
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

#ForeverIsNowAndThen #TwoPlusTwoAlwaysIsTimesTwoToo

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Miracles happen to those who believe that the possible can happen, that’s not impossible
If and only if the deal is that you get everything you can conceive and will to have in hand
Eating everything that’s healthy to eat so I don’t die younger than my pop, sister and brother
My sister and my mother always knew what I never believed, future shock’s a gift to woman.

The entire reason for this existence is due to the human female’s charm, Eve’s the queen, bow
Not literally but in a figurative kind of display of appreciation for greatness, takin’ it real slow
Inside or outside the paranormal is one and the same place from a diametrically opposite sky
As above, so below is what it all comes down to, if you get the drift, surf’s up so I gotta fly!

Back from the beach after I slammed my head into coastal sand, caught my last wave to die
It’s not that I won’t miss the beauty of her shine in the AM & PM on the bay, I will, I will cry
But I won’t look back to the hundreds of crests and curls I’ve drunk, deeply, some drank me
I wish y’all could have beat California girls but it’s a cosmic speck storm, a holy ape of the sea.

I know and you know when we’ve got to roll, just a minute or two before the trouble begins
Leftists and Rightest all come from somebody’s home, mother and father instinctively erred
Mating without knowing reasons why pregnancy happen to girls, all of ‘em look sidewindered
The guy, boy, man, the kid who allowed guilt to drill for baby concepts, invisibly now I see.

It dang sure ain’t my fault either so let’s just give each other that last shot at this we dream
Undercover or in the great wide-open, it all burns the whole way down because it’s like that
Soon after the alcohol mixes the blood’s feed to the brain, mind burns in effigy, holy cream
Acting appropriately for the sake of the jealous hearted and envious of fortune, bad luck fat.

Playin’ the cards close to the vest and throwin’ myself all in and calling the bluffers’ raises
Winning is what always happens before it happens, it’s an intent of the will of the ego mind
Come over here now honey, nobody’s home but you and me, lost in this cloud’s feckless sea
Shots of #TwoFingers stacked to the ceiling on the way to Hehl’s #WeedWhiskeyAndWillie.

Every moment moves on to the end of the line, can’t ever see it comin’ but pledge to watch it
Ending with empty glasses which were once full to the brim with the liquid jet fuel gettin’ lit
I stayed a little longer, I was a goner, I got you just like the last time, one thing led to another
Your hands were all over me, one last kiss and I had to go, you pulled me back, I fell in lover!

r j j stephan, i { #GetWellSoon Stevie Nicks’ face is the header<3 a="" class="_58cn" data-ft="{"type":104,"tn":"*N"}" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/godspeedbaby?source=note&epa=HASHTAG" target="_blank">#GodSpeedBaby
c. April 16, 2019 A.D. Mardi @ 4:32 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Brothers Osborne #RUM & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/h7wWinwIKnI }

Monday, April 15, 2019

#ABrownEyedGirl #Mine @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, April 15, 2019
Holy week being killed and causing a Resurrection, ma and pa gave up on a divine kook-ade
Parasitic paradise it is right here and now, a Savior presenting an empty tabernacle grenade
Roll the stardust of paradise into the North Wind of #LaLaLand, hills havin’ the hungry eyes
Sights for the sore, symbolic bullet-strength national prayer in my bull’s eye, Nazi gods die.

Weaponized simulation of apes’ malfunction, monkeys turned human, empty, hairless mind
Amazed in the sense that there’s only death to avoid while you’re survivin’ a holy-ass jubilee
Completely amazed at the ignorance of the minions, kept on the down-low, an aberrant kind
#Funktastic impression of the charlatans who follow Jesus’ apostles to love, wasted in Time.

On this Holy week before the Resurrection of the man-god, the One son of original Sin
God’s son, immortally conceived in a womb without an impregnated ovum, just an Odin
Comin’ up above the surface wave curl, blue above and below me, Kauai, Hawaii I surf
At the right time, on the right day, a dream of a tunnel puts you into #LaLaLand turf.

Here are some glass beads you can chant prayers upon, hang them from your waistlines
Hails and Our Fathers and Glory Bees, all for the confession of disobedience to law fines
On the way from here to eternity, you either learn well or not, to survive in a cool matrix
It’s all you’ve got, check out the #SpaceX data, that’s your #Nation my man, it’s for kicks!

r j j stephan, i
c. April 15, 2019 A.D. @ 3:33 PM PST
{ listenin’ to #Kicks by Paul Revere and The Raiders link https://youtu.be/84L7wRSg2Vk }

Sunday, April 14, 2019

#WordsToSay #NoneOfYourBusiness #Weezer #Coachella2019

<3 br="" nbsp="">
Yeah, that’s me thinkin’ about bein’ underground, under a stone, my head’s busted, nothing
Why I came and where I went after the bones quit movin’ is the question for the once living
I am what I am, it is dead to you and your friends, your relatives, both dead and alive now
Present time’s space and in the future Space of the Past, I dreamt of a comical, Cosmic crow.

Waiting every day and night to resurrect myself and become erect for the DNA spigot spout
But something is missing, I think I know what it is but it’s impossible to know if you’re alive
Everybody and everything that lives must die, it’s the required progress of returning to Void
Recollect before your Ma & Pa conceived your DNA combo? No foolin’ Odin, Zeus or Lloyd!

Call it what it is, a miracle of spontaneous combustion of acidic essence of The Cell, The One
It’s always One for All and All for One, like the Three Musketeers, troubles for One are Many
Insignificant, invisible, undeniable plethora of a smoke, a film, no memory of host, it’s worse
A Being alone in Space, spinning clocks’ Time axis's Space of Earth’s body, I’m a starburst?

Back to the grounds of being under the rock of stone ages, no sound, no sight just stone cold
Demons of the republic’s social system want to excrete the genome back into the DNA pool
To mix the menudo back into the hodge podge mess of revolution of the masses to con itself
Into masticating and digesting the enculturation inherited from gypsies, tramps and thieves.

My name’s not as important as the factoid that my father impregnated my mother by surprise
There was no invitation to mate or to gestate for 9 months in the darkness’ warm, black hole
Where you think you can go if you get to a threshold of the #EventHorizon, matter turns dark
Squashed into a Singularity where I’m all of It, One God’s ‘FX’, a stoned philosopher’s snark!

r j j stephan, i
c. April 14th, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to #LIVE #Coachella2019 with the other 3 & a half zillion snarks on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/bAS_E1D0UXw }