
Monday, July 13, 2020

#JustWaitOnePhuyqnMinute @Eminem @Santana

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, July 13, 2020
___________ #FeelMe #FeelYou ____________
Shown the only way to rock and roll down the straight and narrow path, birth, love & death
If there’s anything else under the star, it’s a modification of being ignorant of angelic cursors
A reason for everything including the lack of evidence for life after death, stone blind birth
Nothing other than that blind faith, preached and echoed blind faith of a priest & professors.

If what you think and say and write isn’t against the Free Speech of All, Love up to the sky
Throw down the sticks and let them pile in random order, I’ll pick them up in due Time flow
Compared to the idiots who speak with forked tongues, liars and cheaters who gotta be high
Neutral between forward and reverse, I’m parked, my lights are off, silent and heavy blow.

Thoughts of blind sights and silent sounds, like playing ball alone, in a solo game of Sorry
Movin’ around the game board in counter clockwise direction, players like NASCAR drivers
if you’re so smart and pretty why don’t you sing it loud? You’re not certain it’s true, illusory
Mountains and oceans a result of Big Bang evolution and disintegration in Space’s infinity

Compared to my father and mother, I am a skeptic and no friend of my parochial mind bend
Product of the cross, of the crusaders holy protection of a holy grail, in an instant I will offend
Believing in infinity, that there’s no origin of the universe, it always was and will be copy RNA
All there is in this matrix of rock, sea salt and living DNA, just everything in the Cosmos’ Ra.

Wasted in the middle of a search to find an occult meaning of Reason, logical deduction vein
Into the deep purple smoke of the cloud above the #Nines’ zoot suits, skirts to kill a princess
Daughters, sisters, mothers and girlfriends give some men their due, 3 meals a day, sugarless
To be or not to be saved by the bells and the consummation of the pills’ compact of the pain.

Always thinking that if I stop thinking that I won’t exist as an ape, therefore I’m here & now
Although at some point in the random future in store for all of us, we’ll disintegrate and how
As if you needed to be reminded of the tramps that are conceived and die in a gutter rat Sin
Born naked up country or down in the hollar, there’s a place in outerspace for ONE, chosen.

r j j stephan, i
c. Monday, July 13th, 2020 A.D @ 5:55 PM PST
{ Generated from the ether while listenin’ to #MonaLisaCARLOS SANTANA on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/95y10tZAzCw }

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