I hold you all directly responsible for this sugar diabetes Easter surprise, sugar, sugar fruits
Symptoms you fake to call in sick to your laboratory of making gold out of leaden, dead gold Homer’s dream ended just like this, the Iliad’s Odyssey gives the gift that keeps on giving fits
To the ones who claim to be closest to the creator of the solar system, my daddy, you’re old!
In the synchronization of unseen, invisible gears that connect to one another to roll a 10-speed
Over a hundred kilometer’s particles spread out into the void, you look blindly at a good deed
Happy or sad, you scare the children, they grow into fearful adults, good job for a good ol’ fool
Think you’re Bullwinkle the moose, Mr. Know-It-All actually stands ignorant of a wisdom school.
Close your eyes even if you’re blessed with 20/20 vision or enlightened insight & then you see
Everything is nothing, how things appear to be, hear sound, smell odor, taste the mouth’s water
So, the buds were tended to, the chemicals to get higher than Mt. Rainier’s peak, above as below
Everyone knows it, you & I will disappear on time, enjoy the moments’ days of the veal-calf cow.
Force of gravitational collapse cannot be countered with a force of exploding, atomic expansion
Acting on the stage from the play’s opening scent to the finale, getting’ ready to make a big deal
Trading in my grace-filled mortal and venial sins for the original sin of the pretend 1st Ma & Papa
Therefore, do what you want to do, do your thing, examine your heart & soul, the sun is #TheRA!
Walking just to run away in the opposite direction of the chasers, they want to bury you deeper
Below the uttermost echelon of the underground pit, inside of the core of the eggs inside of her
DNA/RNA, called Effulgence, One, cosmic code-punch in God’s groin, ejaculated a quiet murmur
Bleeding out, let it bleed out, it’ll end all pleasure of suffering without a reason, I’m a star surfer!
Stuck my board into the sand and surf, broke my skull and had the steel plate inserted for survival
Luck has my mind and brain in it’s invisible hands, my fortune is being in the right place’s high time
As above it is empty, so below it remains as empty as above, observe the obvious, you got so lucky
If mothers & fathers waited one more day or not waited & aborted conception’s moment, I’d see.
Jelly is soft and hardened in an oven like your arteries inside of your 100 degree flesh & bone dust
Macroscopically or microscopically within the matrix, causes precede effects & infinite moves rust
Stopping the First Cause’s First Move & affecting the bottom lines of the third dimensional shapes
Infrared to ultraviolet photons collapsing into the Singularity without warning, let’s go you Apes!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, 5-2-2023 A.D. @ 911 AMPST
{ Fished these dangling modifications out of nowhere, while jammin’ to @OsborneBrothers #ShootMeStraight link @ https://youtu.be/fUv3J4PVsyk }
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