Carrying the whole load because that’s the way I want it, forever your hunter
Prey can’t even pray that the hunt is fair, they have no need to pray to the sons
Father above and below all of the things here and now, cement semen of the holy
Creative animation on the stages of the legend of your heroines’ and hero’s wars.
Blame me for the intrepid way that is too narrow to easily navigate, tight squeeze
Through the cold winter nights, walked, killed, survived with thanks if you please
God’s mothers & fathers of goddesses combined inside of a DNA code’s little bird
My whole world left me without you when you left without a word, here’s A Word.
Poured the naked skin and bones inside of the wool & nylon, keeps fire superhot
Fiddling with the widgets leftover by the beaten losers of the wars we won thrice
Battles and a sortie or two is all any force of the land and air can do, H2O at sea
Salt of the Earth everywhere you look and go, nobody gets away with the pepper.
Shake like a rock getting’ ready to roll down a mountain, without wings or brakes
A crash is inevitable as soon as the unmoved mover moves an iota, for God snakes
Pinned up on the wall, secured to the side of the Fridge, getting’ rewards of chunky
Chunks of chocolate to encourage surrepetition, like a Pavlovian dog, a funk monk.
Symmetric yet uneven lines from One dot, the one point almost missed in the dark
Who wants to be wrong when you’re fortunate to always be correct, ready to snark
Full light, scorching my back and the top of my afro, picked & teased into a bubble
Kink curls provided you don’t mind pseudo-folliculitis corkscrewin’ in your neck.
Sometimes, no all of the time, we cry because we’re a baby all grown up, sob, sob
Going got tough and you dropped all your defenses to get whooped by a wimp mob
Therefore, eat humble pie, carry a sharp invisible sword, wield as escrimaderos do
Swings from one to twelve, up, down, crossways, thrust into the solar plexus blow.
You want to live and die without crying but you began first chance you got to whine
Getting the nipple of a bottle or a pacifier of rubber and plastic, a cute, first bitten
Twisted the cap off to get more than a squirt per suck, guzzled the cow teat juice in
Always with me and with you, either a teat or a rubber nipple to go, an original sin.
Simple before geometric progression program begins the animation phase of Mind
It’s all in there, within the mind up in the brain, it’s in the skull’s head, easy to find
Silence, eyes closed yet wide-open, allergic to looking in the mirror image of dead
By hook or by crook, inside the nooks & cranks that I can’t remember, I’ve existed.
Maximum beats and rhythm from the bobbin’ & weavin’ to sing about sunny sides
Of Earth, men and mice that waited all night for the cock-a-doodle-do, slow rides
Dreams came outta nowhere & faded back to nothing special, crown of a wreath
Oh no, it’s all of my long gone preachin’ about gold drips off my skinny bone teeth.
Fools know who they are and it takes One to know One, it’s a cross-boned divinity
Honesty is a lonely word as are all of the other words in the vocabulary thesaurus
Truth, is another word like sex, love & death words to sentence the species to end
Extinct as if there was never presence at all, history delete, restart, reboot friend.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 3-19-1971 {day I left the world of my mother & father} 51 years ago
{ Fleshed out the bones on this ditty while jammin’ to @DarylsHouse #Fools with @Diane_Birch & the #HOUSEband link @ https://youtu.be/6q7jt27OD24 }
Prey can’t even pray that the hunt is fair, they have no need to pray to the sons
Father above and below all of the things here and now, cement semen of the holy
Creative animation on the stages of the legend of your heroines’ and hero’s wars.
Blame me for the intrepid way that is too narrow to easily navigate, tight squeeze
Through the cold winter nights, walked, killed, survived with thanks if you please
God’s mothers & fathers of goddesses combined inside of a DNA code’s little bird
My whole world left me without you when you left without a word, here’s A Word.
Poured the naked skin and bones inside of the wool & nylon, keeps fire superhot
Fiddling with the widgets leftover by the beaten losers of the wars we won thrice
Battles and a sortie or two is all any force of the land and air can do, H2O at sea
Salt of the Earth everywhere you look and go, nobody gets away with the pepper.
Shake like a rock getting’ ready to roll down a mountain, without wings or brakes
A crash is inevitable as soon as the unmoved mover moves an iota, for God snakes
Pinned up on the wall, secured to the side of the Fridge, getting’ rewards of chunky
Chunks of chocolate to encourage surrepetition, like a Pavlovian dog, a funk monk.
Symmetric yet uneven lines from One dot, the one point almost missed in the dark
Who wants to be wrong when you’re fortunate to always be correct, ready to snark
Full light, scorching my back and the top of my afro, picked & teased into a bubble
Kink curls provided you don’t mind pseudo-folliculitis corkscrewin’ in your neck.
Sometimes, no all of the time, we cry because we’re a baby all grown up, sob, sob
Going got tough and you dropped all your defenses to get whooped by a wimp mob
Therefore, eat humble pie, carry a sharp invisible sword, wield as escrimaderos do
Swings from one to twelve, up, down, crossways, thrust into the solar plexus blow.
You want to live and die without crying but you began first chance you got to whine
Getting the nipple of a bottle or a pacifier of rubber and plastic, a cute, first bitten
Twisted the cap off to get more than a squirt per suck, guzzled the cow teat juice in
Always with me and with you, either a teat or a rubber nipple to go, an original sin.
Simple before geometric progression program begins the animation phase of Mind
It’s all in there, within the mind up in the brain, it’s in the skull’s head, easy to find
Silence, eyes closed yet wide-open, allergic to looking in the mirror image of dead
By hook or by crook, inside the nooks & cranks that I can’t remember, I’ve existed.
Maximum beats and rhythm from the bobbin’ & weavin’ to sing about sunny sides
Of Earth, men and mice that waited all night for the cock-a-doodle-do, slow rides
Dreams came outta nowhere & faded back to nothing special, crown of a wreath
Oh no, it’s all of my long gone preachin’ about gold drips off my skinny bone teeth.
Fools know who they are and it takes One to know One, it’s a cross-boned divinity
Honesty is a lonely word as are all of the other words in the vocabulary thesaurus
Truth, is another word like sex, love & death words to sentence the species to end
Extinct as if there was never presence at all, history delete, restart, reboot friend.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 3-19-1971 {day I left the world of my mother & father} 51 years ago
{ Fleshed out the bones on this ditty while jammin’ to @DarylsHouse #Fools with @Diane_Birch & the #HOUSEband link @ https://youtu.be/6q7jt27OD24 }

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