizarro world, welcome home, got to go to bed
Super men and women fly, run, smoke and sleep to located the Truth, hidden in plain sight, just kidding
Truth doesn’t exist, that’s why it’s difficult to find, it ain’t there, this is an accident, an original Sinning. 

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 2-26-2024 Anno Domini @ 222 AMPST
{ Killed the WORD- Pulitzer-worthy bard blather compiled listenin’ to #CoastToCoast on @kfbk1530 }

Saturday, February 24, 2024

#DontSwallow #JustDont #CarlosCastenada #JourneyToIxtland #KneeJerkResponse #JeffDunham



If I haven’t told you this before, it means that I thought you’d think I was cuckoo crazy, a conman
So, then even if you don’t love me anymore, I yearn for the tenderness I can never get from a fan
I thought about everything you’ve ever said about everything, I conclude you’ve come & be gone
Before the blink of an eye, an overnight scatter of things that don’t matter all come together, son.

Dancin’ to the rock and roll or waltzing between polkas and foxtrots, got an Astaire look-a-like on
Feared no spins or jumps, swung around and around until the partner quit tryin’ to have some fun
Hustled for the headliner’s billing, star of the show payday, people came & now they’re all gone
I put it behind me as you should too, before it all eats you up inside, forgiveness is my ring tone.

Alumni of my alma mater increase the minds’ eyes’ killer instinct insight into the end game, buster
Nothing personal, just a comprehensive, objective analysis of every bit of suave I can ever muster
Hearts, minds & rubber souls gave it all & then some, at the alpha-omega, hind end of Maria & Juan
The Don Juan of Monterey Bay, south to Big Sur’s waves of the ghost surfer, an alien of the cosmos.

During the typhoon of 2025 I saw the light of having nothing but bad luck all your life, no surprises
That’s the gift I was expecting from my dead kin, if there was any chance for help from above below
Scat melody at any octave to get the combination to a secret combo, unlock the chit of a good fight
No disrespect to anyone alive or yet to be born but you all will die for Nothing, blinded by the light.

Sweeping thoughts that fell above the underground, bodies died, boys, girls, women, all too humane
From the A-bombs yes, the weapons of mass destruction, still here after all these years, ready to go
It ain’t my trip man, my mother & father taught me morality and ethics, I know the rights & wrong
Friends & friendly enemies are all the useful idiots, singin’ to themselves & all homo erectus’ songs.

Simple to be complex for the idiots & morons to conclude with induced deductions, a high assumption
Of the mighty mice who escape the trap of injured pride in imaginary thought that only godsons die
Oh, come on man, the Truth ain’t ever false, begin with proposition’s logic, jump to invalid conclusions
Think, either a seed or an egg, random collision in space, evolution from mitotic One who got too high.

There are a few things in life you shouldn’t pass on, I found all few of them, I passed with high chi
Yet there was something about that feeling of danger I missed, always being safe & sound old me
Hey man, I can’t change, I’m too damn old to change the heart of these matters, I got wing fliers
I’m clear & ready to roll to immortal finality, underground, into the stars from the smokey fires.

Even if y’all don’t love me anymore, it’s no big deal, the heart of the matter is anger eats hearts
So love and never hate is my only advice, from one who did both and love was better than pharts
From the seeds and stems that you don’t need, the flowers bloom and the leaf chlorophyll bites
Sight and sounds of the things in front of your face mutate into the experiment of TNT dynamite.

Middle of the road, narrow path as it is cannot allow anything far left or far right, it’s survival skill
In the haste to be successful, I forgot I was gonna die, all the while attending wakes and a funeral
Last but not least, even orphans die & no kin comes to their end except angels who got a bit funny
Earth apparently spins and wobbles in a perpetual, immovable place around the star called Sonny.

Mama mia & your own mother were both ilk of the same cloth, nobody told ‘em the Truth about Life
Perpetually meaninglessness as a reward for obedience to the law of the garden’s Tree of Evil strife
Thanks to the creator of the universe of galaxies that run amuck during my journey to Ixilan & Cielo
Tripped over the line’s twilight zone and what was became compressed & turned into a fatal blow.

Life with or without the air to breathe is all there is, you can’t Live without a body, ain’t no soul
Nothing rises from the dead, no Lazarus wasn’t an actual man alive on Earth, it’s a myth of a fool
Whomever waits to die before you get the value of Life on Earth, misses the mark, I ain’t the one
You’ll get lucky if you read this Truth, glad you found out before it was too late, love you my Son!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Samedhi 2-24-2024 Anno Domini @ 333 PMMST

{ Drafted the #IDEA, the #ThingItself after returning  from the Pacific Ocean, Monterey Bay with my One & Only One while bleeding out the Word to some @DonHenley #TheHeartOfTheMatter link @ https://youtu.be/rRrT37ruAtE }
