
Showing posts with label #fullThrottle #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #fullThrottle #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

#SillyGeeseRock #RicoSuave #HeyHonky #TheGoodeFamily #JusticeIsButAHamSandwich

Certainty of the fools who expect justice where none exists, here, now or evermore
Once existence becomes the issue with the living and the dead, then the gods score
As if there are UFO’s flyin’ around the solar system, galaxy or universe at warp speed
This ain’t no star trek or star wars chit-chat about pretenders’ worlds of divine greed.

Unknown “x” factoids are given as the premise for an honored blind faith conclusion
Skipped the facts about the dead skin and bones of our kin, friends & foes, all are in
For the Rest of the Peace, nothing gets to avoid returning to the dust of the star’s burn
Nothing but the ashes on Wednesday in Lent to remind you of your immortal return.

4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie, mixed with the cherry red fruit of the holy scat vine
It grows deep inside of the hypothalamus’ pine shape, which gunpowder factory is a sign
You need that for the fire in the hole, snap your necks of the elders & babies between us
Precious babies regenerate the species’ fool chain of invisible spirits, souls & idle minds.

Full of the bottom lines of the ends of the common fields we’ve occupied by accident
On purpose, we’ve caused a chain reaction of Fate’s electron activity, I’m heaven sent
Below or above the polar opposites of this and that, there’s nothing more nor less than
Almighty Void Black Hole Singularity, we sacrifice our herd up to you all, the Word.

Fools brought back the games to pass the time until the rigor mortis claims dead meat
Disrespect due to the liars & cheaters who knew the Known but kept Truth Top Secret
Strategic isolation of the prize of the holy seats of the undercover lovers of stupid scat
Manufactured by dead philosophers, poets & politicians who killed what they shat.

Civilized clowns and numbskulls who open cans of worms & then complain to the fish
Offering up the squirm on a hook, in the mouth, down the gullet & it’s on for The Ride
Jumping up above the surface in the belly of the beast, a moment flying, diving down
To fathom depths allowed before the final jerk of trouble, lost all fight, get outta town.

Surface to air, there’s water and rocky dirt, the entire remains of a Big Bang of Cool
Outerspace farther and farther from the center, no doubt about it, mama raised no fool
It’s a stretch of liberty to feel that you own freedom to behave without any regulation
You are consigned to morals, ethics & modifications of being all too human, a mortal sin.

Apparently, the first human born to the first pair of humans was a mortal sin, that’s a fact
Look around you, free country, fifty states, millions of citizens & an undocumented stack
Preface by total soundless silence, per-conception inside darkness, mother’s womb tomb
Brought forth what thrives a second or century for no reason,, just a lunatic on a broom.

Meaning without wings you can’t fly without being in the atmosphere, wingless angel
I think I’m a thing, I’m not nothing as might be expected, the whole shebang’s one Void
Forget about it all, every past event with every individual involved got disconnected
Suffering the whole boatload of terror before my eyes, I put God’s holy pain back to bed.

Media communication of data dissemination keeps the world turning, we see what it is
Without pain and suffering we can survive until the bell tolls, release sometimes is caput
Special needs adults living life by whatever goes #TikTok or even if it don’t, up the clock
Where the mouse went after beginning Hickory Dick or Ree Dock, you cause the flock.

Sheep as you are or the angels who interdimensionally Zen smack us on our two knees
One outer skin is so thin that it’s nearly invisible yet it’s beyond good and evil screes
I used to but I don’t any more, speak out loud as if someone cared, the Truth don’t hurt
Not me but it may harm the ones who haven’t read the reason & rhyme of my heart.

It dripped and flowed freely at my will, my whim of desire and need, I cherish my love
She flows upstream to the hatchery and stabs me in the soul & heart, below or above
On top is fine, laughing out loud (LOL) but I have done It, what will have been done
It’s all a come-on, quite a thermonuclear show, as if a sunburn means nothing but fun.

It’s a reminder that you’re mortal, a fool if you live thinking you will live when you die
For the sake of your species if not for your own progeny, if any, you best STFU yo’ mouth
Daughters of the sons of the fathers who all died without their egos & ids deeper south
Here ye, here ye, read all about it, headline is all you need to read, spell it & you’re Fly!

Hymns sung by blind followers beaten by their parents into submission, power to be bums
Listen to the words of the music, the melody and sounds of wind flutes & tom-tom drums
When it’s time, you’ll know, be wary of false alarms of Time &Wall Street Journal tweets
Here’s what your life on Earth will last longer than, an air bubble, enjoy the backstreets.

Getaway from the scene of the crime, y’all never get a reward for the crime & punishment
Hide in a cave with the blind monks and insects that thrive without light, all heaven sent
To lay eggs, hatch them & reincarnate dead bugs we’ve annihilated just like the Goliaths
More than ever before, happiness’ painlessness is sacrosanct, happy lives or gimme deaths.

Powder is dry for the powers that be, that my friends is you and it’s me, really can’t mix it up
Dependent on the creators to get me back my bullets, nobody will get hurt, it’s self defense
Thing of beauty, the beautiful that contrasts with the ugly, malform-face of muted makeup
Far out man, it’s gnarly as usual, a gift to gab not wasted, Now, this Life all makes nonsense.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, 2-13-2024 Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Cached this out of the matrix while listening to @650KFBK @Armstrong_GettyRadio
Link @ https://kste.iheart.com/ }



Sunday, February 11, 2024

#FakeFunkFade @SuperBowlLVIII #TODAY @KC vs. @SF #NFL #EyeRememberYOU

As far as I ever go, ME, MYSELF & LITTLE ‘i.’ are a worrisome fraction of living Life’s Dawn
One part of the whole shebang is what you’ve got under your hat, head to toe, buck, doe or fawn
In reality, fantasy is one and the same as being ignorant that you’re a Cause of Everything’s holes
Open your eyes then close your eyes, it’s here and suddenly it’s gone, under your total controls.

Junk in the yards or liquid death injected with the humane venom the snakes blow in the nest
Parked in lot of A’s, B’s & C’s with a host of steel on 4 wheels in addition to the 2 wheel rockets
Introduction to the final end of the conscious mind in accidental termination of being the best
Champion of the gift, knowledge of the Truth about the reason for mankind’s existence, debts.

We owe somebody something, know who it is or not, the debt must be paid by kings or queens
Whomever is here when the landlord returns to Earth for the rent on the wind and the hot fire
Kept us alive, knowing how to make a fire when it’s freezing cold in the igloo and grass-hay hut
Apes survived, naked or hairy, evolution allowed the most fit, healthy as bloody gods to stay put.

All of the above and none of the below can be the supreme Truth but it’s not going to fly away
With your mothers, sisters, wives & their girlfriends permission, if not them, then who saves us?
Men have nothing, except the doom of all the ones who have the womb to keep the wick lit up
Taxes reaped descend into the bottomless pit, the gods pushed us all into the empty, gold cup.

Reaping what got stitched-in before I was ill-conceived, a notion that I’m the sewer of seeds too
Cork in the bottle to keep the air out since it turns the wine into vinegar rancidness turned blue
As I say that everything’s gonna be alright, it’s only because when I die, nothing will matter at all
My ego, super or just regular old Id is the fact of life that my father in heaven never confessed to.

Tin cup full of silver, copper & fool’s gold getting you off to a good start, a performance of Oscar
Heaven may or may not be higher or lower than the planet but either way, it’s a myth’s sick trick
Perfect invisible spirit just a fleeting thought essence of abstract nonsense making sense, by far
Woke or fast asleep for 24 hours every day, 6 days of working until the 1 day leftover for schtick.

Applied like sugar and salt needed for one dead plant or another animal, to disguise a megadeath
Deep inside the future excretion, there’s power to glean & absorb in the blood without the Meth
Speeding to death isn’t a bad way to go, it’s the only way we get to go, a hundred years in a snap
Protons, neutrons and electrons making up the atoms combined into molecular formation, slap!

Right across the face, a slap applied can jog the memory & cause total recall to manifest destiny
What the subject is, what the subject’s action is and it’s effect on the innocent and ignorant free
Gravity pullin’ it all down to the ground, unable to be admitted to the core, six feet under rocks
One granite rock-thing above ground with words that follow your full name’s judgement shocks.

Dancin’ in heaven, lowered below hell, innocent & not responsible for any body’s behavior et al
It ain’t a wild thing, it’s a well adjusted patron of peace, love and happiness, just a trip to free fall
As it is above it will always the same below, good that the bad & ugly are as low as you can go
It would be a thriller, a spectacle of what’s out of proportion with the peace and love backflow.

Boom voids atmosphere gets pierced by a supersonic, plastic-metal flying arrow, an F-4 or X-15
Express yourself because that’s all you have to show this world, these people what you’ve seen
Even if it’s nothing more than not-being like a Tibetan monk from Tibet, up near heaven’s gate
Prime or tertiary in the line-up for the payoff, a trade-off for your blood, sweat & tears of fate.

High or low, inside or outside the thing itself, everywhere an atom can fizz or fuse, I am FAME
Like a poker game that I can’t fold from, I have the bets, I call and raise until the losers put up
Future behind dry dreams is bleak, after all is said & done this is either a black hole or a GAME
You, whomever you are know what this existence on Earth means, life’s pet, a pet kitty or pup.

Goodbye to y’all, known and unknown for now, you won’t return the salute but that’s just fine
Coming into the triangle, hexagram or the squared, circular sphere, full of Space’s airless sign
Note cards are classified, here’s a secret I’ll share with you, they’re blank, the ink disappeared
High and mighty on the lower echelon of the stairway to heaven, you will like it too, It’s weird.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, February 10, 2024, Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Eschatologically examined ala @Baruch_Spinoza #CompleteGuideToLife on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/leoBccWOZfo?si=g3FxkZVPgzoEHKtE )


Thursday, December 28, 2023

6 3 4 - 5 7 8 9 (area code 911)

Certainly, there is really no certainty at all in the dream you’re within, baby woke, good men die
Far away from your inner idiot, contrarian moron and numbskull type of Cro-Magnon pre-humans
Particles and the substratum of tinker toys in the hands of the Unknown & all too human hair pie
Large or microscopic, you live & you’ll surely die, burn, sunk in the sea or eaten by the fauna fans.

Do whatever you decide to do, it’s an act of Will to the power that moves causes into side effects
Nothing to see here, no examination is necessary to see the occurrence of karma, ad infinitum sex
Mean & rough, it’s how a lot of the DNA was combined from gamete & egg into the divinity’s fight
A trick it is because it’s tricky & difficult to harmonize the effects of it’s taste, smell, sound & sight.

Time is duration of being awake, conscious of things themselves until unconscious in a deep sleep
Into dream states which are nothing other than cinematic recollections of the unforgettable sheep
Who taught me, you & everyone else, Ways of The Human, pick a career, earn cash, pay tax & die
You’ll know someday, what I mean by what I said, reality exposed the naked truth, only gods lie!

If and only if you condition the confidence of the burger kings and queens of the dead cow meat
Then and only then you’ll know the Truth, high profits with low investment in love’s concrete seat
Undercover, underneath the underground, under your mother’s hem-line, you’ve seen it, she says
Peaked & got the evil eye the rest of my life, as if I knew that boys NEVER look under girls’ dresses.

But anyways, it ain’t as important as finding out that there’s no heaven, hell or limbo when we die
Confessing sins and paying back the karmic debt of free will choices to disobey commands on high
Above and below the clouds, my heart begins to flutter, need the medication to calm down beats
Slowing it all to a caterpillar crawl of a hundred legs to metamorphose the pupa into a moth feats.

Fly copulation, repopulate Earth, as above, so below, evolved life contrived conundrum, sextinction
From the deep scat on the surfaces of the ground, the flies have landed & ingested their fill of skin
It made moves from entry mouth to exit vacuum; stinkin’ to high heaven like a garbage trash dump
Bring your mamas & papas along, lead ‘em over the cliff, all sheeple await the next, final knee jerk.

You have been fishing every weekend for seventy years, you’ve hooked ‘em & you have released ‘em
Pain and suffering you’ve experienced are the dynamics of staying alive in a hostile environment firm
I would like to pitch my ideology at you before you choose to become a Lenin-Marxist-Trotsky breach
I read the mystery of ignorance & true knowledge, secret wisdom resulting from the random search.

Part of the whole shebang is the main ingredient that keeps things together or far apart, don’t be a fool
Flows purple hair in the air, scarlet red in oxygen, nitrogen & the rest, elemental magic in a bloody hole
Tanks and ships help the fighter jet aircraft to see the targets, it’s the way of the modern warfare school
Over soon after it began, launch codes automated for ease of extinction, Time Out of Space’s black hole.

Dining on the Singularity, it’s a gourmet recipe for the ones who never see fecal matter, suck it out too
Bound to figure out the answers to every conundrum no matter who caused it, divine or humane blue
Frozen nails pounded into the redwood, through the hand & foot bones, thorns adorned a hairy face
Blood flowed for the insects and critters to lick for life, the holy, sanguine flow from God to The Race.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, 12-28-2023 Anno Domini @ 808 AMPST

{ Slipped this out of the #Slipknot while jammin’ to @EltonJohn #PhiladelphiaFreedom on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/sOF6_kHBkyg?si=PnsTHMdrWctproty  }


Sunday, December 24, 2023

#MakingOutOnYourDaddysPorch #ILoveCarol #SheLovesMe #SheLovesMeNot . . .



Do not panic and do donuts in the middle of the cross streets, you’re gonna die someday sooner or later
This situation is not your fault but now, it is your responsibility to move your body & soul around better
Struggling to survive past corpse death is a fool’s errand, you’re on it, happy because happiness is all that
Flying or driving your eggs and balls around the countries that allow your star trek, I think, a cat in a hat.

Humans eat humble pie, never gonna fake you or anybody else with the totem poles to scare baby faces
You that I’m talkin’ to may not be one of them, but you know at least one of the privileged who run races
Human, black, white, mixed up red, brown & yellow, babies grow to be on the make, y’all dyin’ here guys
Children trials & tribulations from the genesis of conception to total annihilation, substance in blue skies.

Broke and out of time and money for creature comforts of massaging and touch of steel smashin’ karma
Out of you & into the capable hands of the annihilator of the touches you can’t get anymore, poor girl
Cry and sigh, you love yourself & that’s all that counts, just look in the mirror, wait, don’t look now, cry
Tears comin’ to finish off the production the sorrow & pain caused by yelling, screaming, hollering, sigh.

Johnny Rae found out about the time to die and the time to live, gonna miss breathing the gas in & out
From awakening in the clouds of your creator’s room to the clear light shinin’ into the dark, black joints
Hollar in the emptiness, a vacuum of ether without consequence to the living and dead, all moot points
Laugh now before it’s too late, the mirth won’t cure the ill but it will assuage the maniacal, a boy scout.

Party in my hands, standing for hours without relief with only one foot in the door, let’s celebrate it all
God died right? Christmas is birth of a God that got crucified by a miscreant for a sinner, paid free-fall
Like me or not, you leave me empty of the trees and dirt, the mountains and rocks, rivers’ slip streams
Mongolia to Chicago, here we go, put me in the strait jacket again, look into my eyes, I am dead memes.

Orion to Sirius, a mental confabulation of educated scholars who love to kill your mother, father or a fan
Where did these people come from, Jupiter, Neptune or just the dead Mars without any air left, nuked
Dead & gone, it’s not important to know that we’re an accidental collision of particles in an infinite fluke
What? To the grave with the secret, eyes wide open in rigor mortis, Jesus, Mary & Joseph, what A MAN!

I raised my voice, in a small room that carries a holy boom, it’s scary for the poor lady, I dropped a dime
Even though it was innocent on the part of the yell, the receiver of the noise couldn’t catch the dope in
Very subtle and not incomprehensible at all, it’s just the facts of life, can’t speak, no words left to open
Books and sagas all read & stored below the radar, irretrievable yet metabolized, it’s fine, you’ll be fine.

Freeze or cook your matter into the form that gets eaten by bacteria and other denizens of bloody guts
At that point, who you were & who you are may be two different experiences, one’s Man, other’s God
To see is to be blind to the thing itself, it can’t be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched, what a fuss
A marvelous act in the finale, a cough & I gotta go P before the shot in the back, thrown under the bus.

By the way, by the by, we’ll all know it all happened or we won’t, either we’re just a fluke or kids of god
Unlikely for me to find the Truthful answer before I personally kick the bucket, yet I’m willing to get fed
By the manna from heaven, deep and dark space with nothing but stars millions of miles apart from me
Nevermore was said, I say it again ad infinitum, it’s all out of my mind, above my pay grade, so, we see?

We all got what we gave, you know giving nothing means you get obbligato, zip, now you want a ring?
Presence high in the present is all you can hope for, ready for the unknown to impinge its willing fit
One more dance left for you & I to resume the waltz or jitterbug, whichever the beat allows my feet
Music or silence, dancin’ in the dark, lighting up the house like it or not, come on man, so let’s sing!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Dimanche 12-24-2023 Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST  #WeGotWhatWeGave

{ One dance left, tripped one while listenin’ to @NewRadicals #YouGetWhatYouGive on a loop link @ https://youtu.be/DL7-CKirWZE?si=SpMzd5QcUIZHe68B }



Saturday, December 23, 2023


All the life I've been granted to choose the good old life, like my bizarre, fake reality
A bit of irony it is, I've got one, you've got one, we all had one, the gods' land & sea
Pity courage comin' down from the heroes who save the days & nights of no true love
Gift of an Indian Giver, took the land, chopped trees down for a casino above you all.
Shine the reflection into the morass of bubbles, pity the fool who reflects hot smoke
It's all there is after the fire burns it down to the ground, buildings dust, heart stroke
Keepin' you in mind when you're dyin' of bad water's air, all there is without a prayer
Command center above your neck, giving a helping hand to the 208 bones, my father!
Complete just a fraction of the One over the One, no asthmatic genius' charisma son
Daughters need us to create mothers of an infinite line of fatherless sisters' pirate rum
Blind faith, a system keeps your nose to the grindstone, mother knows you're a bum
Not only is it not your fault, you've been set up by omnipowers that be, a lone bone.
By the way, you won't wake up when you die, one byte that'll keep you #Woke, Sue
Mind moves the Earth, spins & wobbles It around in middle of nowhere, burnt blues
First cause of all effects in the spectrum of the rainbow's invisible rays, shine-burnout
Into the black, holy Singularity where Peace & War complete the payout, extinct dues.
Here now, come over when you've got nothing better to do, chew fat between meat
Dead animals used to crawl, swim, fly, walk, run, had to die to keep my motor sweet
Moving from place to place in Space without light to shine & ignite my super nova skit
Blown to smithereens, silenced, dead atoms, electrons, protons & neutrons, Eve's chit.
I ain't playin' games although I created the rules for players, I'm a One you can't beat
Not with 2x4s or any plank of any argument from thinking that I think on my two feet
Dreams for the wake-up call to work, dead & gone in an immortal Void, Nothing here
Nobody planned the accident, it happened, here I am & I gotta learn to drink my beer.
No foam, just swill of the champions who sired my ancestors, knee high to men, boys
Sudden impact of the realization, Reality's fake words that mean something is so fishy
Smells like the alewives of a Michigan Lake, 18 years of dead stench, Windy City ditty
Home where my kin stayed & died seven feet below the tundra, boxes of Al's big city. 
Yo daddio, I called you daddy & papa, heartbeat strong for my entry in a crypt of gods
Been everywhere & done it all, impossible to be born & die a good man of evil hot rods
So fast, those .383 hemis proved I was so fast, I couldn't survive my uncontrolled rolls
My fate's to look at death between the eyes, my eyes blinded by light, I love me, lover!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, 12-23-2003 @ 911 AMCST #PhiladelphiaFreedom #WarLeftBehind

Saturday, December 16, 2023


You have not looked ahead far enough to see the forest through the pine and redwood tree
Wind burned them down accidentally or on purpose, don't try to understand why but you seize
As soon as you accept the truth of the understanding, that will be the day of regression's scree
Sleep tight as you will from now until you escape the process, regression in the Milky Ways.

Bowling in alleys before the knife fights between the sharks & jets, as if they've got the turf
Blocks of businesses & residents of flats and condos, paying the gangs for the privilege to surf
On time or early for everything you cannot be late for, including your own stillborn birth war
Between your mothers' loins where your fathers' guns got pointed into oblivion, here you are.

On time and on target for the bull's eye or any circle around it as near to the center as on point
Had it all then lost it all before I knew it, burst a hole in that used to be filled by a twisted joint
I smoked horses before I knew that they were equine death warrants into the CIA contractions
Talking about this & that atomic to cosmic place in Time & Space, historical misrepresentations.
Talking to yourself just to get the thoughts written down from the zero's emptiness, temptation
In or out of the shadows, there's no mercy for anything in the end, innocent & guilty mortal sin
I don't care, Buddha don't care & that's all that matters to me, your God ain't mine, go in peace
Learned that Latin when I was seven, to serve the mass of the master who never showed a face.

Being good, being bad are easy but being ugly is impossible for the beautiful above us & below
Harmony in direct synchronization with the peristaltic waves in the ocean's load of sandlot flow
Killed no deputy down there, no sheriff was save though, hard as it was, I shot the sheriff as well
Not all good for the sheriff but the fact is, the sheriff was a jerky boy I went to school with in hell.
Ears pricking up when the vibrations mean something like flight or fight time, offense or defense
That's all a matter of Time in Space, causes that create effects, scientific facts and a sixth sense
Psychotic and neurotic teachers who were motherless children teach the children well, the fact is
By osmosis, boys and girls imitate the men and women they see walking in and out of the room.
In a hurry to get to & from the restrooms to relieve yourself of the things you ate & drank today
The astronauts have a hookup in outer space, maybe a pamper big toddler size of dump flombet
Artistic yet simply a natural disaster waiting for the lights to go on in the room, click, there it is
It's all cornbread and the chitlins in the plate, my fork's & knife's all in, you're the sharp edges.
Opened the blinded eyeballs' eyelids to let in the black light, everything turned ultraviolet pie
Dots in between the lines where the angels fear to go, meaning & the answer to the mystery
Untold in the sentence or paragraph, a pointed way at the crossroads is the godsend gods-eye
Sensation taste and smell touches the soul, eye for an eye tooth, taste smacked out the big guy.

Hotter than you can handle, form of woman, toe to brain-mind of human destiny, mutated DNA
Came out of the apes which were all too human, input the curiosity that killed the cool cats' pay
Day that will live in infamy, when the bombers killed our babies & our property taxes defenses
December Seventh, Nineteen Forty One, #NeverForget it's all history, best of my love's offenses.

 Murder of white crows, murder she wrote, you're killin' me with this bloody murder, you can't tell
Clap your hands like you want to join the party or the One you know you ain't met, ring me a bell
Hard licks will get you to the end just like an aborted entry past the womb, same place, nighty day
Hard rocks just blasted apart at the sign of being apart from another thing, millions of miles away.

Knowledge scent, a smell of wisdom means fools' rules are the only thing any idiot wants to know
Meaning the exact opposite of what's been said, being a figure of ridicule to the jokers who riddle
With real subjects & fake objects predicated without any ultimate purpose, nothing at all, in a Void
Bills & fools' gold to pay are what they are, you will die, they'll still be, you won't, be an android.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Saturday 12-16-2023 AD @ 1830 hours
{ #ExpressYourself, drafted while listenin' to #MellowBlues link @ https://youtu.be/1xGzqu5LRRw?si=8NwzLPCXZ5Rbxdn3 }


Sunday, November 26, 2023



It’s really of no consequence at all that I have gleaned the treasure buried right in my back yard
High and mighty or low and dirty down to Earth and if there is a Hell below where we all will go
As ol’ Mayfield rhymed the chime from my late teens to my seventies, no other signals get bled
If you play, you pay, simple as that, a priori basics to learn harmony or else, got be a deadhead.

Not only but also, blah, blah, blah as the word salad gets the dressing and seasoning to enhance it
Hunger plays no role in the taste of the thing that’s mixed with other things from Earth’s deep chit
How or why are no business of mine, I only care about breathing & eating, wasting food in no Time
Pouring H2O through arteries & veins in a mortal sin’s network of muscles & nerves, Oneness’ Space.

History repeats the unrepeatable on a regular basis only to be ignored prior to the happening itself
The reason why is because the facts of life are, nobody’s paying attention except for the ones in jail
Not more nor less than being locked up in prisons, jails or penitentiaries each behind obstructions
Got some good news and some bad news for you & your ilk, my ilk, our ilk & that forgives y’all sins.

Everything you all & everything I do is not a free will, free choice of you, yourself, or anyone else, sir
It’s a cause-and-effect program of gargantuan proportions but it reduces to a common denominator
Mam, it’s all in a nutshell for the squirrel to find, to crack the husk open for the treasure of inner fir
Chew, taste, swallow, digest verses’ chapters of paragraphs indicating wisdom’s books of woeful blur.

Whether the teachers were good, bad, ugly or a combination of the three essential qualities of gods
Ones higher than our oxygen can accommodate and all of the rest of us, you, me, everyone we know
Last hand dealt is the one I win, probably what will be will be whether I know in advance or I believe
In the myth, in the meantime, there’s a need to feed, never bleed, whether blood’s, silver’s or gold’s.

There’s something about a song from a baby infant to adolescent boy, to open the door by me too
Named in the lyrics, believing my program was to open the door, when I did, either I won or got blue
Expecting nothing & getting anything at all is a hundred percent better than a disappointment’s end
Anyway you put down the argument from premise of assumptions to induced deduction, a godsend.

Recovery of your mindless ramblings to put in a nutshell is both necessary and impossible for death
But anyway, it’s nearly impossible to be wrong when you’re right if you use reason & logic to be unruly
Deductions are judgements about how to avoid death as long as possible, to be fit & survive in health
Take my breath away and my cadaver becomes the stiff in the morgue, toe tag of Moe, Larry or Curly.

But seriously folks, the one or two of y’all who made it this far, keep reading & you’ll score a bell jar
Might be a Ball jar though, moonshine from the bayou, a French Indian squeeze, baptized souls afar
A hundred years, more or less, for each of the humans who evolved out of the muck & mire’s hot fire
Only the humans who read and get IT will know, the others will survive and remain innocent fodder.

What do you know Joe? For me to know & for you to find out, you asking me to tell you a secret?
I’ve got Nothing to say about anything in this Cause/Effect universe I personally perceive as just Life
No more nor less than other plants & animals here and now, we live, we die, boom that’s it, all of it
Fools for the city we slice it up on any of seven continents not submerged underwater, I am a knife.

Money on the bets will get you killed if you’re a loser, better be invisible or you’ll get whacked
Nothing personal, it’s an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, me casa est tu casa, mi amigo
Filling in blanks with gunpowder will blow your socks off or in a civil war make you hero gringo
Completely fixed zero to infinity, nothing can be done or undone, Nothing is a woman racked.

Morphing from soul to body back to soul is what this substance of a world is all about, a check
There’s a hole in the universe and we are all inside of it, it’s a fact of life, you can’t give a crack
Lucky to have grabbed a few twists and turns around the mighty sun, I miss it already, too dark
Yet it’s the way it is & that’s the way it is, for us all, believers & deceivers alike, same boat deck.

Packs of dogs and cigarettes all killed their prey before they ate them dead or alive, it’s the sums
For the audience who sits and watches others act, sing, run and fall down before the end comes
It always does end though, it’s a finale, finally causing the lights to go out & curtain to get downs
Stage clears, the building and parking lots clear for the streets to hum with adulation and clowns.

Inner silence, inner core, magic of abra cadabra, to please and to thank the power that is in me
And you and everyone alive here and now, ones who died, ones who will come into the big city
Or tiny town in the middle of nowhere, 50 states of that & six other continents of this here scat
Monkeys fooling around with the cause of atoms, to bring the eves of destruction, CoVid19 bat.

Who doesn’t care, I don’t care, what am I gonna do, shout to high heaven & be institutionalized
Forever medicated until the last gasp of gas comes through and gets spit out by the lips’ last spit
Down your lip, down your chin, down your neck, down your chest to your heart, last three beats
For each equals two & there’s one leftover for us both, you I love CAS, who loves ya baby? Me!


r j j  stephan i

c.  Sunday, November 26, 2023, Anno Domination at 0600 AMPST

{ Continued the discontinuation of discontent with no recourse other than focus on Bliss & Wonder of Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness while jammin’ to the #88’s link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEOgBRDo7fI }

