
Showing posts with label @FunkyColors @MoreRonsArePeepoTwo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @FunkyColors @MoreRonsArePeepoTwo. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

#KeepThemSeparated #YouGotTo #GladYouHaveNoBravado

Bleach in your arm would kill the virus?  Are you out of your ever-lovin' mind, ship of fools' make-up
Regardless of your sidestepping on stepping stones in the halls of freaks of nature, brothers n' sisters
Content is rollin' from the bottom to the top, like cream rising from the dregs of the basement's shop
Bottles of wine are all empty, drank all the Boone's' Farm & Spinada right out the bottle, I got jitters.

I didn't even spill any wine, drank every drop from my grandfather's wine cellar in 'Chi' on Ohio Street
I played baseball and basketball and football either baked or inebriated on some type of enhancements
Tried to pump up the muscles 'til the rips & tears of the meniscus and then it was off of my feet to pay
Longer than a short time but not as short as you'd want it, it was like orbiting Earth forever & a day.

On the cuff I've got a link, 18 of the cuffs for the 9-hole link at the club, I am a member of a Guild
You may not have heard of them, all of us are undercover lovers of the Truth, raw & occult filled
Bibles, books, beans and big brother funneling us into the tunnel, roller coaster cannot terminate
To the end after about 25 thrilling climbs, deep falls from 100's of feet above the tarmac, 1st date.

It was all over for me, the one I should have coupled with moved on to repopulate Earth with 8 kids
None of them mine, all of them, three different fathers, the 1st two died while on their fireman jobs
Firefighters so brave, they rush into danger ahead as if it's the only way to work for love of money
Wooden boards planed from the logs of the redwoods and my love for the forest of an empty city.

Perfectly off kilter as it should be, fighting the power until it gives up the push and the shove
Every spin & wobble of Earth in every town across all 7 continents, keeps gravity up above
The molten core of the planet leaves you with no other choice than to assume Earth's breath
It does what it does and we're passengers at the mercy of the odds that I'm needed for death.

Leftists of the Far Right have infiltrated the rank & file of the clowns, junkies & relatives
Distant cousins and close strangers you've seen & touched in their nakedness, bones within
Make the deal, it's an art and only the losers don't get it, they repeat ad infinitum, mortal sin
Mortal meaning the "Living" skin & bones, free will, nerves, mental thoughts of divine lives.

Baptized with water, if Earth was dry, we wouldn't have come to be that way, spit, but why
Knowing what I know means I really don't know what I thought I knew which is nothing, sigh
Killed the dead guys and brought them back to life like Frankenstein, you moron!  It's an idiot
Bastards deleted the load, it's not saved, it's lost in space, you're many too late, you're a robot!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, 6-28-2024 Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{  Tricked this out of the universe while jammin' to @WARtheBand #HITS @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=ckDvu7lJ8d51txbY }

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

#BlackPaint #BluesDark #DroneFromBATz

Covid-19 bat blue
Only you and I know the reason for the fiasco appearing before our very myopic eyes
Seeing, so is believing, blind faith before your very eyes, visionary missionary of flies
Where we maggotize out of this world to our bare skull and bones, imaginary nirvana
Paradise that your body won’t feel, taste, smell or hear, a whole lotta love for Joanna.

Pork is the pig’s meat, nothin’ fancy, an animal sloppin’ in mud, begettin’ piglet runts
Meet the phantom ghost that matches your smoke & mirrors, an empty null set sons
Below the 2nd floor is the flat that nobody wants to rent, except me, all a safe house
Ace in the hole I’ll go in the pinch when I’m exiled by the fury of the red horde plows.

Atop the anthill among the hot mothers and cool progenitors remains a real good girl
All alone without a clue about the situational awareness required for survival’s whirl
Heinous crimes against the brothers and sisters from other mothers, a dragnet trip
Fencing in the immoral boys and girls who know nothing about the eternal worship.

You and the rest of your friends and family don’t know you like I do, only you know
Offering nothing, expecting nothing, receiving nothing much of anything, it’s slow
Time clicks forward to the last time you’re gonna get a chance to gasp deeply in
Syncopation with the world’s zeitgeist that can’t be sucked, a Singularity love sin.

Balls thrown, bounced, caught, shot, blocked, kicked, slapshot to a sudden death
To be or not to be a champion all you have is the luck of the puck or ball, a bounce
Goes up and down until it’s too late to leave, last call for alcohol, goin’ to my place
Prove it all night in or out of the bedspread, sing & dance for all it's worth, my face.

This here horizon right over yonder beyond the hills of brothers’ & father’s demigod
Built it inside of the manger where a virgin is allowed to put a baby to save all worlds
Outcome of Evil & Live spelled either way, an act or at best a labor of love, cold hotrod
Egad, as they used to say, way back when, back in the day, you’ve got beautiful curls.

Not only livin’ on Love, caused by Love & dropped down in the menu from head to toes
Only they’re not your eyes, they’re the portals through which the pablum got so rough
Until you were full of it & now share it with the world as we know it, gods are big blows
Orbiting a star red dawn to dusk, 365 to survive without parents & social welfare tough.

So, impregnate the eggs in a clinic, many children from testubes, now the rulers of US
Laboratories with not so mad scientists, formed by Marx from scat that fell off the bus
Without a driver, without a destination to refuel and rest, without a passenger it’s moot
Points connected 1-100 tiny dots on the 3rd act of the play of existence’s 3rd dimension.

All that formless shape in a 2nd dimensional form of RNA is a Void-like puddle of mud
As above, so it’s below, one-dimensional form, shaped Nothing, bitten bytes of charm
Subatomic subliminals, emotionally psychotic responses to Life on a wild animal farm
What I am inside of the forehead, worrying about the inevitable, I’m Iced Soul, Blood!

Frozen ground you walk upon, just to see you here again, we were all gone in Time
Finish line ain’t in sight, you & I will & shall do what the Hades allows us on a dime
Nothing else to do but breathe in & out ‘til a last gasp of gas, then we’ll be hear-say
Not ‘til that moment, it’s glasses up high in salute of the huntin’ & fishin’, every day.

This red dirt rich fishin’ & huntin’ and black dirt gold from my pappy’s sachet of cash
Pints empty flasks and the lead that turned into gold, left over inside the cold caves
Carefully involved in the loose lips that sank ships, there’s a reason for the hero sins
Hated by the countrymen ‘til the legend is revised, firearms silenced, crooked lines.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, June XXVth, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST
{ Worm crawled out the mud during pre-wokeness, while jammin’ sounds of @Armstrong_GettyRadio on@KSTE650AM #PrettyFunnyRadio & then listened to some @LukeBryan #HITS https://youtu.be/OTXRH96KPn4?si=PefcbpugPuv7nI-6 }

Sunday, June 23, 2024

#StopUsNowAtThePerilOfOnenessOfTheMany #PITBULL #LukeBryant #TheOJays



{ mashed ribonucleic acid ‘SMELLGOOD’


Every single day’s night I’ve had a heart to heart with my soul since the end of the world
It’s always just as we know it, from the last gasp of hot breath & the Earth turns into gold
Wickedness is only the lack of the Good, substituted by the Bad, Evil & hungry for the Ugly
Boldly gone where no human has gone before, end of Time end of the day’s hard work fee.

Hand in your hand until you fall apart and turn the hot fool into the cold 208 bones of gods
Lens focusing the 20/20 vision upon the inner self, seeing absolute empty concept hot rods
I know what I believe even though it may not be true, it’s probably highly likely it’s false too
Both to the right and left of the zero on the Time line, there’s empty Space to infinity stew.

Cosmic and subatomic particles building the invisible into macrocosmic extinction’s sorrow
Feeling so bad you’ve persuaded the conscious among the throngs of students graduated ‘O’
Never A’s or B’s, tried to shoot for the D’s, just made it through the 4-year Bachelor blower
From the heights of the highness of the philosophers and academics who mutated lower.

Of the mice and the all too human, women and men, boys and girls, make it all fall apart
Not that it’s their mission on the planet, everyone is a useful idiot to get to the atomic part
Trouble in paradise with or without the angels in the outfield, they play games above below
Know the unknown is the occult of the five & dime stores, busted you for snappin’ the row.

Altar boy addicted to sugar, needed the fix at the store without a penny to donate to God
Busted near the alley, scared to admit I had 5 gumballs of sour apples & grapes pocketed
Hey, stayed strong for 65-70 years after that & those high fallutin moogs are mooted fun
Built a castle, a mote & steeds, a damsel used to be in distress, I facilitated, now it is done.

Hair of the dog in my mouth, I used to just foam but then the canine teeth came, vampiric
Like the scared streets in southern Louisiana where the Cajuns left their sucking sagas aloft
Flying in a purple or green dream that ends in a finale without an encore, a staged schtick
Outer Space as it was before we’re born, a space we’ll live & die in, a hard rockin’ too soft.

My girl new the score, it was One to Nothing, then she lost the full count, bottom of the 9th
Greeting a farewell disappearance with welcome arms, it’s the by and by, my ol’ baby girls
Fear of empty arms of the skull and bones left over by the vinyl grooves of ballad song digs
Regardless of knowing before it happens, we’ll die alone with U.S. POTUS’ reelection rigs.

Riverbeds of tears runnin’ from the iced snow of the mountaintop to the hot, salty ocean
It’s hard to believe the history of Mankind & Earth’s position in revolution about The Sin
Telling us that we’re left in the middle of nowhere due to disobedience of a golden rule
Known DNA Unknown appearing the day you die, no backstabbin’ anymore, all-star pool.

Phase of the smile and the frown, upside down happiness lookin’ like forlorn sadness et al
Meaning nothing more than the fact of life is not a fact, it never was a fact, it was blind faith
Of gods and dead ancestors, you get what I got, the occult stairway to heaven in prison, pal
Pistol whipping savages, swords decapitating the mongrels who kill & kill & kill a Nuke mate.

Here we go, countin’ backward from ten, inch by inch, step by step we mirror the success
It’s down to three, two & One, hand on my shoulder, my arm on your backside, I confess
Never will be another day like this one, in synch I’ve always waited for, never knowing it
Hand in mine, jump off a cliff now, you’ll disconnect the chord, as above, so below, #S#IT!

I don’t need what I’m gonna say I want, therefore do not purchase the essential Powerade
I don’t want it from you, get your own, drink your own, never share IT when you get laid
Mean green moves the gold without touching it in the safe place, all in the mind’s eye pain
Weight of free ounces and kilotons, cashed in from the high-minded product of Maryjane.

World joins in for the highs & lows, it’s going to be a fine supernova in the end, one & done
As above and so the thing you see before you is the same thing you’ll see in your hot lover
Only there to procreate an accidental conceptual analysis that’s deduced from your mother
Matter it doesn’t and that’s all that’s written on the wall, cave’s dark, annihilate Earth’s sun.

Mother superior & father Pope of The flock, some in and some lost forever in mire-muck fall
Nothing can be done with the impossible, low probability extinction of species won’t come
Think therefore the missiles fly by ON buttons & the generals & admirals that nobody knows
Put in what you take out, vice versa option, put everything in & take it out, nothing at all.

Country girls homegrown, PROJECT OOZE, cowboy boots, Stetson hats, Memphis to Cali
FedEx hillbillies’ rhetoric and tradition from One Hub to the Spokes, got a PhD for blah
Daisy dukes pleasing homegrown boys who hit me with a twenty, pen on the map fame
I know my way from an inner GPS, track Ones that like to hunt & fish, clean dead game.

Mud on boots again? Works done, ‘bout to get gone again, it’s Friday night every night
Retired without the balls and chains hangin’ off my ankles, on the chain gang out of sight
Known and unknown from the center’s epicenter to an outer limit beyond the Void’s teat
Sucked into a black hole, Singularity couldn’t cover it up, so futile, The Resistance’s feat.

Follow this bouncin’ ball, you’ve been here & done this, keep up, don’t fall back to start
Comin’ on any of the seven continents, mountain lions and snowcaps above, prey’s below
In and out of the stores where stuff is kept safe and cool for the next day’s 24/7 used part
Time line from a horrid, historical Past that’s over & ain’t comin’ back to life, a low blow.

Here’s a model to copy word for word, hand it in for your term paper, get an F like a fool
Not that you’re a fool that would plagiarize the girls hollering me back in in the deep pool
I represent Science, call me the master of the teleprompter reading until it fails to let me see
Hillbilly that I am, I come from a long line of city slickers from 2nd City, jump in the lake, me!

Tried and failed, tried and tried & finally succeeded becoming conceived in buy-wise wombs
Nailed the need and desire to be the best Pecker to ever evolve from random coitus’ blooms
Follow the First Cause to the Last Effect, brush back the hitter off of the plate, let him walk
Set for the windup, man on 1st leading off the base, not watching me, I picked him off, balk.

My deductions are tentative depending on the immediate changes from the red-hot thighs
End of Earth’s spin depends on the God, the Sun that heats the water & greens, I’m blown
I’ve gone from ignorance to sounds of silence & white noise, granted to the pet, she begs
Bred intercourse to produce animation of matter, extinction’s species myth, all Darwinized.

Son, hate to tell you, I’ve got no proof, just blind faith, nothing happens to you when you die
No rewards or punishment awaits any of us for our learned human behavior, corpus dillecti
Mud off your boots and smell good on, layin’ on your back in a casket, with Sunday’s wall flies
Landed right where I caught it in a snatch, open hand released, back on the wall, I tell no lies.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, June 23rd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to #WhereTheCountryGirlsAt in a loop, link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/qBbTUw6dIpA?si=H7mE3Ftpv4BOP2y_ }

Friday, June 21, 2024




There has always been an Earth spinning & wobbling around the ecliptic, forever & ever
My life began as a conception in my mother’s womb, many thanks to the paternal orgy
Turned into the name of the best burger joint in the USA, in the whole world, @InAndOut
Expert in placing the said morsel inside of my pie hole without any god’s damned doubt.

Inside of your head is your fertile mind without a clue, it’s not free choice, it’s embedded
Deep, sequential presentation of all gas, liquid & solidified beyond expectation, that said
Filed and whittled away to shape the form into an exquisite piece of work, gold standard
Silver works too but then there’s Lead, just a few electrons away from the gnostic card.

Aces and Eights are the cards spinning around inside of your tiny skull, winning the game
Matter and formed shapes of animated beings from virus to Bigfoot, Yeti & all too human
Fake societies & cultures built in isolation of the Big Bang, an unknown flipped a blind tip
Truth is, nothing exists somewhere, no place in Space accommodates Time’s battleship.

Sat back to be entertained by the sound comin’ from the recorded treble & bass of noise
White Noise or the other type, Black & Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, fearing deep purple toys
Injected until the junk got rejected by the host of the most terrible and terrifying old boys
Around for longer than they should have been, they ain’t food & would not exhibit poise.

Scale up or down from the original because you can, I can, we can, they can, all can-can
To the rhythm and syncopated beats of the ups and downs on the scale of Do, Re, Mi, man
Hits or not, the world has it laid down, if you hear it & it’s for you, you will know it’s true or
Mistakes and illusions interject their quality into the mix, providing no win-win for failure.

Value of Nothing for everything is obvious if you have no blind faith in the occult, unseen
Know it all gave you the slip, left all the questions for you to ask, dreamin’ what has been
Ancestors and descendants with the same fate as y’all & my little ol’ form post-mortem
Dust to dust, began as it will terminate, Standing, Legend, candle flame got cold, I’m out!

Supreme fake notion of divinity and creation from Nothing but The Void’s love-neutrinos
It’s unconditional as an argument that assumes the truth of premises without analysis
Around a bend, it was & will always be, conceptual mythology’s situational awareness
Reason, backdraft weapon-tool, reminds One & the Many that this Life is all that blows.

Bright supernova or imploded singularity’s shadow, either way or both, notwithstanding
I can see the imagery in the fog of war, dead & gone heroes and villains, left us this thing
All we can remember is how our family treated us, all good, bad and ugly trips y’all send
Backflipped off of the high-dive into 16 feet of clear water in an aqua-stained deep end.

Fruits from the trees in the garden of Eden, we ate them all, apples, peaches & pears
Cherries and plums and watermelons sprouting up from the holy ground’s high charge
Awaiting the weekend for the people who can’t see the forest through the spruce trees
Harkened those who gave me a helping hand but they’ve died of boredom imagination.

All had mamas & papas, had instruction in psychic reading, ways & means of a US flag
Nothing more nor less than all your Time in Space, at your will together in my saddlebag
Magic spells or pure serendipity, either say the Wishes are my commands, blue smoke
Appearance of the thing itself, your inner self in stormy weather, chokin’ smoke of a hag.

I was sixteen & seventeen wreckin’ my papas family transportation, stopped playin’ ball
It was a transition of the breath blown even into hyperventilation, hook was trippin’ to fall
Fun with the young ladies I figured for certain with a US Air Force uniform, khakis or blues
Jerks with rednecks and old-school gangland style tactics, useful for wars between peace.

Think outside of the cube’s surface, at once and in each and every case, suspend judges
Supreme down to the circuit and without prejudice, city, county & state in their own right
Knowledge and the wisdom to wield it at the right time, Golden Rule laid down to a score
Began with a Big Bang & will end in an inaudible whisper, as a sanctified-crucified whore.

Neither right nor wrong, either bad as evil or good as the best of the most beautiful face
Once or twice if you’re one of the lucky ones on one of these continents, as we drift away
We warped magnetic poles where nothing but UFO’s can go in & out, like a drive-in movie
Not frightened to fight the battles with sticks & stones, I’ll go out kickin’ & screamin’, see?

Sexual healing may or may not work for everyone, but it was designed by the random mix
It’s fine that you think that you’re mine & that’s good for me, good for you, we got the licks
Awaiting A-Z alphabet soup to become a best thing since sliced bread, wheat, white or rye
Hall of mirrors prevent the narrow way to be exposed to the uninitiated substitute on high.

Once preparation has been achieved, follow the tracks of my tears to the place I will be
Deep, I’m down where I know I remain in solitary, confined when it takes two, me and you
So lowdown because it’s karmic recompense, inevitable, another war between One state
Only human men and women futility under pressure absolves us from guilt of free will bait.

I screamed at birth, I can’t recall though, could have been stillborn, gone back to the soup
Cosmic plethora full of atomic matter to keep Life animated & onto eternity’s infinite loop
Hello and goodbye to all who hear & know what that means, sunshine in Maui’s pocololo
Caught up with runners before the finish line, passed the line first, no photofinishing glow.

Listing of the listeners for the masters facilitates in communication killin’ the word, it’s God
Sound of The Word is the magic that princesses who become queen covet like a ’57 hotrod
Back seats a safe place to hug and cuddle with the honey bunch at the drive-in for 10 bucks
Arby’s beefs & fries masticated in front seat, drinkin’ a coke, puff Kools, down #Headducks.

Look over your shoulder baby, if you die, look over your left wing while you fly up to the sky
Call my name, remember it well, you just whistle, put your lips together and let it all blow
Real things all set up for the fall, nothing you nor I can do about it, Fate & random chaos’ It
Perceive and receive, will to power is no fantasy in reality, it comes around has got to split.

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, June XXIst MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{ Drafted in one ear with #hits & THE OTHER wide open to #MOTOWN hits @ https://youtu.be/wNQoERjZGis?si=pIOEVsOZDjMJS8mG }



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

#SkipARope #CattleDriveACowboy** #GotBloodLestat #SaveAHorseRideACowboy #RIP @WillieMays44

Predication complications
Early in the AM, even an idiot wakes up for a momentous shunning on Earth
Subjects triple-double as objects & fact of life is that Life is a DNA TNT ride
There’s nothing like a real thing, baby, over here down home by my cool side
When y'all are already gone, it’s OK ‘cause I know you comin’ back, ne'er.

Immortal touches below ground, six feet under or just dust to the wind gales
Beating up the family of jewels from diamonds to sapphires glowing to fade
When pain & suffering leave way for the pleasure of feeling too good to be
True to yourself & your cherished candy, saved all the good ones I can’t see.

Came above the surface's deep-dive currents flowing from the core's sets
To go wives & all of the all too humane inseminators who came out closets
Off a #BarbaryCoast goin’ south with a breeze from a stern or port of a ship
Touched deeply down into the psyched-up spiritual soul, in a psychic flip.

Punks get blue just like well-adjusted, mature ones ‘cause they’re too human
Are you tryin’ to push me over the cliff, no god or dog there before any man?
Kid Christian actions & reactions to a Cabalistic, rock & roll rules ala Greeks
Describe the sadness in the fourered room, without none of the many freaks.

Pumped up with the bad vibrations from the syncopated waste, astrosphere
Pinkish red to purple-blue, rainbow of a frequency hidden frequency’s tear
H2O dripping as if there was a separation of hydrogen & oxygen, outter blue
I swear, ain't getting to the end with eyes wide open, closed without a clue.

By the sides of an outback, caught in the system’s muck & mire, all true love
You couldn’t make any of this up & noone cares that you're below, as above
Trinity of Goers & Olive Oyls rulin’ the roost of One & the Many, inked pens
Commandments of the golden rules for the beasts within infants of queens.

No way on this one way street anyone can mistake the dead end, high curb
It was 50 feet of grass sod with two cottonwood monster trees 20 feet apart
You and your father may not know one another but that doesn't matter all
It's all your karma way of paying back anything you've loaned from the Ball.

Earth rolls, revolves in revolution around the son, wobbles in happiness sin
Paying back the totally unprovable violation you're responsible for, anyway...
You gotta go I know, so do I and it's not due to ennui or lost in a form, a dot
Some acid became self-conscious of that which came from nothing's shot!

Screamed by unknown voices, invisible pool of white noise and shark fins
Soon enough, although it may be much later than you’ll ever see, die in sins
You know like I know something, it’s Matter, Energy, Time & Space searching
Complexion identical in the darkness, there’s no light in a black, holy thing.

Keep an open mind, you'll need it once you discover the nature of your Id
A ruler of your Ego & SuperEgo, an imaginary thing itself, it thinks, I am it
Yoyo flippin' around the world, walkin' the dog & a plethora of tricks, I'll vet
Bang sounds loud when it echoes in a small room, the echo is asd clear as chit.

Hum vibrations stretched animals’ skin & plucked E, A, B, C, D, F or high E
We know the banjo & ukulele & mandolin search for hillbilly souls in the hills
Islands or deep in-country where wise men fear to go, welcome supper spit
You may be a main dish without you, hope & faith you’re eyes are open pit.

Poly-synchronicity with a waxing gibbous moon, Earth-bound satellite bang
Lovers underneath have hearts beating too hard to let them be climaxing
Neither more nor less than the passion of being human we're born to sting
Two hearts meeting, middle of nowhere start beating as one, gong bell ring.

Woman is all we’ve got to protect the survival of the species, they're crucial
We’re sufficient but we ain’t necessary at all, men, priests, parents of ‘em all
Bringing the loaves & fish to the idiots tryin’ to recreate Woodstock mortals
All of 'em originals, dead & gone, crippled with amnesia, too high my pals!

Think the thoughts of a good, an evil or an ugly finale end, a final deep fake
Mothers and fathers of ancestors & descendants of them, we dream awake
Look me square in the eye & tell me you’ve deep dived into Earth’s ground
Same old ways and means that can’t change, stars shine on top 40 sound!

Love, climaxing new life that bursts into many from the One sacrifice a day
As if we don’t know this is all a dream, something dropped a thin dime

Follow timeline either side of the zero-origin, positive a la right, negative left
On board before the flood, floating 'til land came back into sight, it was gone
Time is comin’ for some soul-searchin’ effort to avoid heart bridges undeaf
Change came & everything mutated like it was meant to be, right of wrong.

You thought you knew what needed to be done, you were right on the money
Shot the pistol’s rounds deep into an enemy’s body & soul, paid high, honey
Said & done before it was too late to forget about it rested, luck-charmed life
Farewells or greetings for all too human beings, innocent & at one, cut knife.

Blown horn, strummed strings pick modified frets in harmony, skin & metal
Light or heavy is just One's way of expressing subject or object predication
Tryst of modifiers like adjectives & adverbs complementing nouns to scuttle
Zombi or not, body-form of humanity's DNA/RNA, mother-in-law kin, my son.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Lundi, 6-17-1972 Anno Domini @ 0420 hours

{ Drafted in a rage within for no reason, alter-ego kicked this instead of the dog while jammin’ to @TheBeachboys #Darlin & #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/iXhB2uETzP0?si=-7ZhL-WePg5gC5oP }


Sunday, June 02, 2024

#GoOutsideRichie #IWishItWouldRainGold #Tomorrowland #ThirdOfJune #PrecursedRehearsed


Coming home from the night before I met you, I knew you had to be alive somewhere in Cielo
All the things I’ve dreamed I’ve seen in reality in a New York minute later than most, so slow
Pie cut in eight pieces, halved the whole twice, that’s all it took to even it up, square deal too
All the 90 degree angles added up to four, cut them to 45 degrees & the triangle is navy blue.

High or low at the bottom of the glass where sweet nothings are uttered for the blind faith kid
The only one left over on Earth who doesn’t know that Earth is a gift from 1 Big Bang incident
Caps and the empty bottles holding the emptiness within it’s confines, a shape of you, stupid
I don’t mean to cast aspersions but, I had to give it a shot in the dark, after all, I am the kid.

If only I could skywrite up there in the blue sky, I’d use in-cursive or just whip up my scribble
As if I wasn’t taught everything by the teachers who instructed me to breathe wisdom in hell
Where I’ve been conceived in the darkness without food except for a fluid effulgence, H2O Id
Give it to me, linked up chord to the host, mama, your mama, all of our mamas, Eve’s hot kid.

Get up against the wall if that’s the order, hand up, drop your weapons, sharp knife & sword
Whomever the firecrackers were made for found out about the fission and fusion of me & you
Yes or no to the perennial questions, follow the bouncing balls, stay with me, we’ll be just fine
At the last gasp you’ll be all alone, no partner, mate, amiga or amigo, y’all met your dead line.

Birds sing in the trees the day after you die, nobody knows why, nobody will tell you anything
All you have to worry about is where you’re free to go & what you’ll do when you’re arriving
Stay on the fly, invisible as the creator of Reality we see, the universe really is proof, God’s old
From deep Mississippi to upper Minnesota, the path was narrow, no money left in the gold.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul because there’s not much time to be workin’ by an hour’s branches
Got to steal it, screw friends and acquaintances in the ghetto or deep in the suburbs’ ranches
Copy your signature over & over so it turns out to be identical strokes, crossed T’s & dotted I’s
On the third of September, daddy died, I called him daddy, that’s right, I’m hangin’ my head.

Formula for this and that, named in any of the languages from the tower of Babel, E = mC2
Everybody knew intrinsically but the expression on a blackboard was a blind eye for an eye
Third eye was blinded by the ball of confusion which is perpetually in a state of eternal sucks
Nothing you nor I can do about it, an unsolvable conundrum presented to the ugly men flux.

I am not hearing the sounds of silence and that’s the end of the story, there’s holy watering
Of your mind & body & soul, all you are taught once you’re born in the city of any country
Mental illness and physical infirmity are the worst you may be experience down in the hell
World called Earth, filthy dirt, planet of a sunlit solar system of 9 + or - planets, rung a bell.

What it is was always in the air, you looked at me in the mirror, my ghost was never there
Spirit of the spit, molecular, atomic, random neutrons of protons, electronic neutrino hair
RCA superfine disseminator of ideas & thoughts present in the past when it was the future
Dreaming came true, imagination preceded the thing itself, it ran away with me for sure.

No cure for the disease that’s really the nature of the beast, can’t pollute the holy shebang
It’s a mental concept, as we all are to the One who is imagining that we have a song to sing
Woke, at the wake, all of the thought bubbles above the heads of the sad and mourning ilk
Came out of the woodwork to see the death recover the bones loved & hated by cow milk.

Justice takin’ on the whole world by yourself, no need to check on the plan, you are the One
No more than a single focus, on the way to the Ends of the story, goin’ back home to someone
On your own though, no partners, husbands, wives or buddies, to dry your weepin’ black eye
Why didn’t I have my father’s grey-colored eyes? Maybe he wasn’t my pops? Shat didn’t fly.
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, June 2nd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 748 AMPST
{ Bashed this out of the blinding headlights while jammin’ to @TheTemptations #JamzMotown link @ https://youtu.be/rx0DAA3QP8w?si=hf91Y620VFADOVEb }

Saturday, June 01, 2024



Slap your gram-maw, mine passed on to the great beyond before their times, all grand ones
Kidding or not, the fiction remains as the Truth’s reality, nobody gets out alive, y’all gotta go
Somewhere out of this Earth’s pervue there’s no place like Home, no place at all to play ball
Marchin’ onto the big dance but I didn’t know how, I played 8-ball & threw darts at the wall.

Brew and Mash for the boys and beer for my horses too, dust needs to be swallowed, I spit
Chaw chewed tobacco from the natives was the addiction we couldn’t avoid, all fell in love
Doctorates can’t help the addicted, mentally unhealed inheritance of the third human eye
Moneymakers for y’all & for me, laws prohibit taxation without representation, until you die.

Think corpus dillecti a moment, won’t be able to ponder it once it dawns upon bald monks
High or down lower than y’all ever wanna go, shootin’ 8 ball you gotta hustle the loser honks
Being ahead of the cue ball with your stick all chalked-up tip, a little English slides of shtick
No more nor less than perfectly innocent of the blame and credit of paper or hard plastic.

Get ready to be set to go when I give you the signal, you’ll know the sign, only your vision
To be or not to be the all too human spirit and soul of 208 bones, rollin’ blue blood within
Keepin’ the flow goin’ until the final gasp of gas is the whole point of being here to atone
For the wrongs done to the ones with rights, all the karma evens it up at the final moan.

Seen enough, battles in the wars before the young boys and girls with britches yanked up
Moved into the uniforms’ combat boots, striped up or metal bars, clusters or stars in a cup
Alive until they’re dead, regardless of the discharge of honor or loss of O9 pay-grade’s grape
Don’t you think about anything, therefore you don’t exist, a Cartesian form of a UFO shape.

You said, gin, whiskey, bourbon, vodka are fine but 180 proof has no equal, hangover, over
Refused the acceptance of the liberty and freedom of speech, idiot slave owner’s hot lover
Walkin’ slow down boulevards and avenues leading to the target, no way to ever look back
Disappearance into a woodwork’s rhythm & rhyme, knowledge is a stack of clickity-clack.

Trees all forested, made toothpicks and burnt-down houses on dead-end streets’ T bone
Elements disintegrate a left over chunk of subatomic particles, love, charm & an i-phone
Dancin’ on the floor or up in the air above the parkay wood, it’s all in the Eden’s gardener
Everything & all in between it all, the whole shebang has no mercy, good God’s a herder.

Stay in line until you’re sheered or butchered, used to warm bare skin & feed the blood
Like fake vampires yet without liquid flows from source to the guts of carnivorous food
You are what you all eat, someday something will be you when y’all get eaten by honkies
Beepin’ their freaky sounds both day & night, extinction’s comin’, wait for it ye Monkeys!


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, June 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Crafted as I jammed to @CarlosSantana feat. @RobThomas link #SMOOTH @ https://youtu.be/6Whgn_iE5uc?si=DDqUS2jJsl5c8PqE }

