
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

#NOGOODNOHOW @Armstrong_GettyRadio @650KSTEAM #CircusSquirtsFromGods

American idiots begetting morons, school of screwy students of love & hate
Being the actors on the stage of black days of the white knights’ lighted fate
Sun allows snow only when it’s not melting cold ice sufficiently as necessary
To be or not to be here and now is not really any question at all, need a fairy.

A Tinkerbell blowin’ in and out of the infinite cave of fecal matter pork chops
Amazed that the species of naked apes has survived the catastrophic, pig cops
Why cast aspersions at #FritzTheCat characters who trick the big dog in town
Because I can, I do everything perfectly well, necessarily sufficient job blown.

Time is over when it’s over, a genius knows what an idiot also realizes, we die
Before we’re ready for most of us, it’s a holy rap shoot every day & we can fly
Got books of words which used to be writing scribbles & icons on a cave wall
Somewhere underwater, inaccessible lies to human’s eyes, Spring up to Fall.

Hills rise only to the perception of a deception, really reality is surreal smoke
It dissipates eventually as if it was never anywhere at all, over here nor there
Egg-head think-tank of swarm, formlessness in flagella frenzy, #HubAndSpoke
You can get what you need after we’re trained by enculturation’s gummy bear.

Fear nothing with a conceptual analysis risk, only torture hurts the life’s love
Of the mammals and plants surviving the wobble & spin of the planet’s orbit
In a finite way, Infinite is the God of the universe, it’s below as above the ring
No database in any form of cyber intelligence may compute reason for being.

What is the human or the other living things reproducing their DNA? Germs?
In a kind, petri dish of life, animated without apparent reason or rhyme, aloof
Branded with a tattoo’s ink or the heated iron burn on the hind end of A Herd
All free and equal, liberty of a republican democracy, little birdie is all I heard.

Justice is still a ham sandwich, but the ham & swish cheese evolved into spam
Behind me is where the line begins, I’m next to be tested, gods like green ham
Pretending lies are the chit, smart to cover your trail, ridin’ dirty smiles, oh son
I know you’re your mama’s programming exhibited your world as she knew it.

Pouring yo’ memories into an empty dumpster where useless white trash goes
Incredible that you listen to your formations in the dark cave, OMG God blows
Pushed into a narrow gangway with no exit & only one way to go, rockin’ bands
Don’t wanna get us down, underground yet I’ve no choice, it’s out of two hands.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, March XXI, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 0700 AMPST
{ Blasted this albatross out of the Void while jammin’ to @SteelyDan link @ https://youtu.be/AMVBImMb7xQ }



Monday, March 20, 2023

#Pathos & #Comedy #AtONE #BushWhacked #UpDown

Broads from the streets of the Windy City they gave me to walk & ride in, boulevard or avenue
Dead end street of my father’s house put me in position to win, lose or draw on my own time
In Space at large or my own tiny room of four corners, there’s nobody like me that knows it all
Safe in gargantuan midgets of the psycho-social apparatus that makes us all pay in full to fall.

To know the Truth is to be #AllIn on the final bet of the wager, we’re all gonna hit the road
Maybe today, tomorrow or some distant moment treating you to freedom & liberty sold
Out of the chains from the bottom of the slave ships that didn’t sink in high waves’ H2Os
Atomic and molecular as everything is, Nothing has none of that, devoid of suck & blows.

Yet there is exogravity to keep our love alive & above the ground, below the empty rattrap
No cheese please, offering nothing I worked and saved for, hobos and bums get high #Slap
From one coast to the other and border to border, taking all night is fine, all’s now #Wokez
Punks and miscreants got the majority of power to cause the matrix to humph-up the folks!

People are whispering, talkin about us because they don’t know best Budd friends talk too, ha
There always was a chink in my suit of armor, it’s what was programmed in DNA man, come on
Drunk or higher than a kite that’s almost too high to ever come back down to Earth’s holy dirt
It’s all we’ll ever have, ask any astronaut or cosmonaut about blackness’ Void, smile can’t hurt.

Imagination and sensory perception create life as we all know it, existence is happening as it is chit
Dead air with no audio seeping into the vacuum, it’s OK that you know before you turn to landfill
She was the sensitive kind before I told her that I loved her one night, then there was nothin’ like it
Sixth and seventh and an eighth of flower senses fuming into the chaos’ flow, upstream, downhill.

Life is shorter for the budtenders who move in and out of the high rooms above the fray, elevated
Mere men and women have come and gone, others aren’t even created yet, sooner or later to be
One with a world’s consciousness & being alive in the middle of nowhere, not far away, it’s a grind
Hot as it goes, sometimes cold as ice, like your feelings for me, my true love invisible, hard to find.

I ain’t swearing on a stack of bibles not just because the bibles are bull’s scat but ‘cause I’m the chit
Meaning nothing more nor less than the random recombination of my mama’s & papa’s holy code
Meant to be or not, true I was an accident of timing, it was supposed to be a rhythm or a rhyme pit
Couldn’t douche me out of my first cave at all, about gettin’ lit up, Saturday night’s Taste e-Freeze.

Without that night of my ma & pa makin’ out in the back seat, I’d be way gone down the drain, oh man
Serious as a mortal sin, they had to get hitched to make me a legitimate child of the creative origin plan
How I got here was a moment of uncontrollable, passionate friction for the beauty and the beast-daddy
I’ll rock on until I’m way gone too, just like them & the beautiful men & women before them, all my kin.

Never going to hear this out of my hole in the world again, therefore follow my bouncin’ balls in utero
Attention of the brain & mind first then data retention and computation resolution, a suckin’ low blow
From out of left field’s dreamscape, smoke forms into the shape of the things themselves, all in a D-cup
Eyes closes or wide open, your bang for your buck is spent, play axe, rip riffs, shots flowin’ jacked up!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, III-XX-MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
( Kicked this out jammin’ to @GlennFrey #IFoundSomebodyToLove on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/bgkWFrczwYs }

Sunday, March 19, 2023

This day I left for the WAR back on March 19th, 1971... LEFT CHICAGO HOME FOR GOLD IN CALIFORNIA! GOT IT! #MumsTheWORD on #Ineffable #Fword @AlanWattsZenZero


Carrying the whole load because that’s the way I want it, forever your hunter
Prey can’t even pray that the hunt is fair, they have no need to pray to the sons
Father above and below all of the things here and now, cement semen of the holy
Creative animation on the stages of the legend of your heroines’ and hero’s wars.

Blame me for the intrepid way that is too narrow to easily navigate, tight squeeze
Through the cold winter nights, walked, killed, survived with thanks if you please
God’s mothers & fathers of goddesses combined inside of a DNA code’s little bird
My whole world left me without you when you left without a word, here’s A Word.

Poured the naked skin and bones inside of the wool & nylon, keeps fire superhot
Fiddling with the widgets leftover by the beaten losers of the wars we won thrice
Battles and a sortie or two is all any force of the land and air can do, H2O at sea
Salt of the Earth everywhere you look and go, nobody gets away with the pepper.

Shake like a rock getting’ ready to roll down a mountain, without wings or brakes
A crash is inevitable as soon as the unmoved mover moves an iota, for God snakes
Pinned up on the wall, secured to the side of the Fridge, getting’ rewards of chunky
Chunks of chocolate to encourage surrepetition, like a Pavlovian dog, a funk monk.

Symmetric yet uneven lines from One dot, the one point almost missed in the dark
Who wants to be wrong when you’re fortunate to always be correct, ready to snark
Full light, scorching my back and the top of my afro, picked & teased into a bubble
Kink curls provided you don’t mind pseudo-folliculitis corkscrewin’ in your neck.

Sometimes, no all of the time, we cry because we’re a baby all grown up, sob, sob
Going got tough and you dropped all your defenses to get whooped by a wimp mob
Therefore, eat humble pie, carry a sharp invisible sword, wield as escrimaderos do
Swings from one to twelve, up, down, crossways, thrust into the solar plexus blow.

You want to live and die without crying but you began first chance you got to whine
Getting the nipple of a bottle or a pacifier of rubber and plastic, a cute, first bitten
Twisted the cap off to get more than a squirt per suck, guzzled the cow teat juice in
Always with me and with you, either a teat or a rubber nipple to go, an original sin.

Simple before geometric progression program begins the animation phase of Mind
It’s all in there, within the mind up in the brain, it’s in the skull’s head, easy to find
Silence, eyes closed yet wide-open, allergic to looking in the mirror image of dead
By hook or by crook, inside the nooks & cranks that I can’t remember, I’ve existed.

Maximum beats and rhythm from the bobbin’ & weavin’ to sing about sunny sides
Of Earth, men and mice that waited all night for the cock-a-doodle-do, slow rides
Dreams came outta nowhere & faded back to nothing special, crown of a wreath
Oh no, it’s all of my long gone preachin’ about gold drips off my skinny bone teeth.

Fools know who they are and it takes One to know One, it’s a cross-boned divinity
Honesty is a lonely word as are all of the other words in the vocabulary thesaurus
Truth, is another word like sex, love & death words to sentence the species to end
Extinct as if there was never presence at all, history delete, restart, reboot friend.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 3-19-1971 {day I left the world of my mother & father} 51 years ago

{ Fleshed out the bones on this ditty while jammin’ to @DarylsHouse #Fools with @Diane_Birch & the #HOUSEband link @ https://youtu.be/6q7jt27OD24 }


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