
Saturday, December 05, 2020

@MaryWells #TalkToMe #Funkadelic @PRINCE @ChrisCornell


Movies silent & talkies recollect memories of the genome, muscle-bound specimens of man's kind
Fair and reasonable using syllogistic logic passed on from the wine vines of Greece to China, fine
Opinions are like the exit wounds of animals who must refuse the useless things themselves, food
Dead things used to be alive for a spell, shorter than our own magic spell, we transform the hood.

It's not any type of misunderstanding to know that you and I descended from the chimps & apes
Check out how babies learn from their elders, you see what I mean?  Yet, I digress to pull vapes
Top of the pile, cream of the crop, alpha male of humanity masks up to prevent virus-infected air
There are geniuses & then there are blithering idiots & hopelessly compliant morons, that's fair.

Here in Space, now at this Time, today, yesterday or tomorrow even zygotes learn how to fly high
The reason for the mitotic divide of the DNA gene pool, merger with the Other, make One of two
Low blows for Big Dipper, although my forefathers are dead, burned, lost. buried under deep blue
Gods and dogs got to observe Reality & comply with categorical imperatives' facemasks, now die!

Original infraction of the only law that counts, stay alive as long as you can, stay healthy and fit
For that reason only, there is nothing at all after your breath fails to help your heart beat the chit
From the ground, under it and above it, above and below, it's One, it's the same thing of Mama
Earth, she spins and wobbles, orbits the One, the star 93 million miles away from me, I am Papa!

Torn away from the source by the blow to the brain, mental flossed until clarity rocked the block
Reason for the dream, for this somnambolistic event between your ears, it's all deep in your chit
Playing the game of ignorance for the sake of feeling better about the facts of life, You & I are It
Fundamentally changing your next day & years to come, my girls, my guys, get ready, go, TicToc.

Honors for a candid deception, given inheritance for getting lucky one night, down with my flaps
It ain't my fault for pointing out the Truth as it appears to my senses, trained by professor priests
All of the wise men looked for a being to save this planet from certain doom, the gravity collapse
Dice merged into One, die of a snake eye, Nothing but a #FakeNews touchdown, gods are beasts!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, Freezember 5th, 2020 Anno Domini
{  Drafted while listenin' to my wife CYBER-whisper, echoing in my ear, #MyGuy by @MaryWells link @ https://youtu.be/2-0zdLN3u8Q }


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