
Showing posts with label #ModifiedGrapesOfWrath #CancerOfTheInfinite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ModifiedGrapesOfWrath #CancerOfTheInfinite. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Arrowsmith but there's also @Aerosmith #1981tTOP40 ... PETTING PARTIES KILLED MY SPUNK in 1965 A.D. I will find you!

Got cold beer in the ice chest, we’re wettin’ lines in the pond, bobbers goin’ up & down too
Just like the old days before we graduated from summer high school, on to another Frosh pool
Of boys and girls 17 to 19, onto 20 & 21…grad school to 23 or 25, never worked, teach stipend
Influenced the thought content assigning the reading & discussion of the same old, same old.

Fools run in where angels thought quicksand didn’t need to be for fallen souls already gone
One step beyond the shore where you can’t look back to see what disappeared into thin air
Used or new, matter and energy have no influence over the rigor mortis’ verve, out of there
Just like rocks rollin’ out of the volcano holes, lava’s tiny squirts of unscientific, fictional fear.

Scared of dying, scared of living alone, you and the others inside, the Id, the Super Ego & you
Up and down for the heads to bob over where my space is, five or six square feet, stand-down
Group of One’s dairy queen’s, the cows producing milk without calves, all too humane, dead
Naked as skin can be seen it it’s colored forms, with the hair, no white, brown or red of head.

You’ve been trippin’ since that first hit of LSD your “friend” popped into your big mouth at 16
This whole world still appears to be the flashback in loop, living forever even turnin’ hat-tricks
Winning or losing at games that have no rules other than the ones in the box, Jane’s & Dick’s
All in your face when you win and in a funk for days when you lose, no kissin’ #Juneteenths.

High down & low unto the ceiling, downtown and uptown, down and up country, alive, asleep
Day is a spin around to the night’s darkness, turned mama Earth’s face away, to grow so deep
Below the core, inside of the magnetic vibrations, like you get sitting on the beach, in the sand
Dunes of moons put it all to rest, all there is, sunny stardust, in & out of This Downfall of Man.

I drank the alcohol, the brain malfunction was addictive, helped bring you back, so way gone
I smoked the leaf, whacked my mind’s eye back into the cerebellum for keeps, made me moan
Fine or not, it’s the way it is, I got high, you got high, we’ll get to the end just to drop the dye
Stoned and rockin’ on the slide, gliding to the finish line, it’s comin’ up ahead, even gods die.

You and the whiskey are talkin’ to me from Tennessee or California, and it don’t matter either
Could have been a dream, it’s just a recollection of causes and effects of scat that don’t matter
To the wavelengths and frequencies, I raise my glassful of Tequilla that comes out of hindsight
Eagles fly and they die too, alive from fertilized egg to the extinct feathers & animated flight.

Monsters underneath my bed when I was seven or eight, angels & devils came out church
Taught me to speak Latin and serve mass to the masses, honor priests, cardinals’ dad-pope
My mines full of emptiness I relish and have no problem hiding in plain sight, invisible chill
Drunk? I’ve been. High-Mind? #FlashBack runs in a loop, I am, I think, at least I’m all cool!

In bed with the evil that eat you bones and all, they don’t care if you’ve got a PhD, masters
Treasure is the place that you’ve got to flee from, to get away from the stench’s poison water
It kills your kids & your horses, you let them drink first and they die, you got no ride, no kid
Now, the hot heat’s on cold, frozen ice until there’s a cure for the disappearance of spirit-Id.

Until then, make amends, all needs to be even-steven, you can’t bring a knife to a gunfight
Know what I mean, or the disadvantage will result in your last breath in history, out of light
Heartbeats and thoughtful renderings of inner feelings that resist expression, hard rocker
Told me lyrics to rhythm’s rhymes and meanings of thoughts that disappear in a thin air.

Resist the attraction as you must, if you submit to the magnetic pull, y’all will immerse
Within the heavy metal sight and sound that tastes & smells like it feels, it feels adverse
So unfavorable in fact, that even though you aren’t aware, you and everyone are #AtOne
Try to be that way when you’re already there, fool’s errand, sleepin’ in a desert, my Son!

r j j stephan, i

c. Thursday, June 20, 2024 A.D. @ 111 PMPST

{ Crafted this 2-a-day GEM while jammin’ to @JimiHendrixBlues on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/TG5KkY6idyE?list=OLAK5uy_lwNlG5KASFF8t6Ea5wdoBil7oARJ9ImL8 }

c. Jeudi, June XXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 311 PMPST

#ExcitementContained #HEART & #BabyMonkeyBackwardOnAnOinker #StairwayToCielo #HowFarIsHeaven?

Your parents forced you to behave with a set of moral rules inherited from dead bones
Correct me if I’m wrong but fully consume the force-fed fodder you’re about to receive
Beginning with subjects & objects, we predicate them with young Dick & Jane children
On to Aristotle & Plato’s Socratic dialogue between savants & ignorant masters of sin.

Above and below, the politics and economics rule the roost, keeping order of all things
Once a cell splits in mitotic excitement, it’s nearly out of control in it’s duplication rings
Around the Rosie or around the block like Jenny, it’s all a dance around Stonehenges
Crop circles for all with a summer solstice to boot, rebooting ad infinitum, Simon says.

Before your brain programmed in code, nonsense of the Word-Up, no word went down
Fresh as the air before the seed split in two, it was peace and solitude of the Superego
Nothing before nor after the thought of this and only this, I and only I am the One, it’s so
To me, this world doesn’t exist For Me, if it exists without me, it ain’t my damn concern.

While I’m still breathing with a steady heartbeat, low BP, low Cholesterol & the Eve lady
High or low for the #Woke down the middle of a road, stayin’ alive to avoid a wet dream
Skepticism satisfied by the revolutionary awareness that Life is indeed solipsistic candy
Coddle your dense decisions in a knuckle sandwich, completely chew, don’t swallow it.

You are a cool #Foody and you know your scat doesn’t have the doom odor of mankind
You get the vitamins and minerals from the salivates of the dog-god mouth you all find
Then the wasted mastication is removed in several napkins, a nuisance to wait staffers
Garbage, refused trashed delicacies of human pie-holes, dumped ocean, Pacific Sur’s.

You’re making the comfort level too high, your footballs bounce and are bound to fail
No Safety, Extra Point, Field Goal or Touchdown for the boys and girls to scissor hail
Who stretches before a mastication of candy that will jack your mind into oblivion hehl
Clubs are a bit tight so I’ll need to stretch out my yodel for the pending roll in the hay.

Why is your face full of make-up, because of hot, bright lights or the wrinkled reality?
Try not to look at the reflection of your form in a mirror or calm pool of liquid, salty sea
Real intelligence found by the Artificial Intelligence’s due diligence and pending doom
Part your hair down the middle until our bald ancestry becomes our empty headroom.

Sense and immersion in deep where it all began, a chaos of pitiful pre-scat growth
History is hysterical I hypothesize with rational yet unprovable assumptions, an oath
That I’ll be prepared as a cub scout in a wolf pack, outside a lion’s den of arrowhead
Snake-bit on a hike, died all alone in a cave near the bank of an American riverbed.

Heights way down under the surface where nothing floats or flies above it but rebels
Like it or not, disobey the laws regulating all too human behavior & you pay the piper
If you are ignorant of the law & break it, you still must pay the piper, it’s your debt fools
If you die during the violation through your own or other firearm or sheath, sing blues.

Vikings to Wisemen who are all leftovers from the battles and wars, lost & won in vain
Couldn’t take it past the rigor mortis and all that you don’t want to know, maggots rain
Staying alive in the middle of threats to end your animation in this dream of a demigod
Do the math, add to One, you’ll find out, Buddha & Christ drive a 1957 Chevy hotrod.

When you sleep, when you can’t remain awake, it’s the same as being dead, you see
Pairs of triplets and quadruplets could repopulate the ancestors’ DNA, miracle that I be
Acid in the solar Big Bang at 93 million miles, here & now we are Earth, y’all too human
Boys, girls, men, women, animals, insects, plants, microbes, out the Singularity of Man.

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, June XXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Copped a Sneak while writing this piece of dog’s god, forward & backward while jammin’ to #DeletedSenesSTRIPES LINK @ https://youtu.be/BOtsAHB5fAc?si=Vg4zzhq_Bte8FQH1 }


Friday, June 07, 2024

It was six six yesterday but I got your six today! @Jim_Rome persuasion! #XplatformRockin'


Heavy weight to carry on Earth, nearly weightless once gravity grooves the rest
Nothing remains the same when there’s chaos and order fighting rich & poors
Y’all will get over it in the old school with the mean teachers & aloof professors
All gave some & some gave it all if they could front me, I knew they did the best.

Boots and cowboy hats were for the ranch & the herding of the cows & horses
Been smack down in the middle of that & the barn dancin’ on Saturday nigh
We did what we could to stay normal, drunk-high as a kite, we ended the fights
Been around the blocks a few times, all around the world twice, Nam to Chi.

Bit up by varmints and bugs, they just needing the sweet meat of my holy feet
Been walkin’ and runnin’ wild for seven decades of mercy and words in the red
I’m in the black on the financial side of survival, couch potatoes mashed to eat
It’s a tight, solid pounding on the 16 penny nails head, framed my room & bed.

No heaven or hell in my eyes sight, insight or oversight built into the blueprint
DNA ordered RNA for the cellular nuclear fusion to eventually make you squint
Singing and moving to and fro, ridin’ in my sled for a spell out to the county line
Ready to go faster, AM radio blastin’ some Boss & ZZT, smokin’ watermelon rind.

Slowed down by the county mounty doin’ 90 in a 40, but only for a ¼ mile or so
Had the cherry tops poppin’ for mother & father to ban my driver’s license faux
Slim, slick & cool or large, Podunk or tiny, the facts of life have no full disclosure
We the people who pretend to follow a golden rule, regulation of the roar & purr.

Barking and meowing as above it happens without going down below a sleepwalk
Who is the real idiot behind the morons who get a smoking gun of cracker chalk
Hey man, you’ve nothing more than everything the planet left from the big bOng
If you don’t know that, you know nothing at all, person to person, sceptic’s song.

Prayed on knees at the age of reason, to be forgiven for some ancestors’ errors
Dead men & women can’t payback the debt, therefore the edge of night’s terrors
Haunt with spiritual, mentally in error, malfunctioning thinkers of logic & reason
To be or not to be alive is the main function, Live Free or Die in an idiotic season.

Common knowledge is uncommon wisdom, that you know you’re silence is gold
Speak at will, you’re free speech will be held against you whether you jest or not
You are always held to your original sin, the Word is made flesh by a drug cartel
From monkeys & nekid apes who’ve evolved to be all too human, almighty hell!

If the beatniks and the mighty hippies of the 50’s & 60’s didn’t clear the acid trip
Then it’s up to ones who’ve descended from them all, all seven continents adrift
Gods of the dead & gone left the Word, symbolic alphabet soup of a ship’s slip
High or low, above or below the hull, it’s this old man and staying off of the sea.

I played One, nick-nack on my drum, bad boy who brought the light to thunders
Copycats love the rules to break when it’s necessary to follow the hero blunders
Corpus dillecti will seep into the soul of you & magnetized mates of the nonsense
Think that this is thinking, you’d think so but probably means proof of existence.

Sixteen innings & the tie gets broken, the Away team beats Homer, son, oh son
Sift through the chaffe and find the diamond in the rough, it’s serious double-duh
Up for a dunk-jam, got wood on a slider, caught The Pass from Joe, etc., etc., etc.
Pardon your son, fallout father can’t pardon the son, ask God, he’ll let it be done.

Here’s the final precipice, ain’t nothing left behind butt-nekid, drugged ape-elves
Look at yourself in a full mirror reflection, no clothes on the bones, all yourselves
All you are, before you die, it stands up tall up to plus or minus six, shape-souled
Tom Thumb to the Green Giant, atoms to galaxies of treasured rocks that It rolled.

Pro is for and Con is not for, there’s no poll taken that’s accurate, just sayin’ this
Projection of the funk and wagging fingers, all up on the silver screen, smut pizza
Losers win nothing but the release from the pain & suffering, all got holy halos
Not far below the core of Earth, it’s a mental/psychological tool for the Randos.

Insurance has no function in this calculus, it’s not in the function, it’s robbery
Those careful who never file a claim pay for the careless yet justifiable usury
Common wisdom hidden, know occult mortals live as if there’s no tomorrow
You have become a national security risk, yet it is indeed, #TooBigToRig blow.

I can see neither the reason nor the rhyme, yet the irrational moves into mate
Check yourself, your next move could be your last, it appears you’re locked in
Your choices are limited to either one bad move or another causing of a resign
Busted up the whole thing, the cell self-contained the mode of a Braille sign.

Heavy water gone from the moon, the planets, everywhere but the wetland dirt
Earth, mother of animation of matter, Earth, Wind & hot flames of Fire T-shirts
Short or long-sleeved with logo & photo frontside, concert venue itemized rear
Swag heals the problem of maximum charge for LIVE concert seats, Rock clear.

Hey man, just cough up the cash, musicians and poets don’t work, so play ball
Get up to bat for a pinch hit, walk-off grand-slam homerun, gods are the goons
Keeping the human behavior in check, out of control due parental abuse tunes
From Woody Woodpecker to Bugs Bunny & A Road Runner, Gee Zuz loves y’all!

Pretend you don’t know what you’re doing if you’re caught breaking a holy rule
God and the all too human men and women, use logic & reason to devise a mule
One that keeps all the punks in check, creating One thing, too big to rig, the point
From One man to another woman or man, you’re an idiot of science, as I anoint!
r j j stephan, i

c.  Vendredi June VIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMMST

{ Blasted out the Void while listenin’ to the #PulseOfThePulsar @Armstrong_GettyRadio @kste650AM }


Saturday, June 01, 2024



Slap your gram-maw, mine passed on to the great beyond before their times, all grand ones
Kidding or not, the fiction remains as the Truth’s reality, nobody gets out alive, y’all gotta go
Somewhere out of this Earth’s pervue there’s no place like Home, no place at all to play ball
Marchin’ onto the big dance but I didn’t know how, I played 8-ball & threw darts at the wall.

Brew and Mash for the boys and beer for my horses too, dust needs to be swallowed, I spit
Chaw chewed tobacco from the natives was the addiction we couldn’t avoid, all fell in love
Doctorates can’t help the addicted, mentally unhealed inheritance of the third human eye
Moneymakers for y’all & for me, laws prohibit taxation without representation, until you die.

Think corpus dillecti a moment, won’t be able to ponder it once it dawns upon bald monks
High or down lower than y’all ever wanna go, shootin’ 8 ball you gotta hustle the loser honks
Being ahead of the cue ball with your stick all chalked-up tip, a little English slides of shtick
No more nor less than perfectly innocent of the blame and credit of paper or hard plastic.

Get ready to be set to go when I give you the signal, you’ll know the sign, only your vision
To be or not to be the all too human spirit and soul of 208 bones, rollin’ blue blood within
Keepin’ the flow goin’ until the final gasp of gas is the whole point of being here to atone
For the wrongs done to the ones with rights, all the karma evens it up at the final moan.

Seen enough, battles in the wars before the young boys and girls with britches yanked up
Moved into the uniforms’ combat boots, striped up or metal bars, clusters or stars in a cup
Alive until they’re dead, regardless of the discharge of honor or loss of O9 pay-grade’s grape
Don’t you think about anything, therefore you don’t exist, a Cartesian form of a UFO shape.

You said, gin, whiskey, bourbon, vodka are fine but 180 proof has no equal, hangover, over
Refused the acceptance of the liberty and freedom of speech, idiot slave owner’s hot lover
Walkin’ slow down boulevards and avenues leading to the target, no way to ever look back
Disappearance into a woodwork’s rhythm & rhyme, knowledge is a stack of clickity-clack.

Trees all forested, made toothpicks and burnt-down houses on dead-end streets’ T bone
Elements disintegrate a left over chunk of subatomic particles, love, charm & an i-phone
Dancin’ on the floor or up in the air above the parkay wood, it’s all in the Eden’s gardener
Everything & all in between it all, the whole shebang has no mercy, good God’s a herder.

Stay in line until you’re sheered or butchered, used to warm bare skin & feed the blood
Like fake vampires yet without liquid flows from source to the guts of carnivorous food
You are what you all eat, someday something will be you when y’all get eaten by honkies
Beepin’ their freaky sounds both day & night, extinction’s comin’, wait for it ye Monkeys!


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, June 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Crafted as I jammed to @CarlosSantana feat. @RobThomas link #SMOOTH @ https://youtu.be/6Whgn_iE5uc?si=DDqUS2jJsl5c8PqE }

