Blues on a phonograph or the youTube button from the gods who started the bad fights
To be or not to be wasn’t the question at all until the facts of life you guess in Sing Sing
Yet, you don’t and nobody else does either, it’s a timing matter of time, it is everything.
I gained function of the calculus to be a confrontation of Earth’s gravitational collapse
Invasion of your mind with the imagery and sensational data, it’s a memory relapse
Forgetting the Truth about the Life, the Existence underfoot, y’all are gonna die young
Neither today nor tomorrow, not even yesterday but who you are will be a song sung.
On the nature of flying objects like the Wright brothers and the UFO’s before & after us
Some girls and boys know and some will never know the Way, blinded by the light dust
Time & the spin of the planet’s centrifugal & gravitational forces are the only god I know
Inside or outside of the form you inhabit, a spirit or soul either is or it isn’t divine flow.
Star stuff presence between our sun, a star from Hollywood and a divine superior Kid
A creator of heaven and Earth not to mention every other thing in the deeper Space
Dropped the recollection of the memory, forgot about the meaning of Nothing but Air
Off or on, in or out, above or below remains the focus of secretive defense, none there.
Groceries packaged & consumed by justice and the creatures’ features, to live, to die
Always with us all, the light & the air provide the tools to seek & destroy the alien lie
Truth is life in a Petrie dish has metastasized from germ x & y into the corpse of funk
Love or hate have no bearing, it’s a matter of time, getting’ in tune for a slam dunk.
Here you see it and there you don’t, you never will because it’s invisible & silent coded
Of men & mice there’s no blind faith yet obedience to ominous commands’ motherloded
Submission to the substance’s immanent function, will to the power of causing effects
What it is, what it’s always been & what it will always be today & yesterday is God Sex.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 3-12-2022 Anno Domini @ 611 AMPST
{ #GotAstrophysics? Unclassified classy SCUD artillery UFO sightings in the USAF back in 1971-1972 which I believed for the last 50 years were all in my own head, last laugh is the BEST GUFFAWING LAUGH E V E R! Links @ https://youtu.be/ogQUnT_ROBQ & a byte of #HillbillyDeluxe by @BrooksAndDunne @ https://youtu.be/bA2ydkL8uJY }

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