
Monday, April 06, 2020

@U2 #ThereAndThen #WithOrWithoutYou #WhenImKissinMyLove RIP @BillWithers #FootOnTheRcok #ColdBaloney #WhiteBreat & #Mayonaise #RideLikeTheWind @ChristopherCross #PhilosopherStone @VanMorrison

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, April 6, 2020 
---------------  #KnowNewsAintFakeNews ----------------
Here’s the ticket since you asked, oh no you di’nt, yes you did, you know you’re liars
It’s not your fault though, you just hate to be shamed and punished by the superiors
Silver lining in the cloud is in my holy back pocket, got my yoyo and top too, it’s gold
Backstreets full of naked-ape meat, 208 bones full of soup and stew, gets the kids old.

At the bottom or at the top, the same world ends in the empty void of Space, out of Time
It’s nothing personal just like a virus, it’s a hard road to tread, changing the DNA of mine
Humanity’s gene pool of the acid from the solar system, turning lead into a golden plow
Cow, calf, dog, cat, mule, horse, ox, we naked apes on the hard rock road of here and now.

Distorted thoughts of mutant eggs and sperm, soothin’ the savage beasts, ma & pa’s the sex
Even the orphans without their creators from egg and sperm know the Truth, all too humane
All too human as the great philosopher Freddie said, it’s a go, cease to be the jellyroll defects
Wander the land, every direction is up and down, OVER. Come back good buddy...hssssssss.

Pandemic enhancing H2O and Tiger-Lion burger rare, H.1.N.1 TRANCEDEATHCORE SPLIT
Eating cats, rats, bats and whatever crawls on the ground or on trees, stop it, wash it, eat it
Underneath the beautiful and spectacular plethora of dynamic animation of the bone bags
Homeless with or without wood or stone overhead, a cave or mansion won’t stop the #hags.

Before you annihilate all of the messengers that may be in your own family, sing happy blues
Decide whether or not you’re operating from the a priori Truth or the a posteriori #FakeNews
Either way you’ll die in the end, you have no choice but to follow the path, blowin’ harp above
Here below, surprising at The Ends, silver lining in clouds, alone I searched home, I am Love.

r j j stephan, i
c. April 6th, 2020 A.D. @ 10:10 Ante Meridian, Pacific Standard Time
{ Inspired by the philosopher_stones & #EngineDrone...Bled out from the jugular, after suffering a shallow flesh wound during a solo Escrima kata, all in my own mind, in my head, found the silver lining @ https://youtu.be/3YGPFyhXUws }

Sunday, April 05, 2020

#WorldOfSense #APlanetAmongMillions #GodsProbablyGoingNowhere #SomebodyHelpUsYeah @BeeGees @HEART @DarylsHouse

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, April 5, 2020
------------ @StayinAlive #Forever ------------
No it’s not, it cannot be, it’s over already? I’m not even seventy, I mean eighty and poof bone
Shut down after I worked for thirty years to retire and enjoy vacations, forgetabout it now G
Pensions mean nothing if they don’t send them, Man has taken over the system, I’m all OMG
The Man is always there for us! I know the Man, I am the Man, You’re the Man, I’m all alone.

Caught up in the silver lining and the philosopher stone search, nationwide, worldwide Hood
Always will be until my last breath and my taking the water & turning it into red wino blood
In the alleys where I’ve left everything I’ve written on paper, shredded into strips for kindling
Highlights of the dreams and nightmares in the form of sagas & fables, mine, yours, Aesop's.

Treasures are won and lost, some are even stolen by those who live backward, spelling it Evil
Walking backward with the tribe, the clan, people of the world, of all the nation’s hero ballads
We walk and run down the same roads, we eat and send the refuse downriver to the downhill
Changing scat into pure gold, the elements of animal excrement, the love of living bat salads!

It’s easy come, easy go, it’s all a matter of when and that’s the mystery, look out for The Ends
My philosopher’s stone can’t be inherited, I’m takin’ it with me when I go, I am a holy wraith
All of the lead left here and now has been changed to the shining gold of the minions, my kins
Humans, bats & roaches, virus & bacteria win, Samson bonks Delilah, David kills ol’ Goliath!

Up in the evening, up in the morning, nowhere to lay down where the sun don’t shine, God O
Took care of my mother, father, sisters and brothers, friends & relatives, dead needed dough
Somebody pressed a button and the whole shebang shutdown the engine of creation, I moan
Like a baby in the cradle wanting to eat but can’t because the teat dried up, now you got bone.

r j j stephan, i { This one is for my BEST friend! Turned lead into gold. Engine drones. }
c. 5 avril 2020 Anno Domini à 3 h 33 après le méridien, heure normale du Pacifique

#NowhereSpecial #JustStayinAliveForNow @Venus #PrinceOfThePaupers @PhilosophersStone @VanMorrison @BruceSpringsteen #FaithBetweenOurTeeth #BackstreetsChicagoFreehold #HitMe

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, April 5, 2020
------  #NoFullHouse just #TripAces ------
The Tea is for Two not the ants, fleas and gnats of the genome, beggars of green eggs & ham
I am One gypsy on the surface of the planet and there’s one in the air and one at sea, 1 & done
Not amigos but necessary conditions for a format to exist in this manner, a form of gods’ dam
Substance of the substratum from the Earth core center of a Life on Earth to a star, my sun.

You rocked and stoned the pebbles into smithereens of viral-cosmic dust, a pinch of salt balls
Never to be hard enough to rock again, soft rock’s questionable too, nobody knows but nature
Nice guys finish last and I was always the first over the goal line, apparently I’m badder y’alls
Good girls can’t handle me, like my ma, sisters and wives, bad girls want gigabytes, pure me.

I get it, I’ve always gotten it but I play possum for the minions to extrapolate their animosity
Dreaming their fannies are all awake, unconscious of Nature, trippin’ on Reality & swag steel
Took a ride in the education K-16 and found Nothing but #BlurredLines of animal rules, Fme
Yeah, I said it good girls, I can’t spell it, know where I comin’ from? Hug my mesmeric DNA!

Fairs and concerts, ball games of children & old, decrepit men who outlive a dark star’s whirls
Just because their mothers and fathers let them play games as children, away from gang ways
Earings and fingerlings of diamonds and sapphires, rubies and emeralds in a full circular jerk
Directionless creator out of humane control but DNA & RNA with code to survive, good girls!

I’ve fought hard and I’ve got scars and tattoos from head to toe, there is no dread of the Void
Been there and came out of It in One piece, still alive, kicking cosmic dust off doomed boots
Now, just #ParkItBeach & get off, a commercial break to be concerned about, empty, dead air
Wealth in the black lead buried in the mountains of planetary X, #GoldenGirls, a divine dare.

r j j stephan, i
c. 5 aprile 2020 Anno del Signore; @ 1: 111 Ante Meridian; Ora solare Pacifico
{ Simulation presentation with the #GoodGirls this AM #BlurredLines Robin Thicke nasty jam on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/yyDUC1LUXSU }