
Thursday, December 28, 2023

6 3 4 - 5 7 8 9 (area code 911)

Certainly, there is really no certainty at all in the dream you’re within, baby woke, good men die
Far away from your inner idiot, contrarian moron and numbskull type of Cro-Magnon pre-humans
Particles and the substratum of tinker toys in the hands of the Unknown & all too human hair pie
Large or microscopic, you live & you’ll surely die, burn, sunk in the sea or eaten by the fauna fans.

Do whatever you decide to do, it’s an act of Will to the power that moves causes into side effects
Nothing to see here, no examination is necessary to see the occurrence of karma, ad infinitum sex
Mean & rough, it’s how a lot of the DNA was combined from gamete & egg into the divinity’s fight
A trick it is because it’s tricky & difficult to harmonize the effects of it’s taste, smell, sound & sight.

Time is duration of being awake, conscious of things themselves until unconscious in a deep sleep
Into dream states which are nothing other than cinematic recollections of the unforgettable sheep
Who taught me, you & everyone else, Ways of The Human, pick a career, earn cash, pay tax & die
You’ll know someday, what I mean by what I said, reality exposed the naked truth, only gods lie!

If and only if you condition the confidence of the burger kings and queens of the dead cow meat
Then and only then you’ll know the Truth, high profits with low investment in love’s concrete seat
Undercover, underneath the underground, under your mother’s hem-line, you’ve seen it, she says
Peaked & got the evil eye the rest of my life, as if I knew that boys NEVER look under girls’ dresses.

But anyways, it ain’t as important as finding out that there’s no heaven, hell or limbo when we die
Confessing sins and paying back the karmic debt of free will choices to disobey commands on high
Above and below the clouds, my heart begins to flutter, need the medication to calm down beats
Slowing it all to a caterpillar crawl of a hundred legs to metamorphose the pupa into a moth feats.

Fly copulation, repopulate Earth, as above, so below, evolved life contrived conundrum, sextinction
From the deep scat on the surfaces of the ground, the flies have landed & ingested their fill of skin
It made moves from entry mouth to exit vacuum; stinkin’ to high heaven like a garbage trash dump
Bring your mamas & papas along, lead ‘em over the cliff, all sheeple await the next, final knee jerk.

You have been fishing every weekend for seventy years, you’ve hooked ‘em & you have released ‘em
Pain and suffering you’ve experienced are the dynamics of staying alive in a hostile environment firm
I would like to pitch my ideology at you before you choose to become a Lenin-Marxist-Trotsky breach
I read the mystery of ignorance & true knowledge, secret wisdom resulting from the random search.

Part of the whole shebang is the main ingredient that keeps things together or far apart, don’t be a fool
Flows purple hair in the air, scarlet red in oxygen, nitrogen & the rest, elemental magic in a bloody hole
Tanks and ships help the fighter jet aircraft to see the targets, it’s the way of the modern warfare school
Over soon after it began, launch codes automated for ease of extinction, Time Out of Space’s black hole.

Dining on the Singularity, it’s a gourmet recipe for the ones who never see fecal matter, suck it out too
Bound to figure out the answers to every conundrum no matter who caused it, divine or humane blue
Frozen nails pounded into the redwood, through the hand & foot bones, thorns adorned a hairy face
Blood flowed for the insects and critters to lick for life, the holy, sanguine flow from God to The Race.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, 12-28-2023 Anno Domini @ 808 AMPST

{ Slipped this out of the #Slipknot while jammin’ to @EltonJohn #PhiladelphiaFreedom on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/sOF6_kHBkyg?si=PnsTHMdrWctproty  }


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