
Showing posts with label @MoreRonsArePeepoTwo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @MoreRonsArePeepoTwo. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2025

#LIPSTICKonApig @DOGE #WasteNoMore #LaFlaca @Santana #FamilyGuyCompiled @FINIS @Tesla @Musk #Corvette @Chevrolet

c o r v e t t e
All of us in a hurry to get business done so we can go home, kick back, relax & rest on a flip side
Unrealized divine dividends accumulate unto infinity’s gate, grace knows nothing matters, pride
Masked up like the hooligan-hoodlum you’re grandma thought you’d wind up being, a wise guy
Turning Gold, God’s leftovers droning in a black background of salt & pepper in a random high.

It could have been much worse than it is, your life might not have been so blessed without One
You served masses for the One & did just fine with the Latin, hot boy confessions & communion
Athlete of moderate skills in all sports ‘cept Track, skills to run or jump a lick, yet I gave it a shot
In the end daddio, the fact of life is that Philosopher’s stones are close to my loins, I’m a robot.

My bottom, The Seat of Consciousness is nowhere easy to be found, unless you like hard roads
Talkin’ nearly invisible potholes without a shoulder, just a two-lane highway without any Edison
All Time all-star T.D. passes into a future, in search of a miraculous thing itself, unknowing cloud
It looks like it’s either crimson red or royal deep purple, depending on the Time you’re allowed.

You’ve got what it takes once you’ve arrived on the path to find the philosopher’s stone, a rock
Matter reduced to the Void where you’ve come from before yo’ mother’s womb, 24-hour clock
Tick-Tock from China to the Scorpion Nebula, annihilation of the soft & hard roads to Nirvana Ra
Historically it is naturally, a human’s personal struggle to survive, alone without a deadbeat’s Pa.

If the shoe fits your size of feet, wear ‘em with blessings, some humans go barefoot a whole life
Bless you, bless everyone you know, bless everyone you come into contact with, even yo’ wife
Blasting as fire and brimstone might when experiencing atomic fission and fusion of a holy god
Nobody on Earth has ever known nor will ever know what the (expletive) was the point, hotrod!

Spam & lamb, we sacrifice & consume for the invisible smoke that rises from jump, sunny days
Knights and bishops do what they can to put pawns in The Way of desolation’s stale checkmate
Hair on some naked skin, covering the sinews and muscles of the drones, shock the brain fate
Once you’ve been graced to discover the Truth you can’t believe, in Time’s blinded first date.

Don’t tempt me, on the other hand, go ahead and tempt me, I’ll field the hit, I am adept
After the game is over, silence is golden, no braggadocio for the minions, point, game, set
It’s not for me to say, it’s not for me to persuade anyone of anything at all, don’t trust a fool
Not that I am one of them, I’m not one of them, you don’t know, I do, in the corner to drool.

This means War until you run out of life to kill & leave a fear of death to reign over the believers
Blind Faith works for kings and queens who’ve locked up the only philosopher stones in a purse
Sight unseen with the 20/20 vision allowed by the perfect lenses that bend light into gold-lead
High road, finished at the line-up, life with no parole, walls’ squares of a room to see the dead.

Still alive, still want to survive and breath for my infinite heartbeats that feed on the Electrons
Everywhere with the Neutrinos, Neutrons fill up the Void to feed the Singularity vortex of suns
Milky Way conglomeration of Cause and Effect are a shock to the blind faith of the believer clan
Random chaos, feature of the creatures who live & die as angels & an evil spirit’s barcode scan.

You’re alone with your friends at the party you never got invited to, you showed with no invite
Everyone is surprised you’re there since you perished without a trace decades ago, in a fist fight
Smacked with a baseball bat in the back of the head, sucker homer on my skull killed my drone
Hooked up to machines to keep my heart & kidneys in order of their verve, a holy spirit blown.

There’s a final approach to the runway of never-neverland but I’ve aborted the landing forever
Place in Time and Space will remain undivulged to the minions, although they’d die with a fever
Unable to keep the realized wisdom within, free of the disease of mitigated gall, drink on a cross
Crucified for your words said to the ears and understanding of those built for the Nirvana’s boss.

Don’t shoot the messenger again, before & after the zero, all negative & positive subatomic ions
Breathe in and breathe out, the diaphragm takes care of the autopilot, heart beats with all sons
Daughters who turned into mothers of brothers & sisters, a dead labor of love, some gave it all
Smoked ash, embalmed, consumed hunger of animals & bacteria above, so below, we’ll all Fall!

None of the nuns nor the priests and priestesses use the Word, the Sound for taming the geists
Spirits in a night fake disappearance once the light produces a silver lining in the clouds of mice
Twilight of rats and roaches who get their chance when the silence stays for infinity, game’s over
History of ancient & modern civilization leaves nothing but smoke & mirror code, all undercover.

Porch has a swing, a place for Big people to sit ‘til a heavy weight of lard arses collapses the chit
Place in Space on the highway and byway of Chicago Avenue, got on the road in ’69, just phuq it
In the service of my civilization a minute, rewarded with retirement to turn lead into fool’s gold
Hence, there’s a period at the end of the final gasp of gas, regardless of Reality or illusion load.

Now & then, it’s finally over & you have nothing at all to say about it, you’re a cog in the wheel
People are just people, whatever the fornication that means, Nothing at all is close to a steal
Soft for the food, hard for the protection of the thing itself, the thing that thrives as God’s tool
Used every morning & evening before the afternoon, Sight unseen, got it covered, wise o’ fool!

Daddio, are you done yet? Speaking easily or most difficultly means that is your problem, so
Hard road finding this philosopher’s stone when you know it’s red or purple, in Time & Space
No maps, just intuition & the ability to magnetize the county trash dump & recycle junk station
Hot water in the ice cubes of your mind’s synapses’ cells of anonymity where you imagine Sin.

You ain’t responsible for the things that are caused by the effects of the First Cause, innocent
As it was the day you got conceived, trust me, it ain’t your fault either, you’re what heaven sent
How you deal with the rest of your luck of the draw, that’s probably already written, olden fear
One dream for everyone, it’s a matter of war and peace on the planet in the middle of nowhere.

Are you with me or not? I don’t care one way or the other, I’m just your final chance to elevate
Between the top of the stratosphere and the empty volume of nothingness, it’s a blinded date
Your mama is all I can say, the day you were born, blinded by the light, you screamed just as I
Not a single peep on the last blink, seems to be a bait & switch dilemma for this pie in the sky.

Streams and rivers full of the heads of steel, on the trouble hook, scent of oyster, hens jumpin’
Roe for the rest, cannibals of their own hunger for self-indulging survival of the most fit, to rut
Idiots of a fancy culture, dressed all naked apes up like they’ve come to party with the minions
Do not shoot the messenger except with a speedball addiction, it’s a matter of WAR, Time sons!

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 2-22 MMXXV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @WARtheBand #GreatestHITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=DYv-WWiTavZ-lYgj }

Sunday, February 02, 2025

#DigOneHeartbeatAtATime #Oneness

Gods forbid you come to a gunfight with a sharp knife, you’d be sure to die quick six
No turning around or back once you’re committed to terminating the threat, 2 sticks
We called holy names which cannot be uttered by mortals, nobody knows it all, One
Yet there’s a place in the aquarium, in the zoo or the whole ecosystem for my Son.

Buried or above and beyond the thing itself, there is a shape or form of the atoms
Imagine you’re a pebble on a beach full of pebbles, there were no Eve’s or Adams
The blank spot in the human memory was all too humane, we cannot be accidents
Insanity of the mind evolved from a hunting & gathering culture, the sixth scents.

Enculturation of the tribe by nobody but a random collection of idiotic baboon ilk
Crime and the punishment resulting from the act, all the same when it’s all over
Guilty by reason of insanity or just because you’re a mean & nasty, immoral lover
Hugs and kisses to you even if you can’t receive them without a shake & shudder.

I saw you cringe as if you were being approached by disaster, yet that was me fool
You weren’t fooled before the fools got into your head’s mind, old ladies of the pool
Hey man, it’s incredible & totally easy to believe at one and the same time, amazing
Like winning your father’s favor & inheriting gold & silver mines full of #DOGE ding.

Quirky yet fully immersed in winning of the game, with or without known damn fools
I know the way, you know a wrong way and we’ll meet at the end in the storm’s pools
Love and the lack of it is the Force behind your Life’s progression, kings & l’il queens
All for the One & Only Truth, no priests or monks know it, only God knows It dreams.

Swallow your pride, internalize your disbelief in the facts of life, you’ve made your bed
Sleep with an eye open or expect the worse, getting lost within a dream’s dreamscape
Can’t awaken if you’ve lost your memory, can’t come back to the origin at End’s finale
What it is, who it is & why it is how everything cannot be underestimated, we’re dead.

I have no proof other than wakes & funerals I’ve attended before my own, it’s creepy
Kissin’ the Italian corpses left by my loving kinfolk, gave them a granite rock & grave
Just to be there in case a stranger passes by & reads the curiosity of a solo existence
Pied piper playin’ your song, my tune ain’t in the reservoir, I’ll be freestyle jazz’ tense.

You know like only you and I know the Truth about the nature of Being, it’s deep secret
Hidden from all the mass’ humming engine with a hole & dip stick, keepin’ out of debt
Gone way too fast counterclockwise about the track, crashed & burned body’s bones
What was necessary & sufficient for my bongo drums to keep a beat, angels’ moans.

Brief speech you didn’t even know was coming, all for One & One for all, the ghetto
Place to live for the welfare of the motherless children, can’t keep the legs to blow
Human need & desire for the extinction of species is within the RNA, love stinks too
As above, so below, the stars blow with their planets, our sun goes, you’re gone boo!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Mardi, Janvier XXVIIIth  MMXXV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Slipped out of the Vault With No Door, while listenin’ to #TheGhetto (again) by @DonnyHathaway on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/5uLM6DdTpmQ }




Monday, January 20, 2025

LOATHING THAT FEAR JUST AIN'T ENOUGH #RareEarthIsEnough #OneFamousFormation #ComeWithMe #MA #WORDup

In every sense of the word, before and after the facts of life have been disclosed, dissolution
Above & below the thing itself, there’s something occult occurring before & after death of us
Not only are we cremated, lost at sea or buried underground but also our spunk’s cut loose
Herd of cows with fewer bulls than the requirement for survival, drink milk, eat steak blues.

Looking up is what happens when you’re out of control, an introspection out folds of an onion
Even may whistle Dixie on the way to the courthouse, to sign the agreement to be The Union
Confederation of crop holders who grew the seed & expected the profit resisted taxation’s sin
And so forth and so on, infinity on the lamb as the implosion of the Void begins at a holy one.

Who is upset with the only way that things on planet Earth can be, out or in utero, just as I am
You may not be in communicado, but I am, these thoughts going with one word being spoken
Executive orders are the final nail in the coffin of socialists of the states of Republicans united
Word up, just a manner of speaking sound agreed upon by the minions who inhabit the dead.

Love to be wrong, incorrect about my highly probable assumptions & undeniable conclusions
Ridiculous as your parents formed your psyche to the form it inhabits on every star, my sons
Harmony during strife is all that counts to survive the psyche assault with nunchakus of gold
Turning the world into clay before the ultimate annihilation, ash of leftover trees so I’m told.

Mash sound & light to be smelled & tasted all out of touch in the configuration of 360 degrees
A 3-d figure of two hemispheres in alignment, form & shape of all there is everywhere about
Gangs will be jailed until deported on day One, on the second ad infinitum, thank you please
Part of the die from one through six throws craps & snake eyes that’ll make your heart seize.

Play you cards right and keep them close to your vest to cover up the secret of a winning hand
It had to be, someone bet on the full house when all four deuces pulled away the rubber band
You win some & lose some, if you’re lucky more wins than losses for your past, a future shock
There’s been a schism of the schizoids who think the past ain’t got standing, I just wanna rock.

No matter what you believe, it’s highly unlikely that you have adopted a false narrative too
Until now, you believed you were always cool with the rhythm & blues of the song, so blue
Chills up and down the spine because the dope ain’t workin’ to kill the pain, to dumb down
What a shame, what a waste but there’s no choice, no free will, it’s the angels’ low moan.

Slowly you turn, see what you’ve missed? Nothing at all and there won’t ever be again
Don’t shoot the messenger, you’ve got the 2nd amendment, but I crash into a lion’s den
No use in negotiating with terrorists, they cheat, they steal because you schooled them
Harry and Don have the whole shebang wrapped up, it’s all about control of THC Stem.

You ain’t black, you ain’t white, you ain’t a permutation of the rainbow, so just pretend it
Get enough people to agree with the situation and you’ve become one of the many sticks
In the end as in the beginning there’s a fail-safe that prevents the misconception of tricks
Let it all hang out as if you don’t care one way or the other what another thinks in the pit.

Long lives may or may not be successful, short lives may be the most successful, it’s said
Things that needed to be done in a life once lived, reincarnated the memory of the dead
Now that’s the way the ball bounces, it may or may not be Free Will, it may be a joker’s
Dreamer having the dream we call life on Earth, in the head, in the dream, mother F’ers.

Birth and death of the 208 bones you’ve evolved from the sperm & an egg of your prequel
You have had nothing to do with the apparent choices which were all predetermined swill
Skullduggery gone down in front of your very eyes, still you didn’t put two & two to sum
Easy yet difficult to circumvent conundrums occurring at random, myself, I’m born to run.

If not me then who could be responsible for my behavior? A mighty amorphous entity?
Or my human parents since I’m all too human myself, it’s not their fault that I act chitty
All my fault, my responsibility for the things I cause & their inevitable effects, every one
None are not many, but some are either one & the same or a dream within another One.

You have me underneath your skin, in a manner of speaking, we’re crossing a foot bridge
Over the river that covers the gold of the capitol, we walk & ride across from over there
Pinned a place on the map when I was blind & stoned, it’s where I would go & stay forever
Dropped a deuce and although few know the reference, it’s the Truth of God’s dams of her.

Creeps of crypts in your closet behind your hung short skirts & long sweaters, a choice too
Silly big & little hunks of flesh & 208 bones to mix it up with the DNA pool, just like a fool
Not that you have a free will or a choice, it’s beyond good & evil, this is a wonderful thing
After the fact, it’s different and never the same because it’s not supposed to be, #f#c#ing.

There’re dead men who left their legacy from their own dead ancestors, unknown to us all
Very good and the most excellent come only from what we understand with no doubt call
Amplifiers blast out the electronic transfer of twangin’ & pluckin’ A’s to the G’s arpeggios
Always alone yet everything all together without a mess, all Order without Chaos’ blows.

Dopamine in the smoke, why it’s called the dweeb’s dope, it’s a sedative for future shocks
It comes in waves from a surprise attack with zeroes to the H-bombardier back of a B-52
Monkeys in the jungle or in the zoo, could be me or you but we’re just the naked ape stew
Don’t taste well to cannibals but they eat anything, they’re full of it & soon, a trigger cocks.

Facts of life are in the epistemology, buried within the deductions there are infinite quarks
As always, reflection of the things themselves requires an observer whether genii’s or dorks
Seriously folks, this is no time for pretenders to give it a shot, need the saving grace of IT
Critics are inside of my house as uninvited guests who know it all & then some, bull’s s#it1

Take a breath, take a knee for the national anthem because you hate your ancestors’ stone
Songs sung, prose on a philosophical jag to show how long you can go wrong, like a drone
Playing games & cheating on the one that I love, the one inside of me, you know it’s all me
Brought outside of the form it has no standing & can be obliterated into oblivion, ain’t free.

Sight unseen still imposes the hurt and it’s impossible to forget about it, now or then, git git
You may need a couple of shots and a Modelo chaser because this is going to get rough chit
Kansas City blimp to Seattle or to Bangor, matter moves in the intended direction, gas’ over
No chance leftover from the game, rules at the finish line, mission impossible, a divine lover.

Chicago stinkin’ to high heaven, Indian preserves by the boneyard named after Sainted ghost
Some height above seven feet gets the vision of giants lookin’ down on the creepin’ holy host
Mankind ain’t too kind to the women, attempting survival of the most fit, failing miserably
It’s alright with everyone dead & alive, there’s no harm & no foul, in hiding, shots & bubbly.

Too much is too much, mama used to say, enough is enough, a tautological nightmare too
I didn’t know until I couldn’t get the answer to the question, I forgot how God got so blue
Forget about being the mighty strong thing that nothing can usurp without murdering God
That’s impossible, famous formation cannot remain alone, get over it, wait for Time, hotrod!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, Janvier XXth MMXXV Anno Domini @ High Noon PMPST
{ Penned this without a pen while jammin’ to #MA by @RareEarth (full version 18”) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/xsnpaHf5IIs?si=boICQ1XDdmX3gosV }


Thursday, December 19, 2024

#CrazyAboutYouBaby #BlowinSmoke @SmokeyRobinsonUndTheMiracles #Doubleback @ZZTop #WalkYouToTheDoor #GimmeAKiss #AllThatsGood @MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail

Philosophical conundrum is on the table, no dessert today just a punch on the chin
Kicking me in the head now, I am woken from being awakened with a kick in the shin
Fine lines drawn from one point to another but after two points, it’s three to infinity
Zeroed in on your mother’s womb, where we all come from, where even you can see.

Glowing orb is not only this but it’s also that, no gods just stars’ dots of light, no Zeus
Sparks of the starlight called hot stuff, that’s all there is and there’s Nothing but Bruce
Scat in your guts & you can’t get this out of your blocked colon, concrete scat of blues
Punks murder themselves, greasers’ combed hair follicles into frequencies’ flat waves.

Power flows until The Final Ending, a finale worth waiting for the happy new year’s cheer
Sadness and disappointment come with love and the loss of It, there’s no need to fear
Superman & Underdog know the score, always beats losing, Winning, I’m Winning it all
No casino, dice game or cards’ Rummy for dummies, looking at cards to avoid lyin’ eyes.

Minds blown leave no chaffe and nobody recalls who or where they were, all mute points
From the first to the final dot in the matrix, solid waste in your holy belly rots all your joints
Killing the host won’t help the defendant dependents but the annihilation of missile’s TNT
Dynamite TNT is A1 birdie flu, you will get sick & die, facts of life, species has no way to see.

A foot in front of the other, step by step, inch by inch on the ground, 1 step up, 2 steps back
Don’t take a sure bet since nothing is certain in principle nor in reality, its in Santa’s ol’ sack
Presents under a Christ’s Cross, named Christmas Tree, every house in the Pope’s purview
Coast to coast on every piece of dry land, 7 continents and tops of mountains below Blue.

Bodies from one cell to the other looking for a Saint named Nick, Nicolas, Nickie or Claus
I blew the top off of Secrets of the shepherds are divulged, we’re the chaffe of a divine boss
Knowing a thing or two is impossible but it’s important to discover that you’re one of a few
Dreams I woke up from & regarded as trips of the ladies & germs they populate for the view.

In the pinch, there’s nowhere to go when your back’s up against the wall, just run away now
Don’t delay your returnit will never happen, go forward young woman, aft or off a ship’s bow
God’s blood isn’t red inside of the host, blue-purple deeply infused, iron ore of solar power
Everyone with the starlight within, that’s every life from virus to eagles, I’m in an ivory tower.

Words out of everyone’s pie hole caused the history of this wobbling world, Gods’ dirty job
Bodies fall like The Spirit & got this and that inside of your bowels, it deserves to be banned
Bringing your mother to your father’s funeral was a trip to die for, awesome God’s a hot blob
You know it, we all know but we forgot as if it’s never happened, no strike-out, I get fanned.

Three up & three down, innings of the outings end when the game’s over, I’m winning, loser
Roots underground to suck the Void’s power, can’t get higher than your skull’s top shelf hair
Long or short, nothing can stop the animation except a deep sleep you can’t awaken from
Guilty of being innocent constantly, my protocol is desire is to stay alive on crap of a bum.

High earners and low consumers fill the holy and sacred dirt with hope, faith & free charity
Love you and the things themselves, form & matter both are all there is, in a naked, big city
Money & the gold rocks it represents is a barter tool for the Haves & Have-Nots punt kicker
Be the Ball, shoot or pass it to win the game, you missed too many shots, give it up, loser.

You just woke up? It’s now getting real so wipe the sleep out of your eyelids, suck a pacifier
Sand in your skivvies and bikini bottoms, it’s time to go surfing at Big Sur, wet suit on Lucifer
A black veil on Life, death in finite reverse, I’m playin’ with my slinky & Hasbro chemistry set
Christmas of the 1960’s is not the Christmas of the 2020’s, don’t take my word for it, go Vet!

Homers hit by ringers who pretend to be lame ducks, a four banger works every time, cheer
Three up and three down, three outs on three pitches, three flies & you’re out, down a beer
No driving drunk, alcohol’s useful idiots help nature thin the herd, Merry Xmas’ blown mind
Fixed events from cause to effects, you’re here a minute then you’re gone, kill the stop sign.

So, count backward from a hot million, it’s how long you’ll probably live, maybe not divine
All too humanly humane, the homo erectus & habilis have become the Australopithecines
Longing time from Day One, yet here we are now & then, it’s the hot finale of the playground
All footsteps dead-stopped, golden silence aftereffects of one Divinity’s palette, OM sound.

Supernova it is, don’t ever forget, never, ever forget about the thing itself, where I come from
It’s cornbread & chicken after I get off of the Jersey Turnpike, got 18 wheels rollin’ to heaven
Finger lickin’ chicken birds that can’t fly, never could, eggs zygotes fried & BBQ’d them birds
Let’s get it on, you know where I’m comin’ from, you’ve been there sugar, it’s Love’s Words.

Truth & false statements make the world go around, I’m All full of it, fuels spinning wobbles
Beatin’ around a bush helps but Truth can’t be found that way, Earth ain’t a god, dam water
Dropped the ball, game tilted and it’s nearly all over, no freedom to choose immortal bones
My way is this way, I’m hitchin’ a ride, my GTO broke it’s speed rule, exceed a 100 MPG limit.

Blown mind between my ears, covered with the dead mane of inner growth, black to white
High or low, you need to go to school & learn to be good, bad & ugly, it’s a hot, survival fight
Bones stop, muscles atrophy, death blossoms in your heart & soul on the day after you die
Dragons pretend to be alive as you do, a mythological chimera, sons of Woman survive, Lie!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, 12-19-2024 Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST

{ Jammed while @MarvinGaye jammed #LetsGetItOn & #MOTOWN #HITS on YouTube in a loop, link @ https://youtu.be/dlF7o5ArGDs?si=2NoycdRjHylsMfLP  & now I’m goin’ to #AGoGo with @SmokeyRobinson link @ https://youtu.be/7Hor2JdLPmA?si=T8jpFwdF8FBDzaJv


Saturday, November 23, 2024

#SoulStripper @ACDC & #SonnyPower (my pop in cielo) @JossStone in concerto #Parliament #ChocolateCity #DiversityEquityInclusion #DEI is #DOA #RunDMC #ItsTRICKYstarlight #GoNowhereAlltimeAllstars #SonnyAndCher

Common yet unusual as the distance between new years and old centuries in a deep sleep
Recommended to stay woke as long as you can ‘cause once your condition is to be a creep
That code Red is the last code you’ll get as the SOS that it’s an emergency for skin & bones
Mortal mankind ain’t a divine creator of this system or star constellation of fireball drones.

Short bets or long shots for the odds to get beat, in a fluke of the probability that you’ll win
So much to lose when you’ve got everything, nothing left once your last gasp pulls the wind
In and out of your face’s nose & mouth, it keeps that thing itself clickin’ on cylinders I spare
My back covered and I’ve got yours too whether you see me near you or not, I will be there.

Symmetrical Attraction to the misalignment of the trajectory and missed the bull’s eye dot
Far, far away from the ground’s gold in the dirt, where pretty and painted XX’s run the XY’s
Yeah you all know what I mean except for the nuns and priests who cut off their psyche tips
The Way that the species mixed variation to survive as the most fit to avoid extinction’s lips.

Looking back now that it’s all said and done, no headaches, no heartaches, sick until death
Example of problems that need solutions are everywhere, look for trouble, gasp bad breath
I am never out of line, I own every line, single file or mob style, granny & minnie skirts I covet
Legs, ankles & toes to the tips of styled hair styled over 7 holes, ears, eyes, nose & mouth.

Created by the invisible, alien-like ghosts-gods’ blind faith in what all dying elders swallow
Hook, line and sinker, the fishermen caught the days catch and it’s time to scream out blow
About the conditions of life while you & I are wide awake trying to have a good time, bull’s it
No work, all play made Jack & Jill get a break goin’ up the hill to fetch a pail of H2O on a bit.

Blood stays inside your heart to feed your soul until it stagnates with Time & empty Space
Vinegar and brown paper on your head before you go to bed is what Jack & Jill breakin’ face
Call it a crown, your skull busted and lets your brain fluid drain, it was in it to win it, it’s gone
All of it, every sound in every room at every time you wake up in bed or a sleepin’ bag, son!

Luck has nothing to do with the karma you owe, it’s all about the scat you did, now you owe
Death is no escape for your debt to the culture, the society, the ladies and infectious germs
What you see is what you get, fictional accounts of seeing and believing surreal reality here
Now is the time, nobody has forever to make any difference at all in cosmic soup, dead hair.

Zygote to rigor mortis just the routine for the things that live, atomic nuclei live in blue skies
As above and so it is below, everything in every single case is what it is & that’s all the flies
Out of holy eggs they lay, spontaneous maggots’ little trip to see what’s always been for me
Trippin’ on highway of One, coastal feel of a bridge gone too far, this ain’t no shoppin’ spree.

It’s the Karma wreckin’ yard for the souls that couldn’t remain angels without wings, it’s fly
So, we’ll drink the wine, we’ll smoke the leaf and look around to see nobody but me & a CIA
Spy vs. Spy left over everybody else got gone, like it’s always been, all in & on their own way
Enemies turn into friends & vice versa, depending on how your money’s spent, smoke high.

Dark everywhere 90 million miles away the other way around the cosmic slop, just go fish
It’s a game of getting’ lucky finding the way in the darkness where miscreants roam in ash
This leftover of a Big Bang or an Original Sin of creating & blaming programmed DNA soon
For doing the do, walkin’ and runnin’ up and down ghetto roads to rewards and a final ruin.

Paradise on a trouble hook, snagging you, me & the weed of the sea makin’ slime backflow
Asexual reproduction & spontaneous combustion came just before the Eve of Adam, yo bro
Believe your blind faith slant on the reason you’re here & now, same fate, we’re all gonna go
Outlaws & in-laws all showed for the feast, each brought an addition to poison family, so?

There is no God, don’t trust me, look everywhere, all around, inside & outside, it’s bonkers
Illusion helps assuage the fear of death you see picking your friends, enemies & strangers
To be the one who comes up with the things to do all day, playing in the sand at the beach
Just lying around soothing the mind of fear and loathing, seething from scat out of reach.

Briefly there’s nothing just a priori of the thing itself, man and woman know, blind faithful
Coming into the stage of making love is complicated but in a nutshell, an evolutionary fool
Earth wobbles, spins, revolves all about the system of One, holy star 93 million miles afar
Far from audio visual dumps of duped popes, POTUSES, paupers all One, jack chit in a jar.

Cold outside, was no older than your last look at me, your eyes were grey like blue-silver
Seeing all you’ve seen, it’s incredible that you’re not crying all the time, I know it’s insider
Can’t walk around good & drunk, crying like a baby 24/7 just because you ain’t got prayers
For innocents & all jacked-up guilty, nothing helps, won’t stop ‘til a bitter End, crosshairs.

Here’s the way to the place where you get something to say about everything, go to school
Learn it all from music to philosophy, mathematics and physics, you’ll love all of the gruel
Eat heartily and you’ll see the results by the time you arrange for your corpse’s disposition
Every single time we enter the bones, the spirit can’t remain in accidental DNA mortal sin.

Oneness distracting the humans from doing something, making something before The End
Bitter or sweet Nothings come & tumble into the sea, Davey Jones warned us, do not send
Keep it in mind, keep it to yourself, San Franciso to Maple Shade, it all could be worse too
Timeline here and now to there and then via wherever the ball bounces, daymare, I’m blue.

Barflies have seen and actually originated the bar fights where many men received stitches
Thank Jack Daniels and Bud Weiser for their input, glass bottles break easy on the bitches
Finding what we all lost when our parents disciplined us from our ego’s intended homerun
Time and Space to return the favor of a reversal of fortunes, give & take or it’s gone for fun.

Pawns check the kings and queens because they can, given their gangland styles of killing
In California or Kiev, days & nights do what they do ad infinitum, stay stupid, all birds sing
Survival of the most fit to see through the cruelty of foul winters & summers, coast to coast
Dream clouds disguise fake facts of life, you’re here, now & gone in a NY minute, then toast.

Salute to Annandale and San Ysidro because they’re there but where, nobody knows at all
Coming here in the darkness, blinded by the bright Hollywood & Broadway lights, I freefall
On the other hand, it could be worse than it is, you could be sick and tired, ill or even dead
As the birds and bees have reiterated in front of your very eyes, nothing lasts forever, Fred!
r j j stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, BLOVEMBER XXIIIrd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Drafted from scratch while jammin’ to @VanMorrison #PhilosophersStone (ALL ALONE) K link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/hrsq1werkfs }

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Happiness Is A Lost Audience - @NBCratings @Gary_MooreBlues #MutuallyAssuredDestruction #MAD

Complexity of the simple mind inside of my skull is the “X” in unknown code fame
It’s all up to me & you whether or not we die in peace or at war, it’s all in your hands
Sun lays down and we’re all on our way out to the club, dancin’ & drinkin’ it all gone
Barefoot, barebacked jumpin’ in the swamp with the imposters & low life corn pone.

There’s a misty cloud of love over my head, it’s the first & last thing I’ll create, a time to see
It’s not my choice, that cannot be if I have no free will, there’s no liberty from your beauty
Yes, I’m talkin’ about you & the image you see in mirrors, every dang morning day ‘til it ends
I don’t deserve you but I am snaggin’ the whole shebang, all mine, I don’t share with friends.

I fell in love & you didn’t, nobody cared but your daddy, that’s fine, it’s all in past havin’ fun
The melody of the song coincides with the rhythm & beat of the brass & bongos, all my story
Manufactured in a factory behind the railroad tracks, in and out of the billion bucks of Elon
Trumped in the finite game of dice and cards, like throwin’ darts at a board, you all get lucky.

My hot fingers, all eight of them & the two thumbs too, movin’ #asdfghjklmnop as if I know
That keys on the board mean what’s deep inside my head’s holy soul, invisible whisp of blow
Hair is standin’ on the back of my neck when you enter the room lookin’ for my face to see
Everything you love in this world & I never lie, believe me, blind faith is all it takes, you silly?

I know and you know nothing lasts forever, but I’ve got some news for you, I’m the supernova
In your eyes, inside your face down directly into your heart, soul & mind of a Quesadilla Spa
My daughters never came to my party, they’d have loved to be here, didn’t get it, by the way
No rings just strong whiskey in the glasses, line up so I can’t see the Truth of the blues today.

I’ll get through the hard wall, I made it myself with the plaster and concrete, it will break now
Goodman, son of bitch ain’t a bad way to say the Truth, it’s all about me & trials & error blows
Centered in a golden maelstrom whirling around its empty center to a rainy-day welcome mat
Today is someday and you’ve got no choice in the matter nor the energy you’ve got to look at.

Lucky to start over in a reincarnated way but it’s not for everyone, to some the shock kills ‘em
It doesn’t matter since we’re all free to do & say anything we like, there’s repercussions to sin
Meaning the disobedience to Laws of Natural Selection, you either survive or you’ll go fetch
I ain’t used to heart attacks every time I see your face & body, your soul’s holy etch-a-sketch.

Of course, bums and junkies will kill the mood, outside or inside the window of your tiny soul
It may be ultraviolet, or it may be infrared deep through a mind’s eye, you have the One, so
You got to do what you got to do, you’re on a roll, you’ve chased the target, now you got it all
Don’t go down on a knee, on turf or red dirt, the jagged rocks hurt but they can’t be the ball.

Bugs in the program or just flyin’ around & hangin’ stuck on the wall, I ain’t gonna last forever
Bullshot the pain out of my genome, it was stuck inside my skull for fifty years, chain of never
A Never-Neverland of the post animation of 208 bones, comin’ out eggs & leavin’ in a tin can
You get words etched in stone above ground, all that’s left, the feet ran too far for a rich man.

So, it’s a car, it’s the gold in the franchises’ investors who either earned or grifted it someway
Bring it on the day you die to barter with the invisible power involved in the elliptic orbitals
Garbage ain’t wasted, it’s the fuel for the journey to get from here to over there, it’s far above
Yet, it’s always with you and with me, hence the rub, if you can’t be with the one you love …

Hate to say that Love is the answer but here I go again, Love is the answer, ask the gods or Eve
Origin of this world is either supernatural or natural selection after Adam & Eve’s white dove
Meaning that the saga of a being not from this Earth, made all beings alive from scratch above
For me, the opposite of supreme, the antithesis of supremacy is none other than, Ma & Steve.

I fell in love with bones, all 208 of them, fractured 1 time or 2, from 12 to 12, onto Timbuktu
Now & then, its lost and found right here & we’re tossing it to the wolves, they’re hungry too
Know the feeling, want to eat something to stop the hunger pangs, bloody meat on a BBQ spit
Or a burger on a bun, even a hot dog inside of a flour roll, in every case, it’s survival of the fit.

Blow all your gaskets, headers & pistons freeze into the pig-iron engine of Plato’s top points
Amend the theorems and corollaries of the algebra, measure the angles of the hot juke joints
Brilliance of a glow comin’ out of your corpus callusom, out of our open wounds, genius egos
Leftovers from the tons of scrapple and grosses of scrambled eggs, all gone underground lows.

Braking too soon will take you into a skid on black ice, it’s free floating at the MPH you gassed
Into the tamed blue yonder that used to be wild as wild ponies home out on the range of seed
Let me say this out loud, I’m a crook prowling an open wound, fools, miscreants’ evil for free
I went trotting on the path that disappeared as soon as my feet touched ground ahead of me.

I got a hammer & I used to swing it every morning poundin’ 8 & 10 penny steel nails in pine
And oak, cedar & redwood to build the high apex above the highest floor, debunk & define
Now the sickle is the tool to reap what I sewed into the red & black dirty star dust, you fly
As above, so below, it flies on the wall, it’s ready to die, swatter swung, smashed, but why?

Just because, there’s no reason, you don’t eat everything you kill, I eat everything I kill, fool
Wasted time in outer Space, fulfills the function of wasting Time, killing Time, being too cool
For nursery school or graduate PhD, it’s all the same, you live, lucky or not then you pay dues
Heroes here & now, line up single file in back of mothers & fathers, mortals via divinity Blues.

You roll with punches until you get knocked out by a #haymaker you didn’t see comin’ down
Spaces of beings out of time await the purgatory called united states of amnesia, mind blown
Fake News isn’t the Truth, it’s a misrepresentation of the actual reality, hear the lion’s roaring
It’s louder than the female lion in heat, you’ll know the cat call, you’ll call the cat, blade sling.

Don’t remind me, I’ll remind myself, I am the capitol punishment for the purveyors of live evil
Spirits and conscious souls without bodies they’ve left behind in dust or a phantom’s blue pill
Last huff, last puff, swallow & gulp your Adam’s apple if you’ve got one stuck in your redneck
Forum open, factors analyzed in the formulation, code red, code blue, no secret I never Shrek.

Crazy monsters wounded, recycled into the matrix, dead & gone, evaporated H2O sun dancing
Terminate your life, terminate the Life on Earth, it’s a supernova or a thermonuclear, ion song
Fire and Water, muddy melt of the star ash, just a dirty, rotten bastard’s leftover tripe, innards
Fishing, hunting, mating, that’s about it, it’s a long, long road & I’m just one of the holy bards.

I’m what I appear to be to you, what I am to me, you don’t have a need to know, immortal sin
Just a guy, older than seven decades, wading in the sunshine, dirty water and the Sun’s dance
Inside of the needle’s 3rd eye, it’s as tiny as nothing at all, seeing naked eyes blinded, has-been
Fully shaded eyes with spectacles, allow the surprise at the peak of climax, you’re The Origin.

Pizza is in the kiln, the wait’s nearly over, keep your pants on, comin’ more sooner than later
Exploding nuclei from the zygotic infiltration of 1 gamete, unmoved mover, snow-blind dater
North to South hemisphere of this 3rd rock from the hot asteroid we call ol’ Sol, Sun of Man
Ready, set, goin’ to #A-GOGO by your mother’s womb, it bled out the third red eye dreamin’.

News for you, same old story for the gangs I’m searching for, their tattoos are gonna all die
Country or city, comin’ for every, single one without the lawyers’ cases, it’s termination fly
Bold and blown up in an implosion of mud, blood & beer, WW3 ended in nobody’s misery
Imagine a zero, empty of matter, being not being anymore, it’s the PERIOD, end of the story.

r j j stephan, I

c.  Mardi, BLOVEMBER XXth  MMXXIV Anno Domini 1200 hours PST

{ Systematic Mutually Assured Destruction #HITS on youTube link @ https://www.jstor.org/stable/40204064 }

