
Showing posts with label #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #PedalToDaMetal. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

#SkimCream #GoldenMeow #Beyonce #Taylor #BlackSpace @CarlosSantana @TheOJays #SexualHealing @Marvin_Gaye @Sublime #DateRAPE

Sycophant admiral, General private
X X X the 3rd Marines

This is it, how it’s going to be from now on out to the ending, the finale’s last curtain call
Abrupt or long time coming wait for infinity to arrive at the unknown Singularity to fall
Down deep to the bottom of the pit that you never know hit you between the eyes’ high
As if you’ve drunk or ingested something that nobody can inject as venom or smack dope.

Begin at the finish line, it’s the same as the start in retrograde backward, for the life of me
Nowhere else the game can be is here, now, this here & that there pieces of the holy & free
Worth fighting and dying for, liberty to roam Earth unfettered by regulatory hierarchy codes
Required, desired & needed for the survival of the species genome in sexual healing modes.

Frozen stiff and locked into an unconscious place in Space where nobody goes but me, sacred
My bare feet step in & out of the same place twice, yet the fact is, same river ain’t the same
Same in name only, for goodness’ sake and not for the sake of clarity or divine indoctrination
Goodness’ place before the place we’ve come to stay & pray, down deep quickening chagrin.

Your letters & numbers were all memorized from 6 to 76 then I got 86’d from my own bar
Real things don’t come along very often so it’s a novelty to be given full attention, arrest it
Focus upon the marked spot, in the solar plexus where you can knock a cold wind out easy
Make a grown man get on his bare knees and pray to God or the powers that be, I’m xyzzy.

Fairway I navigate my own way, driving into the dogleg for a chip over the bunker’s green
I don’t golf but I did read about a golfer y’all ought to make acquaintance, king or queen
His name is Albert, my father who created me, why did I look past him, above or below it
The Man showed me the narrow way, reality of musician & philosopher of the bull’s scat.

Holy or just a bit less than sacred into the profane oneness of burning into ash in a hot fire
No free choice about that, nobody gets out alive in a fire or out of it into an ocean of H2O
Jump to a conclusion, believe blind assumptions are immutable, induce & deduce the blow
Everything’s synchronized timing, invisible thing itself, @Ai cyborg, forgot about it, I’m a liar.

Love means doing unto every other person as you would want them to do to you, It’s OK
Gods don’t come down or go up, from heaven or hell, mythological blind faith for giggles
Old men and women wanted to shield the innocent among us, fictionalized a human play
As you get closer to the final resting spot of your memories and karma, that day is today.

Comfortable when you breathe in and out before anyone can hear your output, psycho
Neurosis of the personality inherited from the complex of your parental guidance mumbo
Jumbo as it was before you were conceived & as it will be once you’re just dust in the wind
Nothing and nobody was here before the Big Bang, Silent Whimper will be a solo, I’ll find.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, July 3rd 2024 Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST

{ Compiled while reality impinged it’s claws upon my virgin crawl-space & jammin’ to the mighty #WhiteBoyDoesTheApollo link @ https://youtu.be/nNIi_sEsjgY?si=Eem8Swy61k3to6SJ & #TheRichGetRicher #TheOjays link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGTwr8ba2ZM&list=PLreahN7ishnlibbshPLQIYFxYWjmVEPSC&index=6 }


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Carcass BBQ For The Brothers From Other Mothers & Sisters #Cheech #Chong #BoogieWoogieChooChooTRAIN

cast aspersions, name’s phil herup
Fill’er up your 1 ounce brain with potential fodder for the process of elimination
Written words are spoken after it’s thought, origin of species is of the men & mice
Killed the performance of the millennium just for kicks, schtick is original as sin
Computer in hand, plugged into cadmium’s free radical of the political, social skin.

I’m not the one to talk, but since this is writing, I’m one to speak the word of one man
Neither the good, a bad or ugliest of them all, in my own mind, I’m the One’s only one
Anyone else wouldn’t be able to handle the Truth, incredible like all prefabricated scat
Spirit you blow into a ferocious substance that crawled out of the muck & mire of shat.

Holy families don’t exist on planet Earth, fallibility is not an option for the pope nor I
In the end of the beginning is the creator of the dream, alone & asleep in a cloud bed
Above or below, a song remains the same, not a lead zeppelin but that’s all she wrote
Da bears out the windy city or jets out the big apple’s core, final score’s point is moot.

Dream within a poor dream, it’s squared and then cubed for chits and giggles for sure
Certainty is that uncertainty is the principle you cannot deny, knowledge is impossible
It is for me to know & you to psycho-analyze your formation, your opinion deductions
Always look at the cell @11:11, twenty-four seven happens without you too, my sons.

Daughters and your mothers just like your sisters and a hundred grandmothers agree
It’s all about you now until you can’t breathe with or without a soul or black belt degree
Treat or the tricks of the trade are the remarkable cause of life itself, mitotic divisional
What you are from an original sinner in a garden of Gotham or Eden, God’s hadron cell.

Scared of you & your mother’s sister’s granddaughters because of all their good ol’ folks
And you know the difference between a nightmare & a daydream, you gotta be so woke
To know what wisdom is all you need to know, only you know it or not, roll the die hole
Stress kills peace of mind you need to survive in health & wellness, a career advise her.

Get far away from me before you fall down and hit your head, you’ll be consumed in fire
Things matter as Earth does, molecular structured hard atoms atop the funeral’s hot pyre
There is a bridge too far to cross for any human but the divine can traverse it momentarily
Y’all know it well, you’ve assumed too much yet remain insane in the 2nd City, my pretty.

Milkshake of bottles of bourbon when the earth quaked a moment ago, only a shot is left
For my benefit and six cracked-up eggs in the crate, life itself is the luck of a random draw
Begin with political science and the wet dream of life without any debt, gold calf of straw
On the right with the maggots who hung with the lord of the flies, spirit loves a third shift.

On the QT system of beauties and beasts humans balk at the finale before the end of Time
Not only but also this here and that there, singing a ballad in harmony with One’s hard dime
You must be in good condition to analyze a discombobulated myriad of entrails out of God
Spiders in or out of maniac men, bats out of Woman, saga has a finale, my vetted hotrod.

Now then, whispering sooner or later won’t help the impossible become possible, a slave
From start to finish, an amalgam of serene laughter in a den of iniquity or any cat’s house
Baby has no idea what the elder human will uncover in the name of Science, a bat’s cave
Pronto or in the nightmare’s due time, the product hurts nobody but the dirty, rotten louse.

Basement door’s locked and I can’t open it without knowing the combination to the lock
Are you crazy or what? Whatever is holy cannot be the scatological return to Malibu beach
Where my soul goes between Big Sur and Monterey, southern Cal by Santa Monica’s muse
She won’t leave the beachies alone, it’s not my fault but my obligation to be the outreach.

Demonic saints all dead a long time ago, postmortem when blood doesn’t flow #In&Out
Between head to the toes, the heart pumps it with the pressure of the Love within doubt
Dreaming about gods lying to the dead guys who left the orally written words, insanity fur
You know and I know the reason for everything that exists in reality as we know it, LSD blur.

Quicksilver and the lead you transmuted to pure gold, via the theft of secrets of occult ilk
Masquerading as the chosen of the creator of Man & Man’s all too human world, coco milk
Hair of the dog cannot stand on end when the pate is shaved & shined, nails painted fuscia
Sunsetting mothers’ graves that lie six feet underground embalmed or wishbone in an urn.

Band of rock has a visual aid for the faint of heart, armed & dangerous for the self-defense
Scrapes scratched deep wounds into lucid dreams you can’t recollect, I’ll inject the venom
Poisonous asps in a snake pit giving snakebites to one another’s two eyeballs & goat skulls
Doppelganger on the run, look into the fractured mirror, cracked & stained rosy pink petals.

Dreary night after you discover that you’re a moron and always have been an idiot, for real
Part your long hair down the middle for your long stay in the blue platinum quicksilver seal
Keep your timing in a Ball jar like any other fabulous concoction of liquid sea gram for me
Any time you want to feed the monster to let it suck on your teat, rock-a-by my baby, free.

As something is like nothing you’ve ever dreamed of on Earth, you’ll never know terrorisms
For nothing has no reason, it’s nothing that you can subjectivize or objectivize my old sonny
Common knowledge innate within the genome has everything in chemical codex, harmony
Hater of love for pyramids’ salutes to king of kings, 1st God of sedition, straight up treasons.

What I am, hated the dream when it ended but only because I thought it was reality, I think
Hitting the whole shebang like I aimed my arrow dead at the target’s bull’s eye, scat stank
Misty tears cloud my insight, but it still is as clear as daytime in the fog of war, it’s Showbiz
Fill the head up with the scat you’ve been eating and drinking, it’ll all come out in the ends.

Aftereffects of the naked apes playin’ games without knowing all the rules of love’s chaos
Sudden impact on an egg in the womb’s room, you find Nothing more than an empty blouse
Whine about your stupid little gold man you didn’t get, you’re an inch away from being afoot
How you got here & why you’re here & now is the most important fact of life to know about.

Whitefish in the sea for the old man or his younger woman fan, appeared out of nowhere
Specialty you’ve operated on for years & years is born and become still, dying of darkness
Fire first then ice cold, empty deadness’ opportunity knocking with a joke about idiotic chit
Harmony & discord accomplish everything from Big Bang to our own particular Singularity.

Myriad of smoke and mirrors available for lease, infinity & the void of the Black Hole are in
Holy ghosts and the rest of the malarkey being swallowed by fish, hook, line & sinker within
They are supernatural and they know it, one thing for certain, it’s stuck on repeat forever too
Cool, I’m smooth and copacetic, Mona Lisa and Cleopatra following me, I am psycho-blue.

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, June XXVIXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST
{ Sucked out of the holes I’ve inherited from the genome while jammin’ to the tune #WhereTheCountryGirlzAt? Link @ https://youtu.be/qBbTUw6dIpA?si=JAXzXiwgg1sNtyb5 }


Friday, June 14, 2024

HappyFathersDayWeek #GrammasHand #Matrices & #Godfatherz4 #ParrotHeads @JimmyBuffett

Imposters will rock this world until the real ones show their thousand faces, they're the chit
Of being alive on Earth whether before or after an imaginary zero year of the planetary s#it
Whatever it is, it's going around and it comes around ad infinitum, border to coasts of sand
Dirt and snow make the thing itself appear to be more than it's essence, it's a thin man.

Partly of the Time and Space where you've accidentally been deposited into darkness’ pit
To see The Light coming at birth & lose the light altogether at death, that's life man, that's it
Sure it's uncertain that there's a soul/spirit independent of a body's skull & bones, it's faith
Believe it or not, it will be the way it will be either way you jump to a conclusion, it's a fate.

Sons completely free to roam the prairie until humans trap & kill you for your body's blood
Drunken gods, eating the flesh that grew from an invisible egg & flagellating in a dark hood
Too much to handle for anyone over the age of sixty, therefore sanctuary's door’s padlocked
Too late for elders to absorb the facts of life, they're lucky they've lived so long in a head.

My ancestors & descendants who've been ruled by dictators, kings, queens & able bodies
Every single one of them, educated or ignorant, all were born innocent of original apple sins
Preschooled in the elementary & higher levels of language & mathematics, I'm still the One
That's a single thing I know for certain since everything, every category is suspected reason.

Suns are stars and there's zillions of them in empty Space, on the other hand, only One RA
Callin' this thing you're experiencing whatever you please, the Word itself is cock's formula
Recipe in code which none have the key to other than us & we're blinkin' four eyes to bury
Standing at the door, remain still or open & enter the portal, jump out of the second story.

Funky facts sent via fax or twixt in code red, meeska, mooska, mouses, we're all gonna die
As a humdinger hurled from mound to the battery box only to die being a payback whack
Homer players do nothing but win if hey can and lose only if necessary & sufficient shtick
I know you don't know like I know, so all you do is laugh when all I can do is weep & cry.

Preach to me man, you got no clue on what to do, waiting for the po’ #UBER ride to you
Where you went & why you left make no difference to me, I’ll move heaven above too
If it’s in my way, welcome to oblivion, I’ll even save you from the monsters of the monks
Nobody is home, ain’t nobody in the cave, daddy’s gone, left us all alone in the high funk.

On the far side of the far end of the yard stick full of millimeters and degrees of separation
I welcome the unwelcome to enter the merge of their energy to re-identify with the zygote
One that came before opinions that all of the assholes have, it's the nature of the beast skin
Cover up of a Future stank before it happened in reality, as I will, all lookin' for gunga din.

You got your pogo stick & you can’t jump around like you used to when you were twelve
Fall down on the concrete curb or alleyway or asphalt turf in the street, bloody scab life
Hurry faster than I can go, fall down on the ground over and over, stayed down there too
Last call was six feet under, what I’ve done, well it’s all over, my atoms crumble to blue!







r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, June XIV, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Ate up real estate to regurgitate & defecate or urinate as above, so below, keepin' the fire lit inside of the diaper pamper written in fecal matter, just checkin' to see if anyone's readin' this...  wrote this while jammin' to @BareNakedLadies #HITS on youTube link @LIBERTY FATHERS DAZED }