
Showing posts with label #CockTail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #CockTail. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Arrowsmith but there's also @Aerosmith #1981tTOP40 ... PETTING PARTIES KILLED MY SPUNK in 1965 A.D. I will find you!

Got cold beer in the ice chest, we’re wettin’ lines in the pond, bobbers goin’ up & down too
Just like the old days before we graduated from summer high school, on to another Frosh pool
Of boys and girls 17 to 19, onto 20 & 21…grad school to 23 or 25, never worked, teach stipend
Influenced the thought content assigning the reading & discussion of the same old, same old.

Fools run in where angels thought quicksand didn’t need to be for fallen souls already gone
One step beyond the shore where you can’t look back to see what disappeared into thin air
Used or new, matter and energy have no influence over the rigor mortis’ verve, out of there
Just like rocks rollin’ out of the volcano holes, lava’s tiny squirts of unscientific, fictional fear.

Scared of dying, scared of living alone, you and the others inside, the Id, the Super Ego & you
Up and down for the heads to bob over where my space is, five or six square feet, stand-down
Group of One’s dairy queen’s, the cows producing milk without calves, all too humane, dead
Naked as skin can be seen it it’s colored forms, with the hair, no white, brown or red of head.

You’ve been trippin’ since that first hit of LSD your “friend” popped into your big mouth at 16
This whole world still appears to be the flashback in loop, living forever even turnin’ hat-tricks
Winning or losing at games that have no rules other than the ones in the box, Jane’s & Dick’s
All in your face when you win and in a funk for days when you lose, no kissin’ #Juneteenths.

High down & low unto the ceiling, downtown and uptown, down and up country, alive, asleep
Day is a spin around to the night’s darkness, turned mama Earth’s face away, to grow so deep
Below the core, inside of the magnetic vibrations, like you get sitting on the beach, in the sand
Dunes of moons put it all to rest, all there is, sunny stardust, in & out of This Downfall of Man.

I drank the alcohol, the brain malfunction was addictive, helped bring you back, so way gone
I smoked the leaf, whacked my mind’s eye back into the cerebellum for keeps, made me moan
Fine or not, it’s the way it is, I got high, you got high, we’ll get to the end just to drop the dye
Stoned and rockin’ on the slide, gliding to the finish line, it’s comin’ up ahead, even gods die.

You and the whiskey are talkin’ to me from Tennessee or California, and it don’t matter either
Could have been a dream, it’s just a recollection of causes and effects of scat that don’t matter
To the wavelengths and frequencies, I raise my glassful of Tequilla that comes out of hindsight
Eagles fly and they die too, alive from fertilized egg to the extinct feathers & animated flight.

Monsters underneath my bed when I was seven or eight, angels & devils came out church
Taught me to speak Latin and serve mass to the masses, honor priests, cardinals’ dad-pope
My mines full of emptiness I relish and have no problem hiding in plain sight, invisible chill
Drunk? I’ve been. High-Mind? #FlashBack runs in a loop, I am, I think, at least I’m all cool!

In bed with the evil that eat you bones and all, they don’t care if you’ve got a PhD, masters
Treasure is the place that you’ve got to flee from, to get away from the stench’s poison water
It kills your kids & your horses, you let them drink first and they die, you got no ride, no kid
Now, the hot heat’s on cold, frozen ice until there’s a cure for the disappearance of spirit-Id.

Until then, make amends, all needs to be even-steven, you can’t bring a knife to a gunfight
Know what I mean, or the disadvantage will result in your last breath in history, out of light
Heartbeats and thoughtful renderings of inner feelings that resist expression, hard rocker
Told me lyrics to rhythm’s rhymes and meanings of thoughts that disappear in a thin air.

Resist the attraction as you must, if you submit to the magnetic pull, y’all will immerse
Within the heavy metal sight and sound that tastes & smells like it feels, it feels adverse
So unfavorable in fact, that even though you aren’t aware, you and everyone are #AtOne
Try to be that way when you’re already there, fool’s errand, sleepin’ in a desert, my Son!

r j j stephan, i

c. Thursday, June 20, 2024 A.D. @ 111 PMPST

{ Crafted this 2-a-day GEM while jammin’ to @JimiHendrixBlues on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/TG5KkY6idyE?list=OLAK5uy_lwNlG5KASFF8t6Ea5wdoBil7oARJ9ImL8 }

c. Jeudi, June XXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 311 PMPST

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Coppers HICCUP again and again ad infinitum UFO identified



God’s got monster humor deep within the mind’s eye of a hole-spirit
I plaid with the blocks and built what needed gravity to pull it on down
Mystery I left behind on the block in the second city from a Big Apple
Fought for dreams in heaven that dropped to the coffee grounded hill.

Points of your head and your idiot sensations of a moron, idiot or fool
Now, finally aware that your parental supervision was lacking survival
 No skill taught too young, uncool to be a square in a triangular circle
Boiling hot or rock-hard frozen ice, all nature of a fool’s cess’ pool.

Consume & defecate, once you’re free from a womb until a deathbed
You’re intellectual curiosity satisfied once rigor mortis sets you dead
Ego or personality that expressed your presence, dissolved in the air
My love, a lack of care for Life on Earth, existence as such, orphaned.

Humming like a bird’s rapid beating wings, my engine is primed to act
In a play, a game, for reality is nothing but that, it’s a phenomenal fact
Allies turn into preposterous enemies, sons & daughters of all heroes
Courtesy motors, courtesy groceries all just hand-outs for bold foes.

Complicated mess of ordering things from atom to heavenly bodies
Washed, scrubbed clean of bacteria and viral infections clinging fleas
Shame on you, shame on me, shame on the first & the last of the free
Kites flyin’ and the lead is heavier than a ton of rock and rolling glee.

Must leave on a last gasp, gone not forgotten, just way gone, far away
Mighty fog covering the Truth, a necessary & sufficient argument ploy
To be or not to be in peace between wars, fun playing good vibrations
Opportunity knocks if you arrest your attention upon mortal godsons.

Barter your days & nights without your last confession, don’t speak it
Word that sounds like O & M in a drawn-out hum until it all rattles spit
In or out of rattlesnakes’ seven holes, eyes, ears & lips, two too much
Pens and stylus incursive scribbles on paper-thin 8x12 such & such.

Colors to the colorblind are the spelling and sound of words, B&W TV
Everywhere you see, if you’re colorblind is all there is of this worldly
 Things themselves in one form or another, micro-macroscopic pixels
Apes maintaining it, grooming enhanced survival of the stinkin’ hells.

Without soap and water, without the cover-up anti-fish bobber floats
We’d all be alone in our own odorific scent that nobody can ever feel
Between sheets or in a million permutations of the screws & lug bolts
You sleep, dream & you gotta roll with the tires & a quicksilver wheel.

That being said, whatever it was I can’t recall, a moment in time heals
Who knows why Earth of the sun’s solar system revolves in orbitals
Ideals come & go with the weather which is annoying yet quite quaint
Monsters ghost you in your bed, they’re in your head, all-woke saint.

Monument tower above the babbling people who can’t get along well
Extinction of the species requires existence, and that ship has sailed
What we have here’s a failure to express the meaning of decrepit dead
At one point, all points bulletin repeats ad infinitum, rings Hell’s Bell.

Looking glass mirror shattered into a million pieces, puzzled far apart
From the original One image into a mirage of two failed sacred hearts
Then from two, a geometric progression up to a zillion bytes of charm
Subatomic free radicals open the door, here we come, we mean harm!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, May XI, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST

{ Keep your hat on, dribbled out while jammin’ to #VanillaFudge #KeepMeHanginOn link @  https://youtu.be/NCwzCQcjC0M?si=uape6ko1TpR1nbYi }



Thursday, May 09, 2024



Pulling a rabbit out of my top hat isn’t the absolute first time I’ve tricked the fools
Wants and urgent needs have no necessity in the fusion & fission of the holy tools
Bloody liquid turns into a scab once it leaks into the open air & bleeds it out hot
Leaving the organs and bones cold as ice and in decrepit mode, God’s best shot.

Pears and pomegranates in the baked pies coolin’ down on the windowsill & I’m all
Meaning I don’t have anything to say because I’m rhetorically insufficient to play ball
Up the Hudson or down the Mississippi, I’m in the mode to signify the Dozens’ corners
In the end, exit door swings open to let me into a sacred hole that nobody else enters.

Fuel burnt to move the animation from frame to frame, present to past, creepy lapses
Reality of curve and speed balls getting’ tagged with deep wood to the bleacher’s pass
Far left or far left, even deep center, feat to complete the four banger was a cake walk
Caught Babe, Roger, Mickey & Casey at bat that last inning, in bottom of the ninth talk.

In the end, it was just like the first time, the wood sinks the unseen fastball, no label
Sailing so far, I couldn’t track it’s distance and landing, I just knew it was out the park
There will be no others, this one was all in my mind in the first place, had no A-power
Explains no scouts at my little league all star game, just a bunch of moms down lower.

Miracles happen only if there’s no cause to initiate the follow up effect, spontaneous C
It moves it all from the alpha to the omega, outside the cosmic hole, a God can’t see
Could have if I would have but I didn’t and I knew I wouldn’t follow the ten commands
I lied right off of the bat, the other nine would fall like all dominos & hourglass sands.

Queens birthed the princes and the paupers; they lived up the block with their warden
Split ends on both sides stretching infinity into a delicious, loosen nuts from all bolts
Dreaming about escaping from prison you’ve been locked up in, your neighborhood sin
Horses pulling the stagecoach up from Virginia into a New York state of mind Autumn.

Blind belief and a baseless hope for all too human beings of compassionate Charity
You’ve met them, you’re related to them and befriended some of them, in perpetuity
Feckless without a limit, without remorse that nobody has any recourse, romance sin
Having sugar babies who grow into men and women who fought the law & stars of tin.

Malfunctions of our calculus is abstract, we are notions in the garden nobody tended
Stuck on the other side of the other side, until it’s too late to be so damned offended
Imagine perfect zero, perfect one and everything else, essence of the whole shebang
Reality exposed and it’s skintight, dream fades & you’re fading to black, bang, bang.

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, May IXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 840 PMPST

