
Wednesday, May 03, 2023

#Charms #Jewels #ScrapedScrapsOfDNA #Whacked #CommunityGuideLines #DANGER #DANGER #DANGER


Don’t look at me like that and make me feel as if ‘evil’ spelled backwards is ‘live’
Oh wait, that’s true, but anyways, that’s a coincidence ol’ buddy, a cool hand jive
Given as the gathered tripe for the minions to digest before their time expires chit
It’s all set, the amount of days & nights we all get, it’s indisputable & you know it.

Common ground of the star dirt called planet Earth is the cinder of the glory hole
Where you’ll wind up when you get to heaven or hell, repeat ad infinitum, skoal!
You were always right and I was always right as well, we couldn’t see Truth be told
I’m gonna drop a dime on you before you know it, we won’t see it come, it’s Gold!

Dollar bills or trading wives for the stuff that robs your presence of its effulgence
Get your ratz-arse inside the maze where it belongs, there’s no exit, no way son
You’ll remain & survive until your heart ceases the pump, the beat of animation
Recollect preconception’s presence & you’ll achieve the trophy for participation.

Holy names of the Americans, both the South & the North, involve pagan babel
It ain’t even my fault yet I feel personal responsibility for the deception of #Hehl
Threat of punishment for disobedience of duplicitous ethics to obey commands
Imprisoned or executed, spicy times, in effigy, now you know, y’all too humane.

Here’s the Way of the Idiot, I know this intimately from experience, it’s Fydor’s
Imagery on the screen inside of your cranium upon your retina display, laughing
It’s a comedy and a tragedy that you don’t know it’s more funny than fathering
As if deposits into a void means anything more than that, leftover behind doors.

Answers to the problems, the questions require solutions, it is the drama of gods
Silly fools breaking the faces of the dead and gone, historical wreckage of hot rods
Here & now, the drill is going to end in victory, you will stop breathing air in & out
That’s the plan, lucky to be formed-matter, enjoy the ride, believe it, I Am Doubt!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, 5-3-23 AD @ 711 AMPST

{ Jammed jammin’ to @MontgomeryGentry #SheCouldntChangeMe link @https://youtu.be/1tb1ngTYl60 & perusing @Armstrong_Getty’s fabulous audio experience @kste650AM, everyday M-F 6-10 AMPST or #podcast 24/7 link @ Armstrong & Getty On Demand ♫ @iHeartRadio https://www.iheart.com/podcast/the-armstrong-and-getty-show-20474616/?cmp=web_share&embed=true }



Tuesday, May 02, 2023

19,000 agents on One pinhead #RockStonePebbles RIP @GordonLightfoot RIP @

I hold you all directly responsible for this sugar diabetes Easter surprise, sugar, sugar fruits
Symptoms you fake to call in sick to your laboratory of making gold out of leaden, dead gold
Homer’s dream ended just like this, the Iliad’s Odyssey gives the gift that keeps on giving fits
To the ones who claim to be closest to the creator of the solar system, my daddy, you’re old!

In the synchronization of unseen, invisible gears that connect to one another to roll a 10-speed
Over a hundred kilometer’s particles spread out into the void, you look blindly at a good deed
Happy or sad, you scare the children, they grow into fearful adults, good job for a good ol’ fool
Think you’re Bullwinkle the moose, Mr. Know-It-All actually stands ignorant of a wisdom school.

Close your eyes even if you’re blessed with 20/20 vision or enlightened insight & then you see
Everything is nothing, how things appear to be, hear sound, smell odor, taste the mouth’s water
So, the buds were tended to, the chemicals to get higher than Mt. Rainier’s peak, above as below
Everyone knows it, you & I will disappear on time, enjoy the moments’ days of the veal-calf cow.

Force of gravitational collapse cannot be countered with a force of exploding, atomic expansion
Acting on the stage from the play’s opening scent to the finale, getting’ ready to make a big deal
Trading in my grace-filled mortal and venial sins for the original sin of the pretend 1st Ma & Papa
Therefore, do what you want to do, do your thing, examine your heart & soul, the sun is #TheRA!

Walking just to run away in the opposite direction of the chasers, they want to bury you deeper
Below the uttermost echelon of the underground pit, inside of the core of the eggs inside of her
DNA/RNA, called Effulgence, One, cosmic code-punch in God’s groin, ejaculated a quiet murmur
Bleeding out, let it bleed out, it’ll end all pleasure of suffering without a reason, I’m a star surfer!

Stuck my board into the sand and surf, broke my skull and had the steel plate inserted for survival
Luck has my mind and brain in it’s invisible hands, my fortune is being in the right place’s high time
As above it is empty, so below it remains as empty as above, observe the obvious, you got so lucky
If mothers & fathers waited one more day or not waited & aborted conception’s moment, I’d see.

Jelly is soft and hardened in an oven like your arteries inside of your 100 degree flesh & bone dust
Macroscopically or microscopically within the matrix, causes precede effects & infinite moves rust
Stopping the First Cause’s First Move & affecting the bottom lines of the third dimensional shapes
Infrared to ultraviolet photons collapsing into the Singularity without warning, let’s go you Apes!

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, 5-2-2023 A.D. @ 911 AMPST
{ Fished these dangling modifications out of nowhere, while jammin’ to @OsborneBrothers #ShootMeStraight link @ https://youtu.be/fUv3J4PVsyk }



Monday, May 01, 2023

#FactsGetInTheWay #TenMillionLiarsTellingTheTruth #IdiotsMated #HonorExtinction #WORDupCreek #GittinKorny #KinksApeman


If you know nothing about anything then you know more than I do, I’ve got no street credibility
I know everything about the ghetto that I need to know, they want who & what I got there, dope
Ways and means committees of the gangland let their mothers roll their buggies down Antelope
Elkhorn is a one under par hole in one to the center of the green hole above the deep, blue sea.

Fortress found with blankets draped over the dining room table & chairs, hiding ultraviolet light
As if you hide from others they’ll not see or hear you, they’ll not seek under your barrier’s blight
Not that you’re a dog or a cat but you oversee their lives, aid survival, avoid extinction’s low blow
Capital letters, vowels & consonants formed words, sentences, paragraphs & dirty-bird text flow.

Hard to know the power of mankind if you’re not here on Earth but there’s no other way to discover
Species’ coded to function in replication of the DNA/RNA in perpetuity but mutation caused Cancer
Out of control, no order in the replication copies, random chaos in microscopic form is like yo’ mama
Those who use fightin’ words want a battle, it’s on & off, it’s in & out, gotta use my black belt, papa.

Nobody who felt metatarsals upside of their head ever got up off of the ground, knocked the chip off
Your shoulder was too weak to keep it up off of the ground, it was teetering & wobbling like a jack Ove
An egg, one ova began the evolution mutation of random recombination & direct death of fair game
You ain’t speaking with a forked tongue any longer, I comprehend every note you play on the fame.

Far out to be too close for me, orbiting around a sunny star, it’s a dream come true, I’m in one now
Can’t wake up but I stay as #Woke as I can in this mud, blood & near beer & liquor of fermented dirt
Out here outside of your back door, it’s all going to be fine, the trash man keeps the rats away today
They’ll make a comeback for bubonic plague distribution, suckin’ on hind teat, what does a Fox say?

Filled up the tanks with fuel, hydrogen, oxygen and permutations of the ebb and flow, cocks kick back
Early in the AM, all day, every day, it’s a cock-a-doodle-do to me and to you, in the hood, got the sack
Good to be in the middle of a bull’s refused arguments for the nature of being good, evil or ugly teen
In the hunks and chunks cut up from the whole thing when it was a conglomerate of wasted fusion.

Balls to the four walls, up and down, ceiling to floor, leveled the field to honor the maids and butlers
Or mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers who remain above or below this rocky dirt of Earth, I’m hers
She’s the only one that matters other than my S.O., love of my existence’s ebb and flow of intellectuals
Into an empty vortex of a Singularity, judge the dead heads, play the game with no facts or any rituals.

Hall empty, rooms’ doors locked tight, shut-up to keep out robbers of books & pencils, Ed, you & Kate
Busted by the herd’s instinct I inherited from the herd that moved my parents to mate & brood boys
And girls who find other boys to make other girls and boys, ad infinitum, but why? Nobody can know!
That’s the only good thing about this predicament, it will end, that we do know, we see the dead go.

Pints, quarts, gallons, liters and tons of idiots’ and morons’ contagious blather, filling vacuumed Space
With frozen dirty, crumble of the highest gods who move when they are unmoved, kissin’ my old face
Underneath the blankets, undercover of a masquerade you wake up in, hold a vigil & stay woke to die
Blueberry, raspberry, apple or cherry, it’s a bush or tree with sweet fruit that becomes it, what’s that?

If you don’t know, I don’t care, your agreement isn’t required by the cosmos nor the ants on the hill
I agree with the disagreement regarding the nature of beasts & their ultimate destiny, fire up the grill
We kill the living and eat it for breakfast, lunch and supper, say prayers to thank the gods for the food
Without it and the fresh, septic, unpolluted H2O, life on Earth ends bitterly, thirst for Me? I’m good!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, MAYDAY 5-1-23 A.D. @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted @TuckerCarlson's post-termination #FOXwhisperers @https://youtu.be/N32UPXGChgo }
