
Sunday, March 12, 2023

#QuantumQuantitativeQuarters #HillbillyDeluxe #BlackWhiteWormHoles #EverybodyLovesTittiesBeer


If you ain’t blind, deaf or hard of hearing the soundscapes or seeing blinding flashlights
Blues on a phonograph or the youTube button from the gods who started the bad fights
To be or not to be wasn’t the question at all until the facts of life you guess in Sing Sing
Yet, you don’t and nobody else does either, it’s a timing matter of time, it is everything.

I gained function of the calculus to be a confrontation of Earth’s gravitational collapse
Invasion of your mind with the imagery and sensational data, it’s a memory relapse
Forgetting the Truth about the Life, the Existence underfoot, y’all are gonna die young
Neither today nor tomorrow, not even yesterday but who you are will be a song sung.

On the nature of flying objects like the Wright brothers and the UFO’s before & after us
Some girls and boys know and some will never know the Way, blinded by the light dust
Time & the spin of the planet’s centrifugal & gravitational forces are the only god I know
Inside or outside of the form you inhabit, a spirit or soul either is or it isn’t divine flow.

Star stuff presence between our sun, a star from Hollywood and a divine superior Kid
A creator of heaven and Earth not to mention every other thing in the deeper Space
Dropped the recollection of the memory, forgot about the meaning of Nothing but Air
Off or on, in or out, above or below remains the focus of secretive defense, none there.

Groceries packaged & consumed by justice and the creatures’ features, to live, to die
Always with us all, the light & the air provide the tools to seek & destroy the alien lie
Truth is life in a Petrie dish has metastasized from germ x & y into the corpse of funk
Love or hate have no bearing, it’s a matter of time, getting’ in tune for a slam dunk.

Here you see it and there you don’t, you never will because it’s invisible & silent coded
Of men & mice there’s no blind faith yet obedience to ominous commands’ motherloded
Submission to the substance’s immanent function, will to the power of causing effects
What it is, what it’s always been & what it will always be today & yesterday is God Sex.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 3-12-2022 Anno Domini @ 611 AMPST

{ #GotAstrophysics?  Unclassified classy SCUD artillery UFO sightings in the USAF back in 1971-1972 which I believed for the last 50 years were all in my own head, last laugh is the BEST GUFFAWING LAUGH E V E R! Links @ https://youtu.be/ogQUnT_ROBQ & a byte of #HillbillyDeluxe by @BrooksAndDunne @ https://youtu.be/bA2ydkL8uJY }

Saturday, March 11, 2023

#PhenomenalPhenomenon? #PlayinTheField . . . like my daddy said! (LOLs I said #Daddy!) #StewieThatYOU?

{ a beautiful baby}
All you can do is cry when I throw my speedball by your heart & soul, it’s all over for Live animation
Cartoons in two-dimensional form, first in black & white just to get over any disgruntled inaction sin
No help from above or rest for the wicked unaborted eggs covered in divine It, H2O, black & blue
Newer old stories that had nothing to do with bitter ends of beginnings of each & every bit we screw.

This is fair as justice allows since it’s merely a ham sandwich on white bread with a miracle whip dab
Wishin’ that there’s baloney instead of ham is a death wish of the morons & idiots of the realm’s lab
COVid19 from the rats, the bats, muskrats & other fiends of man, gods experimented in a World Still
It is programmed in the micro DNA by the RNA that cannot put up a fight, it’s determined without Will.

Bunches of packs & gangs put up & finally shut up, atomic fission merge with a disagreeing’ kind
Pawns mating with queens, creating all the things happening behind my back, it's all in your mind
Perfect punks & obsolete THC put the extinction together on a cold day in Hehl, heavenly sentiment
Interrupted my coitus in my wet dream and & I squirted out the deep purple blues, I cannot get bent.

Could I or would I if I found out that the Poor’s malfunction, Diminished & 7ths, A Flats & G Sharps
Melodious upbeats the vacuum of holy air before the stage which awaits a full compliment’s warps
Of Time and Space, as they are and always will be, a medium for the rocks to roll down to bottoms
They go up & we dig in & get down, it’s how the species orgasm worked, naked ape mother bums.

Shame, shame on me after you’ve done what you do and I fell for the joke twice, said I love shame
Like fuel in a tank, it burns my valves to release the exhausted explosions I see as One & the Same
All kids headed for the same place, ashes spread or contained in the ocean’s deep blues’ high seas
I will drink all of it in, I eat every bit of the scat dished out by the power swallows, drink the freeze!

Superstitious winners & losers all on the same cruise ship of wise crackers & infinite nest of fools
I felt few emotional discharges from my soul when you first appeared out of the smoke & mirrors
Cards were dealt, the die were rolled and the pot was full, ready for the new carton of filter Kools
Broken aqualungs, filled with KOOL crystalized matter-energy talkin’ 'bout loves’ decrepit whores.

Open book ready to be read if you only knew the language of the subjects and predicates of WORD
Try harder, try again 'til Repetition becomes automatic without effort, success in the end, ala SPURTS
Murphy’s law is rescinded, Substance is Life, a dream of right winged, exit stage left, all matter hurts
I got the true love you sent straight to my heart, didn’t see it comin’ can’t deny it, I fly like a BYD.
rjj stephan, i 

c. Samedhi, 3-11-2023 Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @GlenFrye #TrueLove in a loop, link @ https://youtu.be/ZBoO0bR9eZA }

Friday, March 10, 2023

#OURgang #PeerlessPeersUrinedOff #BASHrushIns



Infinite rupture, a closed-captioned divine comedy and all too humane, a tragedy
Foreplay of words, actions, puppetry & ventriloquism of All long gone in long runs
As the dream appears out of nowhere, right inside of your egocentric honey buns
Boredom with the political and economic and social customs of idiot savant nuns.

High priests or underground demons from the core of the Earth’s dirty diamonds
All of them, all of us, all of the Many who came from the One, daughters & sons
Monkeyish evolutionary theories of species’ mutation random or via neo-science
Spanky & Alfalfa bring you back to the safe place, a B & W picture tube’s UV sins.

My gang, our gang or your gang, no boundaries when you’re selfishly god-like
Dirt on the ground, you’re above or below it, you know it in your deep psyche
You are the quotient and the product, destabilized atoms excited by THC’s high
Flowers become the tokes & the hits, peace to the middle of the Easter sensei.

Your inheritance is the reason & rhyme you learned from the teachings’ old creed
Whole bunches gobs & chunks of milk chocolate flowers in a ripened cherry seed
Curiosity not only killed the cats who were curious but also killed the host of hell
Where you are or where you were or someday will be, that is what’ll ring your bell.

We ain’t gonna be around in a hundred years, let’s face the facts of life ever untold
My father and his father and their grandfathers before them, Truth is a fool’s gold
Finding it made from lead, the remnants of the stardust blown out of the glory hole
God’s or just a Void which is similar to God, an unknown to humanity, Adam’s blow.

Microscopic or telescopic of the present, the past & the future, shadowy ghost-ass
Animated cytoplasm, soft & hard, liquid and solid at first & in the end, the fog’s gas
Smoke moving from everywhere in the corner & out to the invisible prison Sing Sing
Liberty to be free or at least to see that the Freedom we fight for is Man’s holy thing.

What I mean is what I write about & it’s clearly with ambiguity, I’m One in the fight
Operational & organizational maintenance of the forces which perform consumption
Of Mickey mouse I trapped with a piece of cheese, it never got a byte of my neon light
Will to survive the death of 208 bones is inhumane, all too divine, forsaken godson.

Bangin’ big bux, it’s what y’all do, skilled applications to fake problems, yields a solution
Logic’s & Reason’s best practices, deductions ala indubitable inductions, zazen conclusion
As you were prior to your conception, friends & strangers all but rescued God from s#it
Inside of the dark caves in the mountains, shadows on the dirty wall’s open fire light skit.

A play of hu-mane from beginning to end, when it’s over, it’s all over, there’s no reprieve et al
True lies or false Truths all blind faith in nothing known, your common sense, a holy cathedral
Nothing can come before the Original Sin nor after a Final End of breaths of hydro-oxygen air
With or without you I’ll be spread on a bed, before you know it, WORDsup my DNA’s long hair.

r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, March Xth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 222 PMPST
{ Crafted out of the Black Sea within me while jammin’ to #HomerSimpson meltdown link @ https://t.co/lrSN2ucPUn }