
Showing posts with label #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

#HaveNoMercyNoLordFlatbush #NoGaylords #UpDown #Gaylords #GrammasHand #Everlast #Everclear #TheLifeAcoustic #GoodUglyAndBadArse

HOOKEd on ups & Downs
Contents of the Cosmos is teaming with life both as we know it, virtually bacteria & nucleic acid
Monkeys know no more nor less than the naked apes who developed civilization, tamed beasts
Nurtured by Nature or unnatural orphanages that house the accidental conceptions of all moms
Mission is impossible to ascertain without a deep dive into lower echelons’ embedded bombs.

Zip your lip and your barn door to keep the secrets undivulged by any living being, man or alien
Facts of Life are vague, about the One & the many on the way to a black hole’s Singularity within
Timeline of infinity imagines a never ending pattern of numbers you named Fibonacci sequence
Nature from the neutron, the proton, the atom in geometric forms full of Platonic living on Ice.

Aristotle’s Socratic koans appear as draconian attempts at Platonic dialogue ‘tween blind bones
Believers & sceptics put all hands on deck for the beginning of anchors away my boy, Zen koans
Woe be tide you if you pay no attention to all pending doom ahead & behind your elderly knees
Killer scroll down through the nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs & adjectives of the slaves’ pleas.

Necessary condition for the conclusion’s validity is using logic for the key to the predication sign
Premises assumed lead to deductive or inductive arguments pro or con, settle Nothing, it’s fine
Nobody cares when you die that you’re dead and gone, it’s nothing personal, just the fax of life
You get a new car, all of you all get a new car, no trade-in required, it’s tax-free like a new wife.

Completed a free ride you never knew you were on until the excitement dried up a wet dream
Knowledge & wisdom with the ignorance & moronic idiocy of the masses yields God’s scheme
Algebra & Trigonometry fill this Void with an infinite number of recombinant DNA more or less
Any way you look at it from above or below the timeline, there’s nothing else at all, atomless.

The human pound just like the dog pound, fatherless and motherless bitches and puppy scat
Everywhere gravity allowed, the dropping of the ingested mush and flushed H2O for the shat
My mistakes to have allowed the dogs to be bred and raised to be champions, stud fee 2 grand
Best job in the dog’s world of seeing, hearing, barking, eating & filling holes nobody can stand.

Civil suit & tie, with or without the vest, depending on the game of cards at a table of felt
Shadows come over the kitty, the pot is full of everyone’s chips, I pulled four aces, I dealt
High as the lower deck of the outfield where homers all fall from the sky, batter got wood
Timing is everything before or after the exact moment of Will to Power, late show’s good.

Happiness is the happy ending that sometimes conceives & sometimes shoots blank shots
Like jello shooters of vodka on a Popsicle stick, you think it’s cool candy until you’re soused
Beyond the good & evil you consider when sane, to the high spirit’s insane drunks we salute
It’s always for those about to rock, last gasp of air, see a golden ratio, give up the ghost root.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Mardi, June 4, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 222 PMPST

{ Cranked this #GoldenRatio gem out the Cosmic woodwork all day today while jammin’ to @ZZTop / @LynyrdSkynyrd 2024 link @ https://youtu.be/zxvzJozYaUg?si=vvlifPqdLadM_3cJ  }



Tuesday, May 21, 2024

#ThisBlogWasNeverWritten #ConfiscatingTheWholeShebang #ForgetAboutIt #MountHayes #Stargate #ProjectRemoteViewYou


Simple minds string thoughts together believing in cosmic discovery & the profound quest
To see the face of God, to recollect the nature of my own being, alive & at one with my self
As it can be difficult to fly solo on the mission that’s nearly impossible, in co-pilot remote
Top of the videos highest place in Space, that’s where I’ll reach and remain, on a rowboat.

You can assume that I’m less of a man than the thing itself that breathes your acid daddio
As if there was any other way to become extinct other than to live first exist in utero at least
Full of the trip from beginning itinerary to the final display of shitz goin’ on in downlow town
Bred to be extinct in a century, much less or a little more, in any case, don’t be a sad clown.

Morality compass of North, West, South or East, it’s moot man, there’s no point to sharpen
Only you & I know the fabulous persons who show their naked human form for real Zazen
Doing what any golfer would do on the fairway or the perfect green on the eighteenth hole
Measure the wind and momentum of the lie of the terrain in the dreamscape, a knight lull.

In armor under the disguise, I cannot be violated or compromised by inferior weaponry
Follow behind me to shield you from the pain and suffering lurking in the lighter darkness
Behind the invisible shadow that moves the unmoved mover daddio and mama mia, I see
Confess to nothing more than just following orders, keep it all in mind, never undersea.

Skipping riddles and conundrums to get to the Reality, as such is paramount to ebb & flow
Game or any presentation of a race to a goal, based on bedazzling & screwing the pooch
Somebody always must screw the pooch, it’s a right of safe passage out of the nonsense
Cause my happiness, take it back & cause my sadness, critical thought about existence.

Bright azure, blue sky is an illusion of starshine, black sky’s illusion moonshine is a sight
Mallard quacks unseen yet there’s the sound of the ‘V’ flight, like silent angel wing flight
Harmful and helpful at one and the same time, it’s the facts of life that are hidden deep
Go below six feet graves and the mausoleum ashtrays of leftover fragmented deep sleep.

Crest of the wave, it’s where I’ve been hangin’ ten since yesterday evening, it’s my timeout
Sensory perception escaping my grasp, sights, sounds, tastes, smells, feel In & Out soon
Burgers and shakes to make the world move in and out of love, it’s all animal style whatnot
Action spoke louder than words, I’m nationwide internationally speaking, spittin’ spittoon.

Appeal your judgement to be or not to be after death, as if you’ve got any clue about the ID
Heaven or Hell imaginary concepts without substance, only abstraction art for Art’s sake
Tired in the dream, nature awake with eyes wide open, you fly, you die, it’s all pie in the sky
As if you didn’t suspect the Truth was a solid permutation of your own Highness, all baked.

Judgement of the herd is never right or wrong, it’s just a thing we do with the liberty & love
All of us free to be & still responsible for our actions, obligate each soul’s spirit to spit up
Using the grave as the gravity required to keep the good, the bad & ugly down under above
Stroke back & forth, lover boys do that well for the species’ sake, hammer girls all in love.

Miami to Iceland, north to south poles and all around the equator, the beaches call me
In the sand that once, live feet did tread before my life here and now, no prints leftover
Waves & low frequencies brought back the original lie of the land, God’s blown starlight
Never forget the recall can’t be rescinded, rubber necking made the grade, a good fight.

Subtracted the sum from the dividend, received a quotient for the divisor & it multiplied
Itself times zero equal zero from one to any number you choose including zero itself too
Insider on the outside of the perimeter surrounding the malfunction of the genome ilk
Mothers of fathers cannot conceive the conception that Time is warped mother’s milk.

Chime in anytime you feel you have anything germane we can use to support The Take
All you know about is all you’ll ever know for certain, easy to coil into logic’s sick snake
Using two tools of deduction and induction for formulating a Truth about reality’s muck
Only you know & I know surreality is for you to know, Void in perpetuity, a wad of a phuq.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, May XXIst MMXXIV Anno Domini @ #911 AMPST

{ @GroomLake madness M-F listenin’ to @Armstrong_GettyShow on @kste650AM & I was tryin’ to stop the drums in my ears from exploding by listenin’ to #WhereTheCountryGirlsAt @Pitbull @LukeBryan @TraceAdkins on youTube link # https://youtu.be/qBbTUw6dIpA }


Thursday, May 16, 2024

#RIP #TOFF #CHUMPS #ToughAndDumbAsARock #AsAboveSoBelow

On the highway between my heart and my soul, I came upon the middle fork in the road, Man
I knew I'd never have any peace of mind without knowing the real reason you're in the hot fan
You wish you could have done all I've done but you're wish won't come true if you have no Will
To be the One who can put the world on it's keester for high power of the hunter of the food kill.

You can't eat meat raw, you'll get ill & you'll die of an unknown ailment but the living know It
The ailment is DO NOT eat creation in the garden of Eden, you god's damn fools of the low pit
It's on the way to you all personally, you can't think about the facts of life, shut my mouth on high
Altars with sacred sacrifices of miracles, eating symbolic bodies of blood, ad infinitum, a host shy.

Altar boys needed to squeeze the God into another man standing up above the stairs tabernacle
Common and complex just one and the same thing, the unknown is the power, it's one hard sell
Written language inked on papyrus or scratched upon stone walls, inside the libraries of the herd
I won't repeat the mantra therefore, I think I am all there is that's important for me to be absurd.

Wanting to be immortal & live upon the planet forever is not an option, except in somnambulism
Bring back my peace of mind as soon as I realize that Being Alone is divine, it's inhumane autism
Staring at anything moving to avoid using logic & reason, discover the meaning of why life moves
To me, a man here & now yet born in an imaginary past, hereafter in solitary recollection of a One.

Person of the personality, the subset of ethical pretensions of a Golden Rule to hurt nobody's eyes
All men born to Woman deserve the judgement of me & only me, exist under survival's azure skies
And that means you're my focus, a moment or a year, it ain't my call, it's natural-born DNA display
Why the RNA attracts like a magnet to the thing that can multiply one's Being in Love by sex baby.

Mine ain't yours unless I share some of it by my own free will, try to take it out of my hands, try it
You'll get the message just using your brain to manipulate the meaning of what I've clearly said, eh?
Miracles come and go without anyone knowing the Cause is unknown because it's the divine above
In space, far away from the core of this Earth planet & it's moon revolution execution of the doves.

Bring back this final thought, you & I won't meet in flesh & bone or you couldn't leave me all alone
Feeling sorry for me because I don't need you or anyone at all besides my skinny bones' cellphone
In my pocket waiting for the vibe, the buzz or ring dependin' on my priority assigned, all 1, 2 & 3
Sunlight breaking through clouds enveloping the ground of Being, now I recall that only God's free.

What I am is what I am & what you are is what? Something for better or for worse? Y'all married?
Not lonely to know you're in the middle of a dream your handlers forced you to have blind faith in
Or else, you were ostracized from the herd, the group would set you off to sea, all alone, God said
Kidding nobody but yourself, the one that was alive before you were conceived, remember a Sin?

Come on man, it was originally a mortal that began this system of coming out of a Big Bang secret
That you don't have a daddy other than the Man who had an orgasm inside your mother, praise dead
Gypsies and solitary monk scientists get to the bottom of the conundrum, obviously we're all asleep
Sweet feeling like you received as nature nurtured the innocent born to run with the hobos & sheep.

Mothers who invented that way to show the young how to act, how to be in the middle of nowhere
Severed from the host umbilical chord puts the burden on the baby to perform as if it had long hair
Well then, here & now is where we are, listening to the disease drip into health, a negative negated
Funk is just The Cell's bridges to infinity of humanity, long way to the tops' of rocks that roll lead.

It transforms it's metric tons of what's left of the Big Bang's dead, heavy lead all up in my godhead
Actually it's symbolic because of it's potential to become Law of The Land's extinction-bred dead
Ship's assail and nothing can halt the motion of the ocean, Earth spins, I float above, below the sea
Scouting the terrain for the place in Space to settle down from the fitness' survival to retire, just be.

Fish and kelp left by the maker of this dream in a garden rising above hydrogen & oxygen, salty
Of and by the Earth, it is as it's always been & as it will always be, love, hope that faith is faulty
Because when this is all done, you've got to go nowhere or heaven or hell, as above so it is below
No wonder the boys & girls got so sad, sang & played the fool's strings, banged their drum solo.

Pumped up your courage to show the presence of power, the respect for alpha-ape is understood
Appearance of the tiny power as no power at all until it's yielded when guided by Reason's mood
Hot or freezing cold, it is what it is, there's no other option, the Good is not the Evil & vice versa
Creeping into the crack in your defense, I devour the host, just a virus you can't annihilate, GA!
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, May XVIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST
{ Drafted out of the #EventHorizon for posterity while jammin' to #BWStevenson's #MyMaria on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/mAQlg2qSR2w}