Gods forbid you come to a gunfight with a sharp knife, you’d be sure to die quick six No turning around or back once you’re committed to terminating the threat, 2 sticks We called holy names which cannot be uttered by mortals, nobody knows it all, One Yet there’s a place in the aquarium, in the zoo or the whole ecosystem for my Son. Buried or above and beyond the thing itself, there is a shape or form of the atoms Imagine you’re a pebble on a beach full of pebbles, there were no Eve’s or Adams The blank spot in the human memory was all too humane, we cannot be accidents Insanity of the mind evolved from a hunting & gathering culture, the sixth scents. Enculturation of the tribe by nobody but a random collection of idiotic baboon ilk Crime and the punishment resulting from the act, all the same when it’s all over Guilty by reason of insanity or just because you’re a mean & nasty, immoral lover Hugs and kisses to you even if you can’t receive them without a shake & shudder.
I saw you cringe as if you were being approached by disaster, yet that was me fool You weren’t fooled before the fools got into your head’s mind, old ladies of the pool Hey man, it’s incredible & totally easy to believe at one and the same time, amazing Like winning your father’s favor & inheriting gold & silver mines full of #DOGE ding. Quirky yet fully immersed in winning of the game, with or without known damn fools I know the way, you know a wrong way and we’ll meet at the end in the storm’s pools Love and the lack of it is the Force behind your Life’s progression, kings & l’il queens All for the One & Only Truth, no priests or monks know it, only God knows It dreams.
Swallow your pride, internalize your disbelief in the facts of life, you’ve made your bed Sleep with an eye open or expect the worse, getting lost within a dream’s dreamscape Can’t awaken if you’ve lost your memory, can’t come back to the origin at End’s finale What it is, who it is & why it is how everything cannot be underestimated, we’re dead. I have no proof other than wakes & funerals I’ve attended before my own, it’s creepy Kissin’ the Italian corpses left by my loving kinfolk, gave them a granite rock & grave Just to be there in case a stranger passes by & reads the curiosity of a solo existence Pied piper playin’ your song, my tune ain’t in the reservoir, I’ll be freestyle jazz’ tense. You know like only you and I know the Truth about the nature of Being, it’s deep secret Hidden from all the mass’ humming engine with a hole & dip stick, keepin’ out of debt Gone way too fast counterclockwise about the track, crashed & burned body’s bones What was necessary & sufficient for my bongo drums to keep a beat, angels’ moans.
Brief speech you didn’t even know was coming, all for One & One for all, the ghetto Place to live for the welfare of the motherless children, can’t keep the legs to blow Human need & desire for the extinction of species is within the RNA, love stinks too As above, so below, the stars blow with their planets, our sun goes, you’re gone boo! by r j j stephan, i
c.Mardi, Janvier XXVIIIthMMXXV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
{ Slipped out of the Vault With
No Door, while listenin’ to #TheGhetto (again) by @DonnyHathaway on youTube
link @ https://youtu.be/5uLM6DdTpmQ }
Complexity of the simple mind inside of my skull is the “X” in unknown code fame It’s all up to me & you whether or not we die in peace or at war, it’s all in your hands Sun lays down and we’re all on our way out to the club, dancin’ & drinkin’ it all gone Barefoot, barebacked jumpin’ in the swamp with the imposters & low life corn pone. There’s a misty cloud of love over my head, it’s the first & last thing I’ll create, a time to see It’s not my choice, that cannot be if I have no free will, there’s no liberty from your beauty Yes, I’m talkin’ about you & the image you see in mirrors, every dang morning day ‘til it ends I don’t deserve you but I am snaggin’ the whole shebang, all mine, I don’t share with friends. I fell in love & you didn’t, nobody cared but your daddy, that’s fine, it’s all in past havin’ fun The melody of the song coincides with the rhythm & beat of the brass & bongos, all my story Manufactured in a factory behind the railroad tracks, in and out of the billion bucks of Elon Trumped in the finite game of dice and cards, like throwin’ darts at a board, you all get lucky. My hot fingers, all eight of them & the two thumbs too, movin’ #asdfghjklmnop as if I know That keys on the board mean what’s deep inside my head’s holy soul, invisible whisp of blow Hair is standin’ on the back of my neck when you enter the room lookin’ for my face to see Everything you love in this world & I never lie, believe me, blind faith is all it takes, you silly? I know and you know nothing lasts forever, but I’ve got some news for you, I’m the supernova In your eyes, inside your face down directly into your heart, soul & mind of a Quesadilla Spa My daughters never came to my party, they’d have loved to be here, didn’t get it, by the way No rings just strong whiskey in the glasses, line up so I can’t see the Truth of the blues today. I’ll get through the hard wall, I made it myself with the plaster and concrete, it will break now Goodman, son of bitch ain’t a bad way to say the Truth, it’s all about me & trials & error blows Centered in a golden maelstrom whirling around its empty center to a rainy-day welcome mat Today is someday and you’ve got no choice in the matter nor the energy you’ve got to look at. Lucky to start over in a reincarnated way but it’s not for everyone, to some the shock kills ‘em It doesn’t matter since we’re all free to do & say anything we like, there’s repercussions to sin Meaning the disobedience to Laws of Natural Selection, you either survive or you’ll go fetch I ain’t used to heart attacks every time I see your face & body, your soul’s holy etch-a-sketch. Of course, bums and junkies will kill the mood, outside or inside the window of your tiny soul It may be ultraviolet, or it may be infrared deep through a mind’s eye, you have the One, so You got to do what you got to do, you’re on a roll, you’ve chased the target, now you got it all Don’t go down on a knee, on turf or red dirt, the jagged rocks hurt but they can’t be the ball. Bugs in the program or just flyin’ around & hangin’ stuck on the wall, I ain’t gonna last forever Bullshot the pain out of my genome, it was stuck inside my skull for fifty years, chain of never A Never-Neverland of the post animation of 208 bones, comin’ out eggs & leavin’ in a tin can You get words etched in stone above ground, all that’s left, the feet ran too far for a rich man. So, it’s a car, it’s the gold in the franchises’ investors who either earned or grifted it someway Bring it on the day you die to barter with the invisible power involved in the elliptic orbitals Garbage ain’t wasted, it’s the fuel for the journey to get from here to over there, it’s far above Yet, it’s always with you and with me, hence the rub, if you can’t be with the one you love …
Hate to say that Love is the answer but here I go again, Love is the answer, ask the gods or Eve Origin of this world is either supernatural or natural selection after Adam & Eve’s white dove Meaning that the saga of a being not from this Earth, made all beings alive from scratch above For me, the opposite of supreme, the antithesis of supremacy is none other than, Ma & Steve.
I fell in love with bones, all 208 of them, fractured 1 time or 2, from 12 to 12, onto Timbuktu Now & then, its lost and found right here & we’re tossing it to the wolves, they’re hungry too Know the feeling, want to eat something to stop the hunger pangs, bloody meat on a BBQ spit Or a burger on a bun, even a hot dog inside of a flour roll, in every case, it’s survival of the fit. Blow all your gaskets, headers & pistons freeze into the pig-iron engine of Plato’s top points Amend the theorems and corollaries of the algebra, measure the angles of the hot juke joints Brilliance of a glow comin’ out of your corpus callusom, out of our open wounds, genius egos Leftovers from the tons of scrapple and grosses of scrambled eggs, all gone underground lows. Braking too soon will take you into a skid on black ice, it’s free floating at the MPH you gassed Into the tamed blue yonder that used to be wild as wild ponies home out on the range of seed Let me say this out loud, I’m a crook prowling an open wound, fools, miscreants’ evil for free I went trotting on the path that disappeared as soon as my feet touched ground ahead of me.
I got a hammer & I used to swing it every morning poundin’ 8 & 10 penny steel nails in pine And oak, cedar & redwood to build the high apex above the highest floor, debunk & define Now the sickle is the tool to reap what I sewed into the red & black dirty star dust, you fly As above, so below, it flies on the wall, it’s ready to die, swatter swung, smashed, but why? Just because, there’s no reason, you don’t eat everything you kill, I eat everything I kill, fool Wasted time in outer Space, fulfills the function of wasting Time, killing Time, being too cool For nursery school or graduate PhD, it’s all the same, you live, lucky or not then you pay dues Heroes here & now, line up single file in back of mothers & fathers, mortals via divinity Blues. You roll with punches until you get knocked out by a #haymaker you didn’t see comin’ down Spaces of beings out of time await the purgatory called united states of amnesia, mind blown Fake News isn’t the Truth, it’s a misrepresentation of the actual reality, hear the lion’s roaring It’s louder than the female lion in heat, you’ll know the cat call, you’ll call the cat, blade sling. Don’t remind me, I’ll remind myself, I am the capitol punishment for the purveyors of live evil Spirits and conscious souls without bodies they’ve left behind in dust or a phantom’s blue pill Last huff, last puff, swallow & gulp your Adam’s apple if you’ve got one stuck in your redneck Forum open, factors analyzed in the formulation, code red, code blue, no secret I never Shrek.
Crazy monsters wounded, recycled into the matrix, dead & gone, evaporated H2O sun dancing Terminate your life, terminate the Life on Earth, it’s a supernova or a thermonuclear, ion song Fire and Water, muddy melt of the star ash, just a dirty, rotten bastard’s leftover tripe, innards Fishing, hunting, mating, that’s about it, it’s a long, long road & I’m just one of the holy bards. I’m what I appear to be to you, what I am to me, you don’t have a need to know, immortal sin Just a guy, older than seven decades, wading in the sunshine, dirty water and the Sun’s dance Inside of the needle’s 3rd eye, it’s as tiny as nothing at all, seeing naked eyes blinded, has-been Fully shaded eyes with spectacles, allow the surprise at the peak of climax, you’re The Origin.
Pizza is in the kiln, the wait’s nearly over, keep your pants on, comin’ more sooner than later Exploding nuclei from the zygotic infiltration of 1 gamete, unmoved mover, snow-blind dater North to South hemisphere of this 3rd rock from the hot asteroid we call ol’ Sol, Sun of Man Ready, set, goin’ to #A-GOGO by your mother’s womb, it bled out the third red eye dreamin’. News for you, same old story for the gangs I’m searching for, their tattoos are gonna all die Country or city, comin’ for every, single one without the lawyers’ cases, it’s termination fly Bold and blown up in an implosion of mud, blood & beer, WW3 ended in nobody’s misery Imagine a zero, empty of matter, being not being anymore, it’s the PERIOD, end of the story.
by r j j stephan, I
c.Mardi, BLOVEMBER XXthMMXXIV Anno Domini 1200 hours PST