
Saturday, July 13, 2019


Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, July 13, 2019
Random, unrelated, donors of gametes arrive, scrambled eggs and ice cream, lover of One
From a nearly invisible piece of genetic matter, full acid #DNA, I think we’re all here n’ now
For a short spell, maybe a hundred year trap for the spirit’s flesh and inherited cross-bone
I will be sentenced to the termination of the skin and bones, released chit to form Ozone.

Becoming the thing itself that is present, coming from the past twilight zone, fake future
Dogs with bones yet civilized and law abiding, eating only old deadheads & ponytail hair
For the hate of the devil which is merely lived spelled backward, evil is live, reversal fans
It’s a tragic comedy, a quagmire of contradictory recollections of psycho-social humans.

Beginning to become unfocused. naked and forgetting this life is a forsaken fruit of wombs
Not mine or yours but the womb of the divine, holy Void of a Black Hole, pyramidal tombs
Digging for the dead and buried happens when you’ve forgotten to keep the diamond rings
Mining dead wings for cache won’t hurt the red woodpeckers ruled by the queens of vikings.

Kicks keep getting harder to find when you’ve been kicked out of this super-hot night club
Don’t drink or smoke but fight every time someone pushes my red hot buttons to rumble
Black belted x degree beyond the ninth inning, third periodic or fourth quartered tumble
Wigs on, makeup has disguised “The Cruise” that we’re goin’ on to paradise’s ocean hub.

I love it when we cruise together, you’re goin’ my way from here to anywhere at all, #OMGs
From Tierra del Fuego down at the south end, north of the South Pole’s hidden deep freezes
Flying or swimming where running, walking legs don’t make a bit of difference, I do atrophy
Extinction’s bliss, Space-Time roll of a die, angel with snake eyes’ die, a Sonny & Jesus tease.

r j j stephan, i *Get a Thesaurus FOR your edification! Header is how YOU cam in #Kicks!
c. July 12th, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Marshall Tucker Band - Brasil #PrettyLittleLoveSong & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/SiLUTWcLCgU }

Friday, July 12, 2019

#AlwaysBeMyFavoriteLittleBoy #OhMommy #KeepurBeechInline #DoNotEatMyButton

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, July 12, 2019
Stairs go up and down for us all who’ve become extinct due to the winning of the lover games
We all ate ourselves back to the origin of the planet, a supernova’s filthy ash and dust flames
Blazing light of the nuclear chain reaction you say, is starlight the verve of all matter and chit
Blind faith that Up stairs end either higher than I want to go, lower than a bottomless armpit.

Mercury, Venus and all of US here on Earth become the squirrel chit that becomes historical
Data becomes the squirrel chit from the ground nut eaters, climbers and chasers to recycle
The trolls and the mainstream media moving from perty purple-haired shades or bald punks
Filling up the empty tanks of bias with fantasies of the fantastic phantasms of holy, hot funks.

Smoked the fillers from the flocks dropped leaves of silver, gold and fur from the perty hares
Celebration of the Spring of the Earth’s tilted twirl, spinning and wobbling in elliptical pairs
Never alone, always with another lump of distant infinite mass in effigy because it’s all dead
Living and being alive is a dream or illusion of the Way, the narrow path you’re on to dread.

My fault, your fault, mom’s or dad’s fault that the love they made is the Life they gave the Id
Now, the beans are spilled and you’ve got a memory you recall that’s extinct, species’ divinity
Holy grit and grime to fill up the Void until Nothing is clear, Everything crushes the LSD sky
Get ready ‘cause like it or not, it’s coming and you’re going, mama told me not to come, I did.

Chat with squirrels and don’t say chit or chat about the rooms between the woodwork, I see
Now you have come to believe that you are like a meaningless piece of rock rolling to be free
Drained of water, we lick the drain where it all goes down to the grim bottom feeders’ room
Lions, sharks and one mosquito will all kill you and I if you let them, be very afraid of doom.

Apes on horses, we were, evolved into the men in swirling SUVs, jets, trains and hydroplanes
Now only the naked ones are out of the zoos and cages of the herbivore and carnivore chains
Fortune and the power of dust/rocks being flung at a sucking, erotic Void, annihilate my Ball
Beneath notions none of us can see, chit’s in baskets, alien black holes, holy balls in One call.

r j j stephan, i
*header is my alter-ego #StewieFamilyGuy at the foot of the stairway to heaven! }
c. Friday, July 12th, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to "Stewie Family Guy" jam @ https://youtu.be/EZ7eIKbmjwk & then a fantastic historical lesson @ https://youtu.be/TTzGBJhD-_g link to: “How Would We Know? - If Alien Life Exists on Exoplanets - The Universe and Space Exploration”  Sun/Fire }

Thursday, July 11, 2019

#OnASlowRollHome #ForeverPromised #LetItBleedOut

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, July 11, 2019
There once lived a woman who took it all down a notch, slowed her roll and got this nothin’
Nothing to guess at this thing in front of our faces, our hearts and souls know #Hole e-Truth
Becomin’ One after being the Many from the first gasp of gas from an upset stomach, smokin’
Whatever you call it, an atheist or deist, same old same nothing itself, O #FakeNews forsooth.

Come along to this cyberstore without any stress, you don’t need a dime, the cappuccino Sin
Like salt water, the fresh water, frozen snow to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. #300 bowl
I did what I had to do, my father in heaven be my judge or not, my father may be deep down
Grounded where I left It, in the box, in the hole, below a granite rock, OMG “Holy, Slow Roll!

So, sundown comes, light of the day, spun around and goin’ up in smoke before you know it
Before the inevitable day on the court of the rock and roll, you play the game, break the rules
Check this and check that before you cross the street, the cars want to move over fish schools
Rubber and plastic, a little bit of steel movin’ forty miles every hour, a million miles a minute.

Pretend you just found out that there’s nothing after this rat race of people animated by God
Or the Buddah’s sleepin’ dream of the Many from the Oneness, downshift to Jesus’ holy grail
Not only was the twelve years and a day completed in a NY minute, but also I’m Chicago blue
Red and White left where mama & daddy couldn’t calm my punk arse down, I rocked, I flew.

Deep breath goes up in smoke because it went through my lungs and filled my blood with joy
From the top of the highest mountain dome where the lava blew out from the core’s #HotRoll
Time and Friction brought about the thing itself and the things that happen in Time’s employ
Rat race in the heavens y’all, I ain’t dyin’ in It right now, bitter downshift, I #SlowedMyRoll!

Deeply breathing in and out, gas is good, gas is good, keeps me and my truck runnin’ it down
Downshiftin’ uphill to go slower with the heavy weight of gravity, stayin’ above graves’ Papa
Way down for all of the skeleton bones, seein’ the xrays and cosmic waves aboves and belows
Inside and outside, consummation of Henrietta’s stress is outside A space-mind of yo’ Mama!

r j j stephan, i
c. July 11, 2019 A.D. Thursday @ 9:11 AM PST { HEADER is @HenriettaLeavitt #MotherOfLeavitt's “...discovery of a way to accurately measure distances on an inter-galactic scale, paved the way for modern astronomy's understanding of the structure & scale of the universe.” -Wikipedia link @https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrietta_Swan_Leavitt }
{ drafted #TookItDownANotch while jammin’ to Brothers Osborne jammin’ acoustically #SlowYourRoll on youTube in a LOOP, link @ https://youtu.be/hfLnmPAeroA }
#InLoveWithTequillaAgain - #ButWhy?