
Showing posts with label #ModifiedGrapesOfWrath #CancerOfTheInfinite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ModifiedGrapesOfWrath #CancerOfTheInfinite. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

Already Done & Gone Without Prejudice Plastic #ElectricTongue #TheRollingStones #LetThemEatCAKE #WARtheBAND #TowerOfPower "Let them eat #CAKE!" -- @TheMarieAntoinette #GreenlandTAKEOVERdenmarkCheckMate #CHOPPERSrule



Nobody on planet Earth born to females of species or mitotically divided ala asexuality
Not even One gets out of the system of ups & downs alive, no spirit & no immortality
Ethics and Rationality for the ivory towers to reiterate to the young & restless PhDs
As above clouds into deep space, so below six feet for an encore of a planetary seize.

Monsters on the way to scare the daylights out of the nightmares a doctor analyzed
Shrunken child’s age of reason at seven to eleven, unbecoming of an angel idolized
Yet here we are, faced with unknown futures perpetually in motion for you & for me
Therefore, once assuming, the propositional logic reaches a deduction without glee.

Mortification for every one of us at the end when the mortician drains you to the bone
Talk about love no more or gettin’ nervous about goin’ under short skirts & long sweaters
Something like a mystery you find about in your teens & carry to the octogenarian hearse
I dreamed about you every night, your dream came true in my dream, for better or worse.

High or low, above and below again, over so many times that the reincarnates go mad
Unable to handle the facts of life that nobody lives when the body dies, man & woman
To know the Truth and live your full life knowing the Truth is the best deal to trade for Zen
Payment is nothing but following the commands, the laws, the calculus of good & bad.

Even with the grace and healing of the ignorance inherited from naked apes in dark caves
Humanity came to be accidentally, you know it but you can’t believe you’re not God’s favs
Hence, if the Truth is that civilized humanity was a failsafe for a consumption of cannibals
Let’s keep track of the trajectory of flying blips up in the sky, in case there’s air traffic pals!

Too late for the fools on the hill, they got there because it’s their last stand, just like Custer
No way to get away when you’re surrounded by the entire nation, on your tombstone buster
Kill was murder although consuming the flesh & bone, even entrails of the gods’ loaf & fish
A sort of recycling of atomic matter into wasted leftovers when the power is 1st of a 3rd wish.

Past and Future come together in a unified theory of general relativity, a numb skull breach
Fissure invisible yet with a slow leak, every secret ever manufactured by the ignorant beach
All have been long gone & forgotten, magicians’ spells wiped the slate clear of word-up, son
Hard rocks become the liquid lava that can’t be contained by elliptical orbits or revolution.

Drops from the planets that were imagined by the masters & their students, opiated Truth
Maybe right or wrong but for certain, if there’s an origin then there’s a finale, end is curtains
Nobody can think or feel a thing without the original Two, all evolved from the Origin of One
Spontaneous as a loud, Big Bang, due to gravitational collapse, theoretical sound is Ma, Son!

Born out of a Void, the Singularity’s thrust into immortality’s covertness to keep idiots afar
Pinch yourself, to make certain that you’re wide awake at peak level of attention’s original sin
Sneaky snakes come after April, before June, it’s a Truth nobody can deny, I guess that’s certain
Comedy of your tragedy is not so funny when you’re not in on the joke, it’s all a blip on radar.

Hurry, there’s no time to waste for you, you’re inside of one of the sweetest pickles, now & ever
Lucky to be above the ground, unlimited by the organs & limbs in atrophy, nothing to die for, sir
Then again, it’s the reason why we die, it’s because we’re alive in the first place, Thank the gods
Talking worship and prayers to the invisible ancient ones who don’t show up on stage, hotrods.

Feeling a little bit foolish fallin’ for the one who couldn’t bear to be near me, the One hated me
I knew it really had to be the opposite of the appearance, I only did what a lover would do, I see
Everything both above and below us hurts pretty bad once it’s gone & coming back never at all
Knowledge & Wisdom are afoot, just a legend pretending to be too legit to quit or ala downfall.

When I say what I will have said once it’s all said & done, that’s the time in Space, it is done
Denial that the empty space is something more than nothing at all, well that’s mental illness
Blind mice and blind faith that humanity swallows and swills at the whiskey bar, shots for us
It’s what you gotta have lots and lots of, heart, real heart that beats eternally without a fuss.

It’s hip to be a square like the song sing, SO here we go, renegades who fooled around quit it
Settled down for the duration of the melody & the score, equal at zero for all, cool to have a fit
Every color to color blinded, in black & white, infrared to ultraviolet light in the pitch black dark
Before humans wrote it down, word of lips & mouth flapped the gums, left the signals to spark.

In general, everything including you & I are specifically relative to the equilateral triangle form
Geometric progression from zero both above & below the merry-go-round, no higher than low
On the spectrum of infrared to ultraviolet light, the effulgence of the star we call, The Sun, son
Daughters all realize the obvious what sisters & wives, aunts, mothers, grandmothers of fun.

Nobody will believe the irrepeatable yet there’s the good old college try by the dropouts of ‘U’
The issue is the grads didn’t study, crammed & used the cribs to generate the A’s, the B’s & C’s
Incomplete factoid of One, Two, Three, that’s how easy it’s gonna be when your spirit’s freeze
How now, brown cow?  Sally sells seashells by a Jersey sea shore, near Boardwalk’s aqua blue.

I’m within the head, between the cranium’s ears, firing neurons in retrospect of War & Sleezy
Nothing but the Black Hole’s Singularity has the power to reduce it all to less than Nothing too
Hardy rhymes without rhythm, it’s the whiskey glasses & the beer steins I’ve tipped back easy
You’re an idiot, you’re a moron, it’s not your fault, inherited your recombinant DNA, a high IQ.

Your existence beyond your flesh & bone is suspicious even if you’ve been embedded in faith
Although it’s blind, at least it’s SOMETHING to believe in once you sucked a final gasp’s breath
North to South Pole, all around the equator used to be enveloped by H2O, evaporated in Space
In several millennia, all H2O will face annihilation as Earth devolves its ecliptic about starshine.

Mister potato head face, imagine Earth without H2O, you can do it or request artificial Intel too
Compare the reality with your blind hope for immortality without a physical body, head to toe
Whip it up into a frenzy because you can, like a conductor of a symphonic orchestra’s cacophony
No reason to doubt the indubitable other than to mock the wasted time, be me, I’m so phony.

Hearts & minds become the fodder for the growth of the seed’s DNA, unknown creator’s drag
Less than the zero on the number line, in the negative abstraction of conceptual analysis’ fag
Who knew anything about anything on day One, nobody knew anything, a philosophy of Mind
Cut off the head at the neck in a sharp guillotine, male & female become androgyny’s Stop Sign.

Simple man as yo’ foster parents allowed you to be, trained in Zen & Roman Catholicism schism
Opportunity is knockin’ but not at my door, it’s next door or down the street, it’s her or it’s him
In every case, repeating a payoff ad infinitum yields the Way of Zen, middle path, holy Nirvana
Include you in the whole subset of Life, organic & inorganic, ash to dust, cry to your ol’ mama!

Nevertheless, heretofore at the get-go or near the final, bitter end of the world, it’s all of us
Nobody at all can predict the future, many can’t remember the past, most cannot be present
Prom night to the night of your wake in a casket, could be eighty or a hundred years on a bus
Moving from origin to destination, you’re going to stop on a dime when it’s time, lady & gent.

Prime target is the bull’s eye center, soft as boiling water or hard as frigid ice, kill & eat lives
Barbecued, broiled, boiled, fried, seared, burnt to ash or raw after death, sacred blood highs
If there’s nothing to eat, hunger leads to starvation & the final motive of being alive in hives
Performance hotrod inherited from the most fit to have survived north to south poles’ rises.

Enforce the law or become isolated in desolation without protection from predator elements
Swift justice for the good, the bad & the ugly regardless of their parentage, for rich or poorer
Immaculate conception of the generals and admirals who animate the scum of the Earth’s din
Pens writing what the pencils points used to make, tabulations ala computations of mortal sin.

Surface to air missiles launched from the underground erections behaving as a moron, idiot!
Orders and compliance are necessary conditions for the extinction of species to be The Robot
No harm by androids if you appear to be a veal calf, grazing without any idea that God is dead
Bizarre they could exist without a Faith in One Creator, anyway, all hookers sleep tight in bed.

Bases are full in the bottom of the ninth, the game is tied 0-0 & the cleanup will end the game
Over when it’s over, it ain’t & everybody knows it ain’t over ‘til it’s over, Yogi Berra truism fame
Hens laid nest eggs, brought up on Chi-Town side-streets until the roosters hatched hens’ yolks
Extinction of specific codes of plants & animals, necessary & sufficient to annihilate all the folks.
r j j  stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, Janvier XXXIst MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST

{ Y'all come from below or above the place in Space where the prisoners get incarcerated in a pig pen just like the animals you breed, slaughter & masticate the meals that die for our benefit so we don’t turn into the cadaver before our Time; drafted this neuro-toxin while asleep in a #Woke dream & listenin’ to @SicilianTricks https://youtu.be/1etPoP4GDs8?si=A5ONld2YELBCzKGd }
 F I N I S


Saturday, September 28, 2024

#ExitStageRight #FinaleWithoutEncores @TheWho #Genius nope @StevieRayVaughan #SkiesCry


Like a real thin thing which is included in the empty set are all the zeros and ones
A rhythmic octave of notes of imaginary scales from A to G on Time & Space clones
Pine and Evergreen makin’ the oxygen from the lack of carbon dioxide ad infinitum
If we’re lucky, which we’ve been since born & raised free without slavery’s scrum.

Perennial actions, origin to annihilation of every atom of matter, a matter of Time
No space is free from implosion into the singularity, above is as below is, all mine
Gold and the lead it’s transformed from through fire and brimstone, shoot & miss it
Shots and passes, points to win and some to lose, in every case, it’s all bull’s scat.

Makin’ money lettin’ people watch you throw a ball in a hole, ten feet high, above net
Where every single shot of one, two or three points make the loser pay the other debt
Number one draft choice to make up for your missing passes and shots, never all hot
As you thought you’d be in the middle of your line, from the tip to the buzzer’s slot.

In touch, out of the touches from fingers and toes, ends of arms and legs on a plate
Lump of flesh & bone with a free will that becomes a follower who’s willing to be bait
For fish in the sea that are so hungry to believe the blind that they fall naïve prey lost
Minutes, decades to a century, if you’ve got the gumption or the intestinal, shat frost.

Not dancing to the whacked-out beats, let me check what’s in the jukebox for now
Cracked skulls and incurable diseases of the body & mind, psycho look out below
We won’t get better without medication & radiation; you can be sons of a Bi#ches
It ain’t your fault you were conceived in sin, maternal eggs all married to Butches.

Fish swimmin’ with the illegal migrants across the Rio Grande and the pretend sea blue
In a manner of double speaking, hillbilly apologies come & go in a New York minute too
Like it or not, it’s all but out of our hands, you’ve got the thing itself as the gas in the brew
Once the flick of the switch has been toggled to ON, the OFF makes it into cosmic stew.

I’ll keep it up even when the rain is pouring out of the grey-black sky, white cumulus cloud
Only one huge bulk of H2O in vapor formation, lined up to fall with gravity’s pull of the load
Wetting the dry ground and soaking the wind within the mud, the blood & spilled beer kegs
No recollection of red Comanche blood in my great grandmothers or embedded sexy legs.

Out hunting, out fishing, out being a lazy head of teepee without welfare’s food stamps
Just enough for that fruit of the vine that never allows anyone to ever be clean and sober
Reason of the deductions is to assist in the adaption to the changing nooks & crannies
Appearing out of nowhere or created by the unseen, unknown out of the Void’s sun lamps.

Literally have created a purple Maserati out of nothing more than rock metal tics & tacks
Bonding with the separate but equally merged within the occult unknown, whitey blacks
On the flip B-side, it’s the same holy #HIT played on the Marconi’s Top 40 morphing #1’s
Prepared to be ready to move out or fall on a sword for the hero who really loved the puns.

Thirty to sixty minutes lead to the end of the livers livelihoods all removed and deleted too
No kidding around, you’re a joke or you’re too ignorant to have survived the herd’s blues
Walkin’ slow down the avenue of my old neighborhood, don’t know why I feel this good, so
My karma has been paid back in full, I'm done paying for my original sin & yours too fool.

Perfection has devolved into the asteroid belt and nothing can stop the orbital interjection
Diamonds spread out all over Mercury because the mighty star has compacted God's skin
Microscopic Time & Space look deep into gods blinded by the UV & infrared light's souls
On the slide, under the microscope the invisible sees right through the opaque, void holes.

Desire and need to be happy are the carrots hangin' out ahead of the jackass's donkey ears
Hair shaved to the skin line toe to crown, the corpse decomposing has eliminating all fears
Easy to animate the dead and gone, in a play on a stage, words & actions' energy matters
You loved life, loved to be happy but sadness couldn't get aborted over southern borders.

Beyond good, evil & the formulated calculations proving that the unprovable has no proof
Leftovers of subjects and the naked, superlative predicates keep it real, Time out for a goof
It's too late to order a pizza, made one in 25 minutes, ate the whole pie in about twenty five
Weaponized day dream came true, conflagration of WW 3 annihilated the fission/fusion jive.

Semper Fidelis whether it's the right thing to do or not, there's no choice in the matter a all
It's already set in stone, writing in tongues or whichever gibberish the minions agree to call
Upon the wicked magic spells that could make you happy or very sad, it depends on the imp
Glory be to the father and the son of the father as well as the actual ghost, on the block pimp.

At the beep or the vibration on Mach 3, the X-15 went through the black hole door, a breach
Network annihilated to show that everything on Earth is vulnerable to gravity & a free speech
You need it, we all do and nobody who wants to remain healthy and alive will ever go rogue
Dissolution's solution, way gone, far out rogue, a money maker ink on a slab at a morgue.

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, IX-XXVII-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST
{ Co-created from cosmic dust while freefalling, jammin' to @TomPetty #HITS on youTube link @
https://youtu.be/-H-9ZACQSc8?si=AbiTE_rlVkm5TyBa }


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

#BlindByBlackLight #CopyXeroxFakeNews #HowLongCanThisGoOn #WAR #ThePointerSisters #Springsteen #BeatClub


It ain’t nothin’ but a thing, you get scared before you discover that you’re the monster within
There’s the fruit of the loom that’s the cream of the crop, you’ll know it if you commit a sin
Against the laws of God & Mankind, there’s commands and there’s categorical imperatives
You have no free will other than that blind faith in the notion, it has no factual precedence.

After the last day you’re alive, there’s a residual realization, you’re long gone & police backers
Plain as day, the nightlife is awake and full of the #Woke chicks on the side, unmarried slackers
It’s just their nature, there’s nothing uncreated, these are the divine’s creatures in self-image
Broken arrows on the hardened hearts in the things themselves, heathens and warriors aged.

Since the day or night we see the light, nothing is ever the same again among the innocent kin
Brothers, sisters, cousins, multiple great, great grandparents and great grandchildren, Space In
Things themselves are like this & that form, shaped & functioning DNA program fishin’ for carp
Cause of Earth & Sun, Void because of Space & Stars above & beyond Eve’s evil two-time warp.

Suggest the propositional logic be written backward to understand the induced conclusion hit
Between the eyes or just a passing, indiscriminate passing of the future into the past, sick of it
Or not, maybe you adore the function with no end in sight, on your best behavior to be a hobo
Just a bum caught up in a world-wide spider web, failed to escape a tricky situation, job blow.

Love gets over you when I find something or someone new, all pass in and out of the scheme
Fear and loathing of the rumors and propaganda will get you no trophy-wife status ‘V’ dream
Do not enter the zone between daylight and twilight where Chicken Little shouts up to the sky
Hemlines go up & down to attract or detract to the reason for the species survival, climax, die.

Some girls and boys will grow up to reproduce either maladaptive or adaptive payors of alms
To govern the beasts who cannot or will not follow the commands of the Golden Rule BLMs
Capece Italiano or not, what matters is that the Truth about life on Earth is told and heard too
In Sanskrit, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Nepalese, German, whole Babel tower’s clue.

Freaks evolved out of the perfect creation of a supernatural essence of the divine Void squeeze
Without wondering about why you’ve not become more in tune with the fission and fusion biz
Awareness of your freaks of nature in the middle of your families enculturated in mortality sin
Not their fault they’ve descended from the disobedient, ungrateful, immortal hominid muffin.

Heroines and heroes out to devour the villainesses and villains of Oyl Can Harry vibe, just sayin’
It really doesn’t matter, yet just to keep the flow of the river on the way to the deep blue sea
Avoiding the dams and holes of bottomless maelstroms somewhere in Time and Space hidden
Blind faith and skepticism of the mentally inept who believe that they’re enlightened in ZaZen.

Light in the shadows will need sustenance in the middle of nowhere, where we are in Space
Ask any space traveler who has both come and gone in and out of this atmosphere, far away
Near or further than the moon, scared of Nothing these far out men and women, saints of RA
Never has even one pharaoh or queen of Mankind been able to survive one last alien drama.

Open up about our arguments blaming “them” for the things they’ve done to the minions
Subjects of the sovereign objects of reverence and respect, just because you sired the sons
Of the virgins who bore them, unnamed but loved for a momentary lapse of reason’s logic
Deducing conclusions, irrefutable premises, RNA wad of categorical imperatives out a dick.

What all of that means is that I didn’t want to frighten anyone with the actual, naked Truth
It’s not beautiful or even a little pretty but it’s alive and kickin’ here and now, spooky tooth
Ghost in the machine will be removed when the corpse is introduced to the maggot infest
Don’t shoot the messenger, conclusions are your own, production of facts are to ingest.

Who among you all have come to conquer this world and become the czar of us all?
Nobody? I thought so. It’s nothing personal meant to offend anyone in particular
Rendering all of the flesh & bones into the ether which has more volume than God
Oh, remember those early days at the desks, in the single file lines from 5 to 23 Ball.

Reasons for the dark side is every side is dark but the spots in the middle of nowhere
Those are so bright they blind your eyesight, death & mortal life disappear somewhere
Can’t bury it all underground unless it wasn’t there in the first place, copy that down too
Put it in the history, you’ll let it bleed out and it’ll die and be edited out, killed what grew..

Pretension filling your reality because there is nothing else to blow your open mind’s eyes
Bottoms up before you get slammed on the mat or the hardened ground above the skies
Only get what you give and that’s more than enough, it’s fair game & fair play, apes’ swings
Not tomorrow or today, it is ancient history you hated to know, kill slaves, pass away kings.

Willing to see the invisible and to hear the inaudible, to inhale the gas fumes of corpses
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, seven continents and several millennia in remorse
All you have left is what you see now, it is what you get, all of it, hook, line & sinker sets
Tears that you couldn’t sweat without a mix of blood & tears ‘til heroes turned to vets

Frogs jumped, humans jumped off lily pads and bridges over troubled water, dead right
Nobody to argue about the deductions and invalid conclusions without putting up a fight
Yet, it is what it is & I can’t say more than that, it’s a matter of time before even I #STFU
Above and below, at one point, at one time, only you know & I know, which way is up!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, August XIIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Drafted this masterpiece while listenin’ to Vanilla Fudge #YouKeepMeHanginOn (1967) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/NCwzCQcjC0M?si=PpyunX4NLTfjbTNl  & #OneMinuteYoureHere @BruceSpringsteen link @ https://youtu.be/s-RT3nxr3T4?si=2pKxk7ITds5bFedV }

Sunday, August 11, 2024

#SkippTwoMyLouLouLouise #SheAintNoHollabacker #ThePointerSisters

Now then, talk to me to find out what’s goin’ on in the world as we know it, natural fun
Home is away from home everywhere you set yo’ foot, in and out of the dreaming sons
Becoming free when you’ve been indentured during your hot, baked cells in yo’ mama
Man, you ain’t anything special, you were born in blood & pain, no fault of my ol’ papa.

Valleys and rivers are all that’s left of this H2O packed marble of star dirt, fertile soil
Mountains high as the sky allows without freezing into Plutonic black ice & tin foil
Giving it all up with the last gasp of breath, it’s like the first gasp, slapped on the arse
As a baby gets taught by the father, it’s as above, so it is below, whiskey glass farce.

Good for me that old sexual feeling I’ve had since I can’ remember, decades liked her
I did, so hold me responsible for facts of life, dead-gone like all the rest, holla lover
I may drown in the infinite ocean pool or in the middle of nowhere on a mountaintop
In Tennessee, Illinois, Montana or California, these bones won’t travel much further.

I have no tweets of mercy for the unforgivable, divinity can’t cope with the Truth chit
The ones we’ve told since we learned to speak about things as I surf the curling wave
Played games, became serious only when we lost to the winners who got down with it
Mothers of other men, loved me because I wasn’t their own lover, slid into third safe.

Here comes judgement from the know-it-all tricksters who rule the roost you’re all in
No free choice to be the way you are, you’ve stepped into the trap without knowing sin
Mortal or original candy for the mending of the sorrow and pain invested in by a Savior
To save us all from ourselves, our mortal souls will not live forever, that’s the Truth, sir.

Time and Space are the duality expression of what you cried about as an infantile kid
Just a single moment after you get out of here alive, you’ll fly like a ghost like me, I hid
Away from the perception of a mind in the heads, blinded by light or not, know the kind
What it all is, ought to care, maybe y’all don’t, my mind heard it through the grapevine.

Split the ends and formed one, united, infinite line without bending the god-like bloke
Dreams end, music stops, the story is told & retold so many times, you forget it’s over
Story ended before you heard the beginning words created out of the wild blue yonder
Dog gone it, we began down under to rise above it all, it’s a tell-all, wake up the #Woke!

Feeling nothing when unconscious, it means so much to machines to up & download
Ghosts superfluous like supergirls who bear God’s blessed children, all off the road
Before you were enlightened your mind was blank & mired in innocent ignorance ID
Told to accept the narrative or face annihilation, no pressure, I was blind, now I see.

Monkey around the ground, in caves or up in the treetops flingin’ fecal matter to us all
It’s a trope like the others, it will come & go like sound through an empty concert hall
Curtains fall, the show closes only to open for an encore, then the finale, silence is in
Deaf in yo’ hot head from the barrage-assault of instrumental love, thank Original sin.

Nobody can tell you the future with any accuracy, including your pastors of the parish
They’ve a blind faith that drives their engine, they want to save us all from damnation
Princes, their mothers and fathers know the Truth, no life after death, we dream of sin
Present here & now, no longer back in the Past & not yet in the future until we vanish.

Bum and a junky went into a bar, the bum went to the restroom & the junky put down
Hundred-dollar bill on the bartender’s station bought the house drinks, reap it to own
Dealy-Bob’s thing-a-majig was the original & had no copy, no replica of the prime ape
Franchise player is the malfunction’s cause, reaping what ‘others’ have sewn to rape.

My sisters, my daughters, my aunts, my grandmothers & m y mothers of step & birth
Only you know and I know the answers to the questions on the final, we studied it all
Memorized every possible answer to every possible question, there’s no screwballs
Free your derriere by liberating your mind, mindfulness of buffalo & it’s value & worth.

Food for the fire, fur for bared skin needing buckskin overcoating to conserve a tease
Within the heart’s pumping of the fluid that vampires die for, head to toe ad infinitum
Or maybe a brief moment in Time, as is infinity, Time might be a day or a century scum
Afloat on the salty sea, come & go, nobody will ever know, like a cool summer breeze.

Full tank of fuel, it’s on the house, everything’s on the house, we’re on the house, see?
If not, it’s hopeless, you can see if you’re blinded by the light but it’s not an image tee
Nothing to drive or chip or putt to the nine holes or the course’s one through thirty-six
Scored low, I thought I’d won the championship, alas, lost by a death-stroke, I’m sick.

Dangling with the one and only ding-a-ling in shouting and cackling distance of church
Reverence to the god that some men killed & other men rose to sainthood’s low perch
From suffocation to tortured while conscious and causing death to be felt in the hood
Kicking nobody with the ankles braced in shackles, hands in cuffs, head in a hot hood.

Cobwebs inside of my memory bank, can’t recollect the way to build shyt from scratch
Got down on my knees, my heart in hand offered to love you for eternity, postmortem
Before a cool cadaver’s rigor mortis sets in, I beg nobody but me to have mercy on me
Don’t waste your precious time with pity since the damage is already done, you’ll see.

Meet you above or below here, if I’m wrong & there’s nothing at all left over peace/out
Follow the leader to the event horizon or over the cliff to the bottomless pits’ backflow
Impregnated womb, differentiates the host & donor of soul sacrifices, becomes Ego
Somebody said it this way, for once in my life I know nothing can be known ‘bout us.

Bury the hatchet, forget about the bygones being bygones, aim between the eyes too
Otherwise, there’s a good chance you’ll be burnt at the stake for being a warlock witch
You know how ignorant & frustrated poor folk get, fearless mob mentality’s high pitch
Reality in psychedelic mode, feel fracking & faking you’re an amigo e amiga of the Man.

Man, you’re no dog but this is gonna be far-fetched you got to be a cat with a long puss
You’ll never know that the whole shebang was a boomerang thrown underneath a bus
Nothing ever returns from that infinite target’s bull’s eye, candy can’t coax a top 10 hit
Hunger driven but hibernation overwhelms the wide-eyed fantasy, #Neverland’s S#it!

r j j stephan, i

c. Sunday, 8-11-2024 AD @ 333 PMPST

{ Drafted while jammin’ to #ChrisCross #Sailing in an infinite loop on youtube link @ https://youtu.be/MEO6gYCFbr0?si=rZsn8admhszdPqkJ }
F I N I S 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

#DownTheLineDolamite #GrouchNoSloucho #HowdyDoody #FelixTheCat #MASH #TRUMP #PsychodelicShack

There’s more than one way to rock but you’ve got no choice on which way to begin, all’s open
Feeling the monster under your bed or in your bedroom closet upstairs & away from holy sin
Regrets that I don’t have a thing to do with the luck from my father’s mother, Gramma Gert
Down the line from the Irish ancestor who cracked the Blarney Stone, legend of #Dolamiter.

Where’s young-elder Jane Fonda, where’s the Students who have blind faith in their leaders
Hippies and the Dead they follow are into the middle fork of life, a Woodstock long gone fears
Hurry & lock the door from the inside so you can’t get out when nobody’s picking the padlock
I have some jokes I’ve never seen on paper, I memorized them all, word for word, go tick tock.

In a manner of speaking, as above, so below, there’s no way to fathom a fertile egg evolution
On a divine cloud nine, only a human can contemplate the nature of a psychadelic shack of tin
Here we go again, as if there were any other choice in the direction of the wild fires burnin’ up
Matches and lighters, campfires and your ash from cigars, cigarettes & hot ash phuq in a cup.

Prisons keep the killers of civilization at bay, no stealing, no cheating, no spitting, no freedom
All for the sake of keeping the species safe from predators who fail to be an adequate hunter
Could be your father, mother, brother, sister or cousin, as long as it’s not you, you’ll keep it up
Without being framed for nothing you’ve done, can’t rinse out soap scum out the mug cup.

Here’s a mirage and there’s a phantasm of the mental recollection, dream in a dream’s film
There and then you’ll move the rare earth from the spinnin’ rock dust over to the aft or helm
It’s the sailors and the motor mechanics that move the ship between the waves of salty sea
Y’all quit flappin’ your gums, your jaws need to remain clenched, locked down, DOA to be.

Kings, queens and weak military leaders of the navies, armies & air forces have no mercy
They are not the higher intellects of the DNA gene pool, afterall, it’s random butterfingery
Taste and an olfactory whiff impossible to reckon, it’s all that’s left to blinded deaf & dumbs
No offense, most effective defense, game begins, rules & ethics begets wins & losses sums.

Fortunately, an atom and it’s subatomic charm have made it through a big bang of hydro gas
It’s all we are and were always meant to be, an accident in the middle of nowhere’s overpass
Queen labored & begot the rest of the galaxy’s solar systems all at once, an astral scorch spark
Atop of the water tower, sniper blew the head off the shoulders, stand down order overruled.

It’s all over, do better the next time, learn from the failure of texting your blackberries, eh pal
It’s all in the way you hire the people who protect the men & women who run America’s show
Fly on your broom as a witch on a dust broom might, from cauldron to the wicked white blow
When you move to and fro, you keep the target out of sight, unscoped and microscoped et al.

There & then when you drew your initial suck of gas, allowed to the tiny lung sacs growing up
Cats both large and pets in the house of mankind, they alone can be the predator to creep out
Things they kill to eat without cooking on fired-up stoves or camp fire lickn’ flames’ barbeque
Drinkin’ the spirits and blamin’ the world for all your errors and fake news’ out of the blue.

In the end as it should be, you’ll finally realize why this life had to be lived just to roll the dice
I have no problem with that at all, I appreciate evil breath I take, as above, so below black ice
You don’t know what it will be but there will be the last thing you see, then caput, it’s all over
Neither you nor I can do anything about a sound of wine grapes dripping into cups of a lover.

More sleep needs to be input to reiterate the output outpouring into the wild blue yonder
You can’t find the monkey who fell out of the coconut tree because that monkey was me
Predicate subjected to adverb modified verbs and adjectives, articles, interjections of logic
Reason at best soothes the savage beast, the Truth you can’t handle comedy for the tragic.

Stillborn out of Time in the Space of the liberty to move about beginning wih zip, zilch, zero
Larger than the smallest speck of matter in the neutrino range of the astrophysical, it’s done
As tiny particles conglomerate until they obliterate everything in between my soul man hero
Exoplanets are aligned as they infrequently line up in an imaginary straight line from our sun.

Stop momentum before you analyze every angle resulting in polymorphous Hootie on a dime
In a wretched game of Tug of War, one side pulls the other side so close it’s smothered Time
Dead and gone with the keys buried in the underground with the dead bones & urns of blow
Halted tracks, forget the memory lapse, it’s here & gone in no time, ad hominem Jim Crow.

I can dish it out but it’s difficult if not impossible to take it the same way, my bailiwick forms
For the low price of ticket to see some guitars and dru--ms accompany pianos, voice & horns
Tellin’ you the Truth from Illinois to Texas, Mississippi, Montana, Washington & California fog
Saw Mount Ranier to the American River’s Salmon Falls, then onto my tiny bump on the log.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, July XXXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1212 AMPST

Friday, July 05, 2024

#RareEarth #DontYouLoverHerMadly? #SevenHorses #TheDoors #ACDC #MarvinGaye #MA #MaMa #MOM #SurvivalOfTheFittest #PopulationControlBirthControlSexControl #GasLightYoMama

If & only if you move from the front of the classroom to the rear end of the last row of desks
Then you’ll have firsthand knowledge of the thing itself, ABC’s & 1,2,3’s in fortunate son risks
Whether you’re the son or daughter of one of those Ones, it only matters that you’re a copy
Knowing that or being ignorant of that fact of life is paramount to existential success entropy.

I jest for fun, my love for my own physical skull and bones is unrequited, the joke’s on y’all
As above, so it is below it all, talking about the sky up to space & down to a call center fate
One planet in the middle of nowhere, ancestors’ speculation holding presence, lost the ball
Eternal recollection amnesia, forgetting all survival skills other than terminate divine threat.

Talking incessantly about freedom & equality will bring out the cyborgs to keep the peace, so
If you think I’m not serious about that speculation, look out your window & listen to AM radio
Right & Left, philosophies of economic blunder studied in a post-secondary educational sieve
Women & men all learn behavior as Pavlov’s stray dogs did, you know nothing but do believe.

Time, future comes to present the moment which passes to the past in no time at all, yawn
In and out of the pie hole your life’s narration will go, testing a blind faith in sunset’s dawn
Woke up and staying awake during the lecture wasn’t important, just acing the final grade
In the end, it’s all about the Benjamins America, no accounting, yo! Bonnie & Clyde dust.

Hold up the banks & thrift stores with a plastic & rubber dagger, held to the throat of a dupe
The mask is on but it covers an alien head & face, if you want to see something really stupid
Then you’ll want to turn all of the lights off & close the blinds, you’re bein’ scared to death
Enjoy the gut feeling of fear going away from your solar plexi, all y’all hold your bad breath.

Teach the children who were innocent babies that they’ve inherited guilt for another’s sin
Talking whichever creation story you choose, somehow, this began & appears will be bitter
Nobody can work out a deal, the formula is this atomic energy is merely accelerated matter
Know this is to know it all, it is power to know this when nobody else does, soul searchin’.

It’s a vision of maggots infiltrating your cool brain where your mind was housed in focus
From the birth of a cool soul to the demise of holy hot body and mind, all there is to it, us
Without us, there’s no purpose other than spin, wobble, rotate & revolve about a demigod
Fire burning to bring the heat on the naked ape skin, it’s the star we call The Sun of God.

On the wave of my lifetime, just allowed Big Sur surf to give me a boogie man booster shot
I hit the bottom of the sand head first, then consciousness disappeared in an instant spot
It looked like it was weak and whacked but it was mighty and imaginary time’s river flow
Conclusion, act like life’s a dream even if it ain’t a dream, live it anyway like no tomorrow.

Disoriented after a deep sleep in a soft bed of cushions, silk sheets & hot white blankets
Arise from the dream state remembering what never happened IRL, then it happened too
Within the unknown, a will to power gets circumcised with the foreskin of the RNA injector
Avoiding disease of that one thing keeps the species evolution intact, still guys’ dirty sexy.

Fish in the pond, you know the routine, you see them, you leave them alone, they swim
Until the water fails to nurture nature and bogs down into a swamp for gators’ whims
That’s anything alive gets swallowed whole, trapped by the jaws of life & can’t get away
Nobody gets out alive, yet I digress, be honest, teach babies young, hey, what did I say?

Known old wise men who died just like the mass killers, bombers of the Wars I, II & III
Barking up the wrong tree will get you right where you want to be, no Depends on & off
Up and down, strong legs & arms or none at all, bad teeth replaced by dentures of gods
A Homer forever ‘til we’re a hundred more or less, infinite cash in the stache & hotrods.

Po’ and rich have nothing to do with paradise afterlife, Ghetto secrets in codex words-up
They lead our feet to push on until they can’t move any more, it’s six feet down for my kin
Betting on a sure thing is difficult but since I’m in charge of the whole shebang, I’m all in
Details in the conclusion, assumptions just pretensions of the good & bad in my tea cup.

If you can never lose, might as well keep playin’ until entry is denied, just keep rockin’
You got enough to buy food & a place to sleep, you have no ticket to afterlife paradise
Knowing the Truth & leaving Nothing out of the picture, it’ll help when depression sets
No filter for the raw data and sewage which will mix at a finale, the fixed rate sure bets.

You said you knew you existed because you convinced yourself that thinking was proof
But the moment your chromosomes came to be, it was random revolution of this spoof
Happy to be absurd & peculiar, hilarious to one, funny to none, it’s my forte, livin’ right
Pink Cadillac, pedal dropped, ridin’ on the freeway, I-5 Mexicali-Mendocino, good fight.

I’d expect nothing more nor less than droppin’ tops when in my Cadillac, flip tops down
Truckers appreciate it, drop the pedal & GO, you know how it’s done, OMG don’t frown
Livin’ in the right the second I took the wrong left, got the social pit of sharing my blue
With the lunatics and coyotes who expect to share the fortune & shame you for it too.

For the service of mankind that ain’t here yet, I’ll be gone once they come, now hear this
Day'll come & you’ll wonder no more, lookin’ at love dying and the dead body of pizzazz
Chances are most of us won’t die today but some will, let me bid y’all adieu, it’s the sign
On I -5 freeway doin’ 75, cherry tops chasin’ my Pink Caddy & tankers up the grapevine.

r j j stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, July Vth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ Severed out of the Matrix with a church key & never you mind about the exercise, fill out the forms & sign ‘em by the deadline, I was also JAMMIN’ to #RidinOnTheFreeway in a loop @ArethaFranklin link @ https://youtu.be/Ip_pjb5_fgA }