
Showing posts with label dogville ricoSacto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogville ricoSacto. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

@BishopBullwinkle @Bullwinkle & @RushLimbaughEIB @BobMarley @EricClapton #IShotTheSherriff #HumanGusAfterall

I always thought historical records got taught, things to think about, important substance my son
To be or not to be, to adapt to the One or its variables, moment to moment becoming extinction
It's not your fault or your ancestors but the way it is, not a fantasy of illusory phantoms of hot sin
Belief evolves, minds orbit in search of the Resting One, asleep in the Supernovae attic from hell

Armed and in perpetual denial of death's Thor hammer ready for a down stroke upon my daddio
You shouldn't say the right thing with words of the English language, proof the stars are at war
Life from other solar systems looking for our keys to Montgomery and Salem East & Northwest
Where the potions have been set aside in recipe form, to change the matter at hand, i digress.

No free lunches here in the valley and there's no gold left in them thar hills of El Dorado's plateau
Comin' out of the dream still groggy enough to slip right back into the somnambolistic sky of blue
Fences built and then I leveled them to expand this piece of pie into the whole God danged thang
Wiped the windshield clean and the vision ahead was clear, only one way out but it's gonna sting!

I wondered then I followed the middle path without the magician, eyes wide open for shirt skirt
Divine pension in a coffin awaits all of the many who wanna return to the One, it'll happen later
Don't want this last thing until the very last one that can be put in front of you, to live & die for
Recollection of memories locked into old skin & bones, PhD's caskets plugged down in mud's dirt.

Before we die, get way low down, six feet under or higher than Mt. Rushmore and Rainier, signs
After a last gulp and gasp, one more song sung, goodbyes all around to the ones you leave behind
Knowledge is almost everything except wisdom but who needs wise cracks and the answer backs?
Talent with a microphone & a big mouth, told to stand down & reverse engineer the gods' hacks.

Booms from Bam Bam Flintstone make the solar system a better place to be in outerspace, dead
Living and then dying in the water, the air or on the land, no reason at all other than legends fed
To the infants who believe it all until the young thugs and molls roll their eyes at the innocence
Life moving quicker as days roll on by, getting older every second, I was two of us on the fence.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, March 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 12:00 #HighNoon yup, it is!
{ Basted while listenin' to @RushHawkinsSingers #ThankTheLordRushLimbaughsOn, @RushEIB link @ https://youtu.be/6pM-r_DTSls }

Thursday, January 21, 2021

#YouGotSomethinToSay? ...well then...#STFU #GoWashSomeDishes #AVideoIMadeAboutEnds10YearsAgo #AColdOne

Using your voice when you're both deaf & dumb makes you a white superman of the girls
Tonight you may be the anti-hero who opposes all the Evil left on Earth by Satan's Tbone
Droppin' F-bombs in your imagination but I ain't sayin' it, you are a nut with plastic pearls
But wait, you're not a nut afterall, Bart Simpson rocks the people's state of MILFs, all gone.

A simple mind inherited from simple men and simple women who survived the anti-bodies
Always and forever, everywhere that dirt rises above the H2O, it's a struggle for Cro-Magnon
Not only will you be ignorant of the reason for being alive your whole life but also, God dies
Humanitarian unrequited, universal charity for others as if they were you yourself are the sun.

Without you you get no ideas and form no conclusions, caput and you'll see Nothing is sick
For the facemasks on a Speaker in or out of Our House, to muffle that philosophy of bailiwick
Monkeys from two to niney-nine do what they do, mimicking survival behavior, oblivion's skit
Appropriate to the kids and elderly, over-the-hill, over sixty-five trips about the bull's of scat.

Red tape & the purple, infinite sanctity of sirens every morning at 6:20 to awaken homer-less
Under the overpass between private property and the railroad tracks goin' to the ville of Rozes
Nothing personal against the hobos and ne'er-do-wells, mostly my brothers, some sisters' song
Wishing for the Great Spirit above to answer the sacrifices of the lambs we've burned & hung.

I shook up the baking oven from the moment I dropped from a Void into the light's unpaid fines
Just what I needed was to figure out why in the Hades this all happens to us everyday, it's crazy
To me but not to everyone, crazy is as crazy does, something to write words down on white lines
Squirrels awaiting the rats to leave the nuggets and nuts, tan rats in black and white TV to see.

Causes of the Ends which you will see with or without me present, no mystery where it'll be now
Pretending it's not gonna happen to you just to everyone else, brothers, sisters, parents & friends
Even the enemies or at least the abhorrent human genome which cannot abide by enculturation
Anthropomorphic ideology in zoos of padlocked cages, dipped in the divine's #CNN elaboration.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, Janvier 21st, 2021 *  one-twenty one-twenty one  1-21-21 @PorkyPig #ThatsAllFolks
{  Drafted in the patient state of being, doing as anyone would if they were either me, myself or I & listenin' to #ENDS & HITS @EVERLAST on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/0szqyWvPNKY }
#TBIYTC #TheBestIsYetToCome

Friday, January 08, 2021

#YouLooseOnNewJerseyJuice #ILoveMyBaby #SheBoogiesBadAsAMuthu #BadGirls @DonnaSummer

I've some old news for you that you'll never, ever hear of again, now or then
Come in for the dream's myth of monsters, you'll see what you get, my friend
Rush to glean a conclusion from the bogus premises of fabricated mortal sin
The water and the matter are mixtures of wasted gas, asteroid of Geena's jin.

Swimming or rowing your boat up or down stream, to and from the salty sea
Broad brushes painting your mirage of a mural being on canvas' blank plane
Passing because you're bluffing or that your hand is a bust or losers tables
I know and you know it all, Bullwinkle and Rocky projecting fractured fables.

Demons moving into your foul cranium, fake news vacuum to amass divine sins
None of those violations are your fault and not your obligation to repay the karma
Damage to your psyche and your loved ones is necessary to reach cooler Nirvana
It's now what you desire or need but it's what you'll get, just to get by the omens.

No and yes are the only to answers, I don't know is not an option, it's on or it's off
Breathing in and out, being awake and knowing how the others become so woken
Awake yet sleeping in a dreamworld of risky business and lucky breaks & a scoff
Liars, cheaters & the boys & girls in the quicksand of the muck & mire, all broken.

Dogs and stray cats on the LIVE air broadcast to the minions who buy bulls' scat
It's not their fault but you and I won't be here or there, nor will we be there or then
It's an end to the peace & love generation, it's now just war & hate of a bloody bat
Viral and bacterial infections of the DNA genome require terps & hehla fire, so hot!

Monkeys felt nothing at rock's concerts, jumped up & down without cages in aisles
Punks fooled me & got you into the bonus time of Space, behind in the future, OM
Dream genii of the evil spelled backward of live, weeded in a blue dream's sea-foam
With the coughin' to get off, food, smoke, suppositorially if five holes are closed.

Silk stockings with the black, perpendicular line from back to ankles, drop a dime
Visions of past moments frozen in an imaginary, fool's pool, in the deep, Rapunzel
Miracles of violating laws of gravitational collapse, with or without your paradigm
Everyman & everywoman will see what sights are left without eyes, blue or hazel.

Dying LaSorda, play baseball with the angels in the outfield, Brooklyn dodged a fly
L.A. divided the continent, Miami, Chicago, Monkeyville Antarcica's computer guy
Livin' the good life in surreal dreamscapes that began 'fore I existed, Ends of today
Or tomorrow in the AM, ad infinitum, food-feed of gods' & goddess' mutated DNA.

In the name of nobody's father and nobody's son, there are no holy, ghostly spirit
Truth of subjects and predicates in the mouths of idiots barfing garbage of chichit
A wise man once said, #KeepYourMouthShut, the idiots keep flappin' gums silly
You are lying, you are telling the truth, same words mean different things you see.

Figured numbers counting gold, yet I'm a trillionaire above & below the ashes
Where I'll be buried without being able to take the banks cash with me to Hades
Even if my destination were the other place where saints guard the pearl gates
Nevermore, unlock for any raven, nothing's True, Earth love's a drug, a fatal fate.

Desire from the infant crying out of the darkest womb, conforming souls to the sea
Stretching to show the growth of mass & wavelengths of lowered, high frequency
Strangers in deja vous all around me, everywhere, I'm here by which god's spell?
A star war rockin' with divinity's breath, in & out until it's all gone, ala #Godspell.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Friday, January 8th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @MarshallTuckerBand #CantYouSee in a loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GZZ7cogovrY }


Sunday, December 06, 2020

@GwenStefani @MartinaMcBride @BishopBullwinkle @BullwinkleTheMooseCompilation #RockyPulledRabbit #MyDaddyWasATruckerTeamster #2ndCityLocalZERO @DariusRucker

It's just the only way to appear sane when you find out, a #9 creed of the released #Kracken
Mama sang the song that it couldn't happen again and again and again, ad infinitum, it can
You are born naked because you're an egg and a sperm, magically formed into a conception
Mind over matter because the mind is not matter at all, it doesn't matter but it's not Matter.

Fishing for the animated, underwater fauna with bait and hooks, lures to catch the food of God
If you don't eat something that used to be alive, you will certainly starve, dream you're a hotrod
Olden days news from strangers who string strong words and phrases to exhibit art of the idiots
Monkeys who shaved their face & balding heads to appear better than you, me and the robots.

From zygote to the adolescent enculturation, the things, the humans move the virus in a circle
Squared the heads both inside and outside, following the assumptions to a nanosecond heckle
You better find the Truth before you gasp for another breath when the end is near, woe be tide
It's the motto of the nun who taught to behave and to accept responsibility for lifetime of pride.

Liars and the champions who animated the germs in their petri dish of bacteria, holy viral DNA
Messages to animate rocks and mud, turned them into the blood runnin' warm in my banana
For no trivial reason is there an extension of the gods who have no flesh and blood here or now
Pleasure to be whistlin' Dixie in the twilight zone, momentary lapse of my reason, so I just blow!

Munitions and all of that invented gun powder that the magic shamen won't leave me all alone
Every step I ever take my back is covered, my faith in that factoid is Reality for me, for you none
Invested in the good, bad and the ugly leaves only the beautiful way up the middle path of a Pi
3.14 or infinity for eternity, nevermore repeating the dysfunction until the soul's maggots do fly.

Seats and pews wide open for the keesters from Easter to Easter, God dies and turns vampire
To live forever on Earth without a real, bloody body pumpin' the creed in and out of the fire
Barbecued and fried, some boiled or just burned at the stake, lived to die by a witch's scree
Homers not just a clearance of fences in the parks, these are the men who believe My Creed.

Mental floss as well as the dental floss clean the stage & kill the infections ready to riot & rage
Every actor and actress has the role to pretend, to be or not to be, origin's on the same page
Neighbors talkin' about you and I because of their disease of being stupid 'til I say, ah hell no
The happening, watch u-Hauls bring the ghosts to their exile, the Wakantonka squaw & brave.

Dropped out of college to fight with a gun on the run, Viet Nam War did the time for the crime
It all comes down to the gist of the whole shebang, it gets no better than this, it's ecstatic to be
Luck and good fortune from ancestral karma in heaven, hell and gone still here on the Earth
Mother of gods and father of mothers shot a 9 in the corner & 5 in the side, we are after birth.

All meat appears to be red from the blood moving in the grade and high schools, curbin' spread
Peanuts to everybody, elephants and circus shows of monsters and freaks in epic epidemic lead
Turned to gold after being crushed by the love of God, the angle is to avoid self realization, I Zen
All the children eat and find the place they defecate, until the last breath, then it all hits the fan.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, Freezember 6th, 2020 Anno Domini
{  Drafted while listenin' to #HellNo @BishopBullwinkle in an infinite loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8QxIIz1yEsA & then the @Beatles #9Revolution link @ https://youtu.be/n7QZNZx2QKA & @MartinaMcBride #AlreadyGone #WhereWouldYouBe link @ https://youtu.be/o3AhjFc8AiE }

F I N I S 

Saturday, December 05, 2020

@MaryWells #TalkToMe #Funkadelic @PRINCE @ChrisCornell


Movies silent & talkies recollect memories of the genome, muscle-bound specimens of man's kind
Fair and reasonable using syllogistic logic passed on from the wine vines of Greece to China, fine
Opinions are like the exit wounds of animals who must refuse the useless things themselves, food
Dead things used to be alive for a spell, shorter than our own magic spell, we transform the hood.

It's not any type of misunderstanding to know that you and I descended from the chimps & apes
Check out how babies learn from their elders, you see what I mean?  Yet, I digress to pull vapes
Top of the pile, cream of the crop, alpha male of humanity masks up to prevent virus-infected air
There are geniuses & then there are blithering idiots & hopelessly compliant morons, that's fair.

Here in Space, now at this Time, today, yesterday or tomorrow even zygotes learn how to fly high
The reason for the mitotic divide of the DNA gene pool, merger with the Other, make One of two
Low blows for Big Dipper, although my forefathers are dead, burned, lost. buried under deep blue
Gods and dogs got to observe Reality & comply with categorical imperatives' facemasks, now die!

Original infraction of the only law that counts, stay alive as long as you can, stay healthy and fit
For that reason only, there is nothing at all after your breath fails to help your heart beat the chit
From the ground, under it and above it, above and below, it's One, it's the same thing of Mama
Earth, she spins and wobbles, orbits the One, the star 93 million miles away from me, I am Papa!

Torn away from the source by the blow to the brain, mental flossed until clarity rocked the block
Reason for the dream, for this somnambolistic event between your ears, it's all deep in your chit
Playing the game of ignorance for the sake of feeling better about the facts of life, You & I are It
Fundamentally changing your next day & years to come, my girls, my guys, get ready, go, TicToc.

Honors for a candid deception, given inheritance for getting lucky one night, down with my flaps
It ain't my fault for pointing out the Truth as it appears to my senses, trained by professor priests
All of the wise men looked for a being to save this planet from certain doom, the gravity collapse
Dice merged into One, die of a snake eye, Nothing but a #FakeNews touchdown, gods are beasts!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, Freezember 5th, 2020 Anno Domini
{  Drafted while listenin' to my wife CYBER-whisper, echoing in my ear, #MyGuy by @MaryWells link @ https://youtu.be/2-0zdLN3u8Q }


Monday, October 12, 2020

#RegressionProgression #ItIsDone #DontWorryBeHappy #SaturdayNightLive #Billy #POTUS_45

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, October 12, 2020
---------- #ArtificialIgnorance ----------

Jelly and jam optional as long as there's white WonderBread and my SKIPPY Peanut Butter s
My father hated that my fingers were swiped in the jar, in turn I blamed it on my little sisters
My mother let me slide if she got to the jar first before my father swiped his knife, stuck it in
It ain't my fault the other 5 children ran out of daily sandwiches of #BlueBonnetMargarine .

On the other hand, since life is but a dream according to the song I played on the accordions
A little red one, a pretty blue one and a fine black one which I've retained for 60 years of sins
Only venial or maybe a mortal one or two, I am so perturbed by the comedy and tragedy of I
My ego is irritated unto death with the waiting for the end to see what happens, multiply pi.

From a zygote to a grave or a tweeter full of dusted words, in any case, all holy death to avoid
How many zygotes are aborted, how many fertile, animated germs die without a yoke's code
To be a man or a woman, infant, baby to adult is the whole point, you come in a vacuum void
AdamIc and EveVent in a garden on Earth, on one of seven continents, speculation ala mode.

In the world, on the planet's surface, above and below it too, flying and dying to get into et al
Fathers and mothers of the being either evolved or were descended from something, a #One
Simply complex at one & the same time, everything & nothing, love & charm of the 1st atom
Before the Big Bang, before the Singularity, before 7 white dwarves and I, the red giant chum.

Psychosomatic with the avoidance of you and I, the aliens have spread rumors like assplagues
Stay away from me, yes you without a gag on your lips, I can't tell if you hate me or love me
Your eyes lie about everything, you may be sticking out your tongue when I speak in tongues
Speaking of consensual, smoked brilliance, hot cherry pie but I am #WOKE , Yo! #bafunguze !

rjj stephan, i
c. Lundi, ROCKTOBER 12th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 0845 hours PST
{Drafted while in an alternate universe pharynx with Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE 0600-1000 AMPST link # https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/ & listenin 'to MorganWallen #LittleRain in an infinite loop @ https://youtu.be/o92I3m0i_QE }

Sunday, September 27, 2020

#EnforcedDisenfranchisment #WelcomeHome #FUBAR #TobaccoRoad #LunaticsLiarsAndLameMothers


Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, September 27, 2020
---------------- #BooksEmptyHeadsFullOfIt ----------------
Coming from a Joker DNA in Space next to your naked bones screwed dead, yet I am not lost
I need to find myself alone again, where I used to be without yours or anyone else’s hype cost
Being beholding to helping you every step you take, every move you make, so stay in control
Finished, caput, totally out of the favors that used to be Humanity’s #COVID19 diseased soul.

Just let me have my food, my shelter, my drinks and smokes and I’m good until a bitter End
When it all comes down from the outside and begins collapsing within, I won’t leap off a cliff
Y’all go to the place where nothing remains, like a song that nobody ever sings to money lend
To the future and to the past we give this present day and night, out of our control, just a GIF.

Today is a trick from yesterday planting seeds to sprout flowers to grow into terps for twerps
Serving thousands who alter their consciousness for the sake of sanity and avoidance of Hell
Which may be where the sinners are sent once it’s determined that they couldn’t give a slurp
A confined, extremely hot place, #Walkinonthesun with @SmashMouth ringin’ a Liberty bell.

Cryptic scribbles on walls & first grade Primer lingo give you keys to a 1932 Ford coupe 409ci
Dual quad carb for an after walk on the sun’s Time Warp, nothing to smoke, not even a pinch
Jacked up and revealed, then retracted and immersed into the lower echelons around you pal
Joined at the hip, stiff lip Hippy chicks born to grandparents from Woodstock, a cinch, UB1.

In a manner of speaking in tongues and whipping the girl scouts into shape for the cub scouts
Den mothers do nothing but monitor the fledgling taxpayers’ account of their twists & stink
Eventually after decades, they’ve grown into a connoisseur smoke of burning leaf and seeds
Mint flavored to the taste buds, past the windpipe into the lungs and back up through I.N.C.

To be this man or woman, this human being is as easy as being a virus or bacterial germ-bug
It is animated and dependent on the host, the living and breathing, self-replicating man-slug
What’s this substantial humanity, dirty rocks of planet Earth, Form of a Godsmackin’ room
With or without the original plans from the creator of the entire COSMOS, we’re all doomed!

I brought a knife to the gunfight because nobody with a gun, loaded and cocked fears a blade
Sharp enough to puncture thin steel and skin, to slice limbs, heads and vital organs that fade
As the blood and innards become the outside of what used to be deep within, contained milk
Hot with the flames of scalding, hot lava from the volcanic interruptus of the Big Bang’s ilk.

There’s a minstrel attempting to strum and sing the Unknowns and the Unforgettable hymns
Heroes and heroines said nothing while the spinners of tales took to the weaving of the hums
Words made flesh to die in between the covers of the books nobody reads about gods we trust
#2 odor, unforgivable, like a dream in a dream, One Singularity, disintegrated my balls’ dust.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dies Domenica, September 27, 2020 Anno Domini @7:11 Ante Meridien, P S T }
{ Bled out listenin’ to WAR THE BAND #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/Ig4jQrofnBI }

Thursday, September 10, 2020


Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, September 10, 2020
-------------------------------  #COPY -----------------------------
It was all written on the wall and in the papers, the luck of you and the rest of co-living units
Reproduction of the bells that toll for the species’ survival, not lucky just misdirected, boned
By the producers, the ones who pay the bones & their unions, above hell & below here & now
Our only home, grounded girls get a rock and all of the boys are gettin’ too buzz drive stoned.

Y’all know what I’m talkin’ about no matter which way you swing, if you’re not a DNA cloned
We all had a ma and pa that grounded us here in a safe place for nine months, ego abandoned
Celebration and a requiem for a lightweight who had too many objections to warrior oldsters
Swords, sticks, rocks and stones come in handy, gunpowder can’t be found in China crackers.

Here’s how the herd takes advice, follow the leader to find where the water is, folks, that’s all
Literally or figuratively, your choice and mine, nobody else can make the decision, we all fall
From the grace we’ve inherited by the luck of a random draw, gun smoke leftover for my gods
Many Ones twist & wobble, fired about a sunny star, high, stoned babies with no last names.

Getting to the end comes soon enough whether you give it a single thought or not, no surprise
It’s a necessary condition to remain able to survive in a losing battle for immortality’s rubble
Miraculous effects of the First Cause right in front of your eyes, you will forget about the bull
Cows don’t care about Martha or George or the Donald, species last call, “just do it, let’s roll!”

Many decades and centuries rolled on to get right here to this point in the matrix, here we are
One and the same kind of weird creation from an absentee father and a welfare mother Earth
Everything that’s food is exchanged for debits and paper IOU’s, the poverty is a tab at the bar
Where I go to slam the day back into the banks of despair, Jackie Daniels dictates self worth!

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, September 10th, 2020 A.D. @ 03:57 AM PST

Sunday, August 16, 2020

#CrankedUpForTheDuration #SHOWDOWN #KrisKross

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, August 16, 2020
---------------  #silk --------------
Didn’t dream for the permission to live or die on the ground of being, I willed it, I am the One
Without me there is no me, no you, nothing at all anywhere in Space and Time of the matrix
Coming apart at the invisible seams without you, without anyone other than the One true fix
Mothers and fathers run numbers and the dozens for the sake of no purpose, sun of my son.

Performing from dawn ‘til dusk, dead to the world in dreams from dusk ‘til dawn, on a cross
Not a crisis of crosses, you can get timber anywhere to hang men, women, rats & demigods
Nails are a problem if they’re not sharp, too dull to pierce the skin and bone of my flash mobs
Filtered the complete mass of the atomic matrix of the universe into this thimble of the boss.

Bleed out, become unconscious of the perception of reality, a dream in a dream is #Fakenews
Performing on stage with no script, added to a heap of leaping-knowns and bones with Blues
Bottom of the barrel at the pit below the pendulum, the rats and bugs eat the matter of You
Some, closed off in satin and metal or swaddling cloth and tree timber-wood, some fired air.

Meeting after the final breath and after death will NOT be an option, blind faith point taken
Mouth agape for others to appear aghast as if it’s a reminder of their own fate accomplice, sin
Didn’t do the behavior modification of good rewarding and evil punishing, so good being bad
No command, no obedience to any code of action and equal, opposite reaction, e gad, so sad.

What will anyone do when whatever you do, wherever you go’s none of anyone else’s concern
Blowing in & out of your seamless ghost of an antique entity will disguise nobody else’s scree
Painful when the pleasure turns to the lack of It, a vacuum of empty insight into the deep Id
Right there inside and outside of the 208 bones, mindful yet in a spirit form, Singularity Kid.

r j j stephan, i
c. August 16th, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Written pretending to listen to Heartband #HEART on youTube #CrazyOnYou & HITS link @ https://youtu.be/vGEKW-e_Ge8 }
#DealWithYourOwnCross #IGotMine #YouGotYours

Sunday, August 02, 2020

#MirandaRights & #RedPhilosopherStone @CarlosSANTANA @CHICAGOTheBand @RunawayJune

************* #ExhibitNone **************
It’s all about the red shift, the blue shift and the blown atoms of gravitational collapse on us
We all above the ground care about staying alive, surviving in the midst of turmoil’s matrix
Upon the groundwork of the base, the foundation for the fantastic and God’s magic laser bus
With or without you, I’m goin’ where I need to go to get the candy store to get a C6H12O2 fix.

Spices of salt and pepper can’t make the taste of the Void sweeter or more sour than gruel
You and I know the thing, that thing that you can’t say or write down with words, it’s cruel
To be or not to be when you still are thinking about the facts before your very senses of Id
As if the Ego or Super Ego have any standing at all, mythological excuses for being the kid.

One who comes from nothing but an egg and a small flagellating germ of God, Life itself, me
Well now we have it, pretending not to be a pretender as if that causes Truth to mutate, Free
No liberty when you gotta go when you gotta go, that’s not freedom, It’s illusory Time blows
Given to the things themselves because of the sweet luck given to random Karens & Romeos.

Tick tock on the clock makes the mouse run into the DNA of the human genome, Mickey slips
It’s a mouse because it creeps into the mind from the stomach’s metabolizing freaky two lips
Comatose upon arrival yet ready for the bones to roll the rocks against the wall for the Craps
I don’t know where my mother and father went but they’re gone, I’m still here for back slaps.

Last words of the final statement from the Word unsaid, unstated, unwrote, unthought blows
Printed, written, scratched on rocks & dirt, burned out aster ash, live and die, below as above
News of the old and baseless, frumpy mess of the social matrix left it over from odd maestros
Coming inside of the holy sepulcher, tabernacle of absolute zero, sacred, absolute, One love.

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, August 2nd, 1956 A.D. my 1st brother’s birthday, @AllenRobertStephan R.I.P. baby! Drafted while listenin’ to Carlos Santana #LIVEatMONTREUX my brother from another #Mamacita #Europa & #SambaPaTi on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/JAsfAuvFvh8 *header is my #PhilosopherStone }

#PrudentProductionParaphanalia #Phantasmagorical @JimiHendrix @SnoopDog @Dr_Dre

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, August 2, 2020
******* #SandCastleMagical ******
Just several kilometers from the center of the North Pole, I searched & found what I needed
Not what I wanted, it was not my personal desire, yet it was all too human of a wanton dread
That the will I have and the intent strength of the focus of the thought power, never fails gods
You my friend, ain’t a god, neither is anyone else, none of y’all are, no more Siberian hotrods.

A messenger dead in your head but ringing the meaning of the words of subjects and objects
In the scrum of the huddle it all comes down to this, what the plan is after you find the Truth
As it’s always been, the ignorant won’t have any inkling that something’s amiss, star specks
Flat on the ground against star cinders of what used to be back in the day before Babe Ruth.

Baseball players can’t spit on the ground anymore, can’t chew snuff or tobacco in a dugout
But how can you expect to be calm during all of the tense commotion on the diamond field
A function of the equation may be quadratic in form and as a mass of atoms, shaped as an eye
Looking inside & outside as if it’s different when it is indeed, One and the same, yet we pray.

Here’s the boundaries and the facts of life, every teenager should have been taught, we failed
Not due to intent to ruin the civilization but just to show that it’s all about #Me2 & not y’all
If I don’t get things in my reach I will not be happy, sadness is a form of mockery at all souls
My spirit, soul, ghost doesn’t have respect for any of them, they don’t exist in my black hole.

So, I play the notes of what angels in the sky sound like when you’re called home to a tease
A hope while I spread the Faith and the Charity everywhere I go, to those who sip green teas
I don’t care who cares and who doesn’t because it’s none of my business, it’s all humanity’s
It’s not only a long way home but also it’s straight and narrow within an ultraviolet infinity.

Thrown the whole shebang up against the wall and nothing stuck, it all fell down to the floor
I am way under the radar in front of the god's eye and the dream that gives up a losing score
No matter, no expectations other than you’ll be alive tomorrow but someday you won’t, caput
It ain’t my fault, you work ‘til you die, that’s it, says an innocent crow, #KissMyBlackAssFoot!

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 A.D. Jammed this while listenin’ to @JimiHendrix concert & Snoop Dogg #DontJudge #ItsArtForArtsSake #DontBeThatWayHomies here’s a link from 2009 @ https://youtu.be/QZXc39hT8t4}

Friday, July 31, 2020

#RawMeat #RollIsNowSlowed

- - - - #SkipARope - - - -
There we go with the anonymity and the slander of the followers of the idiots and the morons
Maybe I’m wrong but haven’t we taught our welfare children to have respect for hard work?
No? Oh, maybe this is what we get when we have compassion for unwed and divorced moms
A black-outfitted, jack-booted riff-raff is the end of the Welfare State, It extinguished slums.

Excuse me a moment while indulging in some original musings about the nature of nothing
Absolute zero to discuss or even put into any words at all, have mercy on my plastic brothers
Infinity to the rescue when the dominant and subordinate cannot get along without a mind
Losing it and not being able to relocate it leads to the psychological trauma of Earth lovers.

Bringing the girl scouts to the bake sale to make some cookies from scratch, minty peanuts
Once and for all, all is One and One for all like musketeers who are lost in the matrix deal
Pop goes the weasel and it explodes into the virtual Void, with the #COVid19 on it’s tail
Then it comes, if I’ve made no mistakes, the end of the world as I know it, no angel or god.

Pens and sticks in the dirt laid out the best laid plans, all were defeated one by one & now
You and your baggage have no room on this journey together, it’s you alone or the highway
How I’m leavin’ you behind with my kin, it’s dangerous air, do not cough it up or sneeze PM’s
Options are dwindling and there are only two appropriate thought songs of Humuhumu’s.

Bums and moguls mixing it up on the plains down to the valleys and to top #Cornpop goons
Why? Something is missing and of great value to someone, if they cannot find it, have a fit
Mercury electronically emanated all the way to Pluto and now we’ve mighty mouse cartoons
It’s gender neutral, man and woman, two faces of one mother and one father, Unmoved It.

Theoretically and practically a mixture of empty sky and high hopes for impossible dreams
Held hostage for the keys to lock her up in the dark slammer, it’s my grief lost to bitter blows
Microscopic dope fiends in your DNA inherited from the homo sapiens of the cave schemes
Going DOWN because we came from there, this black hole was the only way to slow our rolls.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, July 31st, 2020 A.D @ 12:12 PM PST

{ Tied this up while listenin’ to Armstrong & Getty on @kste650AM & during commercials listening’ to Samantha Fish rockin’ youTube link @ https://youtu.be/XEDgMsI7fd8 }