
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

#HungUpHungDown #NoCommentsFromAPeanutGallery #GetReadyCuzHereICome #TouchHasGrownCold #HurtDownHeartedWorried #WindowPane #SummersSalts #MyGirl #Temptations


Mission of mercy from the get go to the finale, the muster I gave just wasn't enough for her, too old
From Carolina coasts to rocks that roll off of Oregon & Washington down to California fool's gold
I came into the dream with my eyes wide opened, I cried a minute and then I knew it was all wasted
Nobody gets everything they want except spoiled children like myself, got it a long time ago, overfed.

Me and all of mine which I never had and never will, nothing ever became my own property to sell it
Only the things and dirty places get that option, not the people of the sweet DNA genome of the human
Missing the brilliant and the dull bulbs stuck in the sockets of the electric company, solar wind of Sin
All of the colors turn to black and none of them is white, it's the race of the champions who speak Kin.

All of the living two-legged commune tree-huggers who can't figure out the way of the warrior's life
Prepared to fight to the death at any given moment if any enemy tried to present gun, sword or knife
My girls and boys that came out of my loins just a pleasure to be the momentary lapse of my reasons
To be or not to be, with or without y'all makes no sense, it's all for One and One for all, wives & sons!

Monkeys see what they do and they want to repeat the action ad infinitum until the extinction's erase
Libraries of tree pulp and Indian ink with the Dewey Decimal System, equations original A unto the Z
Ending far from the origin and long forgotten for good reason, we came from a violent fire, I believe
Mother and father had no standing in the empty ocean of feeble idiots and morons not yet conceived.

Poems wrote and songs sung, repeated ad infinitum just in case you missed it or let it slip your mind
I was on a mission of mercy until I found that there would be none left over for me, a given to find
Things you did and things you do are like the things you're gonna get done, stole my heart's free part
Now it's locked in like a guided S.A.M. that has a target that can't move or hide behind a sweet tart.

Bright or dull, I felt alright from the first gasp & bloody, murder scream that shattered the gold quiets
Silence was over the day my feet hit the ground, trouble was there for me to get into, I did all I could
Gold and silver under my belt and piled up in the outer banks, the unknown depository of my sweats
A job from the inside 'cause I didn't care, then I did care, now I don't once again, done what I should.

Pride is gone, humility came here and now for good, there's no way it can do the antithetic cancel cult
Steps from the nativity to the ends of Reality, showing the light and the dark are all the divinity's fault
One is everything and once the One multiplies, the Many drive the sanity into the sea of mixed up love
All for the orgasmic division of the gender identities, what it is is all there is, there's nothing else above.

Above all of us is a plethora of empty blackness, all around 360 degrees, for Space is infinite dead air
Love and hate take us all around the world in 1000's of days or it might be in 3 days, it matters, I care
But I don't know why, I know I'm gonna die, I think something of me will survive, not my head or toes
Nothing of my bones or muscles, not a recollection of good old days, fishin' up the Green River flows.

Told you but you forgot or I forgot to tell you, this and that are all there is about Life itself, it's a Sin
I always knew it even though my ma and pa denied it with the nuns, priests, great grand parent & gin
Drank more than my share but that's as it should be, I save others from the damage they would have 
On the search for what comes daily from dawn to dusk, it's always like this, too proud to be beggin'. 

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, August 11th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 1:11 PMPST
{ Jammed while listenin' to the @Temptations #GreatestHits link @ https://youtu.be/gIbjBCJtdWk }


Monday, August 09, 2021


Sickness unto death as one option for boys & girls raised from infancy to know categories of ID
Subjects and objects being predicated for the stage of the play, characters clueless of the plots
As one of a kind, each treads the path of random chance and the advantage of the magic wands
Waving the spells over the lands from the Rockies to the Ozarks & Blue mountaintops of Sand.

Dead planet/star wandering in the plethora of consciousness, keeping company with only One
Insider information is not for any Outsider who inhabits The Nothingness with or without Love
Caring about others MORE than what you think is YOUR OBLIGATION, as being all too humane
Hunger & thirst for the things of the Earth that take the blues away, smokin' buds of the insane.

Instant comprehension of the gist of the trip here and now, round about a minute or a century
Once you get here you see what you see even if you're born blind or any species of mutationary
It's for me to say, a Johnny come lately observer, I ain't the instigator of this black hole's freeze
Of natural selection, DNA's infarction of RNA, it's aliens man!  On the land, in the air & the seas.

To be or not to be 93 million miles away from this black hole called the sun, is a trip to dance to
Spin around in a whirling dervish dance and find your mojo deep in the middle of your third eye
Didn't even know you had one, thought it was a mere double vision causing this mystery's blow
A right cross and a left hook, a roundhouse and sidekick delivered to a special anniversary show.

Birth and death from origin to infinity and that's just the way it is, the way it's always been here
Now in this moment, this time of the millennia 2,021 years from Zero, where it all began a fear
Of dying all alone without your mama or papa, your mate, your pets you didn't eat to survive It
Pending doom is what I refer to as 'it', no free will man, just to be or not to be, all a buncha chit!

Get off your hind end and animate this genome to it's ultimate destiny, enlightened dead bones
If that's all there is, my friend, don't blame me for the message, it ain't my fault, it's the iPhones
But I know you wanna dance with bases' balls that love you unless you're a fool or dead fly bird
Naturally's pitching, Who's @ third, What's on second, How's @ third, WTF's coaching 1st & 3rd.

Death on the way with the winter snow, frozen tundra & my bones brittle, comedic astral musk
Sprinkled over the stage of seven continents and liquid oxygen-hydrogen combos, a liquid gold
Immersed deep underground, at this foundation's core, it's very hot, unbearable, or so I'm told
Let's roll that set of four Pirelli's down turnpikes & freeways, perdition's road to a kiss my tusk.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, August 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{ Breath taken away & blasted out the universe while listenin' to #DontYouWannaDance in an insane, infinite #snowloop by #WhitneyHouston link @  https://youtu.be/qUBVn__MIz0 }

Sunday, August 08, 2021

#JustDance #ItsNowOrNeverBaby #BrokenSpellMagic #WitchsSpell @ACDC #FadedSonsSun

Systems will run well when they are infinite but not as efficient when locked in one finitude
With the rest of the man's kind of animated soul bones, swimming, crawling, rolling or flying
But the soul is a cut down weed rolled in toilet paper 'cause Zigs never Zagged in time for a high
In a New York minute or a Chicago #Flash, the law and order comes from what you train to buy.

Safety of your heart and soul first and then safety of your loved and cherished family of Ageism
If and only if you are moved to compassion for the genome itself, then you know true heroisms
Saving an unknown human being or any living being from insect to the two & four legged kinds
Ally of them Ones, in the name of the gods who never show a ghostly face, all in our DNA minds.

Bouncin' balls, smackin' them with bats, throwin' a bounce or a fly back and forth, just for fun
Nothin' will ever come from it other than passing the Time, trying not to entertain the 7th son
Impossible as it should be since this isn't really a game at all, counter revolution's a Big ol' deal
Of what's left after The Ends pulls your ghost out of your 208 bones, if you know then God will.

A kitty wink and a nod might get you a pass for a few years but as the world turns, so does a sun
Spouting off a whale of disposable energy into Void Space, sick, tired naked ape's a woman baby
Descended either from mythical Eve or her choice of original intercourse with serpentine Adam
As stupid is, stupid does, it's the Truth & it's deep inside a forest of bare Gumpmen, Fiction I am.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, 8-8-2021 Anno Domini @ 8:08 AMPST
{ "...IF you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." - @WiseguyCentral  Blew this out the #blowhole this AM jammin' to @WARtheBand #HITS @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo & @WhitneyHouston #SomebodyWhoLovesMe link @ https://youtu.be/eH3giaIzONA }
  #OHmama #DilemmaOfEpicBluesProportions #LinesInTheSand #BOOM