
Monday, August 09, 2021


Sickness unto death as one option for boys & girls raised from infancy to know categories of ID
Subjects and objects being predicated for the stage of the play, characters clueless of the plots
As one of a kind, each treads the path of random chance and the advantage of the magic wands
Waving the spells over the lands from the Rockies to the Ozarks & Blue mountaintops of Sand.

Dead planet/star wandering in the plethora of consciousness, keeping company with only One
Insider information is not for any Outsider who inhabits The Nothingness with or without Love
Caring about others MORE than what you think is YOUR OBLIGATION, as being all too humane
Hunger & thirst for the things of the Earth that take the blues away, smokin' buds of the insane.

Instant comprehension of the gist of the trip here and now, round about a minute or a century
Once you get here you see what you see even if you're born blind or any species of mutationary
It's for me to say, a Johnny come lately observer, I ain't the instigator of this black hole's freeze
Of natural selection, DNA's infarction of RNA, it's aliens man!  On the land, in the air & the seas.

To be or not to be 93 million miles away from this black hole called the sun, is a trip to dance to
Spin around in a whirling dervish dance and find your mojo deep in the middle of your third eye
Didn't even know you had one, thought it was a mere double vision causing this mystery's blow
A right cross and a left hook, a roundhouse and sidekick delivered to a special anniversary show.

Birth and death from origin to infinity and that's just the way it is, the way it's always been here
Now in this moment, this time of the millennia 2,021 years from Zero, where it all began a fear
Of dying all alone without your mama or papa, your mate, your pets you didn't eat to survive It
Pending doom is what I refer to as 'it', no free will man, just to be or not to be, all a buncha chit!

Get off your hind end and animate this genome to it's ultimate destiny, enlightened dead bones
If that's all there is, my friend, don't blame me for the message, it ain't my fault, it's the iPhones
But I know you wanna dance with bases' balls that love you unless you're a fool or dead fly bird
Naturally's pitching, Who's @ third, What's on second, How's @ third, WTF's coaching 1st & 3rd.

Death on the way with the winter snow, frozen tundra & my bones brittle, comedic astral musk
Sprinkled over the stage of seven continents and liquid oxygen-hydrogen combos, a liquid gold
Immersed deep underground, at this foundation's core, it's very hot, unbearable, or so I'm told
Let's roll that set of four Pirelli's down turnpikes & freeways, perdition's road to a kiss my tusk.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, August 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{ Breath taken away & blasted out the universe while listenin' to #DontYouWannaDance in an insane, infinite #snowloop by #WhitneyHouston link @  https://youtu.be/qUBVn__MIz0 }

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