
Saturday, July 25, 2020

#WhenYouveHadIt #ItIsDone #OpsiMath #Rock #SHAFT

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, July 25, 2020
***** #NeedsMetWantsNevermore *****
Wait! You think that I’m an ape? Pitchfork man you’re a dope, we’re your DNA of no mercy
Created to avoid the all too human pursuits of good and evil, the guilt of being bad to your ma
When you were young and knew it all but what you knew was nothing, wasted taste of the sea
Superman-supergorilla moves and flies defying gravity and good sense, all doin’ the rhumba.

I got a secret victory before the battle began, the queen wanted me to take over the realm rule
I didn’t know then what I know now and if I did it probably wouldn’t have mattered to a fool
My first choice has mostly been a dead end, many false starts before I got the full-on ignition
Acceleration from zero to a hundred in 3 seconds, brain splattered by the minions who shun.

First there’s a confession and a commitment to be unfolded by temptation or a haloed saint
Second there’s temptation attempting the impossible, as if it were my ghost that’s gonna faint
Y’all know where the fools are coming from a day or two before they arrive, all about the skin
Sagging skin and calcifying bones from skull to ankle, it’s wisdom, a 60’s age of love-in again!

Faith and hope for the things that can never be, faith and hope for the categorical imperative
A necessary condition for the foundation of superpower atomic fission and fusion of Nothing
Heroes and villains survive for a moment in time just to show the good to the bad and ugly
Knowing what only God knows, now you and I know, It Is Done, my .44. & .45’s now empty.

The thrill is done gone whether you be a king or a pauper, it comes like lightening, I be so shy
It’s gone before you memorized the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, beautiful face and high IQ peeve
One thing led to another, I kissed her, she kissed me, you know the rest is history, cherry pie
Incredible that I was able to see the nature of God in a woman, she was the One, she was Eve.

Evolutionary after the special creation from nothing but a Big Bang and gravitational collapse
Gas, liquid, solid things, atoms, molecules, cells, forms and ecosystems of dying, dirty waters
I wish you well though, it’s been a real nice trip from the beginning to the end of road runners
Being and Nothingness, deep Space without a sound or a word, breathe climax, mama’s gasp!

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, July 25th, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 PM PST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to Guardians of the Galaxy on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/l9_-2oG4Cc0 }

Friday, July 24, 2020

#IfAndOnlyIf #StayHereWithMe

***** @MonaLisa Come over here! *****
I’m an old man and I took a cabin cruiser out to high water, deep, cherry red hot, hint of mint
Recollecting leaves growing in Chicago, in grandpa’s back yard full of plants he grew, a hint
Recollect the saliva flowing the way down to the DNA replication of cells, no mitigation force
From hostile, unknown characters comin’ at y’all like in a video game to a silent death choice.

Nothing but water in sight, no land in sight, orphans with no mothers anywhere in thinking
Satisfaction is to feel what your own mother felt when you were in her womb, 24/7 sleeping
A virtual reality of accuracy errors that force One to consider the nature of the beast in total
Discovery of the Truth about why life exists, humanity in particular, random courage of soul.

Migration and mitigation of the factors in the equation, an idiot box #Dimwit transmission
So, the gods let there be Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, all problem children with faux complexity
It’s not their fault that they act the way they do nor their fault that they were soul fused hags
Therefore, they act with impunity and without remorse for the misguided, idiot sperm bags.

Fortune rules this Space and Time, not me nor my particular fix, an AC/DC 266 pound thing
A few times I got lucky and chalked it up to a coincidence but I probably won a bee’s spelling
Words in a sequential order that puts a whole lotta Rosie in the path of the effective way to be
Orphans & well=bred boys & girls & all of y’all between, have a devil within, free of a trinity.

I hear the words and sounds of speakers rockin’ and I’ve seen many come and go, good & bad
Now the bad boys truly did know ‘ow to boogie, 7th sons or not, welfare kids or not, it’s so sad
On the one hand you know you’ve got to survive and try to cover my obligated responsibilities
If you’d have felt what she did, that you’re a bad boy, white lies, deep blue sea, too good to be!

My father said to forget about it, to stop thinking that I had any control, pops was a hero-bull
I tried to persuade him that the Way was straight and narrow, like a laser-focus eye-beaming
A fight you and I didn’t ask for but we’re equipped to fight fruitlessly to the death, inevitable
All One atom in an infinite multiplicity of sub and macroscopic blues, Alcatraz to Rikers Isle.

I was a fool for your stockings, I got cross for a minute and I killed the man who crossed you
I criss-crossed the street just to get to the other side quicker than usual, I was double crossed
Behind a motive for justice, there was an intent to stop any future transgression from the ilk
Hound dogs barkin’ now, gonna chase the prey up the tree, I got a shot, wait, Tequila or milk.

So, I found out that all you get when you get old as the hills is gray hair on your head & soul
Singin’ for the dream to continue on the beaten path, infinite hold on to me, I’m on a slowroll
In love and it’s got a hold on me just like I have nothin’ to say about it, never felt this before
If I only could kill the fantasy, it must be love, golden heart’s happy, movin’ me on the floor.

Y’all got to square the conclusions you’ve reached by now, deductions so full of false premises
Not for any diabolical reason but for a humanitarian one, for the sake of the props to a skull
Crossbones of all dumb people who helped me see myself, down at the crossroads’ sea breeze
In a boat on one of the seven seas, bottom dropped out, on riffs & waves of the end, #Painful!

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, July 24th, 2020 A.D. @ 2045 hours Friday Night
{ Writin’ & rockin’ with Eric Clapton & Dire Straits concert 1988, youTube link @ https://youtu.be/nPIsm5AJdn4 }
 & A 1 & A 2

Thursday, July 23, 2020

#GargantuanMidgets #MinisculeGiants @DaffyDuck

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, July 23, 2020
----- #NoSunshineSheIsAllGone -----
Better off not to walk in the footsteps of whomever came before, they fell off the grid’s blood
Not because they were stupid but because they followed the leader with no question of teams
Peels all of the covering off the empty center of the being of the Matter and Form of red Mud
Maritime and fairy-time complete the full circle, around the sea and around my lucid dreams.

Perfection is the event that comes after all of the chaos, from random to planned parenthood
Earth monkeys multiply while the Earth revolves and shakes US all to the foundation’s cave
Dark and deep inside the rock that rolled out of the blown star, stayed over as infinity’s slave
What you don’t know will hurt you in the end, that is it’s sole function, ignorance, bliss, pain.

Ignorance of a daffy duck, just playing, swimming, looking for something to swallow or screw
All of the good, the bad and the ugly all rolled into one big ball of the right stuff, I’m all in too
Not because I had free choice but because mamas and papas who began this trip of God biz
Found out that there is none, just emptiness without any afterlife, this is it, this is all there is.

But hey, I’m just a duck, I hear the humans have a direct communication skill with the divine
Quacks call themselves doctors and shysters call themselves lawyers, why do we all think so?
Because that’s the Truth, it all comes down to this in a nutshell, people living & dying to roll
It doesn’t matter 100 years from now or ago, what matters is that you take it in, it’s a cosign.

I will surf the tidal waves of H2O full of salt and micro-elements of a Big Bang’s fighting One
The Many will never make it through the ordeal, only One will because that’s the way it Is son
I don’t create the rules, I just observe and obey them for the sake of my own freedom from It
Being One is very lonely, that’s why I am the Many, I’ve got to admit, it appears life is a Skit.

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to WAR THE BAND #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/W5FfJ89rGPc }