
Monday, July 18, 2022

#UndermineTruth #LiesAreLordOfRings #SkimmingTimeSpaceFunk

{dead cow #Pinkmeat of heaven is both in & out. . . } OF U.S. guts!
You're a sick human being, part of the masses extinction of the genome process, it's fine
Everything's gonna be fine, ON THAT I CAN GUARANTEE YOU, just kiddin', NO JOKE
Fear the ending and not the beginning of the end, it's linear & has an original slice of cuts
Sword or dagger of the divine touch from above & below a plantation of grass & tree nuts.

In an aquarium of black mollies, you swim in & eat it out, you refuse all matter inside of man
It's not a freedom to choose that's important, it's the value of fortune to become too human
Apes income from picking bannanas and building grass huts until the rocks became full stops
Pulled over the eyes of the sheep and the evolved humans who herded them into the chops.

Shrunken heads are all that's left of the fiasco of Matter's evolution in Time & Space, wordup
From a first utterance of Sound heard by beings who are all too humane, ending silence in sin
Will of a mind like Einstein or a mad monk in Alps' mountain caves, a silent End of Minutemen
Without knowing the wisdom on the Way to survive in a hostile places in Space, I'll phuqitup.

Therefore, since I think that i am here and now, right wing trolling the mentally ill & the ilk
Of moves on a board, you've pieces & rules on 64 squares, that's all you get, chocolate milk
Two cents for the white milke and three cents for the chocolate, it's a need for Latinex kids
Higher than grounds of coffee or being-as-such, smoke signals rise to end the gods' Covids.

Messages in the SOS mode show respect for the ignorant & moronic among throngs of apes
Hairless to see the color of the skin the monkeys grew from the Pleistocene Age of no grapes
Wine and fermented Hop plants to display solid reasoning, irrationality of some tiny dancers
Unseen from 93 million miles away, to the star we're invisible, got it?  Get it down, no fears!

Out the exit and into the Unknown you go, ready for the clear & present danger to the Ego
You created it from the suggestions of your elders, the folks of me & you, we're goin' to blow
Burgers fused atomic residue from burning gasballs some 93 million miles away, I'm in & out
Necessary conditional deduction is illogical trash, alive & gonna die, IDIOT-MORON doubt.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, 7-18-2022 AD @ 0900 AMPST
{ Geeked out of the solar system this AM while jammin' to @ArmstrongAndGettyShow on @kste650AM & blastin' the ROCKS off your face listenin' to @KennyChesney https://youtu.be/luHhJalHanw }

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