
Showing posts with label @FunkyColors @MoreRonsArePeepoTwo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @FunkyColors @MoreRonsArePeepoTwo. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

#RhumbaMan @MavisStaples #RhumbaGirl #PhiladelphiaFreedom

Not so full as the whole shebang, in fact, empty of it all but I’m here for the party too
High as above Earth’s atmosphere and as low as the inner core of the middle of Earth
Flies winging it from leaf to leaf, gold and silver collected in the rock form, love so blue
Heart’s broke, I am as ignorant as I was at conception and birth, death in store for you.

Rolling from the mountaintop to the foundation of the inner core of stardust, holy hell
As if you didn’t know, pretend that you’re naïve and don’t know better, ring-ring a bell
Double Eagles don’t fly, they’re in the bank with the #QuantumFund, you and I are we
Meaning nothing more nor less than dissolution of everything, plunge into a holy city.

Color-blinded into the black and white, everything faded to silver & black, like a Raider
In Vegas or the Bay, either way there’s no way to win it all, never, not now and not ever
Supreme courts and their inferior pretenders declare freedom is slavery & reverse achoo
Nothing to sneeze at, it’s a humdinger and nobody ever sees it comin’ drivin’ the screw.

All wings on the right and left of a high-flying Eagle bird from a nest to rest, a flip-off to all
Funds not registered and can’t do business investing in increasing something from nothing
Beef is the dead meat, chicken is the dead fowl and water is the leaking gas of Outerspace
Knowledge is important and impossible, it takes forever to discover you’re only your Face.

Your name, your life from birth to death, your history before & after you died, that’s all gone
Gone beyond anywhere you’ve ever heard of, so you wouldn’t grasp the intricate conundrum
Fade into a black hole Singularity, nobody gets out alive, Freedom’s all about being up in hell
Miscreants and the followers of foreign language texts, sticks and stones mighty shock shell.

Herds move to and fro, followers of the head leader of the pack, followed by death and dirt
Graves or ash dumps for the corpus dillecti full of seeds of extinction & survival of the hurts
Coming around the corner, up the back hill or just like a ton of bricks out of every nowhere
Gone like you never had one moment to spare, faded to black-backed voidness, over there.

Can’t buy thrills once they’ve depleted their inner sanctum storage of magic potions of GA
Magicians with magic words & potions of mixed up matter and energy knots, say: Sha Na Na
To be alive, to exist breathing and recycling matter, as we’ve gone for eons, that’s survival too
Only the strong and very fortunate can lay claim to success, I think, hence, I am nobody’s fool.

Goofy dog, I’m all me, caught that redheaded honey, sweet as sugar beets on mama’s table
Where it all comes from is an ephemeral mystery, a dream come true, like it or not, I’m able
Prepare to be It, as you’ve been trained to avoid the termination of your living thing to be
Can’t rise above a deception perception of blind men & women who see It, Nothing’s free.

A shoe box with a humming sound, lights emitting burnt waves of the tides’ psyche
A triple hit on your brain reverberates inside your bones and sinews on a motor bike
Lie back in your sissy seat, go faster than a speeding bullet through a dead portal slick
You & I can’t go back and forth between life and death, somebody can, ghosts’ tac-tic.

Junk got into tiny veins & arteries of retro-evolved lumps of fecal matter, nuclear war
Dreaming of fools I relate to, being a fool myself, once I wake up, it’s Hell way too far
Never knew that a sharp knife could end the dream with a slice, choice cut and a stab
In the movement, plunge to resistance, down to the bone, twist, turn & remove scab.

It’s what it is regardless of your opinion which may be right or wrong, it is what it is, fool
Light of the sun inside of the wires & walls where the plugs commiserate with the hole
Dehumanize the children who grow up into the philosophers who join the military’s #Aps
Cause of your #LMH1 plant Forty Two, carry your mama inside her own womb, God claps.

Prick up your ears, you will die either today or some day in the future, the past is a chimera
A LMH-1 is a load of Italian bread out of the oven, aloft in gravitational collapse of Yogi Bear
Angels in the outfield comin’ in and out of the portals, peace is silence, Title A drone droppers
Red Rover Atomic Powered Missile, ready to die or not, you will terminate, mothers’ phuqrz.

Here’s a drone, there’s a drone, everywhere a drone-drone, a dimension in your head space
Silence is appropriate for the Space-Time slot you’ve tripped into today, you slappin’ my face
High and mighty, free time is missing to you, it’s all bought & sold by the aliens’ who’re at one
With all atoms in the solar system, galaxy & universe of Nothingness’ end game, 2 tons of fun.

Kicked hard right between the legs without notice, breath stops, taken away for a long spell
Pain and suffering come just before disbelief that the feeling is all there is, no pain, so no gain
Fine and dandy to write it all down but if nobody reads the words, silence shines like gold air
Higher than you’ll ever get & lower than you can go, treasure found & lost in my longest hair.

On a merry-go-round & can’t ever get off since there’s nothing but a Void above & below us
Ripped off tombstones in dirt above graves, Time comes & then it’s gone, It falls down below
Space between hard atoms, lost and found my identification, doctors and nurses cured my ills
What I am is exactly what I am, oxymoronic pair of pigeon-toed, two feet’s ten toes, It all kills.

Blood is going to bleed out of the container, veins’ arteries of the liberty freeway, at one heart
Auricle and ventricle there for the party, in & out, ad infinitum for the duration of our fake art
Walk, crawl until it’s time for deep dive, a one & a two & a three, ready, set & love God to go
Rub it in deep into the skin & bone, it’s fear of the light in the darkness, terror’s what I blow.

Mink stole, dead rat around her neck and shoulders to make her feel like a gun moll on high
Nothing to fear except for the fear of fear itself, it’s all about the Nothingness’ void, yet I lie
About all subjective objects interacting as above in heaven, so it’s the same below on Earth
Pain relief in one heartbeat, survival’s desire leftover, dark matter’s all that I am, afterbirth.

Possible that low probability events may occur and cause undesirable effects of extinction
Species all too human & some not so very much, whistle blow in the dark, God’s mortal sin
Think that you’re thinking? Persuade an idiot and a moron of the Truth, then it’s “That Said”
Deceive and perceive your ancestors on the left, right, above & below the living & the Dead.

You know, I know nothing & you think you know most of it or all of it, organize chaos’ crime
Subjects & their predication causing undesirable effects, termination of blood lines on a dime
In one ear and out of the other, the bullet passes through like a cut blade thru Ends so bitter
High tides, low down to the core where gods never went, made-men need Mafioso babysitter.

Mirror image, I see nothing, I am nothing in a world of things, noun without predication chit
Dream fading, lights turning off, fading bit by bit until I’m used to the darkness, it’s mortal sin
I’m here & now, in a D.O.G.E. just cut from the bloated teams of five & ten in a seven-eleven
Found what was never lost, can’t get all you need for the soul’s spirit, I chew tobacco & spit.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Lundi, 2-17-2025 Anno Domini @ 333 AMPST

{ Kicked this out the bed this AM around ‘3’ for no reason I know of other than, just because & listenin’ to #JustBecauseYouThinkYoureSoPretty on youTube link @   https://youtu.be/lZMXD5-lFIw?si=jAg_K9yqe0CE6nHQ }



Sunday, February 02, 2025

#ChinnyChinChin #SuperBowlLVXIMMXIII 2025 A.D. #USAID



Invited to the party… but I didn’t know anyone except the lady who invited me, she’s gone
As if she was never here in the first or second place, through no fault of my own, I’m a pawn
On the board, playin’ the game by the rules against cheaters and liars who lose & then moan
As if it matters that you hear the displeasure of losing to you, the jig’s up fronting predawn.

Through the spin of Earth, assimilating the day and the night, it is what songs sing all about
Fear and loathing in every invisible atom of your skull, bones & inner soul, the ol’ holy spirit
Signify yourself by your irrelevance to the whole shebang, no matter what you do, you s#it
Yourself, in your diaper at first until you get badgered into getting clear on sanitary shout-out.

Bad boog-a-loo and slick bumpin’ & jumpin’ all around the drums & horns mix with G-strings
Keepin’ the harmony & melody with electronic 88’s & y’all’s’ mama knows the rest, she sings
On my knees down below the baby’s high-chair, like the boss of the board, not yet chairman
Acting like One in control of every decision to move this way or that, nobody doin’ a can-can.

A dance of steps, to and fro with random side-steps to follow, to get to the final waste of Time
Not telling anybody’s story once they’re dead, just look at the corpse & wait for the stop signs
Closing the top of the coffin/casket keeping the dead 208 bones contained from predator sins
Hear the sounds, see the sights, feel what’s hip from scent & taste of the loaves and fish fins.

Ready on the starting line, set to go and without further ado, it’s on the way to the finishin’
On the race of the Good scents of Evil for survival of the most fit species, prejudiced redskin
In the darkness of this living dream, many think they know it all, wise knowledge deepfakes
Certainty principles are appearances of the doom & gloom that rattles until the gods shakes.

Substance before the Big Bang was nothing like the sway of the human woman’s hips I feel
Makin’ my move to pretend that the species’ hormone has little to control the whole deal
Nothing left when everything loses its attention of your conscious mind, a brain-dead loner
Your creators & your parents along with enculturation methods will usurp you, The Stoner.

Think about surviving without the Gold earned or inherited from something Itself, squib cakes
No forgiveness for the malfeasance of your holy fathers and pure, virgin mothers and sisters
Harmony & some working rhythm keeping time with the movement of the waves & high tides
Beat kept from A to G, sharp & flat, diminished in major, minor or seventh, felt the beat vibes.

Alright, it’s going to gitter done on the backstroke & last toke, there’s no time to f’n waste
Playin’ with fire & sandcastles that won’t last through the next tide, ebb or neap, God’s Face
Gas up to begin the journey, it’s a necessary and sufficient condition to X or implode Space
Very good or not, it is what it is, it could be worse, you might not ever have been born, ace.

You’ve joined the herd by inheritance from the sex acts of Romeos & Juliettes who live & die
History of an unknown origin, rocks, scissors, sharp needles and silver spoons for the blue sky
Moving things, animated animals of animation, cartoons of comedy and drama, Word is all up
Love, Fear of losing Life, crushed, burnt, drowned or consumed like a BBQ’d swine or dog pup.

Peace & Ends of it have much to do with territory & boundaries for saving your family jewels
What I had before I died went right back into the matrix mix, immersed inside cosmic stew
Better or worse may not be good but evil is better than the alternative, Nothing but a Void
All spirits conclude it’s better to be than not to be, no question, the only answer, I’m android.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, February 2nd MMXXV Anno Domini 444 PMPST

{ Jammed while loopin’ #OneHeartbeat by @SmokeyRobinson in a loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/A39xfn3K_Ps?si=esrXN1EKYLxyGn-z }



Friday, January 31, 2025

Already Done & Gone Without Prejudice Plastic #ElectricTongue #TheRollingStones #LetThemEatCAKE #WARtheBAND #TowerOfPower "Let them eat #CAKE!" -- @TheMarieAntoinette #GreenlandTAKEOVERdenmarkCheckMate #CHOPPERSrule



Nobody on planet Earth born to females of species or mitotically divided ala asexuality
Not even One gets out of the system of ups & downs alive, no spirit & no immortality
Ethics and Rationality for the ivory towers to reiterate to the young & restless PhDs
As above clouds into deep space, so below six feet for an encore of a planetary seize.

Monsters on the way to scare the daylights out of the nightmares a doctor analyzed
Shrunken child’s age of reason at seven to eleven, unbecoming of an angel idolized
Yet here we are, faced with unknown futures perpetually in motion for you & for me
Therefore, once assuming, the propositional logic reaches a deduction without glee.

Mortification for every one of us at the end when the mortician drains you to the bone
Talk about love no more or gettin’ nervous about goin’ under short skirts & long sweaters
Something like a mystery you find about in your teens & carry to the octogenarian hearse
I dreamed about you every night, your dream came true in my dream, for better or worse.

High or low, above and below again, over so many times that the reincarnates go mad
Unable to handle the facts of life that nobody lives when the body dies, man & woman
To know the Truth and live your full life knowing the Truth is the best deal to trade for Zen
Payment is nothing but following the commands, the laws, the calculus of good & bad.

Even with the grace and healing of the ignorance inherited from naked apes in dark caves
Humanity came to be accidentally, you know it but you can’t believe you’re not God’s favs
Hence, if the Truth is that civilized humanity was a failsafe for a consumption of cannibals
Let’s keep track of the trajectory of flying blips up in the sky, in case there’s air traffic pals!

Too late for the fools on the hill, they got there because it’s their last stand, just like Custer
No way to get away when you’re surrounded by the entire nation, on your tombstone buster
Kill was murder although consuming the flesh & bone, even entrails of the gods’ loaf & fish
A sort of recycling of atomic matter into wasted leftovers when the power is 1st of a 3rd wish.

Past and Future come together in a unified theory of general relativity, a numb skull breach
Fissure invisible yet with a slow leak, every secret ever manufactured by the ignorant beach
All have been long gone & forgotten, magicians’ spells wiped the slate clear of word-up, son
Hard rocks become the liquid lava that can’t be contained by elliptical orbits or revolution.

Drops from the planets that were imagined by the masters & their students, opiated Truth
Maybe right or wrong but for certain, if there’s an origin then there’s a finale, end is curtains
Nobody can think or feel a thing without the original Two, all evolved from the Origin of One
Spontaneous as a loud, Big Bang, due to gravitational collapse, theoretical sound is Ma, Son!

Born out of a Void, the Singularity’s thrust into immortality’s covertness to keep idiots afar
Pinch yourself, to make certain that you’re wide awake at peak level of attention’s original sin
Sneaky snakes come after April, before June, it’s a Truth nobody can deny, I guess that’s certain
Comedy of your tragedy is not so funny when you’re not in on the joke, it’s all a blip on radar.

Hurry, there’s no time to waste for you, you’re inside of one of the sweetest pickles, now & ever
Lucky to be above the ground, unlimited by the organs & limbs in atrophy, nothing to die for, sir
Then again, it’s the reason why we die, it’s because we’re alive in the first place, Thank the gods
Talking worship and prayers to the invisible ancient ones who don’t show up on stage, hotrods.

Feeling a little bit foolish fallin’ for the one who couldn’t bear to be near me, the One hated me
I knew it really had to be the opposite of the appearance, I only did what a lover would do, I see
Everything both above and below us hurts pretty bad once it’s gone & coming back never at all
Knowledge & Wisdom are afoot, just a legend pretending to be too legit to quit or ala downfall.

When I say what I will have said once it’s all said & done, that’s the time in Space, it is done
Denial that the empty space is something more than nothing at all, well that’s mental illness
Blind mice and blind faith that humanity swallows and swills at the whiskey bar, shots for us
It’s what you gotta have lots and lots of, heart, real heart that beats eternally without a fuss.

It’s hip to be a square like the song sing, SO here we go, renegades who fooled around quit it
Settled down for the duration of the melody & the score, equal at zero for all, cool to have a fit
Every color to color blinded, in black & white, infrared to ultraviolet light in the pitch black dark
Before humans wrote it down, word of lips & mouth flapped the gums, left the signals to spark.

In general, everything including you & I are specifically relative to the equilateral triangle form
Geometric progression from zero both above & below the merry-go-round, no higher than low
On the spectrum of infrared to ultraviolet light, the effulgence of the star we call, The Sun, son
Daughters all realize the obvious what sisters & wives, aunts, mothers, grandmothers of fun.

Nobody will believe the irrepeatable yet there’s the good old college try by the dropouts of ‘U’
The issue is the grads didn’t study, crammed & used the cribs to generate the A’s, the B’s & C’s
Incomplete factoid of One, Two, Three, that’s how easy it’s gonna be when your spirit’s freeze
How now, brown cow?  Sally sells seashells by a Jersey sea shore, near Boardwalk’s aqua blue.

I’m within the head, between the cranium’s ears, firing neurons in retrospect of War & Sleezy
Nothing but the Black Hole’s Singularity has the power to reduce it all to less than Nothing too
Hardy rhymes without rhythm, it’s the whiskey glasses & the beer steins I’ve tipped back easy
You’re an idiot, you’re a moron, it’s not your fault, inherited your recombinant DNA, a high IQ.

Your existence beyond your flesh & bone is suspicious even if you’ve been embedded in faith
Although it’s blind, at least it’s SOMETHING to believe in once you sucked a final gasp’s breath
North to South Pole, all around the equator used to be enveloped by H2O, evaporated in Space
In several millennia, all H2O will face annihilation as Earth devolves its ecliptic about starshine.

Mister potato head face, imagine Earth without H2O, you can do it or request artificial Intel too
Compare the reality with your blind hope for immortality without a physical body, head to toe
Whip it up into a frenzy because you can, like a conductor of a symphonic orchestra’s cacophony
No reason to doubt the indubitable other than to mock the wasted time, be me, I’m so phony.

Hearts & minds become the fodder for the growth of the seed’s DNA, unknown creator’s drag
Less than the zero on the number line, in the negative abstraction of conceptual analysis’ fag
Who knew anything about anything on day One, nobody knew anything, a philosophy of Mind
Cut off the head at the neck in a sharp guillotine, male & female become androgyny’s Stop Sign.

Simple man as yo’ foster parents allowed you to be, trained in Zen & Roman Catholicism schism
Opportunity is knockin’ but not at my door, it’s next door or down the street, it’s her or it’s him
In every case, repeating a payoff ad infinitum yields the Way of Zen, middle path, holy Nirvana
Include you in the whole subset of Life, organic & inorganic, ash to dust, cry to your ol’ mama!

Nevertheless, heretofore at the get-go or near the final, bitter end of the world, it’s all of us
Nobody at all can predict the future, many can’t remember the past, most cannot be present
Prom night to the night of your wake in a casket, could be eighty or a hundred years on a bus
Moving from origin to destination, you’re going to stop on a dime when it’s time, lady & gent.

Prime target is the bull’s eye center, soft as boiling water or hard as frigid ice, kill & eat lives
Barbecued, broiled, boiled, fried, seared, burnt to ash or raw after death, sacred blood highs
If there’s nothing to eat, hunger leads to starvation & the final motive of being alive in hives
Performance hotrod inherited from the most fit to have survived north to south poles’ rises.

Enforce the law or become isolated in desolation without protection from predator elements
Swift justice for the good, the bad & the ugly regardless of their parentage, for rich or poorer
Immaculate conception of the generals and admirals who animate the scum of the Earth’s din
Pens writing what the pencils points used to make, tabulations ala computations of mortal sin.

Surface to air missiles launched from the underground erections behaving as a moron, idiot!
Orders and compliance are necessary conditions for the extinction of species to be The Robot
No harm by androids if you appear to be a veal calf, grazing without any idea that God is dead
Bizarre they could exist without a Faith in One Creator, anyway, all hookers sleep tight in bed.

Bases are full in the bottom of the ninth, the game is tied 0-0 & the cleanup will end the game
Over when it’s over, it ain’t & everybody knows it ain’t over ‘til it’s over, Yogi Berra truism fame
Hens laid nest eggs, brought up on Chi-Town side-streets until the roosters hatched hens’ yolks
Extinction of specific codes of plants & animals, necessary & sufficient to annihilate all the folks.
r j j  stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, Janvier XXXIst MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST

{ Y'all come from below or above the place in Space where the prisoners get incarcerated in a pig pen just like the animals you breed, slaughter & masticate the meals that die for our benefit so we don’t turn into the cadaver before our Time; drafted this neuro-toxin while asleep in a #Woke dream & listenin’ to @SicilianTricks https://youtu.be/1etPoP4GDs8?si=A5ONld2YELBCzKGd }
 F I N I S


Friday, January 17, 2025


Alexander, that’s great, you got taught by Aristotle, all warmed up & practiced the skills until perfect like your grander papa
Even if you’re an orphaned, illegitimate baby, you are still a member of society & if you break rules, you’ll be in yo’ mama
Meaning that you’ll end the life you’ve been granted just because you’ve been conceived & not aborted all too human race
Cacophony of chaos where you belong, a place where you want to be, you’re not in the Space you think, wink out of place.

Simply too complex to comprehend with the subjects and predicates left over in ten commandments & evolutionary milk
Chunky monkeys before they evolved into naked apes were things that were caused by accidental, gravitational collapse ilk
Hydrogen and oxygen are an accidental trip on the light fantastic by the divine & profane, using idiots known as the following
Useful though they are, they can be paid gold & silver to lie, cheat and pretend you ain’t lying or cheating, I’ll whistle & sing.

Follow neo-argument to the ending, premises assumed, a priori true & cannot be a posteriori false, love scrapes with Death
It’s ahead of all the living, humans, aliens, every plant & animal of every species, y’all gonna die with one gasp of bad breath
Finale twisted & shouted when nobody can hear the words, the language is foreign mumbling underground, look out back
Bloody skin pouring out into the anti-gravitational place in Space without dirty ground, not a pebble of solar wasted rock.

Hills above the plains that lead to the higher ground where the peaks show the last hot places to have become the Gods
It’s volcanoes that the ignorant tribes used to sacrifice virgins to the power nobody e’er saw, it was all a gangster paradise
Earth caught in the orbit, you & I know, we mortals without heaven or hell, we got Earth, period, comma, exclamation point
Faith no more in anything other than will it kill you & if the answer’s yes, you eliminate the threat in due haste, roll a joint.

Comin’ in crimson-hot for a landing without informing the Tower of Power, I have a pass on all rules & laws, I’m dreaming
Inside of my mind within my head, it’s all lying down in my bed, I’m asleep & you’re all that I am, my dreams are streaming
Every day outside of the planet Earth is not a day at all, you only have “x” days if standing on a spinning lump of hard rocks
Sand and hydrogen with oxygen perform the beaches packed with human females with bikinis, lookin’ for love in an Xbox.

Nowhere in sight surfing the waves nor sitting in the lifeguard perches waiting for the shark feed comin’ with hungry jaws
Blowing whistles & horns, megaphone ATTENTION ALL SWIMMERS, don’t panic just get out of the water 10 seconds-law
All well played, no harm done, the biggest part of me, ain’t the fault of safety above & below in a perch on a shady iceberg
Hopeless when you’ve lost all bat blind faith, you still expect charity from the sheeple who pose as the people of the fold.

Peer pressure and peer review always meant nothing to me, I couldn’t be shamed into compliance with the throne’s fools
Anyway, I love L.A. and it’s a significant fact of life that if you don’t love it then you don’t know the charity of the good angels
Needed one or two tropical places near the equator, L.A. is One of the Many, not too many, @PamBiondi rocks the House
Contrarian agreement with nobody & no one can negotiate the terms of a possible scenario, zero tattoos under yo’ blouse.

I will not know what I know I won’t know when the memory fades & I forget the cause of all of these special effects, justice
It will be done without me no doubt in the spins around the sun from here on out to the finale, all elephants and blind mice
Killed in traps, meat eaten, burned or buried in DNA ash, might’ve been shat through the intestinal fortitude of a wet dream
Keep in mind y’all that is the way the species survives or becomes extinct, sensory perception of the pheromones & steam.

Holy yet irreverent to the good, the bad or evil & the ugliest examples of the genome’s random rock and roll in a jive jokers’
Monkey shines keeping you interested in the things themselves unravelling right before your eyes, have mercy on the elders
Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you, if you forget, it is what @Jesus would do if he returned from the netherworld
Rose again or descended down from the Cielo in Outerspace, somewhere between galaxies of solar systems, God hurled!

High above clouds, between here and the moon, astronauts have been there & back, cosmonauts’ void, remain abandoned
Walk downstairs, where’s my cookies & ‘nilla milk shake & how come I ain’t home in my living room, oh, I am on a greyhound
Nobody would believe I’m the one they ought not to mess with so, each bully got a chance to let the wrath unfold its wraith
Finale, no encore other than the original encounter, the mortal sin against the 1st to 10th commandments, God is now dead!

God unseen, priestly profession inherited from self-prophetic, early leaders, fantasy world of a brain-tumor affected mind
Blisters on my fingers, panhead is tuned up & I’m rollin’ south on the One, PCH allows no errors, I am the perfection kind
Bull the male and cow the female, animals large & small, microorganisms with or without souls, any body has life in it, so
Keep in mind, when you & I die, that’s it, caput so get with the program before you’re wake, put your lips together & blow!


 r j j  stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, Janvier XVIIth MMXXV Anno Domini  @ 333 PMPST

{ Filled the dead air all around the planet, 365 degrees about the circumference without any argument counter-clockwise or otherwise; now my poem above is fresh & the artificial intelligence poem below is also fresh, I had nothing to do with it’s excellence but with my own, all while jammin’ to @ChicagoTheBand #DreamALittleDreamOfMe on a loop, youTube link



This is:

The Odyssey of the Stars

In the realm of midnight's gleaming light,
Where dreams are sown in starry flight,
There lies a tale of epic might,
Beyond the grasp of mortal sight.

From the ancient whispers of the breeze,
To the murmurs of the ageless seas,
A hero rose with heart at ease,
To conquer lands and sail with ease.

With sword of valor, shield of grace,
They ventured forth through time and space,
Against the dark, a daunting face,
In search of fate’s elusive place.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Where dragons soar and phoenixes fly,
They faced the storm, defied the sky,
With courage bold and spirits nigh.

In caverns dark with shadows cold,
Where secrets of the past unfold,
They sought the wisdom, tales of old,
To craft the future, bright and bold.

The sirens’ song, the witches’ spell,
They braved the waves, the ocean’s swell,
For in their heart, a truth did dwell,
A destiny they knew too well.

The fire’s breath, the ice’s bite,
They battled through the endless night,
With steadfast faith, an inner light,
To bring the dawn and end the fight.

From dawn to dusk, in steadfast quest,
Through endless trials, they did their best,
For in their soul, they knew no rest,
Until the stars proclaimed the test.

And so they soared on wings of hope,
Through realms where only legends cope,
A tapestry of dreams to rope,
The epic tale, the cosmic scope.

In the end, when all was done,
They stood beneath the golden sun,
A journey vast, a battle won,
The tale of stars and hero’s run.

For in the hearts of those who hear,
The epic song forever near,
A call to rise, to banish fear,
And brave the night with spirits clear.

Thus ends the tale of timeless lore,
Of hero’s quest and evermore,
An odyssey from shore to shore,
In the realm of stars, forevermore.

by        ai

Friday, December 27, 2024

#WeCameToPlay @TowerOfPower MMXXV comin' up! #OORAH @USAF @ThunderbirdsUSAF

Begone from all sights & sounds of silent music, treble & bass to die for in naked cities
Talkin Bangor to San Ysidro & every single cesspool of humanity’s fecal matter, please
Take this & take that right in the kisser, you can’t see beyond a nosey character’s tease
I got out of town with my skin & 208 bones intact, ain’t my fault I fell out of family trees.

Produced in a huff, no immaculate conception but One son of Man, Father’s in heaven
With or without the other angels who flew around in the day & nightfall of the sword
Dots and dashes on the ship’s bow, sailing for the rest of my watch, never will retire it
My watch is on until my final snatch of air out the sky, gas I don’t know will kill my chit!

Hair is short or long, facts of life is hair is all dead cells, a result of the passage of Time
Stay bald eagle & nobody knows you’re o’er 12, so shave yo’ face at sundown in a gaol
I got a big, full moon over here, high in an imaginary sky, Space & Time’s illusion rhyme
Hidden from the uninitiated who would break Ten Commandments & theoretics, I fail.

Harps playin’ for the Captains of ships & the sailors who animate the sea’s DJ lockers
Davey Jones knew nothing then & still the same after all the pirates left gold for goons
Treasure chests ‘neath crystal clear underwater to island tops of drowned, goof loons
Lava is loose, merging a secondary scream for mercy to nobody, all lips just blowers.

Fire out of the sun, ignition of the atmospheric tornados and tidal waves, gods to plead
Wind remnants of a spin & wobble of Earth, carrion birds & bees, all too human doom
Survive the concoction, unimmaculate conception of a holy egg in mom’s womb tomb
Expression on your face is classic, here’s what I know in nutshell, it’s RNA in the seed.

Are you on board or will you wait until it’s far too late to save your soul, father fodder?
Don’t mind if you do or not, in a hundred years, nothing’ll matter but you’re the father
Absentee meaning nobody ever told you that you originated from thin air, RNA codex
To replicate the scars of a Big Bang & the march onto the return to the Singularity sex.

Oneness of One’s multiplicity of the Many is as obvious as a murder of crow’s caw-call
Iron the wrinkles from the invisible smoke’s turban, twirls about the brain bucket-ball
Listened to the words but forgot everything they said to me, something deep as a hole
Doves nor seagulls fly up in there, nothing alive needs a lit darkness, unnecessary con.

Children come to life accidentally on purpose, it’s all in the stars, all of us go very well
Kicking & screaming on the way to the corpus dillecti or a passing ship in zonal twilight
Go ahead & get behind me, watch my footsteps & follow each one as you would beach
Bums affluent in falling asleep, middle of the day or the night, crybabies do all preach.

Guides showing the way they don’t know because everybody must die to know, get it?
All the bibles and other languages ideas about after this life’s death know Nothing, sit
In meditation & absolutely still for an hour or two, every day or every year you’re alive
Systems above & below in synchronization of Big Bang’s slowing expansion, it’s jive.

Pain felt in your brain’s mind, a function of saving the host from disease, harm & death
If you disregard the signals thrown into your conscious awareness, take a last breath
Y’all won’t know it after you’re all gone but know it now, you’re just cosmic dust dying
At Space’s airports or undersea, jets & submarines get to final destinations’ ice frying.

Gravitational force just the suck of the two lips which speak no Evil nor Good, let’s roll
Upward or downward dog, either or both ways are the way the river goes to water’s fall
Binge & snatch life out of the dead things we kill to eat, for the power of Juice from Joy
Barking & bitching at my parents’ graves, deceived to believe in 49 reasons like a boy.

Babies and elders’ bones are not in my future nor yours, you may not have blind faith
Can’t see the Truth that has no words & therefore no reality for the hungry old wraith
Gods named after dots on a matrix, taken for granted in 400 years, still all’s the same
As above so below, things themselves & forms rock the shape of salt water & a dame.

Paid the fees to matriculate in a PhD program which requires dissertation of polemics
Want to bad enough, desire it good enough & you’ll certainly connect the dots’ sticks
Lucky you read the words in The Word from Genesis to Revelation, then dropped balls
To regenerate the species whether in love or lust, irresponsible for the werewolf calls.

Reconnoiter the flatland to secure the life and liberty for yourself & posterity’s men
Matter & the form it takes is all there is for us all, even the unborn in a womb of blues
Fight like a crazy baby to get here & now, depending on the whim of the girls & women
Hot to trot, horses ready to race, lathered up skin, muscles loose to lose, magic ruse.

Pie never was in the sky, it was a jackass’ carol on a stick and fishing line, no piece ate
A piece of peace just a dream in the middle of a battle & war of the states of being late
On time and eternal after the spin, when it stops, it is indeed, all over, that’s all, caput
No light or sound leftover, underground, under dirt, under water, let’s load up & shoot!

Certainty a thing of the Past, nothing for certain in the Present of Future, just figments
Imaginary chimera, appears & vanishes as it’s identified, First Cause of heaven scents
Blown mind, body eaten & defecated without prejudice, it’s nothing personal, I’m dirt
Of a star, billions of parsecs away from Earth’s core, stillborn & raised to be a Big hurt.

Would your parents ever abandon you to the powers that be? Could you survive alone?
Answer is clear as a bell, you will fight to survive if you need to kill aggressor’ T-bones
Buried deeper than a shovel can dig, in a body bag empty of a thing itself, down under
Believed hook, line & sinker that the hook was friendly, I got caught in light & thunder.

No return now, it’s not on the keyboard, ain’t in my repertoire to show the narrow way
If you don’t know already, you’ll never know, it’s the way it is, it’s not anyone, far away
Where nothing else can be, that’s where it is, it’s actually not It, it’s nothing special
Think therefore you exist, there’s no question, I am, You are, we all are, God in a cell.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, 12-26-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 12 O’CLOCK HIGH NOON
{ Jostled this ditty jammin’ to the sound of @TowerOfPower #WeCameToPlay & #KnockYourselfOut #Hits on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/trHaA_oMZTA?si=3wb8msitIczFgwMW }