Stairs go up and down for us all who’ve become extinct due to the winning of the lover games
We all ate ourselves back to the origin of the planet, a supernova’s filthy ash and dust flames
Blazing light of the nuclear chain reaction you say, is starlight the verve of all matter and chit
Blind faith that Up stairs end either higher than I want to go, lower than a bottomless armpit.
Mercury, Venus and all of US here on Earth become the squirrel chit that becomes historical
Data becomes the squirrel chit from the ground nut eaters, climbers and chasers to recycle
The trolls and the mainstream media moving from perty purple-haired shades or bald punks
Filling up the empty tanks of bias with fantasies of the fantastic phantasms of holy, hot funks.
Smoked the fillers from the flocks dropped leaves of silver, gold and fur from the perty hares
Celebration of the Spring of the Earth’s tilted twirl, spinning and wobbling in elliptical pairs
Never alone, always with another lump of distant infinite mass in effigy because it’s all dead
Living and being alive is a dream or illusion of the Way, the narrow path you’re on to dread.
My fault, your fault, mom’s or dad’s fault that the love they made is the Life they gave the Id
Now, the beans are spilled and you’ve got a memory you recall that’s extinct, species’ divinity
Holy grit and grime to fill up the Void until Nothing is clear, Everything crushes the LSD sky
Get ready ‘cause like it or not, it’s coming and you’re going, mama told me not to come, I did.
Chat with squirrels and don’t say chit or chat about the rooms between the woodwork, I see
Now you have come to believe that you are like a meaningless piece of rock rolling to be free
Drained of water, we lick the drain where it all goes down to the grim bottom feeders’ room
Lions, sharks and one mosquito will all kill you and I if you let them, be very afraid of doom.
Apes on horses, we were, evolved into the men in swirling SUVs, jets, trains and hydroplanes
Now only the naked ones are out of the zoos and cages of the herbivore and carnivore chains
Fortune and the power of dust/rocks being flung at a sucking, erotic Void, annihilate my Ball
Beneath notions none of us can see, chit’s in baskets, alien black holes, holy balls in One call.
r j j stephan, i
*header is my alter-ego #StewieFamilyGuy at the foot of the stairway to heaven! }
c. Friday, July 12th, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to "Stewie Family Guy" jam @ & then a fantastic historical lesson @ link to: “How Would We Know? - If Alien Life Exists on Exoplanets - The Universe and Space Exploration”

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