Tin Soldiers & Nixon cut us down, 4 dead in Ohio, MIC-DROP
Sweet leaves burnt to smoke your lungs into the deep space of time running outOf the sands of time in an hourglass, flipping over hours, every millennia no doubt
Do you have a leader? Take me to your leader, the one who doesn’t want exposure
To the ones who need to lock up your agitation in the bell jar from duty came a tour.
This is not about your idiots and morons educated by clueless parents too busy too
Monday through Saturday will get you to the day of rest, Sunday bloody Sunday Son
Husky and skinny bones underneath your skin, fed by your blue blood, IQ below One
Monkeys ran the show, wrote the commandments, punished the offenders, died too.
I am apolitical, you are a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and too fat to be hungry to be free
Of your masters & mistresses with uniforms & jack boots, waving their holy scat to be
Whether you sleep soundly at night & live in peace while awake in the daylight, or not
Us all & every other living thing, every atom of every cell will expire in extinction’s sea.
I’m no Einstein from the Void or even a Bozo from the circus, The Truth is false, I confess
Nothing but blinding light in tomes, scratched & painted upon inner walls of all darkness
Highballs drank until drunk, you got drunk at five & killed the soul & mind in a fine fellow
Dead & gone, not yet a miracle again defying nature, be alive to live, as above, so below.
Good and bad actors in the play on the stage but it’s not an infinite time, it’s almost over
Extinction of the species’ genome & return to the caves and boiling cosmic sea of acid
Party on the patio for you & I, no games to play, just conversation of philosophy & lovers
What do we think about when we think about Oneness, my God, my woman, we’re dead!
I got a line on the mystery presented as the silence of the lambs, be quiet about the Truth
Slaughter is not my destiny, silence of my logic & reason is not allowed, slide in the booth
Deduced the conclusions used to engage the loud-mouthed females with bad breath spit
Upon the innocent & wild life on E Street, crack down on the hard life, long 44 Years of s#it
Model fixed, cracked the monkey-mind between the hemispheres, split the personality too
Not acting like the same person alive in one body, more like two wills to power, red and blue
Punch in the face with those facts of life downloaded into your i-pod, dream about wizards
Whomever they may be, they’ll expire with death, without me, Nothing exists but buzzards.
Fun in the city and a struggle in the ghetto & on the farms & ranches to keep the herd fed
With corn-infused beef, dead meat of cattle raised to be eaten by the carnivores of Dead
Learned without question from birth to death, Life happens, we got lucky, granted grace
To be animated, breathing air, running on higher ground, digging in the dirt of God’s face.
Blood thirsty, drink until drunk and then wonder why there’s still a thirst, you’re a killer ape
Not a decision for the free will, killer apes kill, you’re one of them, let others kill for you too
Buy the dead stuff wrapped up in cellophane and Styrofoam in a store full, baked & canned
Agitators of Revolution, you’re moron dupes, Marx rollin’ over guffaws, F.U. you’re banned!
Timing is everything and I know I’m right because this unknown fact is now known wisdom
You’re oh so mortal, you’re gonna die, you won’t be punished or rewarded after The System
This spasm with the last gasp, you can’t look in the mirror postmortem, rest assured grim
So, stare in the mirror now, look deep into your eyes’ pupils for the empty, black pool, OM!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, Mayday First, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 222 PMPST
{ Cocked the hammer for the hair trigger coverage, got me back my bullets while jammin’ to@NeilYoung#FourDeadInOhio different story than TODAY, VIETNAM THEN, WAH WAH WAH NOW… link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCS-g3HwXdc&t=81s }

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