

Friday, July 03, 2020

@BozScaggs @STYX @BJThomas @VanMorrison

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, July 3, 2020
---------------------  #NotEvenAPlugNickel ---------------------
Fading away with the holy strings of your feline type of crowd, all ready to scratch eyes out
Don’t comply with Desire that moves the cats and you’ll be hissed at, talkin’ ‘bout yo’ mama
By the minions who only care about the water, the food and the phuq which kills the doubt
That there’s maybe nothing outside of the Earth and we all are living in the last resort of Ga.

Now and then here and there in Time and Space’s matrix, you gotta take control, don’t be shy
It’s not a time to be a little baby or a boy when it’s time to Rock and Roll, a fight for blue sky
Since the first day and up unto the final gasp of gas on the last day, the men and women talk
Of the men and the mice of the historical record that got the light to shine on Darkness’ ilk.

Yet the only thing stopping up or down from the stairwell to Cielo or Hades is You and Me
We are all going to die a mortal death with these 208 bones, like it or not, immortality mute
Except for the only One who can make it alone, it ain’t me babe, I believe an illusory creed
Pretend that knowledge which is power is obtainable but it ain’t, know nothing, just bleed.

Native North Americans lived by the shrinking body of water, dried out ash of the Good Fight
Great Lakes used to be a monster ocean, water evaporated and left the deep H2O Lakes of Ga
Earth keeps spinning and leaking the hydrogen into deep Space, point unknown, Egyptian Ra
My thoughts and trips between the bed and dark rooms I enter without benefit of violet light.

Meander around the cultural plantation for the bulk of existence, laughing, crying and dying
Never because you desire this existence but only because you’ve awakened, sword and shield
Wondering how to get food and shelter and friends to avoid pain, suffering in a killing field
To be divine is to be human without fear of Death, to be ‘all too human,” Chicago’s crying.

Punishment for the crime against humanity is eternal banishment from the herd, dead meat
Which is what life was before it fell away from your skull’s bones to the ash of me and Levon
Science and Religion metabolize into the gravitational collapse of the invisible divinity’s feet
Leftover atoms of gas, expanding and contracting until the Singularity mutates It into Avon.

Rags in ragtime and riches for Richie Rich, all of it is a necessary condition for a wasted shat
Taking it all away, subtracting the stuff from nothing leaves nothing at all, that’s a blown fact
What you don’t know WILL hurt you and what you Do know won’t, it’ll take y’all way higher
Than monks and apes hidden in caves, armed to the teeth, waiting for God to kill for hellfire.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, July 3rd, 2020 Anno Domini @ 6:66 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #RaindropsAreFallingOnMyHead by BJ THOMAS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/sySlY1XKlhM}

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