Holy week being killed and causing a Resurrection, ma and pa gave up on a divine kook-ade
Parasitic paradise it is right here and now, a Savior presenting an empty tabernacle grenade
Roll the stardust of paradise into the North Wind of #LaLaLand, hills havin’ the hungry eyes
Sights for the sore, symbolic bullet-strength national prayer in my bull’s eye, Nazi gods die.
Weaponized simulation of apes’ malfunction, monkeys turned human, empty, hairless mind
Amazed in the sense that there’s only death to avoid while you’re survivin’ a holy-ass jubilee
Completely amazed at the ignorance of the minions, kept on the down-low, an aberrant kind
#Funktastic impression of the charlatans who follow Jesus’ apostles to love, wasted in Time.
On this Holy week before the Resurrection of the man-god, the One son of original Sin
God’s son, immortally conceived in a womb without an impregnated ovum, just an Odin
Comin’ up above the surface wave curl, blue above and below me, Kauai, Hawaii I surf
At the right time, on the right day, a dream of a tunnel puts you into #LaLaLand turf.
Here are some glass beads you can chant prayers upon, hang them from your waistlines
Hails and Our Fathers and Glory Bees, all for the confession of disobedience to law fines
On the way from here to eternity, you either learn well or not, to survive in a cool matrix
r j j stephan, i
c. April 15, 2019 A.D. @ 3:33 PM PST
{ listenin’ to #Kicks by Paul Revere and The Raiders
link }

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