
Showing posts with label #obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #obama. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

#PrinciplesOfAPrincipal #RIP*EddieVanHalen #CDCfudgeDataStacking #Faucisms

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, October 7, 2020
--------------- #JumpBackJack ---------------
Nobody is my actual sisters’ brother except the three left from papa & mama’s rhumba womb
Pumpkin punks pointing to the pros and cons of blind faith in the theories of unelected bums
Who look out for their own as we all would but in evil ways, can’t change them, on a holy roll
Unafraid to pronounce words of any language, sounds meaning signs of being in a black hole.

Pole to pole, air, land and seven seas this spinning and wobbling is going to the God’s head
Psychiatric analysis of psycho-somatic trips of our mothers and fathers who dropped dead
To be or not to be here and now, the debate is between an idiot and a moron, droppin’ dimes
Pouring on the sugar whether cane or brown can bring utopian Ends before the good times.

Missing in action or just obliterated into flesh and bone dust, boys and girls died in world war
Battles to decide who is right and who is wrong, who is a reasonable not an illogical dinosaur
Come on man! Be the ball or you know what? Just get off of the court, sit on the back bench
Younger than ten, smaller than a human gnat, baby ghetto rats fulfill the white trash stench.

How many times would you prefer to go through the same motions to get the identical result?
If you live more or less than a hundred years you’re more fortunate than you know, it’s occult
You are bankrupt because you kept your parent alive and now your parent’s debt is your own
Where there’s a will, there’s a way, they shoot horses & this is one’s for the boys’ blown bytes.

For the memory I can’t recall because I forgot about “the thing” at childbirth, ah so traumatic
But you all know “The Thing” I’m talkin’ about, I am trying to signify the form of automatic
Pretenders coming ahead and behind me but that’s the nature of the beast, naturally you see
High or low priests who transform the miraculous into the mundane, carpet bombing spree.

Don’t be a doobie brother every time when it’s the Time and Space for listenin’ to the music
I am mixed and I am clearly the essence of constancy, an uncertainty principle of the sick
The tired of being and the idiot savants on radio waves who know it all, glasses fogged up
Blame it on the governor of your state, blame it on the doctor who advised the world’s cup.

Liars, cheaters, thieves who rule the roost from the eyes and ears of morons who speak smack
You know who you are, yeah you, reading this before you put it down, feeling so guilty Jack!
Put your mask on and shut your mouth up, fear the reaper as you always should have, moron
You’re the moron down mind’s ghetto, a nincompoop or goofball, you’re a number 1, 7th son!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, ROCKTOBER 7th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 10:10 AM Pacific Standard Time
{ Drafted while listenin’ to Van Halen jamz on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Bg1UG0GwIKc }

Sunday, September 06, 2020

#RearAdmirals #FrontGrunts

----------------------   A O K ---------------------
Your guess is as good as mine, I’ve no idea, two out of the three of us know, a bleed we feared
Grandpa and pop both got to the pearly gates, so to speak and either winked and disappeared
Else they entered and discovered that all communication nets with Earth’s last gasp of breath
Since the age of reason and the extreme unction blessing of wounded soul mending to death.

From zero to ninety nine, days either begin to move quicker or else, I’m havin’ too much fun
So many things to do, from playing chess games to grooming frozen souls for knockin’ boots
Of suffering good, bad and ugly feelings for family and friends, lovers and enemies I’ve spun
All of the many are innocent pleaders for the mercy they’ll never get when payback is afoot.

Dug for gold and got the oil that runs the land, air and sea, all in the deep pocket of kings
Queens take what they can and poison the ilk that would prevent their domination of things
Hearts broke to pieces and buried under the wound’s jagged scar, to recollect the scenario
Inseminated conception, gestation, mutation of the generation to be or not to be a cheerio!

Feed the pigs and kill the Nazis so that the Chosen Ones may flip-off the holy bird’s N-word
In this dream or the one you’ll know when you die, color and noise are unseen by a wild herd
Comfortable without feeling a thing, nothing but empty darkness, sliver of light in a blue iris
In another flash of alternating, spinning whirl of confusion, it dawns on you, know what it is?

Adore y’all but before I bid adieu, it’s incumbent upon me to atrophy my genome DNA son
For all the right reasons you will be rewarded with good vibrations, vibes from the heavens
Florida keys or Hawaiian isles are my destination with or without you, no never without me
Kokomo and Montego, Kauai dreamin’ of the flower contact high, blown far out to the sea.

Blinded faith in the knowledge and the power to be wise and aware that death is in the wings
I didn’t make it up, don’t shoot the messenger, get your affairs in order before fat lady sings
Many guys have loved you baby, I’m just one of the many but I am the One you’ve waited for
Here and now, then over there, whatever it takes, even if I’m a stiff, I win, got the high score!

I swung along with the sing a-longs just to get a date and see if your sugar needed stirrin’
Or down the road knockin’ boots, just me and you, doors shut, cut lights, boots knockin’
Whiskey and smokin’ Lucky Strikes until midnight brought us between the silken sheets
Reasonable yet irrational at one and the same time, impossible to contradict the 6 shots.

I roamed the roads ‘til dawn just drivin’ around the lake, lookin’ for trouble in a holy bubble
Taking it all down with me, I never wanted to do it but I did, I moved first, I drew and I shot
He forgot to lock and load his piece so I helped him out with that when I buried him in rubble
No sheriff, no Jesus H down at the bottom of It, 5. 4. 3. 2. 1, devil’s drink in my hand, it’s hot!

r j j stephan, i * Header is me, my pops Albert & his pops my grampa #BigAL! #BootsNeedKnockin
c. Dimanche, Septembre 6th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 8:88 PM PST
{ Jammed while listenin’ to #GoodVibes & HITS of Chris Janson #FullCupUnspillable on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hNRJjDm2sQE }

Thursday, September 03, 2020

#GoneAndForgotten #NoProblemo #WakeTheFemaleDogsUp #GoStraightToHehl

Richard Joseph Stephan·Thursday, September 3, 2020
***** boots need knockin *****
Woke up in the middle of the daymare you can never see first hand, it’s deep inside my dope
Frozen freaks and spectacular perfect forms of the way men and women used to be, you see
It’s not a matter of me or you liking what it’s always been or what it’s gonna be in a century
All Jose Cuervo tequila and black jack down my gullet and through my nervous system hope.

This pathos and comedy should keep you and I wide awake 24/7 but we’ve gotta get shut eye
#18 hours every day, 24 hours of data broadcast into my cerebral cortex to become a 3.14 pie
In geometric progression from your lips that the unmoved movers of the things themselves
Substance involves the atomic and sub-atomic, prefabricated Void of the Origin of Fire elves.

Compared to nothing on Earth and everything in Heaven, you and I are huge cogs in the mix
Killers and eaters of the dead things, plants and animals, sometimes ourselves in hard times
White, yellow, brown & red men used to run the show with religion’s blind faith, nomo nomo
Now and from here on out to the end of the species and our solar system, what will be will be.

As if there’s a reason to be alive, to survive every day knowing that everyone will, we’ll all die
Some in our sleep, some in pain until loss of consciousness and some just after a sand pound
Like the atoms collide, people and every other animal on Earth collide, tryin’ to stick around
Awaken to darkness or blazing light, a matter of Earth’s wobbling revolution, fly maggots fly.

You, know nothing yet claim to have knowledge you cannot divulge, just throw it in the truck
On philosophy of living and dying on the surface of a spinning, wobbling mass of dead rock
Why the accident of life happened in the first place and when the trip ends, hey y’all let’s talk
Fundamental origin leads to the inevitable chain reaction of the invincible, imaginary phuq.

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 A.D. @ 12:12 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the Allman Brothers Band link @ https://youtu.be/r82i-RPzIwc}

Saturday, August 29, 2020

#Movement & #Overture #RhapsodyInYourFace @MorganWallen @BrothersOsborne @TheRascals

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, August 29, 2020
---------- #BehindTheBehind ----------
Skipped the parts that I couldn’t understand, taking tests about the content of my character
Vacant of matter and energy which is lost if it’s ever found within the thing itself, I hurt her
Hometowns are accidental and depend solely on whether or not a Soul is ready to be alive
On the subject of the action verbs that move the objects and predicates, it’s all illusory jive.

I know one thing only, that is a tautological argument, I know Nothing, Everything is Void
In the condo, on the beach, on a date or deep in trouble with the order of the laws of psychos
Preening their feathers dead underground, six or three feet under, depending on Pink Floyd
Breath is taken out of your face and lungs, like it or not, Time and Space’s clock of cuckoos.

Seven up and Seagram's 7 flow the conscious animal into the river current of pure happiness
Way before the last call for alcohol, three sheets to the wind and passed out in the high weeds
Everybody lost track of my boots, so did I, my bare feet missed my @TonyLlama hot cowboys
Stumbled in and out of the saloon always gettin’ a shot and a pitcher of Ale, need some toys.

Unionized for the imperfect pouring of whiskey into empty glasses, need to think hard about
Facts and pretensions to help make it through the daily grind of moving in and out of doubt
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, administrators, employers, y’all wanna be astute
I can’t create Reality, survival of foreign bodies is God’s double vision, so urgent to be caput!

She said I was out of line and there wasn’t a line at all, straight or curved, fast or slow, so true
Perfect to be a function of all there is, First Cause and the Big Bang fornicated the Big Bangs
Resolved by friction and spontaneous combustion, absence of form’s shapes’ crimson screws
Turning into the ultraviolet violins and the infrared trombones, holy rhapsody of the blues.

Fallen from trees, plateau cliffs and just tripped over my own size 10 clod hoppers, my Words
It sounds a certain way, leaves an impression of what can be repeated, tweeted like Freebirds
In or out of a pickle’s costume, dancing like everybody loves your moves, show off the delight
No chance to fail, success is the narrow Way I’ll always be right side, being wrong, let us fight.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samadhi, August 29th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 4:11 PM PST
{ Took it down a notch, while listenin’ to the Brothers Osborne to #SlowYourRoll link @ https://youtu.be/0eERCG_pBUs )

Friday, August 14, 2020

#DontCallMeBaby #GlitterInYourMindOnly #ThisIsTheTwilightZone

Richard Joseph Stephan ·Friday, August 14, 2020
---------------  #UntrueGrit --------------
Drank the whiskey and blues’ wine until I collapsed, drunk in the can, the way it is, so fun son
Blind alleys for the sight challenged cats who run the dozens or the ooze who sap the gold egg
When you were too lazy to labor for your brow sweat, you chizzled monkeys brains well done
There’s a will inside of the matter and form I got right down here, I’m drivin’ this money rig.

Devils are never outside of me, I can literally guarantee it, sweatin’ sunrise on Gideon slump
I’m not afraid to walk alone and be the only cat on the fence, so everybody cryin’ #JustJump
Like I was on top of the Hancock or Empire State Building and there was no King Kong skit
Just me and a long way down, very far away from the Earth I was born and raised in scat.

As if someone ever knew enough to be not only a human who knows the Truth, so baby small
That’s a fact of life my father, my daddy, my papa, the old man in the truck said of holy chops
From home to the school to the draft board to a home for me and my young kin, grati pops
Couldn’t have hit 1 baseball without you playin’ #WhiffleBall and #Fastpitch vs. a brick wall.

Delivery of the declarations of independence from the #FreeLunchFund, to be a man in a sin
To be a woman at work, to be a child at work or a horse, or a dog, a sad clown or a rich farmer
Not only am I one or the other of the above, got no freedom to choose the lot I’m in for karma
I pay for the mindset of deep amnesia regarding Earth’s revolution, Cosmic slop of hydrogen.

I was one of the gypsies, one of the giant pygmies, saved by the monks, nuns and priests post
Hooked me up with mom and dad when I was a newborn to the Roman’s secret eat-God host
For the sake of Blind Faith in the Creed, Words of foreign lingo translated into a faded shoot
But why in the end it makes no difference, now that’s the Truth, enjoy the ride & then caput!

Recombine the DNA ad infinitum until the extinction of the genome is immanent, it’s a ruse
Playing the players of the games until they run out of gas, figuratively and literally down deep
That the water you need to stay alive is too far down in the ashes to find the flow, sew to reap
Then again, soothing magic which is what happens when you become the food, Life eats you!

r j j stephan, i
c. C’est Vendredi, August 14th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #LIVEconcert recording of #TheBoss Bruce Springsteen #CrushOnYou & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/RF7sfErwIgU }

Sunday, August 02, 2020

#PrudentProductionParaphanalia #Phantasmagorical @JimiHendrix @SnoopDog @Dr_Dre

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, August 2, 2020
******* #SandCastleMagical ******
Just several kilometers from the center of the North Pole, I searched & found what I needed
Not what I wanted, it was not my personal desire, yet it was all too human of a wanton dread
That the will I have and the intent strength of the focus of the thought power, never fails gods
You my friend, ain’t a god, neither is anyone else, none of y’all are, no more Siberian hotrods.

A messenger dead in your head but ringing the meaning of the words of subjects and objects
In the scrum of the huddle it all comes down to this, what the plan is after you find the Truth
As it’s always been, the ignorant won’t have any inkling that something’s amiss, star specks
Flat on the ground against star cinders of what used to be back in the day before Babe Ruth.

Baseball players can’t spit on the ground anymore, can’t chew snuff or tobacco in a dugout
But how can you expect to be calm during all of the tense commotion on the diamond field
A function of the equation may be quadratic in form and as a mass of atoms, shaped as an eye
Looking inside & outside as if it’s different when it is indeed, One and the same, yet we pray.

Here’s the boundaries and the facts of life, every teenager should have been taught, we failed
Not due to intent to ruin the civilization but just to show that it’s all about #Me2 & not y’all
If I don’t get things in my reach I will not be happy, sadness is a form of mockery at all souls
My spirit, soul, ghost doesn’t have respect for any of them, they don’t exist in my black hole.

So, I play the notes of what angels in the sky sound like when you’re called home to a tease
A hope while I spread the Faith and the Charity everywhere I go, to those who sip green teas
I don’t care who cares and who doesn’t because it’s none of my business, it’s all humanity’s
It’s not only a long way home but also it’s straight and narrow within an ultraviolet infinity.

Thrown the whole shebang up against the wall and nothing stuck, it all fell down to the floor
I am way under the radar in front of the god's eye and the dream that gives up a losing score
No matter, no expectations other than you’ll be alive tomorrow but someday you won’t, caput
It ain’t my fault, you work ‘til you die, that’s it, says an innocent crow, #KissMyBlackAssFoot!

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 A.D. Jammed this while listenin’ to @JimiHendrix concert & Snoop Dogg #DontJudge #ItsArtForArtsSake #DontBeThatWayHomies here’s a link from 2009 @ https://youtu.be/QZXc39hT8t4}

Friday, July 31, 2020

#RawMeat #RollIsNowSlowed

- - - - #SkipARope - - - -
There we go with the anonymity and the slander of the followers of the idiots and the morons
Maybe I’m wrong but haven’t we taught our welfare children to have respect for hard work?
No? Oh, maybe this is what we get when we have compassion for unwed and divorced moms
A black-outfitted, jack-booted riff-raff is the end of the Welfare State, It extinguished slums.

Excuse me a moment while indulging in some original musings about the nature of nothing
Absolute zero to discuss or even put into any words at all, have mercy on my plastic brothers
Infinity to the rescue when the dominant and subordinate cannot get along without a mind
Losing it and not being able to relocate it leads to the psychological trauma of Earth lovers.

Bringing the girl scouts to the bake sale to make some cookies from scratch, minty peanuts
Once and for all, all is One and One for all like musketeers who are lost in the matrix deal
Pop goes the weasel and it explodes into the virtual Void, with the #COVid19 on it’s tail
Then it comes, if I’ve made no mistakes, the end of the world as I know it, no angel or god.

Pens and sticks in the dirt laid out the best laid plans, all were defeated one by one & now
You and your baggage have no room on this journey together, it’s you alone or the highway
How I’m leavin’ you behind with my kin, it’s dangerous air, do not cough it up or sneeze PM’s
Options are dwindling and there are only two appropriate thought songs of Humuhumu’s.

Bums and moguls mixing it up on the plains down to the valleys and to top #Cornpop goons
Why? Something is missing and of great value to someone, if they cannot find it, have a fit
Mercury electronically emanated all the way to Pluto and now we’ve mighty mouse cartoons
It’s gender neutral, man and woman, two faces of one mother and one father, Unmoved It.

Theoretically and practically a mixture of empty sky and high hopes for impossible dreams
Held hostage for the keys to lock her up in the dark slammer, it’s my grief lost to bitter blows
Microscopic dope fiends in your DNA inherited from the homo sapiens of the cave schemes
Going DOWN because we came from there, this black hole was the only way to slow our rolls.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, July 31st, 2020 A.D @ 12:12 PM PST

{ Tied this up while listenin’ to Armstrong & Getty on @kste650AM & during commercials listening’ to Samantha Fish rockin’ youTube link @ https://youtu.be/XEDgMsI7fd8 }

Friday, July 17, 2020

It's always alright, just let it go... #TakeMyWordForIt

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, July 17, 2020
-------------- #NeverTakeAnybodysWordForIt --------------
Imagine the look on the face of another elephant seeing this glorious sight of a butterfly fuss
This is what happened to Dumbo the elephant after he grew up and flew away from the circus
A pachyderm away from the herd is a target for predators who’ll kill, near the tower of Babel
Our colored faces are covered to kill prejudice and racism, like a surgical mask, a harem veil.

Big-top bigots of insanity runnin’ the treasure contest, that got overlooked by 20/20 visions
Warrior by default, watcher of battles twixt gangs, blade fights, drawn Smith-Wesson gatguns
Appearances and existence of the stuff, the things themselves are made of mortals’ sinnery
Mind’s the matter and matter’s the mind, there’s no two ways about it, a purple que for me.

Above this Earth and below the uttermost echelon of the pit of Hell with the other pretender
Trouble is as trouble does, or so I’ve been told in the poker game or at the race trace, I bet it
I’m all in for the Ends to come from wherever they’re at, any time, I’m sarcastic nite & day
From Puerto Rico on north all the way thru the U.S. and up through Canada to the arctic ice.

For the sake of Benjamins in any form or shape, it’s essential, a supernatural narrow byway
A pachyderm never forgets but what do they have to recollect? Nature of being and nothing?
Where are the predators who want to eat flesh instead of the plants and roots, game playing
From the dawn to the dusk, staying healthy, wealthy and wise is the only way to fly far away.

Hollywood’s the #Chit and it’s a matter of time before it turns into tan pebbled and beaches
Grass on the greens and fairways with 18 holes to drive, chip and putt into 18 empty holes
Now and then, this and that will come up in the dialogue, in the conversational monologue
A wanton squeal out of the traitors who commune in the socialist trough of a Jesuit rogue.

I got a hunch that I’m always right about everything, reasoning, rationality, logic tools too
There is nothing I don’t have so that I can figure out the reason for being all too humane
Many have come before my humble self, preached their pitch and left an echo in the rain
Spare parts and the used cartoonish flimsy-slam being marched to, by the minions of Sin.

Fact is, evolved microbes are now responsible for their own swollen, animated hemorrhoid
There never, ever was any divine creature-god above and beyond the atmospheric lectern
It’s all right inside this envelope of gas, ask any astronaut that left for a moment to return
Finding that everything they’ve come to understand before the flight is now One with Void.

Spanish Harlem or Little Italy Chicago makes no difference to the Irish, English and French
Not in America, not in these mighty United States, including Islands and Aleutian sea scum
Streets are as hot as the ocean water only they’re hard, cookin’ asphalt, the fire hydrant fun
Elephants never forget how Cuervo Tequila #FireWater rocked the world online, naturally!

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, July 17th, 2020 A.D. @ 1:11 PM PST
{ Bled this out while listenin’ to Carlos Santana 2 hours of #Supernatural on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/MNcB0l0H9qE }

Monday, July 13, 2020

#JustWaitOnePhuyqnMinute @Eminem @Santana

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, July 13, 2020
___________ #FeelMe #FeelYou ____________
Shown the only way to rock and roll down the straight and narrow path, birth, love & death
If there’s anything else under the star, it’s a modification of being ignorant of angelic cursors
A reason for everything including the lack of evidence for life after death, stone blind birth
Nothing other than that blind faith, preached and echoed blind faith of a priest & professors.

If what you think and say and write isn’t against the Free Speech of All, Love up to the sky
Throw down the sticks and let them pile in random order, I’ll pick them up in due Time flow
Compared to the idiots who speak with forked tongues, liars and cheaters who gotta be high
Neutral between forward and reverse, I’m parked, my lights are off, silent and heavy blow.

Thoughts of blind sights and silent sounds, like playing ball alone, in a solo game of Sorry
Movin’ around the game board in counter clockwise direction, players like NASCAR drivers
if you’re so smart and pretty why don’t you sing it loud? You’re not certain it’s true, illusory
Mountains and oceans a result of Big Bang evolution and disintegration in Space’s infinity

Compared to my father and mother, I am a skeptic and no friend of my parochial mind bend
Product of the cross, of the crusaders holy protection of a holy grail, in an instant I will offend
Believing in infinity, that there’s no origin of the universe, it always was and will be copy RNA
All there is in this matrix of rock, sea salt and living DNA, just everything in the Cosmos’ Ra.

Wasted in the middle of a search to find an occult meaning of Reason, logical deduction vein
Into the deep purple smoke of the cloud above the #Nines’ zoot suits, skirts to kill a princess
Daughters, sisters, mothers and girlfriends give some men their due, 3 meals a day, sugarless
To be or not to be saved by the bells and the consummation of the pills’ compact of the pain.

Always thinking that if I stop thinking that I won’t exist as an ape, therefore I’m here & now
Although at some point in the random future in store for all of us, we’ll disintegrate and how
As if you needed to be reminded of the tramps that are conceived and die in a gutter rat Sin
Born naked up country or down in the hollar, there’s a place in outerspace for ONE, chosen.

r j j stephan, i
c. Monday, July 13th, 2020 A.D @ 5:55 PM PST
{ Generated from the ether while listenin’ to #MonaLisaCARLOS SANTANA on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/95y10tZAzCw }

Sunday, July 12, 2020

#KillingTimeAndSpaceInAWhiff #CircleTheSquaresWithTriangles #EmptyDrinks? #FillerUP #PREGO

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, July 12, 2020
------------  #UseAPronoun ------------
It’s a matter of a Trinity of souls merged into One big ball of confusion, an atomic cornucopia
Bursting bubbles of empty conceptual formulations, nothing to see, nothing but the hot licks
Nobody hears or comprehends the conceptual analysis of the good and evil of Life, a panacea
Here and now or there and then, everywhere all the time, I Am all there is, it’s not for #kicks.

Sort of a punishment/reward system for the sons of the gods to convert ignorance to wisdom
Peeking out from behind the curtain, a stage is set and the play has begun, it’s all gonna come
Before you know it, before I can tell you the whole story, it will be over like it was never here
Nobody can be around when the entire essence is revealed, a Mind, a Brain, a Man or a Bear.

Claws to climb the trees and to kill the enemy, sharp as razors, I am weaponized, I am Man
You are whomever you’ve found yourself to be, lucky you can even read this, must be a fan
Kidding but not really, all fans have expired, they’ve run their course, forgot what they said
To revolve into the vortex of wind sucking and blowing the dirty, flamboyant Id’s deadhead.

A viral odoriferous whiff of a viral RNA that attaches to human DNA, caused by Woman, Sam
Both have the blame, the nature of humanity will be extinct in due time, in due space of I am
Where nobody on Earth will ever find the link to a moment everything dies in a NY moment
We are the monsters we are afraid of, we can’t live with or without, the DNA of the dormant.

How many pills times one hundred years can you swallow? 1000 every year, 100,000 is all
Oh my God or gods or goodness, that’s a lot of pills in a hundred years but just a way to Be
Just to stay alive and ambulatory rather than dead and buried or in any case, pass the ball
Inside a ball of confusion, a reality you neither asked for nor created, you accept the sun/sea.

Nothing greater than the Ends of the Means at the end of the road, all sharp points are moot
Conclusions from propositional logic still make sense but in the End, in the Omega deep root
Nothing’s left to be, all of the atoms and molecules of the gas, liquefied or solidified is all I am
Nonsensical illogical conclusions reasoned from false assumptions’, plumes of flimflam Man.

My eyes have it but what It is, only God knows. orange tailed 707 flyin’ higher than God’s fun
It all comes into view when the world presents itself and allows anyone to mount it’s mound
Coconut, chocolate and four almonds is all I need to take you down, to the dentist’s patience
One of these days Alice or Betty, Alex or Pedro are going to die and then they’ll see our skins.

There was a morality or ethical theory that obligated doing things to others, to be or not to be
Just because it was Right was not enough to control the raw animal within, the hunger sings
Tunes, melodies for everyone with or without ears to hear, vibrating minions making livings
Just because you’re used to seeing the liberty of doom on the horizon, dead and gone is free.

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, July 12th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to #MonaLisa $antana1000000 https://youtu.be/WvA9d6n7Jzg }

Thursday, July 09, 2020

#WhatWouldYouDoIfYouDidNotDoWhatYouDid ? #GodKilledYourMaAndPa

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, July 9, 2020
-------------  #ReadyToFly? -------------
Excuse the moronic idiots for producing and directing the FBI show on a putz’ shaky ground
No band-aids or iodine can heal the wounds and scars of the minions who rule by the #Mob
Prowl the roads and byways for orphans and runaways from broken souls of the home-bound
In fractions of a century, we live and die for no reason at all, poor evil, rich good, all will rob.

Howling at the moon will not do a human much good but if you are food, predators will come
Hungry for the way to stay alive in the middle of green or concrete jungles, a hero and a bum
You will see what you’re meant to see for your own good, work off your own karmic crazy glue
Responsible for the actions and thoughts you have because it’s what you’ve been told to do.

Common knowledge and the power of experiential wisdom will not buy immortality, oh well
Not much you can do about that but you can attempt to survive in the hostility of the shrills
Chaos and mayhem reign on your parades down the main streets and monkey shine #Hell
Anarchy or monarchy will NOT coexist on the same planet, negative cancels positive skills.

Where to the idiots and morons go to K-12? Where did they get higher education? Greece?
Not likely since they may have learned something from pre-Socratic philosophy on It, Peace
Madre and padre to mend wounds of the scrapes and scratches of their progeny’s thin skin
Any shade of pale, blue and darker than purple, ultraviolet infrared radiation, suck it all in!

Get this straight, get off of your high horse, you don’t even ride y’all, now let us all get down
To brass tacks of the notion that Nothing Matters at all, I don’t mean pandemic ghetto clown
It’s in the country and in the city, this is a microcosm of any solar system, irreverent collapse
Dreaming of the civilization without the #TruckingTraffic, no #ToiletPaper, extinction lapse.

Gang bangin’ the concrete and asphalt until the children get bullied into the exiled DNA ids
Acid mixed in a module of Earth and it’s atmosphere revolving around a big, burning gas ball
Keeping this in mind, whether it’s divine or humane matters only after death, we take no bids
Climax of karma’s souls is the naked ape hook, a Cause of eternity, a proud, winged angel fall.

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, July 9th, 2020 A.D. @ 4:11 AM PST

Friday, July 03, 2020

@BozScaggs @STYX @BJThomas @VanMorrison

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, July 3, 2020
---------------------  #NotEvenAPlugNickel ---------------------
Fading away with the holy strings of your feline type of crowd, all ready to scratch eyes out
Don’t comply with Desire that moves the cats and you’ll be hissed at, talkin’ ‘bout yo’ mama
By the minions who only care about the water, the food and the phuq which kills the doubt
That there’s maybe nothing outside of the Earth and we all are living in the last resort of Ga.

Now and then here and there in Time and Space’s matrix, you gotta take control, don’t be shy
It’s not a time to be a little baby or a boy when it’s time to Rock and Roll, a fight for blue sky
Since the first day and up unto the final gasp of gas on the last day, the men and women talk
Of the men and the mice of the historical record that got the light to shine on Darkness’ ilk.

Yet the only thing stopping up or down from the stairwell to Cielo or Hades is You and Me
We are all going to die a mortal death with these 208 bones, like it or not, immortality mute
Except for the only One who can make it alone, it ain’t me babe, I believe an illusory creed
Pretend that knowledge which is power is obtainable but it ain’t, know nothing, just bleed.

Native North Americans lived by the shrinking body of water, dried out ash of the Good Fight
Great Lakes used to be a monster ocean, water evaporated and left the deep H2O Lakes of Ga
Earth keeps spinning and leaking the hydrogen into deep Space, point unknown, Egyptian Ra
My thoughts and trips between the bed and dark rooms I enter without benefit of violet light.

Meander around the cultural plantation for the bulk of existence, laughing, crying and dying
Never because you desire this existence but only because you’ve awakened, sword and shield
Wondering how to get food and shelter and friends to avoid pain, suffering in a killing field
To be divine is to be human without fear of Death, to be ‘all too human,” Chicago’s crying.

Punishment for the crime against humanity is eternal banishment from the herd, dead meat
Which is what life was before it fell away from your skull’s bones to the ash of me and Levon
Science and Religion metabolize into the gravitational collapse of the invisible divinity’s feet
Leftover atoms of gas, expanding and contracting until the Singularity mutates It into Avon.

Rags in ragtime and riches for Richie Rich, all of it is a necessary condition for a wasted shat
Taking it all away, subtracting the stuff from nothing leaves nothing at all, that’s a blown fact
What you don’t know WILL hurt you and what you Do know won’t, it’ll take y’all way higher
Than monks and apes hidden in caves, armed to the teeth, waiting for God to kill for hellfire.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, July 3rd, 2020 Anno Domini @ 6:66 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #RaindropsAreFallingOnMyHead by BJ THOMAS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/sySlY1XKlhM}