
Saturday, July 27, 2019

#Grunts #Jarheads & #Flyboys #NeverSurrender

Richard Joseph Stephan·Saturday, July 27, 2019
---- #LIES or #LiveWithoutYou or #BringTheCurtainDown ----
Free from saggin’ gravity, lost in situational equations, all marines, vikings of #TwoLip sons
All of the bacteria and viruses have become One with the outer space, where it all gets done
No more beasts of burden hurting and being hurt, eaten and beaten for crimes of my passion
Dreaming of being asleep, being worried about dying in a dream, superman’s beast o’burden.

A to Z and 1, 2, 3, 4 from the nativity of my seed of consciousness to dissolutionary sol-fizzin’
In Time and Space’s warped matrix, light and sound feels very good, I’m a 2-3-74 Phildickian
One singularity on the event horizon and you and I have no free will or choice, like it or not
Drivin’ up or down the #One as they call it, there’s a reason for that, I’d say Big Sur gunshot.

You don’t know and I don’t care but regardless of your attitude or comprehension, like a drip
Just like your ancestors and descendants, here and then just a lost twin’s far-out acidic triplet
Permutation of DNA with the LSD re-fried country-fried chicken, double-burgers and my Ma
Earth of my home caves, darkness lit by fire in the underground holes, my mother, our fauna.

When two people of ANY century make history by recollecting energy, It splits atomic mass
Nowhere to go outside of the planet’s atmospheric pressure, atop or underground dumbness
It is done, we are #SpaceTruckin just because that’s the way this sheet of music turned It out
A spirit, a ghost, an ephemeral whiff of smoke in a mirror, I needed to see a trippin’ cubscout.

You’ve got a brain tumor and you have dementia due to the severe head blows of in life’s blow
On this road of Love, we found the Way, to run a cross-cut buzz-saw, to cut wisdom’s hot cow
Bull by the horns, a grip that will never release, if a bacterium seeks a host to kill, eliminate It
From inanimate objects to amino acid and solar plasma, it’s life of a star, a film, a play, a skit.

Grateful to not be dead while on the road, trippin’ in a hundred years, because I’m so alone
Even if you don’t see the deep-seated beauty within me, under my clear skin, veins run blues
Nothing red outside of me until a hole punctures through the insufficient armor to the bone
Empty arms in empty space but I still wanna hug and kiss you, don’t die, never let It ooze!

r j j stephan, I
c. July 27th, 2019 A.D. @ 4:04 AM PST

Friday, July 26, 2019

#WhatTheIntercourse? #WhoTheIntercourse #WokeUpWithWood @AlanWatts

-------------- TO BE AWAKE, W O R D --------------

Smilin’ about nothin’ once I found out we’re all here and now, lonely, alone without a rescue
We’ve no particular place to go except rockin’ in a wobble around a burnin’ out star, it’s YOU
Nobody ever had all of this figured out and they kept havin’ more babies to break hard rocks
Left an historical record with the feats of the feet that tripped ‘round in a rodeo of Goldilocks.

My soul drippin’ rock blues’ spirit flights above the ozone into the Ether, Space and Time too
Music’s melodic arpeggios soothed me after my mama moved on to the hereafter’s harmony
My daddy was actually my father, nicknamed after my infantile expression of Love for Man
It is what he was and always will be to me, even as I drift away from the gravity to the grave.

From the core to the surface, the erotic feeling in my feet as they dance in glee, no shackles P!
Hey cuz, hey brother, hey sister, even if you don’t honor your mama and papa, put this down
On paper or deep inside of your recollection power pack, between your ears’ chartreuse skies
In the hereafter, right here and now, it’s always been cold and dry but hot, frozen & #Free-ze.

One important piece of information for the young zygotes not quite here yet, in premature Id
What is the problem? It is what it is and it ain’t what it ain’t and that someday you’ll see Kid
I’m not your mama or your daddy but since you’re an orphan, nth degree in logic’s condition
Power to multiply, to divide, add and subtract is the skill of the atom, fission, fusion of a Sin.

To be or not, invalid questions, reasonable answers, undeniably necessary, venial #FakeSins
What is beautiful and what is the reason for existence in a death spiral with benefits, cat-lions
Cats to lick the fur clean and digest the hairballs for ignition of the Fire, raging flames of God
Mortality is the breathing in and out of the gas, heart shatters and dies, fuel exhausted blood.

My motor started runnin’ nine months before my mama dropped me into insanity, crazy God
Four letter words won’t help, shoutin' them to high heaven, there’s nothin’ out there, #NetZero
Wishin’ it was like they pretended it to be when they pushed my buttoned-up #edumykashun
Fillin’ in the blanks of the unknown with guesses of blind women’s holymen, It is #Welldone.

r j j stephan, i
c. July 26th, 2019 A.D. Friday @ 4:44 AM PST


Thursday, July 25, 2019

#Verity & #WhiteLiesInHeaven @TaqiyyaForDummies @ZZTop #TexasStyle @LosLonelyBoys #MOI

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, July 25, 2019
------------#WontGetFooledAgain - #NotThisTime ------------

Here and now there is a marvelous tone to the rhetoric, the language of man’s dirty megalith
A force that will never be reckoned with is a force that is the most powerful, speaks for itself
What it is, nobody told me, they didn’t know therefore they forgot about the need to bleed it
Letting it all hang out for the duration of existence, all forms of life, viral-animated scat fits.

Here and now there is a marvelous tone to the rhetoric, the language of man’s dirty megalith
Not only here and now, moving about with regulation of authority above my pay grade wife
Amigo of nobody in particular and everyone in general, walkin’ all alone from birth to death
Pretending to be a very important person, V.I.P. cream of the crop, a DNA anomaly’s breath.

In B.S. jest I submit the following diatribe as the thesis of my PhD, philosopher testosterone
Out of the darkness’ caves in the bowels of the atmospheric vacuum of a dirty, grimy T-bone
Come One and coming all through the spin of the revolving dead matter, surviving on its own
Amazing, incredible that Life is whatever it is, naught but a gravitational collapse of the Soul.

Let me take you through this last trip between us, where we know where we’re coming from
You’re here, I’m here, we’re all here and now, this place in space at this time of Earth rotation
In revolution all about the burning ball we all know is the where-with-all that makes us all go
Eternity has Nothing on a presence, this reality of day to day function of the Calculi of a blow.

Ground grown, water blown, that is where it’s all at, where it all comes from, undergrounded
From the fungi to the tips of tree nuts and cones, life did not rise from Nothing, arrow’s dead
Buried passing through the bull’s eye of the target, the center of the matrix’ holy semen seed
Demons inside ghosts, badass devils inside humanity’s hosts with a moronic need for speed.

Careful and meticulous preparation of the argument’s deduction induced by a dead fathead
Ones who thought about it and scratched notes into stone, metal and paper shots of the lead
Bullets and knives evolved into the fusion and fission of the microbes, come, my Supernova
Here’s a Mescalero, there’s an amigo, I ain’t playin’, we’re all East of nowhere to go, #Aloha!

r j j stephan, i
c. July 25, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ Taqiyyah kitchen drafted while listenin’ to the #HighNMighty Zztop Texas Rangers #Mescalero #AlleyGator & HITS, drinkin’ #Expresso jammin’ on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9oSG8dNrS3c }